- Rivka Oxman:
Interactive visual exploration for knowledge discovery on the Web. IV 1997: 228-234 - Mike Pitteway:
On some pel level research problems. IV 1997: 156-165 - Vladimir V. Prokhorov:
On graphic structured languages. IV 1997: 219-227 - Hosein N. Rad, Farzad Khosrowshahi:
Visualisation of building maintenance through time. IV 1997: 308-314 - John S. Risch, Bruce Rex, Scott Dowson, T. B. Walters, Richard A. May, Brian Moon:
The STARLIGHT information visualization system. IV 1997: 42-49 - Alf Ritter, Oliver Deussen, Hubert Wagener, Thomas Strothotte:
Holographic imaging of lines: a texture based approach. IV 1997: 272-278 - David W. Russell, James J. Alpigini:
Visualization of controllable regions in real-time systems using a 3D-Julia set methodology. IV 1997: 25-31 - Hervé Sanglard, Hans-Heinrich Nägeli:
An end user oriented platform for scientific visualization. IV 1997: 235-241 - Beatriz Sousa Santos, José Nunes, Carlos Coimbra, Carlos Ferreira, Ana Maria Tomé, Nuno Lau:
Quantifying the Objective Quality of Voxel Based Data Visualizations Produced by a Ray Caster: a proposal. IV 1997: 111-117 - Muhammad Sarfraz:
Designing of curves and surfaces using cubic splines with geometric characterization. IV 1997: 82-95 - Muhammad Sarfraz, Muhammad Hussain, Zulfiqar Habib:
Local convexity preserving rational cubic spline curves. IV 1997: 211-218 - Lee David Scargall, Satnam Singh Dlay:
A mobile videophone image codec using wavelets and classified vector quantisation for mobile radio speech channels. IV 1997: 267-271 - Burcu Senyapili:
Visualization of virtual architecture. IV 1997: 260-266 - Eric W. Tatham:
Poster: Depth Cueing for Augmented Reality. IV 1997: 348-350 - Leonardo Traversoni:
Quaternion wavelets on CAGD. IV 1997: 77-81 - Kenji Ueda:
Deformation of plane curves preserving Pythagorean hodographs. IV 1997: 71-76 - Anna Ursyn:
From concept to image with computer art graphics. IV 1997: 242-245 - Xiaomei Wang, Dong Feng, Jiaoying Shi:
A new algorithm for multiresolution isosurface extraction. IV 1997: 330-336 - Xubo Yang, Wenli Cai, Jiaoying Shi:
GIVE: a general interactive visualization environment. IV 1997: 139-147 - Chang Zhang, Jiandong Jiang, Yunhe Pan:
Dunhuang Frescoes retrieval based on similarity calculation of color and texture features. IV 1997: 96-100 - First International Conference on Information Visualisation, IV '97, London, England, UK, August 27-28, 1997. IEEE Computer Society 1997, ISBN 0-8186-8076-8 [contents]