- Robert Y. Lewis, Paul-Nicolas Madelaine:
Simplifying Casts and Coercions (Extended Abstract). PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 53-62 - Qinghua Liu, Zishi Wu, Zihao Wang, Geoff Sutcliffe:
Evaluation of Axiom Selection Techniques. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 63-75 - Christoph Lüders:
Computing Tropical Prevarieties With Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) Solvers. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 189-203 - Benjamin E. Oliver, Jens Otten:
Equality Preprocessing in Connection Calculi. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 76-92 - Thomas Prokosch, François Bry:
Give Reasoning a Trie. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 93-108 - Michael Rawson, Giles Reger:
Directed Graph Networks for Logical Reasoning (Extended Abstract). PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 109-119 - Constantin Ruhdorfer, Stephan Schulz:
Efficient Implementation of Large-Scale Watchlists. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 120-133 - Nahku Saidy, Hanna Siegfried, Stephan Schulz, Geoff Sutcliffe:
Cutting Down the TPTP Language (And Others). PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 134-147 - Róbert Vajda, Zoltán Kovács:
GeoGebra and the realgeom Reasoning Tool. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 204-219 - Petar Vukmirovic, Visa Nummelin:
Boolean Reasoning in a Higher-Order Superposition Prover. PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 148-166 - Sen Zheng, Renate A. Schmidt:
Querying the Guarded Fragment via Resolution (Extended Abstract). PAAR+SC²@IJCAR 2020: 167-177 - Pascal Fontaine, Konstantin Korovin, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Philipp Rümmer, Sophie Tourret:
Joint Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR) and the 5th Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation Workshop (SC-Square) Workshop, 2020 co-located with the 10th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2020), Paris, France, June-July, 2020 (Virtual). CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2752, CEUR-WS.org 2020 [contents] - 2018
- Ahmed Bhayat, Giles Reger:
Set of Support for Higher-Order Reasoning. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 2-16 - Gabriel Ebner, Matthias Schlaipfer:
Efficient Translation of Sequent Calculus Proofs Into Natural Deduction Proofs. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 17-33 - Ullrich Hustadt, Cláudia Nalon, Clare Dixon:
Evaluating Pre-Processing Techniques for the Separated Normal Form for Temporal Logics. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 34-48 - Jens Otten:
Proof Search Optimizations for Non-Clausal Connection Calculi. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 49-57 - Michael Rawson, Giles Reger:
Dynamic Strategy Priority: Empower the Strong and Abandon the Weak. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 58-71 - Geoff Sutcliffe, Evgenii Kotelnikov:
TFX: The TPTP Extended Typed First-Order Form. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 72-87 - Jørgen Villadsen, Anders Schlichtkrull, Asta Halkjær From:
A Verified Simple Prover for First-Order Logic. PAAR@FLoC 2018: 88-104 - Boris Konev, Josef Urban, Philipp Rümmer:
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning co-located with Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC 2018), Oxford, UK, July 19th, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2162, CEUR-WS.org 2018 [contents] - 2016
- Haniel Barbosa:
Efficient Instantiation Techniques in SMT (Work In Progress). PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 1-10 - Koen Claessen, Ann Lillieström:
Alternative Treatments of Common Binary Relations in First-order Automated Reasoning. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 11-23 - Michael Färber, Cezary Kaliszyk:
No Choice: Reconstruction of First-order ATP Proofs without Skolem Functions. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 24-31 - Mohamed Hassona, Stephan Schulz:
Deduction as a Service. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 32-40 - Cezary Kaliszyk, Geoff Sutcliffe, Florian Rabe:
TH1: The TPTP Typed Higher-Order Form with Rank-1 Polymorphism. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 41-55 - Eugen Kuksa, Till Mossakowski:
Prover-independent Axiom Selection for Automated Theorem Proving in Ontohub. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 56-68 - Jean-Marie Lagniez, Daniel Le Berre, Tiago de Lima, Valentin Montmirail:
On Checking Kripke Models for Modal Logic K. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 69-81 - Tomer Libal, Alexander Steen:
Towards a Substitution Tree Based Index for Higher-order Resolution Theorem Provers. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 82-94 - Andreas Teucke, Christoph Weidenbach:
Ordered Resolution with Straight Dismatching Constraints. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 95-109 - Jelena Vlasenko, Maryam Daryalal, Volker Haarslev, Brigitte Jaumard:
A Saturation-based Algebraic Reasoner for ELQ. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 110-124