- 1997
- Martín Abadi, K. Rustan M. Leino:
A Logic of Object-Oriented Programs. TAPSOFT 1997: 682-696 - Fabio Alessi, Paolo Baldan, Furio Honsell:
Partializing Stone Spaces using SFP Domains (Extended Abstract). TAPSOFT 1997: 478-489 - Ali Amaniss, Miki Hermann, Denis Lugiez:
Set Operations for Recurrent Term Schematizations. TAPSOFT 1997: 333-344 - Henrik Reif Andersen, Jørgen Staunstrup, Niels Maretti:
A Comparison of Modular Verification Techniques. TAPSOFT 1997: 550-564 - Yves Andre, Francis Bossut:
Word-into-Tree Transducers with Bounded Difference. TAPSOFT 1997: 177-188 - Puri Arenas-Sánchez, Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo:
A Semantic Framework for Functional Logic Programming with Algebraic Polymorphic Types. TAPSOFT 1997: 453-464 - Thomas Arts, Jürgen Giesl:
Automatically Proving Termination Where Simplification Orderings Fail. TAPSOFT 1997: 261-272 - Egidio Astesiano, Gianna Reggio:
Formalism and Method. TAPSOFT 1997: 93-114 - Michael Baldamus, Jürgen Dingel:
Modal Characterization of Weak Bisimulation for Higher-order Processes (Extended Abstract). TAPSOFT 1997: 285-296 - Danièle Beauquier, Anatol Slissenko:
The Railroad Crossing Problem: Towards Semantics of Timed Algorithms and Their Model Checking in High Level Languages. TAPSOFT 1997: 201-212 - Iabelle Biermann, Brigitte Rozoy:
Reliable Generalized and Context Dependent Commutation Relations. TAPSOFT 1997: 165-176 - Corrado Böhm:
Theoretical Computer Science and Software Science: The Past, the Present and the Future (Position Paper). TAPSOFT 1997: 3-5 - Staffan Bonnier, Tim Heyer:
COMPASS: A Comprehensible Assertion Method. TAPSOFT 1997: 803-817 - Viviana Bono, Michele Bugliesi, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Luigi Liquori:
Subtyping Constraints for Incomplete Objects (Extended Abstract). TAPSOFT 1997: 465-477 - Adel Bouhoula, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, José Meseguer:
Specification and Proof in Membership Equational Logic. TAPSOFT 1997: 67-92 - Franck van Breugel:
A Labelled Transition Systems for pi-epsilon-Calculus. TAPSOFT 1997: 321-332 - Pascal Caron:
AG: A Set of Maple Packages for Symbolic Computing of Automata and Semigroups. TAPSOFT 1997: 879-882 - Judicaël Courant:
An Applicative Module Calculus. TAPSOFT 1997: 622-636 - Klaus Didrich, Torsten Klein:
DOSFOP - A Documentation Tool for the Algebraic Programming Language OPAL. TAPSOFT 1997: 875-878 - Michael R. Donat:
Automating Formal Specification-Based Testing. TAPSOFT 1997: 833-847 - Hartmut Ehrig, Bernd Mahr:
Future Trends of TAPSOFT. TAPSOFT 1997: 6-10 - E. Allen Emerson, Richard J. Trefler:
Generalized Quantitative Temporal Reasoning: An Automata Theoretic Approach. TAPSOFT 1997: 189-200 - José Luiz Fiadeiro, Antónia Lopes:
Semantics of Architectural Connectors. TAPSOFT 1997: 505-519 - Thomas Genet, Isabelle Gnaedig:
Termination Proofs Using gpo Ordering Constraints. TAPSOFT 1997: 249-260 - Alfons Geser, Aart Middeldorp, Enno Ohlebusch, Hans Zantema:
Relative Undecidability in the Termination Hierarchy of Single Rewrite Rules. TAPSOFT 1997: 237-248 - Eric Goubault:
Optimal Implementation of Wait-Free Binary Relations. TAPSOFT 1997: 225-236 - Maritta Heisel, Nicole Lévy:
Using LOTOS Patterns to Characterize Architectural Styles. TAPSOFT 1997: 818-832 - Friedrich W. von Henke, Marko Luther, Martin Strecker:
Typelab: An Environment for Modular Program Development. TAPSOFT 1997: 851-854 - Jean-Michel Ilié, Khalil Ajami:
Model Checking Through Symbolic Reachability Graph. TAPSOFT 1997: 213-224 - S. Purushothaman Iyer, Murali Narasimha:
Probabilistic Lossy Channel Systems. TAPSOFT 1997: 667-681