- Daniel Palacios-Alonso
, J. Carlos Lázaro-Carrascosa
, Raquel Mas-García
, José Manuel Ferrández de Vicente
, Andrés Gómez-Rodellar
, Pedro Gómez Vilda
Distinguishing Aging Clusters and Mobile Devices by Hand-Wrist Articulation: A Case of Study. IWINAC (1) 2019: 11-21 - Daniel Palacios-Alonso
, J. Carlos Lázaro-Carrascosa
, Agustín López-Arribas
, Guillermo Meléndez-Morales
, Andrés Gómez-Rodellar
, Andrés Loro-Álavez
, Victor Nieto Lluis, María Victoria Rodellar Biarge
, Athanasios Tsanas
, Pedro Gómez Vilda
Assessing an Application of Spontaneous Stressed Speech - Emotions Portal. IWINAC (1) 2019: 149-160 - Ramón Panduro, Eva Segura
, Lidia M. Belmonte
, Paulo Novais
, Jesús Benet, Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Rafael Morales
Advanced Trajectory Generator for Two Carts with RGB-D Sensor on Circular Rail. IWINAC (1) 2019: 181-190 - Miguel A. Patricio
, Daniel González, José M. Molina
, Antonio Berlanga
Analysis of the Consumption of Household Appliances for the Detection of Anomalies in the Behaviour of Older People. IWINAC (1) 2019: 60-68 - Michela Ponticorvo, Massimiliano Schembri, Orazio Miglino:
How to Improve Spatial and Numerical Cognition with a Game-Based and Technology-Enhanced Learning Approach. IWINAC (1) 2019: 32-41 - Pedro Romero-Hernandez, Javier de Lope Asiaín
, Manuel Graña:
Deep Learning Prediction of Gait Based on Inertial Measurements. IWINAC (1) 2019: 284-290 - Alejandro Romero
, Francisco Bellas
, José Antonio Becerra
, Richard J. Duro:
Bootstrapping Autonomous Skill Learning in the MDB Cognitive Architecture. IWINAC (1) 2019: 120-129 - Roberto Sánchez-Reolid, Arturo Martínez-Rodrigo
, Antonio Fernández-Caballero:
Stress Identification from Electrodermal Activity by Support Vector Machines. IWINAC (1) 2019: 202-211 - Jennifer Sorinas
, José Manuel Ferrández de Vicente
, Eduardo Fernández-Jover
Brushstrokes of the Emotional Brain: Cortical Asymmetries for Valence Dimension. IWINAC (1) 2019: 232-243 - Mikel Val-Calvo, José Ramón Álvarez Sánchez
, Alejandro Díaz-Morcillo
, José Manuel Ferrández de Vicente
, Eduardo Fernández-Jover:
On the Use of Lateralization for Lightweight and Accurate Methodology for EEG Real Time Emotion Estimation Using Gaussian-Process Classifier. IWINAC (1) 2019: 191-201 - Luisa Fernanda Velásquez-Martínez, F. Y. Zapata-Castaño
, Jorge I. Padilla-Buritica
, José Manuel Ferrández de Vicente
, Germán Castellanos-Domínguez:
Group Differences in Time-Frequency Relevant Patterns for User-Independent BCI Applications. IWINAC (1) 2019: 138-145 - Miguel Á. Vicente-Querol, Arturo S. García
, Patricia Fernández-Sotos
, Roberto Rodríguez-Jiménez, Antonio Fernández-Caballero:
Development and Validation of Basic Virtual Human Facial Emotion Expressions. IWINAC (1) 2019: 222-231 - Faheem Hassan Zunjani
, Ana-Maria Olteteanu
Cognitive AI Systems Contribute to Improving Creativity Modeling and Measuring Tools. IWINAC (1) 2019: 97-107 - José Manuel Ferrández de Vicente, José Ramón Álvarez Sánchez, Félix de la Paz López
, F. Javier Toledo-Moreo, Hojjat Adeli:
Understanding the Brain Function and Emotions - 8th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2019, Almería, Spain, June 3-7, 2019, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11486, Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-19590-8 [contents]