- Jesse H. Katz, William C. McGee:
An experiment in non-procedural programming. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 1-13 - Bruce A. Kaufman, W. G. Pfieffer, Vijay K. Randery, A. J. Kolk Jr.:
Engineering characteristics of cylindrical thin-film parametrons for use in digital systems. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 551-563 - Bruce A. Kaufman, Eduardo Tomas Ulzurrun:
A new technique for using thin magnetic films as a phase script memory element. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 67-75 - R. A. Kleist, M. A. Lewis, B. C. Wang:
Single capstan tape memory. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 565-576 - Martin Kosakoff, Donald L. Buswell:
Experience with a generalized information processing system. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 183-192 - Susumu Kuno, Anthony G. Oettinger:
Syntactic structure and ambiguity of English. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 397-418 - P. Kuttner:
The rope memory: a permanent storage device. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 45-57 - George P. Lewett, Stephen Choolfaian:
Stock maintenance by telephone-one step towards integrated manufacturing control in a multi-shop manufacturing complex. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 519-527 - Morton H. Lewin, H. R. Beelitz, Jan A. Rajchman:
Fixed, associative memory using evaporated organic diode arrays. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 101-106 - T. Marrill, A. K. Hartley, Thomas G. Evans, Burton H. Bloom, David Michael Ritchie Park, Timothy P. Hart, D. Lucille Darley:
CYCLOPS-1: a second-generation recognition system. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 27-33 - L. F. Mathison:
Information handling in an arms control inspection and verification environment. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 529-533 - Takeo Miura, Junzo Iwata:
Effects of digital execution time in a hybrid computer. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 251-265 - Jane Olmer, Robert Rick:
A flexible direct file approach to information retrieval-test edit, search or select and print on an IBM 1401. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 173-182 - Max Palevsky, J. V. Howell:
The DES-1: a real-time digital simulation computer. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 459-472 - E. A. Robin, R. S. Pardee, D. L. Scheffler, Fred C. Holland:
A computer driven simulation environment for air traffic control studies. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 437-442 - C. A. Rowland, W. O. Berge:
A 300 nanosecond search memory. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 59-65 - Richard E. Sears, S. M. Khanna:
Simulation of an assembly of simplified nerve cells on a digital computer. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 15-25 - Robert R. Seeber, Arwin B. Lindquist:
Associative logic for highly parallel systems. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 489-493 - Rabah Shahbender, C. Wentworth, Kai Li, S. Hotchkiss, Jan A. Rajchman:
Laminated ferrite memory. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 77-90 - Clayton A. Shepherd:
The computer-stored thesaurus and its use in concept processing. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 389-395 - D. H. Tyrrell, D. J. Morrison, J. J. Staller:
Evolution of digital magnetic tape systems for use in military environments. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 577-590 - John V. Wait:
A hybrid analog-digital differential analyzer system. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 277-293 - I. A. Warheit:
The direct access search system. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 167-172 - Irving L. Wieselman, Raymond Stuart Williams, Donald K. Sampson:
A multiple-access disc file. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 351-364 - John H. Williams:
A discriminant method for automatically classifying documents. AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1963: 161-166 - James D. Tupac:
Proceedings of the 1963 fall joint computer conference, AFIPS 1963 (Fall), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 12-14, 1963. ACM 1963, ISBN 978-1-4503-7883-3 [contents]