- 2016
- Andreas Alfons, Christophe Croux, Sarah Gelper:
Robust groupwise least angle regression. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 421-435 (2016) - Julyan Arbel, Antonio Lijoi, Bernardo Nipoti:
Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 359-372 (2016) - Michael W. Berry, Jung Jin Lee, Giovanni Montana, Stefan Van Aelst, Ruben H. Zamar:
Special Issue on Advances in Data Mining and Robust Statistics. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 388-389 (2016) - Danilo Bolano, André Berchtold:
General framework and model building in the class of Hidden Mixture Transition Distribution models. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 131-145 (2016) - Vincent Bremhorst, Philippe Lambert:
Flexible estimation in cure survival models using Bayesian P-splines. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 270-284 (2016) - Amay S. M. Cheam, Paul D. McNicholas:
Modelling receiver operating characteristic curves using Gaussian mixtures. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 192-208 (2016) - Chew-Seng Chee, Yong Wang:
Nonparametric estimation of species richness using discrete k-monotone distributions. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 107-118 (2016) - Adam Ciarleglio, R. Todd Ogden:
Wavelet-based scalar-on-function finite mixture regression models. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 86-96 (2016) - Ying Cui, Chenlei Leng, Defeng Sun:
Sparse estimation of high-dimensional correlation matrices. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 390-403 (2016) - Somnath Datta, María del Carmen Pardo, Thomas H. Scheike, Kam Chuen Yuen:
Special issue on advances in survival analysis. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 255-256 (2016) - Xiaoling Dou, Satoshi Kuriki, Gwo Dong Lin, Donald St. P. Richards:
EM algorithms for estimating the Bernstein copula. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 228-245 (2016) - Daniel Fernández, Richard Arnold, Shirley Pledger:
Mixture-based clustering for the ordered stereotype model. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 46-75 (2016) - Miguel González, Carmen Minuesa, Ines del Puerto:
Maximum likelihood estimation and expectation-maximization algorithm for controlled branching processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 209-227 (2016) - Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen:
New upper bounds for tight and fast approximation of Fisher's exact test in dependency rule mining. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 469-482 (2016) - John Hinde, Salvatore Ingrassia, Tsung-I Lin, Paul D. McNicholas:
The Third Special Issue on Advances in Mixture Models. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 2-4 (2016) - Klaus K. Holst, Thomas H. Scheike, Jacob v. B. Hjelmborg:
The liability threshold model for censored twin data. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 324-335 (2016) - Tao Hu, Liming Xiang:
Partially linear transformation cure models for interval-censored data. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 257-269 (2016) - Thomas Kirschstein, Steffen Liebscher, Giovanni Camillo Porzio, Giancarlo Ragozini:
Minimum volume peeling: A robust nonparametric estimator of the multivariate mode. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 456-468 (2016) - Erricos John Kontoghiorghes:
CSDA Special Issues. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 1 (2016) - Xiaosun Lu, Yangxin Huang, Yiliang Zhu:
Finite mixture of nonlinear mixed-effects joint models in the presence of missing and mismeasured covariate, with application to AIDS studies. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 119-130 (2016) - Peng Luo, Zhi Geng:
Causal mediation analysis for survival outcome with unobserved mediator-outcome confounders. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 336-347 (2016) - Waldyn G. Martinez, J. Brian Gray:
Noise peeling methods to improve boosting algorithms. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 483-497 (2016) - Clare A. McGrory, Anthony N. Pettitt, D. M. Titterington, Clair L. Alston, Matt Kelly:
Transdimensional sequential Monte Carlo using variational Bayes - SMCVB. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 246-254 (2016) - Volodymyr Melnykov:
Model-based biclustering of clickstream data. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 31-45 (2016) - Carla Moreira, Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez, Luís Meira-Machado:
Nonparametric regression with doubly truncated data. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 294-307 (2016) - Grant B. Morgan, Kari J. Hodge, Aaron R. Baggett:
Latent profile analysis with nonnormal mixtures: A Monte Carlo examination of model selection using fit indices. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 146-161 (2016) - Hien Duy Nguyen, Geoffrey J. McLachlan:
Laplace mixture of linear experts. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 177-191 (2016) - Hien Duy Nguyen, Geoffrey J. McLachlan, Ian A. Wood:
Mixtures of spatial spline regressions for clustering and classification. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 76-85 (2016) - Adrian O'Hagan, Thomas Brendan Murphy, Isobel Claire Gormley, Paul D. McNicholas, Dimitris Karlis:
Clustering with the multivariate normal inverse Gaussian distribution. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 18-30 (2016) - Panagiotis Papastamoulis, Marie-Laure Martin-Magniette, Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau:
On the estimation of mixtures of Poisson regression models with large number of components. Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 93: 97-106 (2016)