- Pankaj R. Telang, Munindar P. Singh, Neil Yorke-Smith:
Relating Goal and Commitment Semantics. ProMAS 2011: 22-37 - Carlos Manuel Toledo, Rafael H. Bordini, Omar Chiotti, María Rosa Galli:
Developing a Knowledge Management Multi-Agent System Using JaCaMo. ProMAS 2011: 41-57 - 2010
- Tristan M. Behrens, Koen V. Hindriks, Rafael H. Bordini, Lars Braubach, Mehdi Dastani, Jürgen Dix, Jomi Fred Hübner, Alexander Pokahr:
An Interface for Agent-Environment Interaction. ProMAS 2010: 139-158 - Joost Broekens, Koen V. Hindriks, Pascal Wiggers:
Reinforcement Learning as Heuristic for Action-Rule Preferences. ProMAS 2010: 25-40 - Hugo Carr, Alexander Artikis, Jeremy Pitt:
Software Support for Organised Adaptation. ProMAS 2010: 96-115 - Howell R. Jordan, Rem W. Collier:
Evaluating Agent-Oriented Programs: Towards Multi-paradigm Metrics. ProMAS 2010: 63-78 - Daniel Kiss, Neil Madden, Brian Logan:
Atomic Intentions in Jason +. ProMAS 2010: 79-95 - Michal Pechoucek, Michal Jakob, Peter Novák:
Towards Simulation-Aided Design of Multi-Agent Systems. ProMAS 2010: 3-21 - Alessandro Ricci, Andrea Santi, Michele Piunti:
Action and Perception in Agent Programming Languages: From Exogenous to Endogenous Environments. ProMAS 2010: 119-138 - M. Birna van Riemsdijk, Neil Yorke-Smith:
Towards Reasoning with Partial Goal Satisfaction in Intelligent Agents. ProMAS 2010: 41-59 - Lars Braubach, Jean-Pierre Briot, John Thangarajah:
Programming Multi-Agent Systems - 7th International Workshop, ProMAS 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15, 2009. Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5919, Springer 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-14842-2 [contents] - 2009
- Giuliano Armano, Eloisa Vargiu:
A MultiAgent System for Monitoring Boats in Marine Reserves. PROMAS 2009: 254-265 - Matteo Baldoni, Guido Boella, Valerio Genovese, Andrea Mugnaini, Roberto Grenna, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
A Middleware for Modeling Organizations and Roles in Jade. PROMAS 2009: 100-117 - Tristan M. Behrens:
Agent-Oriented Control in Real-Time Computer Games. PROMAS 2009: 266-283 - Dinh Doan Van Bien, David Lillis, Rem W. Collier:
Space-Time Diagram Generation for Profiling Multi Agent Systems. PROMAS 2009: 170-184 - Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr:
Representing Long-Term and Interest BDI Goals. PROMAS 2009: 201-218 - Amit K. Chopra, Munindar P. Singh:
Elements of a Business-Level Architecture for Multiagent Systems. PROMAS 2009: 15-30 - Mehdi Dastani, Jaap Brandsema, Amco Dubel, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
Debugging BDI-Based Multi-Agent Programs. PROMAS 2009: 151-169 - Adriana Giret, Vicente Julián, Miguel Rebollo, Estefania Argente, Carlos Carrascosa, Vicente J. Botti:
An Open Architecture for Service-Oriented Virtual Organizations. PROMAS 2009: 118-132 - Koen V. Hindriks, M. Birna van Riemsdijk:
A Computational Semantics for Communicating Rational Agents Based on Mental Models. PROMAS 2009: 31-48 - Emiliano Lorini, Michele Piunti:
Introducing Relevance Awareness in BDI Agents. PROMAS 2009: 219-236 - Neil Madden, Brian Logan:
Modularity and Compositionality in Jason. PROMAS 2009: 237-253 - Ammar Mohammed, Ulrich Furbach:
Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling and Verification Using Hybrid Automata. PROMAS 2009: 49-66 - Peter Novák:
Probabilistic Behavioural State Machines. PROMAS 2009: 67-81 - Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Michele Piunti:
Formalising the Environment in MAS Programming: A Formal Model for Artifact-Based Environments. PROMAS 2009: 133-150 - Sebastian Sardiña, Yves Lespérance:
Golog Speaks the BDI Language. PROMAS 2009: 82-99 - Emilio Serrano, Juan A. Botía, José Manuel Cadenas:
Infrastructure for Forensic Analysis of Multi-Agent Based Simulations. PROMAS 2009: 185-200 - Munindar P. Singh, Amit K. Chopra:
Programming Multiagent Systems without Programming Agents. PROMAS 2009: 1-14 - Koen V. Hindriks, Alexander Pokahr, Sebastian Sardiña:
Programming Multi-Agent Systems, 6th International Workshop, ProMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 13, 2008. Revised Invited and Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5442, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-03277-6 [contents] - 2008
- Daghan L. Acay, Liz Sonenberg, Alessandro Ricci, Philippe Pasquier:
How Situated Is Your Agent? A Cognitive Perspective. ProMAS 2008: 136-151