- Antonio Marotta, Gabriella Carrozza, Stefano Avallone, Vittorio Manetti:
An OpenFlow-based architecture for IaaS security. ATACCS 2013: 118-121 - Rocío Barragán Montes, Eduardo García, Francisco Javier Sáez Nieto:
Automated task allocation. ATACCS 2013: 128-131 - Alberto Olivares, Manuel Soler, Ernesto Staffetti:
Multiphase mixed-integer optimal control applied to 4D trajectory planning in air traffic management. ATACCS 2013: 85-94 - Neha Rungta, Guillaume Brat, William J. Clancey, Charlotte Linde, Franco Raimondi, Chin Seah, Michael G. Shafto:
Aviation safety: modeling and analyzing complex interactions between humans and automated systems. ATACCS 2013: 27-37 - Giovanni Sartor, Giuseppe Contissa, Hanna Schebesta, Migle Laukyte, Paola Lanzi, Patrizia Marti, Paola Tomasello:
The legal case. ATACCS 2013: 96-105 - Alexander Schwithal, Peter Hecker:
Towards an integrity monitoring for 4D-trajectories. ATACCS 2013: 136-139 - Damiano Taurino, Stefano Bonelli, Marco Ducci:
Automated support for separation assurance: a common design approach for general aviation and remotely piloted aircraft systems. ATACCS 2013: 19-26 - Anna Elena Tirri, Giancarmine Fasano, Domenico Accardo, Antonio Moccia, Vincenzo Baraniello:
Development of numerical sensor models for cooperative and non-cooperative collision avoidance. ATACCS 2013: 38-45 - Jendrick Westphal, Uwe Klingauf, Nima Barraci, Jens Schiefele:
Transforming time: towards an intuitive time constraint depiction. ATACCS 2013: 106-110 - Antonio Moccia, Alberto Pasquini, Eduardo Garcia:
International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems, ATACCS '13, Naples, Italy, May 28-30, 2013. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2249-2 [contents] - 2012
- Paola Amaldi, Anthony Smoker:
The problem with automation is not over-automation but lack of automation policy. ATACCS 2012: 176-181 - Lawrence Kyei Asante, Francisco Javier Sáez Nieto:
Complexity in the optimisation of ATM performance metrics. ATACCS 2012: 162-165 - Jesper Bronsvoort, Greg McDonald, Javier Lopez-Leones, Miguel Vilaplana, Juan A. Besada:
Understanding time-drift for different aircraft descent guidance strategies. ATACCS 2012: 135-145 - Enrique Casado, Colin Goodchild, Miguel Vilaplana:
Identification and initial characterization of sources of uncertainty affecting the performance of future trajectory management automation systems. ATACCS 2012: 170-175 - Gillian Clare, Arthur G. Richards:
Air traffic flow management under uncertainty: application of chance constraints. ATACCS 2012: 20-26 - Jose A. Cobano, David Alejo, Aníbal Ollero, Antidio Viguria:
Efficient conflict resolution method in air traffic management based on the speed assignment. ATACCS 2012: 54-61 - José Manuel Cordero Garcia, Manuel Dorado, José Miguel de Pablo:
Automated speech recognition in ATC environment. ATACCS 2012: 46-53 - Franziska Dieke-Meier, Hartmut Fricke:
Expectations from a steering control transfer to cockpit crews for aircraft pushback. ATACCS 2012: 62-70 - Annemiek van Drunen:
Dialogue management and automation in interaction with unmanned systems. ATACCS 2012: 166-169 - Eri Itoh, Kazuhiko Uejima, Hidenori Chida, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Mariken H. C. Everdij, Bert G. J. Bakker, Henk A. P. Blom:
An overview of airborne time-spacing research in the JADE program. ATACCS 2012: 27-37 - Michael Kaiser, Judith Rosenow, Hartmut Fricke, Michael Schultz:
Tradeoff between optimum altitude and contrail layer to ensure maximum ecological en-route performance using the enhanced trajectory prediction model (ETPM). ATACCS 2012: 127-134 - Ignacy Kaliszewski, Janusz Miroforidis:
On interfacing multiobjective optimisation models: the case of the airport gate assignment problem. ATACCS 2012: 93-97 - Célia Martinie, Philippe A. Palanque, Alberto Pasquini, Martina Ragosta, E. Rigaud, Sara Silvagni:
Using complementary models-based approaches for representing and analysing ATM systems' variability. ATACCS 2012: 146-157 - Rocío Barragán Montes, Eduardo García, Francisco Javier Sáez Nieto:
Aircraft continuous climb/descent modelling using computer based tools. ATACCS 2012: 158-161 - Martina Orefice, Domenico Accardo, Urbano Tancredi, Giuseppe Maresca, Giuseppe Berardi:
A model of apron travel time for automatic aircraft routing applications in airport taxiways. ATACCS 2012: 182-185 - Marc Pérez-Batlle, Enric Pastor, Pablo Royo, Xavier Prats, Cristina Barrado:
A taxonomy of UAS separation maneuvers and their automated execution. ATACCS 2012: 1-11 - Amy R. Pritchett, Elizabeth S. Fleming, William P. Cleveland, Jonathan J. Zoetrum, Vlad Popescu, Dhruv A. Thakkar:
Pilot interaction with TCAS and air traffic control. ATACCS 2012: 117-126 - Simone Rozzi, Paola Amaldi:
Organizational and inter-organizational precursors to problematic automation in safety critical domains. ATACCS 2012: 98-106 - Jaime García Sáez:
Simulated trajectories generation. ATACCS 2012: 107-116