- Waddah Saeed:
Comparison of Automated Machine Learning Tools for SMS Spam Message Filtering. ACeS 2021: 307-316 - Haidar Raad Shakir, Suhad Abbas Yassir:
Image Encryption-Compression Method Based on Playfair, OTP and DWT for Secure Image Transmission. ACeS 2021: 95-113 - Ali Haider Shamsan, Arman Rasool Faridi:
Security Issues and Challenges in SDN. ACeS 2021: 515-535 - Fatina Shukur:
Analysing Security Concerns About the Massive Increase of Sharing Data over the Cloud During the Pandemic of Covid-19. ACeS 2021: 469-480 - Gerard Ward, Lech J. Janczewski:
Using Knowledge Synthesis to Identify Multi-dimensional Risk Factors in IoT Assets. ACeS 2021: 176-197 - Fadi Abu Zwayed, Mohammed Anbar, Yousef K. Sanjalawe, Selvakumar Manickam:
Intrusion Detection Systems in Fog Computing - A Review. ACeS 2021: 481-504 - Nibras Abdullah, Selvakumar Manickam, Mohammed Anbar:
Advances in Cyber Security - Third International Conference, ACeS 2021, Penang, Malaysia, August 24-25, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1487, Springer 2021, ISBN 978-981-16-8058-8 [contents]