- 2022
- João Nuno Ferreira Alves, Luís Manuel Silveira Russo, Alexandre P. Francisco:
Cache-oblivious Hilbert Curve-based Blocking Scheme for Matrix Transposition. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 37:1-37:28 (2022) - Hartwig Anzt, Terry Cojean, Goran Flegar, Fritz Göbel, Thomas Grützmacher, Pratik Nayak, Tobias Ribizel, Yuhsiang Mike Tsai, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí:
Ginkgo: A Modern Linear Operator Algebra Framework for High Performance Computing. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1): 2:1-2:33 (2022) - M. Ridwan Apriansyah, Rio Yokota:
Parallel QR Factorization of Block Low-rank Matrices. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 27:1-27:28 (2022) - Charles Audet, Sébastien Le Digabel, Viviane Rochon Montplaisir, Christophe Tribes:
Algorithm 1027: NOMAD Version 4: Nonlinear Optimization with the MADS Algorithm. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 35:1-35:22 (2022) - Cody J. Balos:
Reproduced Computational Results Report for "Ginkgo: A Modern Linear Operator Algebra Framework for High Performance Computing". ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1): 3:1-3:7 (2022) - Johannes Brust, Oleg Burdakov, Jennifer B. Erway, Roummel F. Marcia:
Algorithm 1030: SC-SR1: MATLAB Software for Limited-memory SR1 Trust-region Methods. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 48:1-48:33 (2022) - Tyler H. Chang, Layne T. Watson, Jeffrey Larson, Nicole Neveu, William I. Thacker, Shubhangi G. Deshpande, Thomas C. H. Lux:
Algorithm 1028: VTMOP: Solver for Blackbox Multiobjective Optimization Problems. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 36:1-36:34 (2022) - V. Charumathi, M. Ramakrishna, Vinita Vasudevan:
Fast and Accurate Proper Orthogonal Decomposition using Efficient Sampling and Iterative Techniques for Singular Value Decomposition. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 16:1-16:24 (2022) - Qiao Chen, Xiangmin Jiao:
HIFIR: Hybrid Incomplete Factorization with Iterative Refinement for Preconditioning Ill-Conditioned and Singular Systems. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 32:1-32:33 (2022) - Justin Crum, Cyrus Cheng, David A. Ham, Lawrence Mitchell, Robert C. Kirby, Joshua A. Levine, Andrew Gillette:
Bringing Trimmed Serendipity Methods to Computational Practice in Firedrake. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1): 8:1-8:19 (2022) - Nestor Demeure, Cédric Chevalier, Christophe Denis, Pierre Dossantos-Uzarralde:
Algorithm 1029: Encapsulated Error, a Direct Approach to Evaluate Floating-Point Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 47:1-47:16 (2022) - Zlatko Drmac, Ivana Sain Glibic:
An Algorithm for the Complete Solution of the Quartic Eigenvalue Problem. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1): 4:1-4:34 (2022) - Leon Eifler, Ambros M. Gleixner, Jonad Pulaj:
A Safe Computational Framework for Integer Programming Applied to Chvátal's Conjecture. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 14:1-14:12 (2022) - David J. Gardner, Daniel R. Reynolds, Carol S. Woodward, Cody J. Balos:
Enabling New Flexibility in the SUNDIALS Suite of Nonlinear and Differential/Algebraic Equation Solvers. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 31:1-31:24 (2022) - Nicolò Gusmeroli, Timotej Hrga, Borut Luzar, Janez Povh, Melanie Siebenhofer, Angelika Wiegele:
BiqBin: A Parallel Branch-and-bound Solver for Binary Quadratic Problems with Linear Constraints. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 15:1-15:31 (2022) - Nathan Heavner, Francisco D. Igual, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Per-Gunnar Martinsson:
Algorithm 1022: Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Rank-Revealing UTV Factorization on Parallel Computing Architectures. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 21:1-21:42 (2022) - Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider, Peter Sanders:
Parallel Weighted Random Sampling. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 29:1-29:40 (2022) - Jan Hückelheim, Laurent Hascoët:
Source-to-Source Automatic Differentiation of OpenMP Parallel Loops. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1): 7:1-7:32 (2022) - Elias Jarlebring, Massimiliano Fasi, Emil Ringh:
Computational Graphs for Matrix Functions. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 39:1-39:35 (2022) - Bahman Kalantari, Yikai Zhang:
Algorithm 1024: Spherical Triangle Algorithm: A Fast Oracle for Convex Hull Membership Queries. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 23:1-23:32 (2022) - Jakub Klinkovský, Tomás Oberhuber, Radek Fucík, Vítezslav Zabka:
Configurable Open-source Data Structure for Distributed Conforming Unstructured Homogeneous Meshes with GPU Support. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 30:1-30:30 (2022) - Yuriy Korablev:
Algorithm 1023: Restoration of Function by Integrals with Cubic Integral Smoothing Spline in R. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 22:1-22:17 (2022) - Marko Lange:
Toward Accurate and Fast Summation. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 28:1-28:39 (2022) - Ling Liang, Xudong Li, Defeng Sun, Kim-Chuan Toh:
QPPAL: A Two-phase Proximal Augmented Lagrangian Method for High-dimensional Convex Quadratic Programming Problems. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(3): 33:1-33:27 (2022) - Christopher J. Lourenco, Jinhao Chen, Erick Moreno-Centeno, Timothy A. Davis:
Algorithm 1021: SPEX Left LU, Exactly Solving Sparse Linear Systems via a Sparse Left-looking Integer-preserving LU Factorization. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 20:1-20:23 (2022) - Ngoc Hoang Anh Mai, Jean B. Lasserre, Victor Magron, Jie Wang:
Exploiting Constant Trace Property in Large-scale Polynomial Optimization. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 40:1-40:39 (2022) - Conor McCoid, Martin J. Gander:
A Provably Robust Algorithm for Triangle-triangle Intersections in Floating-point Arithmetic. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(2): 17:1-17:30 (2022) - Peter Meisrimel, Philipp Birken:
Waveform Relaxation with Asynchronous Time-integration. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 45:1-45:22 (2022) - Cristiano De Michele:
Remark on Algorithm 1010: Boosting Efficiency in Solving Quartic Equations with No Compromise in Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(4): 46:1-46:3 (2022) - Jean-Michel Muller, Laurence Rideau:
Formalization of Double-Word Arithmetic, and Comments on "Tight and Rigorous Error Bounds for Basic Building Blocks of Double-Word Arithmetic". ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48(1): 9:1-9:24 (2022)