- Leire Bastida Merino:
A Methodology for Dynamic Service Composition. ICCBSS 2008: 33-42 - Ildefonso Montero, Joaquín Peña, Antonio Ruiz Cortés:
Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development Systems. ICCBSS 2008: 228-231 - Ildefonso Montero, Joaquín Peña, Antonio Ruiz Cortés:
Representing Runtime Variability in Business-Driven Development Systems. ICCBSS 2008: 241 - Emaan Osman, James Dimarogonas, Erica Lindy:
Diagnosis and Prognosis of Interoperability Challenges. ICCBSS 2008: 4 - Igor Santos, Leire Bastida Merino, Stefan Schuster:
Tutorial 4: Adopting SOA. ICCBSS 2008: 12 - Dennis B. Smith:
Is SOA Real? ICCBSS 2008: 237 - Ian Sommerville:
Designing for Recovery: New Challenges for Large-Scale Complex IT Systems. ICCBSS 2008: 15 - Reinhard Wolfinger, Stephan Reiter, Deepak Dhungana, Paul Grünbacher, Herbert Prähofer:
Supporting Runtime System Adaptation through Product Line Engineering and Plug-in Techniques. ICCBSS 2008: 21-30 - Seventh International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS 2008), February, 25-29, 2008, Madrid, Spain, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2008 [contents]