- Melanie Swan:
Blockchain Temporality: Smart Contract Time Specifiability with Blocktime. RuleML 2016: 184-196 - Olivier Wang, Leo Liberti, Claudia D'Ambrosio, Christian de Sainte Marie, Changhai Ke:
Controlling the Average Behavior of Business Rules Programs. RuleML 2016: 83-96 - William Van Woensel, Patrice C. Roy, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi
SmartRL: A Context-Sensitive, Ontology-Based Rule Language for Assisted Living in Smart Environments. RuleML 2016: 341-349 - Neng-Fa Zhou:
Programming in Picat. RuleML 2016: 3-18 - Gen Zou, Harold Boley:
Minimal Objectification and Maximal Unnesting in PSOA RuleML. RuleML 2016: 130-147 - José Júlio Alferes, Leopoldo E. Bertossi, Guido Governatori
, Paul Fodor, Dumitru Roman:
Rule Technologies. Research, Tools, and Applications - 10th International Symposium, RuleML 2016, Stony Brook, NY, USA, July 6-9, 2016. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9718, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-42018-9 [contents] - Tara Athan, Adrian Giurca, Rolf Grütter, Mark Proctor, Kia Teymourian
, William Van Woensel:
Supplementary Proceedings of the RuleML 2016 Challenge, Doctoral Consortium and Industry Track hosted by the 10th International Web Rule Symposium, RuleML 2016, New York, USA, July 6-9, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1620, CEUR-WS.org 2016 [contents] - 2015
- Sudhir Agarwal, Abhijeet Mohapatra, Michael R. Genesereth
, Harold Boley:
Rule-Based Exploration of Structured Data in the Browser. RuleML 2015: 161-175 - Dörthe Arndt, Ben De Meester, Pieter Bonte
, Jeroen Schaballie, Jabran Bhatti, Wim Dereuddre, Ruben Verborgh
, Femke Ongenae
, Filip De Turck
, Rik Van de Walle, Erik Mannens
Ontology Reasoning Using Rules in an eHealth Context. RuleML 2015: 465-472 - Dörthe Arndt, Ruben Verborgh
, Jos De Roo, Hong Sun
, Erik Mannens
, Rik Van de Walle:
Semantics of Notation3 Logic: A Solution for Implicit Quantification. RuleML 2015: 127-143 - Alexander Artikis, Matthias Weidlich
Distribution and Uncertainty in Complex Event Recognition. RuleML 2015: 70-80 - Tara Athan, Roy Bell, Elisa F. Kendall, Adrian Paschke, Davide Sottara:
API4KP Metamodel: A Meta-API for Heterogeneous Knowledge Platforms. RuleML 2015: 144-160 - Jean-François Baget, Michel Leclère
, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Swan Rocher, Clément Sipieter:
Graal: A Toolkit for Query Answering with Existential Rules. RuleML 2015: 328-344 - Reza Basseda, Tiantian Gao, Michael Kifer, Steven Greenspan, Charley Chell:
Representing Flexible Role-Based Access Control Policies Using Objects and Defeasible Reasoning. RuleML 2015: 376-387 - Szymon Bobek
, Grzegorz J. Nalepa:
Compact Representation of Conditional Probability for Rule-Based Mobile Context-Aware Systems. RuleML 2015: 83-96 - Tarcisio M. Farias
, Ana Roxin
, Christophe Nicolle:
FOWLA, A Federated Architecture for Ontologies. RuleML 2015: 97-111 - Stefano Ferilli, Andrea Pazienza
, Floriana Esposito:
Rule Generalization Strategies in Incremental Learning of Disjunctive Concepts. RuleML 2015: 407-421 - Thom W. Frühwirth:
Constraint Handling Rules - What Else? RuleML 2015: 13-34 - Johannes Fürnkranz
, Tomás Kliegr:
A Brief Overview of Rule Learning. RuleML 2015: 54-69 - Mario Fusco, Davide Sottara, István Ráth, Mark Proctor:
Building a Hybrid Reactive Rule Engine for Relational and Graph Reasoning. RuleML 2015: 208-222 - Michael R. Genesereth
, Eric Jui-Yi Kao:
The Herbrand Manifesto - Thinking Inside the Box. RuleML 2015: 3-12 - Ana Sofia Gomes
, José Júlio Alferes
How to Combine Event Stream Reasoning with Transactions for the Semantic Web. RuleML 2015: 258-273 - Georg Gottlob
, Giorgio Orsi, Andreas Pieris:
Consistency Checking of Re-engineered UML Class Diagrams via Datalog+/-. RuleML 2015: 35-53 - Ahmad Hasan, Kia Teymourian, Adrian Paschke:
Probabilistic Event Pattern Discovery. RuleML 2015: 241-257 - Pascual Julián Iranzo
, Ginés Moreno, Carlos Vázquez:
Similarity-Based Strict Equality in a Fully Integrated Fuzzy Logic Language. RuleML 2015: 193-207 - Megan Katsumi
, Michael Grüninger:
Using PSL to Extend and Evaluate Event Ontologies. RuleML 2015: 225-240 - Thomas Lukasiewicz, Maria Vanina Martinez
, Livia Predoiu, Gerardo I. Simari
Existential Rules and Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Ontological Data Exchange. RuleML 2015: 294-310 - Mostafa Milani, Leopoldo E. Bertossi:
Ontology-Based Multidimensional Contexts with Applications to Quality Data Specification and Extraction. RuleML 2015: 277-293 - Mikolaj Morzy
, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz
, Mateusz Zozulinski:
Using Substitutive Itemset Mining Framework for Finding Synonymous Properties in Linked Data. RuleML 2015: 422-430 - João Paulo Orlando, Mark A. Musen
, Dilvan A. Moreira:
User Extensible System to Identify Problems in OWL Ontologies and SWRL Rules. RuleML 2015: 112-126