- Kabir Manandhar Shrestha, Katie Wood, David Goodman, Meladel Mistica:
Do We Need Subject Matter Experts? A Case Study of Measuring Up GPT-4 Against Scholars in Topic Evaluation. NL4AI@AI*IA 2023 - Irene Siragusa, Roberto Pirrone:
Conditioning Chat-GPT for Information Retrieval: The Unipa-GPT Case Study. NL4AI@AI*IA 2023 - Roberto Zamparelli:
One Picture and a Thousand Words. Generative Language+images Models and How to Train Them. NL4AI@AI*IA 2023 - Elisa Bassignana, Dominique Brunato, Marco Polignano, Alan Ramponi:
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence (NL4AI 2023) co-located with 22th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2023), Rome, Italy, November 6th-7th, 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3551, CEUR-WS.org 2023 [contents] - 2022
- Muhammad Saad Amin, Alessandro Mazzei, Luca Anselma:
Towards Data Augmentation for DRS-to-Text Generation. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 141-152 - David La Barbera, Kevin Roitero, Stefano Mizzaro:
A Hybrid Human-In-The-Loop Framework for Fact Checking. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 13-23 - Valerio Basile:
Is EVALITA Done? On the Impact of Prompting on the Italian NLP Evaluation Campaign. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 127-140 - Patrizio Bellan, Chiara Ghidini, Mauro Dragoni, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Han van der Aa:
Process Extraction from Natural Language Text: the PET Dataset and Annotation Guidelines. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 177-191 - Elena Bellodi, Alessandro Bertagnon, Marco Gavanelli:
Comparing Emotion and Sentiment Analysis Tools on Italian anti-vaccination for COVID-19 posts. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 71-84 - Daniele Borghesi, Andrea Amelio Ravelli, Felice Dell'Orletta:
What Makes the Audience Engaged? Engagement Prediction Exploiting Multimodal Features. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 85-107 - Michele Dusi, Nicola Arici, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Luca Putelli, Ivan Serina:
Graphical Identification of Gender Bias in BERT with a Weakly Supervised Approach. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 164-176 - Claudiu Daniel Hromei, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili:
Grounding end-to-end Architectures for Semantic Role Labeling in Human Robot Interaction. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 24-38 - Tiziano Labruna, Bernardo Magnini:
Simulating Domain Changes in Conversational Agents Through Dialogue Adaptation. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 192-198 - Alex J. Lucassen, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi:
Probability Distributions as a Litmus Test to Inspect NNs Grounding Skills. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 108-126 - Michele Papucci, Chiara De Nigris, Alessio Miaschi, Felice Dell'Orletta:
Evaluating Text-To-Text Framework for Topic and Style Classification of Italian texts. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 56-70 - Fabio De Ponte, Sarah Rauchas:
Grounding Words in Visual Perceptions: Experiments in Spoken Language Acquisition. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 39-55 - Irene Sucameli, Alessandro Bondielli, Lucia C. Passaro, Edoardo Annunziata, Giulia Lucherini, Andrea Romei, Alessandro Lenci:
MATE, a Meta Layer Between Natural Language and Database. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 153-163 - Debora Nozza, Lucia C. Passaro, Marco Polignano:
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence (NL4AI 2022) co-located with 21th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2022), Udine, November 30th, 2022. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3287, CEUR-WS.org 2022 [contents] - (Withdrawn) Source Reliability Estimation for the Verification of the Authenticity of Information: an Evidential Approach. NL4AI@AI*IA 2022: 1-12
- 2021
- Alessio Palmero Aprosio:
Tint, the Swiss-Army Tool for Natural Language Processing in Italian. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Vito Barbara, Manuel Borroto, Francesco Ricca:
A Sequence to Sequence Approach for Knowledge Base Relation Linking. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Alexandra Benamar, Meryl Bothua, Cyril Grouin, Anne Vilnat:
Easy-to-use Combination of POS and BERT Model for Domain-Specific and Misspelled Terms. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Alessandro Bondielli, Lucia C. Passaro:
Leveraging CLIP for Image Emotion Recognition. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Claudia Breazzano, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili:
MT-GAN-BERT: Multi-Task and Generative Adversarial Learning for Sustainable Language Processing. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Alberto Coffrini, Stefania Monica, Federico Bergenti:
Preliminary Experiments on an Improved Artificial Player for a Word Association Game. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Bettina Fazzinga, Andrea Galassi, Paolo Torroni:
A Preliminary Evaluation of a Privacy-Preserving Dialogue System. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Michael Fell, Sohail Akhtar, Valerio Basile:
Mining Annotator Perspectives from Hate Speech Corpora. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Sabina Fontana, Gaia Caligiore:
Italian Sign Language (LIS) and Natural Language Processing: an Overview. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Alessio Miaschi, Andrea Amelio Ravelli, Felice Dell'Orletta:
Evaluating Transformer Models for Punctuation Restoration in Italian. NL4AI@AI*IA 2021 - Elena Cabrio, Danilo Croce, Lucia C. Passaro, Rachele Sprugnoli:
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence (NL4AI 2021) co-located with 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2021), Online event, November 29, 2021. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3015, CEUR-WS.org 2021 [contents]