- Uwe Dralle, Alexander Reinefeld:
A Distributed Algorithm for Optimal Concurrent Communication and Load Balancing in Parallel Systems. HPCN Europe 1997: 588-600 - Leroy Anthony Drummond, John D. Farrara, Carlos R. Mechoso, John Z. Lou:
Performance Optimization of an Atmospheric Model in Massively Parallel Computers. HPCN Europe 1997: 263-271 - Witold Dzwinel, Jan Dzwinel, Krzysztof Dzwinel:
Development of Parallel Applications for MEGA-D - System for Oil and Gas Prospecting. HPCN Europe 1997: 223-231 - E. W. Evans, Steve P. Johnson, P. F. Leggett, Mark Cross:
Overlapped Communications Automatically Generated in a Parallelisation Tool. HPCN Europe 1997: 801-810 - Thomas Fahringer:
Effective Symbolic Analysis to Support Parallelizing Compilers and Performance Analysis. HPCN Europe 1997: 781-790 - Thomas Fahringer:
Estimating Cache Performance for Sequential and Data Parallel Programs. HPCN Europe 1997: 840-849 - Roberto Falessi, Maria Pia Pensini, Guido Rovigatti, Sergio Taraglio:
HIPERCLASS: High Performance Industrial Inspection and Defect Classification in Steel Industry. HPCN Europe 1997: 21-30 - C. Ferri, P. Contri, Paolo Salvaneschi, G. Meloni, G. Bottoni, M. Cremonesi:
PIERS: A Parallel Integrated Environment for Reliability Evaluation of Structures. HPCN Europe 1997: 31-40 - Vincenzo De Florio, Geert Deconinck, Rudy Lauwereins:
An Application-Level Dependable Technique for Farmer-Worker Parallel Programs. HPCN Europe 1997: 644-653 - Nicoletta Fornasari, Giovanna Gazzaniga, Sergio Rovida, Giovanni Sacchi:
Domain Decomposition Techniques: Analysis of a Parallel Implementation on HP-Convex Exemplar Systems. HPCN Europe 1997: 1000-1001 - Robert Frank, Helmar Burkhart:
Application Support by Software Reuse: The ALWAN Approach. HPCN Europe 1997: 636-643 - Jérôme Galtier, Philippe Klein:
A Parallel Preprocessor Applied to Fluid Dynamics Problems. HPCN Europe 1997: 1006-1007 - Kazuteru Garatani, Kazushi Kitagawa, Kiyoshi Matsubara, Hisashi Nakamura, Kazuyuki Tsukimori, Genki Yagawa:
Study on Parallelization Method of Structural-Analysis Code. HPCN Europe 1997: 1044-1046 - Jens Gerlach, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yutaka Ishikawa:
Experiences with the C++ Standard Template Library and MPI for a Parallel Particle Simulation Method. HPCN Europe 1997: 961-962 - Cécile Germain, Damien Gautier de Lahaut:
Improving Irregular Parallel Communication Through Sorting. HPCN Europe 1997: 821-829 - Christine Ghiot, Jean-Marie Beckers, Guy Carabin, Alain Dassargues, Eric Delhez, Jean-François Deliege, Etienne Evergecq:
Sea Air Land Modeling Operational Network. HPCN Europe 1997: 1040-1041 - J. P. Gregoire, J. D. Mattei, G. Simeoni:
Parallelization of Estet-Astrid Code on Cray C98. HPCN Europe 1997: 970-972 - Frédéric Guidec, Patrice Calégari, Pierre Kuonen:
Parallel Irregular Software for Wave Propagation Simulation. HPCN Europe 1997: 84-94 - Stefan Haas, David A. Thornley, Minghua Zhu, R. W. Dobinson, Roger Heeley, Nina A. H. Madsen, Brian Martin:
The Macramé 1024 Node Switching Network. HPCN Europe 1997: 870-877 - David J. Hancock, Roger J. Hubbold:
Distributed Parallel Volume Rendering on Shared Memory Systems. HPCN Europe 1997: 157-164 - Kenneth A. Hawick, Heath A. James, Kevin Maciunas, Francis Vaughan, Andrew L. Wendelborn, M. Buchhorn, M. Rezny, S. R. Taylor, M. D. Wilson:
An ATM-based Distributed High Performance Computing System. HPCN Europe 1997: 1032-1034 - Kenneth A. Hawick, Heath A. James, Kevin Maciunas, Francis Vaughan, Andrew L. Wendelborn, M. Buchhorn, M. Rezny, S. R. Taylor, M. D. Wilson:
Geographic Information Systems Application on an ATM-based Distributed High Performance Computing System. HPCN Europe 1997: 1035-1037 - Jonathan M. D. Hill, David B. Skillicorn:
Lessons Learned from Implementing BSP. HPCN Europe 1997: 762-771 - Alfons G. Hoekstra, Leo Dorst, Martin Bergman, Jose M. Lagerberg, Arnoud Visser, Hakan Yakali, Frans C. A. Groen, Louis O. Hertzberger:
High Performance Discrete Event Simulations to Evaluate Complex Industrial Systems. HPCN Europe 1997: 41-50 - Jeroen Hordijk, Henk Corporaal:
The Potential of Exploiting Coarse-Grain Task Parallelism from Sequential Programs. HPCN Europe 1997: 664-673 - Yuguang Huang, William F. McColl:
A Two-Way BSP Algorithm for Tridiagonal Systems. HPCN Europe 1997: 321-331 - Emmanuel Issman, Gérard Degrez:
Non-overlapping Preconditioners for a Parallel Implicit Navier-Stokes Solver. HPCN Europe 1997: 351-359 - Leonhard Jaschke:
Parallel Simulation of an Ash Melting Furnace. HPCN Europe 1997: 282-292 - Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Using Scalable Distributed Computers in Telecommunications. HPCN Europe 1997: 60-70 - Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal:
Overcoming the Limitations of the Traditional Loop Parallelization. HPCN Europe 1997: 898-907