- 1996
- Luca Aceto, David Murphy:
Timing and Causality in Process Algebra. Acta Informatica 33(4): 317-350 (1996) - Foued Ameur, Paul Fischer, Klaus-Uwe Höffgen, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide:
Trial and Error. A New Approach to Space-Bounded Learning. Acta Informatica 33(7): 621-630 (1996) - Falko Bause:
On the Analysis of Petri Nets with Static Priorities. Acta Informatica 33(7): 669-685 (1996) - Eberhard Bertsch:
An Observation on Suffix Redundancy in LL(1) Error Repair. Acta Informatica 33(7): 631-639 (1996) - Andrzej Biela, Jakub Borowczyk:
RETRPROV, A System that Looks for Axioms. Acta Informatica 33(8): 759-780 (1996) - Antonio Cau, Pierre Collette:
Parallel Composition of Assumption-Commitment Specifications: A Unifying Approach for Shared Variable and Distributed Message Passing Concurrency. Acta Informatica 33(2): 153-176 (1996) - Pierpaolo Degano, José Meseguer, Ugo Montanari:
Axiomatizing the Algebra of Net Computations and Processes. Acta Informatica 33(7): 641-667 (1996) - Vladimir G. Deineko, Rüdiger Rudolf, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
On the Recognition of Permuted Supnick and Incomplete Monge Matrices. Acta Informatica 33(6): 559-569 (1996) - Jörg Desel, Wolfgang Reisig:
The Synthesis Problem of Petri Nets. Acta Informatica 33(4): 297-315 (1996) - Razvan Diaconescu:
Category-Based Modularisation for Equational Logic Programming. Acta Informatica 33(5): 477-510 (1996) - Josep Díaz, Maria J. Serna, Jacobo Torán:
Parallel Approximation Schemes for Problems on Planar Graphs. Acta Informatica 33(4): 387-408 (1996) - Dominic Duggan, Gordon V. Cormack, John Ophel:
Kinded Type Inference for Parametric Overloading. Acta Informatica 33(1): 21-68 (1996) - Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Gheorghe Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg:
The Linear Landscape of External Contextual Languages. Acta Informatica 33(6): 571-593 (1996) - Sibsankar Haldar, K. Vidyasankar:
Simple Extensions of 1-writer Atomic Variable Constructions to Multiwriter Ones. Acta Informatica 33(2): 177-202 (1996) - Neal A. Harman, John V. Tucker:
Algebraic Models of Microprocessors: Architecture and Organisation. Acta Informatica 33(5): 421-456 (1996) - Stephan Heilbrunner:
A Direct Complement Construction for LR(1) Grammars. Acta Informatica 33(8): 781-797 (1996) - Wim H. Hesselink:
Bounded Delay for a Free Address. Acta Informatica 33(3): 233-254 (1996) - Petr Jancar, Frantisek Mráz, Martin Plátek:
Forgetting Automata and Context-Free Languages. Acta Informatica 33(5): 409-420 (1996) - Akhil Kumar, Kavindra Malik:
Optimizing the Costs of Hierarchical Quorum Consensus. Acta Informatica 33(3): 255-275 (1996) - John K. Lee, Alan D. Fekete:
Multi-Granularity Locking for Nested Transactions: A Proof Using a Possibilities Mapping. Acta Informatica 33(2): 131-152 (1996) - Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini, Józef Winkowski:
A Kernel Language for Programmed Rewriting of (Hyper)graphs. Acta Informatica 33(6): 523-546 (1996) - Aki Matsumoto, Dong-Soo Han, Takao Tsuda:
Alias Analysis of Pointers in Pascal and Fortran 90: Dependence Analysis Between Pointer References. Acta Informatica 33(2): 99-130 (1996) - Alexander Meduna:
Syntactic Complexity of Context-Free Grammars Over Word Monoids. Acta Informatica 33(5): 457-462 (1996) - Robin Milner:
Calculi for Interaction. Acta Informatica 33(8): 707-737 (1996) - Otto Nurmi, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen:
Chromatic Binary Search Trees. A Structure for Concurrent Rebalancing. Acta Informatica 33(6): 547-557 (1996) - Patrick E. O'Neil, Edward Cheng, Dieter Gawlick, Elizabeth J. O'Neil:
The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree). Acta Informatica 33(4): 351-385 (1996) - M. R. K. Krishna Rao:
Relating Confluence, Innermost-Confluence and Outermost-Confluence Properties of Term Rewriting Systems. Acta Informatica 33(6): 595-606 (1996) - Thomas W. Reps:
On the Sequential Nature of Interprocedural Program-Analysis Problems. Acta Informatica 33(8): 739-757 (1996) - Davide Sangiorgi:
A Theory of Bisimulation for the pi-Calculus. Acta Informatica 33(1): 69-97 (1996) - Sanjeev Saxena:
Parallel Integer Sorting and Simulation Amongst CRCW Models. Acta Informatica 33(7): 607-619 (1996)