- Sylvain Brétéché:
The Deaf Musical Experience - Bodily and Visual Specificities: Corpaurality and Vusicality. CMMR 2019: 422-448 - Marcelo F. Caetano
Morphing Musical Instrument Sounds with the Sinusoidal Model in the Sound Morphing Toolbox. CMMR 2019: 481-503 - Roland Cahen:
Kinetic Design - From Sound Spatialisation to Kinetic Music. CMMR 2019: 517-530 - Thiago de Almeida Magalhães Campolina
, Mauricio Alves Loureiro
Musical Note Attacks Description in Reverberant Environments. CMMR 2019: 225-247 - Luciano Ciamarone, Baris Bozkurt, Xavier Serra
Automatic Dastgah Recognition Using Markov Models. CMMR 2019: 157-165 - Sébastien Denjean, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Vincent Roussarie, Sølvi Ystad:
Zero-Emission Vehicles Sonification Strategy Based on Shepard-Risset Glissando. CMMR 2019: 709-724 - Georg Essl:
Iterative Phase Functions on the Circle and Their Projections: Connecting Circle Maps, Waveshaping, and Phase Modulation. CMMR 2019: 681-698 - Sascha Grollmisch, Estefanía Cano, Fernando Mora Ángel, Gustavo López Gil:
Ensemble Size Classification in Colombian Andean String Music Recordings. CMMR 2019: 60-74 - Torbjörn Gulz
, Andre Holzapfel
, Anders Friberg
Developing a Method for Identifying Improvisation Strategies in Jazz Duos. CMMR 2019: 623-635 - Rory Hoy
, Doug Van Nort
Augmentation of Sonic Meditation Practices: Resonance, Feedback and Interaction Through an Ecosystemic Approach. CMMR 2019: 591-599 - Hanlin Hu
, David Gerhard
Modelling 4-Dimensional Tonal Pitch Spaces with Hopf Fibration. CMMR 2019: 142-156 - Prithvi Kantan
, Rares Stefan Alecu
, Sofia Dahl
The Effect of Auditory Pulse Clarity on Sensorimotor Synchronization. CMMR 2019: 379-395 - Guido Kramann:
Generative Grammar Based on Arithmetic Operations for Realtime Composition. CMMR 2019: 279-303 - Pedro Louzeiro
Distributed Scores and Audio on Mobile Devices in the Music for a Multidisciplinary Performance. CMMR 2019: 329-344 - Jérémy Marozeau
Why People with a Cochlear Implant Listen to Music. CMMR 2019: 409-421 - Daniel McKemie:
COMPOSITES 1: An Exploration into Real-Time Animated Notation in the Web Browser. CMMR 2019: 319-328 - Lia Mice, Andrew P. McPherson:
Embodied Cognition in Performers of Large Acoustic Instruments as a Method of Designing New Large Digital Musical Instruments. CMMR 2019: 577-590 - Romain Michon
, Yann Orlarey
, Stéphane Letz
, Dominique Fober
, Catinca Dumitrascu
Mobile Music with the Faust Programming Language. CMMR 2019: 307-318 - Nicolas Misdariis, Patrick Susini, Olivier Houix, Roque Rivas, Clément Cerles, Eric Lebel, Alice Tetienne, Aliette Duquesne:
Mapping Sound Properties and Oenological Characters by a Collaborative Sound Design Approach - Towards an Augmented Experience. CMMR 2019: 504-516 - Stefano Delle Monache
, Davide Rocchesso
Exploring Design Cognition in Voice-Driven Sound Sketching and Synthesis. CMMR 2019: 465-480 - Marco Buongiorno Nardelli
MUSICNTWRK: Data Tools for Music Theory, Analysis and Composition. CMMR 2019: 190-215 - Matthias Nowakowski, Christof Weiß
, Jakob Abeßer:
Towards Deep Learning Strategies for Transcribing Electroacoustic Music. CMMR 2019: 48-59 - Sihwa Park:
ARLooper: A Mobile AR Application for Collaborative Sound Recording and Performance. CMMR 2019: 554-562 - Thierry Paul:
Mathematics and Music: Loves and Fights. CMMR 2019: 699-708 - Geoffroy Peeters
The Deep Learning Revolution in MIR: The Pros and Cons, the Needs and the Challenges. CMMR 2019: 3-30 - António Sá Pinto
, Matthew E. P. Davies
Tapping Along to the Difficult Ones: Leveraging User-Input for Beat Tracking in Highly Expressive Musical Content. CMMR 2019: 75-90 - Diemo Schwarz, Dominique Fourer:
Methods and Datasets for DJ-Mix Reverse Engineering. CMMR 2019: 31-47 - Hugo Scurto, Axel Chemla-Romeu-Santos:
Machine Learning for Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research: A Practical Case Study. CMMR 2019: 665-680 - Stefania Serafin
, Ali Adjorlu
, Lars Koreska Andersen, Nicklas B. S. Andersen:
Singing in Virtual Reality with the Danish National Children's Choir. CMMR 2019: 563-574 - Ayumi Shiga, Tetsuro Kitahara:
Generating Walking Bass Lines with HMM. CMMR 2019: 248-256