- 2014
- Chaimae Anibou, Mohamed Nabil Saidi, Driss Aboutajdine:
Multispectrals images segmentation based on DWT and decisions fusion. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Nawfel Azami, Driss El Idrissi, Said Amrane, Mohammed Harmouchi:
Computer blob detection and tracking for highly repeatable optical fiber sensor. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Mostafa Bellafkih, Abdeslam En-Nouaary:
Preface. SITA 2014: 1 - Elmostafa Belmekki, Brahim Raouyane, Abdelhamid Belmekki, Mostafa Bellafkih:
Secure SIP signalling service in IMS network. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Naoual Chaouni Benabdellah, Mourad Gharbi, Mostafa Bellafkih:
Ant colony algorithm and new pheromone to adapt units sequence to learners' profiles. SITA 2014: 1-8 - Sanae Berraho, Samira El Margae, Mounir Ait Kerroum, Youssef Fakhri:
Statistical block-based DWT features for digital mammograms classification. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Soukaina Boudoudouh, Mohammed Ouassaid, Mohamed Maaroufi:
Distributed energy management by MAS in a stationary hybrid system. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Zineb Bougroun, Adil Zeaaraoui, Toumi Bouchentouf:
Model Schneider and process area of CMMI. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Mohamed el Boujnouni, Mohamed Jedra, Noureddine Zahid:
Support Vector Domain Description with a new confidence coefficient. SITA 2014: 1-8 - Yassine Bounagui, Hatim Hafiddi, Abdellatif Mezrioui:
Challenges for IT based cloud computing governance. SITA 2014: 1-8 - Youness Chaabi, Rochdi Messoussi, Vincent Hilaire, Khadija Lekdioui, Yassine Ruichek, Raja Touahni:
An automatic system for the determination of learner's sociological behavior from textual asynchronous conversations analysis in online collaborative learning. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Tarik Chaghrouchni, Mohammed Issam Kabbaj, Zohra Bakkoury:
Towards dynamic adaptation of the software process. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Walid Cherif, Abdellah Madani, Mohamed Kissi:
Building a syntactic rules-based stemmer to improve search effectiveness for arabic language. SITA 2014: 1-6 - Rachid Dakir, Ahmed Mouhsen, Jamal Zbitou, Abdelwahed Tribak, Mohamed Latrach:
Design of a new compact printed monopole antenna with Y-shaped slot for ultra-wideband applications. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Mohamed Emharraf, Mohammed Rahmoun, Mohammed Saber, Mostafa Azizi:
Mobile robot unknown indoor environment exploration using self-localization and grid map building. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Zakariae En-Naimani, Mohamed Lazaar, Mohamed Ettaouil:
Architecture optimization model for the probabilistic self-organizing maps and classification. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Rkia Fajr, Abdelaziz Bouroumi:
A fuzzy particle swarm optimizer for unsupervised learning. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Soumaya Fellaji, Abdellah Azmani, Abdelhadi Akharif:
Bayesian approach for minimizing nephropathy risk for patients with type 2 diabetes. SITA 2014: 1-4 - Younes Jaafar, Karim Bouzoubaa:
Benchmark of Arabic morphological analyzers challenges and solutions. SITA 2014: 1-6 - Fatine Jebbor, Laila Benhlima:
Overview of knowledge extraction techniques in five question-answering systems. SITA 2014: 1-8 - R. Kaidi, Mohamed Lazaar, Mohamed Ettaouil:
Neural network apply to predict aircraft trajectory for conflict resolution. SITA 2014: 1-6 - Fahd Kalloubi, El Habib Nfaoui, Omar El Beqqali:
Named entity linking in microblog posts using graph-based centrality scoring. SITA 2014: 1-6 - Mohammed Khalil, Abdellah Adib:
Embedding and extracting multiple watermaks in audio signals using CDMA. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Mohamed Lahby, Leghris Cherkaoui, Abdellah Adib:
Performance analysis of normalization techniques for network selection access in heterogeneous wireless networks. SITA 2014: 1-5 - Mohamed Louzazni, Elhassan Aroudam:
Intelligent PID-Fuzzy logic control for three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic inverter. SITA 2014: 1-6 - Samira El Margae, Sanae Berraho, Mounir Ait Kerroum, Youssef Fakhri:
Traffic Sign Recognition based on multi-block LBP features using SVM with normalization. SITA 2014: 1-7 - Issam Matazi, Rochdi Messoussi, Abdellah Bennane:
The design of an intelligent multi-agent system for supporting collaborative learning. SITA 2014: 1-8 - Nabil Mesbahi, Hamza Dahmouni:
Towards an efficient full IP networks. SITA 2014: 1-6 - Errais Mohammed, Mostafa Bellafkih, Rouayane Brahim:
Fuzzy video streaming control in IP Multimedia Subsystem architecture. SITA 2014: 1-8 - Rachid Naoual, El Mehdi Mellouli, Ismail Boumhidi:
Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for the two-link robot. SITA 2014: 1-6