- Catherine Mering, Jean-François Parrot:
Radar Image Analysis Using Morphological Filters. ISMM 1994: 353-360 - Fernand Meyer:
Minimum Spanning Forests for Morphological Segmentation. ISMM 1994: 77-84 - Alina N. Moga, Timo Viero, Bogdan P. Dobrin, Moncef Gabbouj:
Implementation of a Distributed Watershed Algorithm. ISMM 1994: 281-288 - Fernando Muge, Pedro Pina
Application of Morphological Operators to Supervised Multidimensional Data Classification. ISMM 1994: 361-368 - Montse Pardàs, Philippe Salembier:
Joint Region and Motion Estimation with Morphological Tools. ISMM 1994: 93-100 - Jean-Louis Quénec'h, Jean-Louis Chermant, Michel Coster, Dominique Jeulin:
Liquid Phase Sintered Materials Modelling by Random Closed Sets. ISMM 1994: 225-232 - Carlo S. Regazzoni
, Gian Luca Foresti, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Statistical Pattern Spectrum for Binary Pattern Recognition. ISMM 1994: 185-192 - Jos B. T. M. Roerdink, G. S. M. Blaauwgeers:
Visualization of Minkowski Operations by Computer Graphics Techniques. ISMM 1994: 289-296 - Michaël Ropert, Danielle Pelé:
Synthesis of Adaptive Weighted Order Statistic Filters with Gradient Algorithms. ISMM 1994: 37-44 - Michel Schmitt:
One Pixel Thick Skeletons. ISMM 1994: 257-264 - Jean Serra:
A Sampling Approach Based on Equicontinuity. ISMM 1994: 117-124 - Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, John Goutsias:
Monte Carlo Estimation of Morphological Granulometric Discrete Size Distributions. ISMM 1994: 233-240 - Pierre Soille
Generalized Geodesic Distances Applied to Interpolation and Shape Description. ISMM 1994: 193-200 - Luc Vincent:
Fast Grayscale Granulometry Algorithms. ISMM 1994: 265-272 - Robert C. Vogt:
A Spatially Variant, Locally Adaptive, Background Normalization Operator. ISMM 1994: 45-52 - Jean Serra, Pierre Soille
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image Processing, ISMM 1994, Fontainebleau, France, September 1994. Computational Imaging and Vision 2, Kluwer 1994, ISBN 978-94-010-4453-0 [contents]