- Klaus Schmaranz, Arnould Vermeer:
Aspects of Electronic Journal Publishing. KnowRight 1995: 297-288 - Erich Schweighofer:
Legal Problems of Information Filtering Techniques. KnowRight 1995: 117-122 - Rosemary Shields:
Hypertext Electronic Law Books: Progress Report. KnowRight 1995: 67-84 - Yannis Skulikaris:
Patent Protection for Software-Related Inventions, in Particular Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. KnowRight 1995: 188-193 - Harald Springorum:
The Protection of Neural Networks According to German and European Law. KnowRight 1995: 204-213 - F. C. Wachs, K. U. Seelig:
Status of Selected Multimedia Projects in Germany. KnowRight 1995: 293-303 - Sue Ellen Wright:
Copyright Issues Affecting Terminology in Electronic Environments. KnowRight 1995: 253-258 - Jian Zhao, Eckhard Koch:
Embedding Robust Labels into Images for Copyright Protection. KnowRight 1995: 242-251 - Klaus Brunnstein, Peter Paul Sint:
Intellectual Property Rights and New Technologies, Proceedings of the KnowRight '95 Conference, 21.-25.8.1995, Wien, Austria. books@ocg.at 82, Austrian Computer Society 1995, ISBN 3-486-23483-8 [contents]