- 1999
- Kathleen Ahrens, Alicia L. T. Say:
Mapping Image-schemas and Translating Metaphors. PACLIC 1999: 95-102 - Tantely Andriamanankasina, Kenji Araki, Koji Tochinai:
Sub-Sentential Alignment Method by Analogy. PACLIC 1999: 277-284 - Samuel W. K. Chan, Benjamin K. T'sou:
Anaphora Resolution as Lexical Cohesion Identification. PACLIC 1999: 293-304 - Kaewchai Chancharoen, Nisanad Tannin, Booncharoen Sirinaovakul:
Pattern-based Machine Translation for English-Thai. PACLIC 1999: 329-336 - Li-Li Chang, Keh-Jiann Chen, Chu-Ren Huang:
Alternation Across Semantic Fields : A Study of Mandarin Verbs of Emotion. PACLIC 1999: 39-50 - Jau-Hung Chen, Chung-Hsien Wu:
Automatic Selection of Synthesis Units from a Large Speech Database. PACLIC 1999: 321-328 - Chan Chung:
A Nonconfigurational Approach to the Weak Crossover Effect in Korean. PACLIC 1999: 131-142 - Hiroshi Echizen-ya, Kenji Araki, Yoshio Momouchi, Koji Tochinai:
A Study of Performance Evaluation for GA-ILMT Using Travel English. PACLIC 1999: 285-292 - Hugo Ling-yu Guo:
Mandarin Loanword Phonology and Optimality Theory : Evidence from Transliterated American State Names and Typhoon Names. PACLIC 1999: 191-202 - Hsin-yun Hsieh:
Coherence via Collaboration : A Study of Chinese Causal Connectives. PACLIC 1999: 111-118 - Masahito Kawamori, Akira Shimazu:
Utterance Units and Exchanges in Spontaneous Japanese Dialogue. PACLIC 1999: 103-110 - Chiharu Uda Kikuta:
Lexical Information and Pragmatic Information : Reflexivity of an Event and Resultative Constructions in Japanese. PACLIC 1999: 75-86 - HyoYoung Kim:
Simple Syllable Structure and English Pre-nucleus Glides. PACLIC 1999: 223-230 - Toshimasa Koga, Haodong Wu, Teiji Furugori:
Determining the Antecedent of Noun Phrase Containing the Determiner KONO or SONO in Japanese. PACLIC 1999: 251-259 - Hisashi Komatsu:
Japanese Categorial Grammar Based on Term and Sentence. PACLIC 1999: 153-160 - Tom B. Y. Lai, Changning Huang:
Free Word Order in a Constraint-based Implementation of Dependency Grammar. PACLIC 1999: 161-168 - Chin-Hui Lee:
Spoken Language Systems - Technical Challenges for Speech and Natural Language Processing. PACLIC 1999: 177 - Jo-Wang Lin:
On the Meaning of Shenme 'what' in Chinese Bare Conditionals and its Implications for Carlson's Semantics of Bare Plurals. PACLIC 1999: 15-26 - Mei-Chun Liu, Chu-Ren Huang, Ching-Yi Lee:
Lexical Information and Beyond : Constructional Inferences in Semantic Representation. PACLIC 1999: 27-37 - Christopher D. Manning:
Linguistics in an Age of Engineering. PACLIC 1999: 1 - Minako Nakayasu:
Extensibility in Japanese Noun Modification. PACLIC 1999: 3-14 - Masahiro Oku, Noda Ryosuke, Ryoji Nagai:
Generating Supplementary Index Records Using Morphological Analysis for High-speed Partial Matching. PACLIC 1999: 261-268 - Byungsoo Park:
Relative Clause Constructions with Possessive Specifier Gaps : A Constraint-based Approach. PACLIC 1999: 143-152 - Mariko Saiki, Yasutaka Kaneko:
The Dative in Modern Icelandic : Exploration of the Semantic Genotype of the Dative in Natural Languages. PACLIC 1999: 87-94 - Seung-Hoon Shin:
Consonantal Weakening and Licensing in Optimality Theory. PACLIC 1999: 203-214 - Jyh-Shing Shyuu, Jhing-Fa Wang:
A Large-Vocabulary Bilingual Speech Recognition System for Chinese and Japanese Language. PACLIC 1999: 305-311 - Melanie Siegel:
The Syntactic Processing of Particles in Japanese Spoken Language. PACLIC 1999: 313-320 - Lily-I-wen Su, Laura Hsiu-min Liu:
Mataphorical Extension and Lexical Meaning. PACLIC 1999: 63-74 - Jyh-Jong Tsay, Jing-Doo Wang, Chun-Fu Pai, Ming-Kuen Tsay:
Implementation and Evaluation of Scalable Approaches for Automatic Chinese Text Categorization. PACLIC 1999: 179-190 - Da-Jinn Wang, Tsong-Yi Chen, Martha W. Evens:
The Lexicon in FCIDB : A Friendly Chinese Interface for DBMS. PACLIC 1999: 215-222