- 2009
- Daniel E. Abásolo, Roberto Hornero
, Pedro Espino:
Approximate Entropy of EEG Background Activity in Alzheimer's Disease Patients. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 591-603 (2009) - Liakot Ali, Roslina Mohd Sidek, Ishak Aris
, Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali:
Design of a Testchip for Low Cost IC Testing. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(1): 63-72 (2009) - Diego Andina:
Special Issue: Signal Processing & Soft Computing. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 535-537 (2009) - Diego Andina, Antonio Álvarez-Vellisco, Aleksandar Jevtic, Juan Fombellida:
Artificial Metaplasticity can Improve Artificial Neural Networks Learning. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 683-696 (2009) - Manuel Béjar
, Federico Cuesta
, Aníbal Ollero:
On the Use of Soft Computing Techniques for Helicopter Control in Environment Protection Mission Scenarios. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(1): 85-103 (2009) - Soraya Bensmaïl, Michel Dufossè, Alexander A. Frolov, Arthur Kaladjian, Fethi Ben Ouezdou:
Pinch And Grip Control By A Neural Network Modeling The Cerebro-Cerebellar System. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 303-317 (2009) - Manuel Haro Casado, Francisco J. Velasco Gonzalez:
Thruster Control Based On The Shunt Dc Motors For A Precise Positioning Of The Marine Vehicles. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 425-438 (2009) - Erik Cuevas, Daniel Zaldivar, Marco Pérez
, Edgar N. Sánchez:
LVQ Neural Networks Applied To Face Segmentation. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 439-450 (2009) - Genaro Daza-Santacoloma, Julián D. Arias-Londoño
, Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente
, Nicolás Sáenz-Lechón
, Víctor Osma-Ruiz, Germán Castellanos-Domínguez:
Dynamic Feature Extraction: an Application to Voice Pathology Detection. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 667-682 (2009) - Nader Fnaiech, Farhat Fnaiech, Barrie W. Jervis, Mohamed Cheriet:
The Combined Statistical Stepwise and Iterative Neural Network Pruning Algorithm. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 573-589 (2009) - Yili Fu, Han Li, Zainan Jiang
, Shuguo Wang:
Double Layers Fuzzy Logic Based Mobile Robot Path Planning In Unknown Environment. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 275-288 (2009) - Yunyuan Gao:
Task Allocation Algorithm Based On Immune System For Autonomously Cooperative Multi-Robot System1. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 263-273 (2009) - Zhigang Gao, Zhaohui Wu, Man Lin:
Energy-Efficient Scheduling For Small Pervasive Computing Devices Under Fixed-Priority Multi-Subtask Model. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 509-524 (2009) - H. Haldun Göktas, Abdullah Çavusoglu, Baha Sen
Auto City: A System for Generating 3D Virtual Cities for Simulation Systems on GIS Maps. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(1): 29-39 (2009) - Pelin Görgel, Niyazi Kilic, Birsen Ucan, Ahmet Kala, Osman N. Uçan:
A Backpropagation Neural Network Approach For Ottoman Character Recognition. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 451-462 (2009) - Javier Macías Guarasa
, Juan Manuel Montero
, Javier Ferreiros
, Ricardo de Córdoba, Rubén San Segundo
, Juana M. Gutiérrez-Arriola
, Luis Fernando D'Haro
, Fernando Fernández Martínez
, Roberto Barra-Chicote, José M. Pardo:
Novel Applications of Neural Networks in Speech Technology Systems: Search Space Reduction and Prosodic Modeling. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 631-646 (2009) - Qinglei Hu, Xiaozhi Gao, Guangfu Ma:
Reference Model Variable Structure Output Feedback for Attitude Maneuvers Control of Flexible Spacecrafts. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(1): 53-62 (2009) - M. J. Zeini Jahromi, Mohammad Eghtesad
, Mahmood Yaghoubi
Fuzzy Switching Control Of The Complete Oil Cycle Of Shiraz Solar Power Plant. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 403-424 (2009) - Way-Soong Lim, M. V. C. Rao:
A Locally-Tuned Minimal Resource Allocation Network For Pattern Classification. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 385-401 (2009) - Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li:
Search Location-Dependent Data In Broadcasting Environment. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 467-484 (2009) - Hai-Lin Liu, Yuping Wang, Yiu-ming Cheung
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Using Min-Max Strategy And Sphere Coordinate Transformation. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 361-384 (2009) - Shirong Liu, Qijiang Yu, Huidi Zhang:
Real-Time Trajectory Tracking Of Mobile Robots Based On Sliding Mode Control Using Irbfnns. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 167-185 (2009) - Weirong Liu, Jianqiang Yi, Dongbin Zhao:
Genetic Algorithm-Based Fuzzy Controller To Avoid Network Congestion. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 237-248 (2009) - Liang Ming, Yuping Wang, Yiu-ming Cheung
A New Quantifying Crossover With Ternary Representation. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(3): 343-360 (2009) - Eduardo Moreno-Martínez, Manuel Blanco-Velasco
, Fernando Cruz-Roldán, Pedro Amo-López, Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente
Intelligent Adaptive use of Wavelet Packets for Biomedical Applications. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 619-629 (2009) - Farid Najafi, Morteza Fathi
, Mozafar Saadat
Performance Improvement of a PWM-Sliding Mode Position Controller Used in Pneumatic Actuation. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(1): 73-84 (2009) - Benjamín Ojeda-Magaña
, Ruben Ruelas
, Fulgencio S. Buendía Buendía, Diego Andina:
A Greater Knowledge Extraction Coded as Fuzzy Rules and Based on the Fuzzy and Typicality Degrees of the GKPFCM Clustering Algorithm. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(4): 555-571 (2009) - Shichao Ou, Andrew H. Fagg, Prashant J. Shenoy
, Liancheng Chen:
Application Of Reinforcement Learning In Multisensor Fusion Problems With Conflicting Control Objectives. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 223-235 (2009) - Tianhong Pan, Shaoyuan Li, Ning Li:
Optimal Bandwidth Design for Lazy Learning Via Particle Swarm Optimization. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(1): 1-11 (2009) - Chang Mok Park, Gi-Nam Wang:
Job Allocation And Scheduling In Multi Robotic Tasks Considering Collision Free Operation. Intell. Autom. Soft Comput. 15(2): 249-261 (2009)