- 2003
- Giuseppe Acciani, Girolamo Fornarelli, Luciano Liturri:
Comparing Fuzzy Data Sets by Means of Graph Matching Technique. ICANN 2003: 367-374 - Felix V. Agakov, David Barber:
Approximate Learning in Temporal Hidden Hopfield Models. ICANN 2003: 107-114 - Songül Albayrak
Unsupervised Clustering Methods for Medical Data: An Application to Thyroid Gland Data. ICANN 2003: 695-701 - Bruno Apolloni, Andrea Brega, Dario Malchiodi
, Giorgio Palmas, Anna Maria Zanaboni:
Learning Rule Representations from Boolean Data. ICANN 2003: 875-882 - Theologos Athanaselis, Stavroula-Evita Fotinea
, Stelios Bakamidis, Ioannis Dologlou, Georgios Giannopoulos:
Signal Enhancement for Continuous Speech Recognition. ICANN 2003: 1117-1124 - Alex Aussem:
Closed Loop Stability of FIR-Recurrent Neural Networks. ICANN 2003: 523-529 - W. Y. Bao, Peng Chen, Ibrahim N. Tansel
, N. S. Reen, S. Y. Yang, D. Rincon:
Selection of Optimal Cutting Conditions by Using the Genetically Optimized Neural Network System (GONNS). ICANN 2003: 1026-1032 - Zafer Barutçuoglu:
A Comparison of Model Aggregation Methods for Regression. ICANN 2003: 76-83 - Ingo Bax, Holger Bekel, Gunther Heidemann:
Recognition of Gestural Object Reference with Auditory Feedback. ICANN 2003: 425-432 - Coskun Bayrak, Z. Chen, Jonathan Norton, Hubert Preissl, Curtis Lowery, Hari Eswaran, James D. Wilson:
Use of Magnetomyographic (MMG) Signals to Calculate the Dependency Properties of the Active Sensors in Myometrial Activity Monitoring. ICANN 2003: 1041-1048 - Yasar Becerikli, Yusuf Oysal, Ahmet Ferit Konar:
On a Dynamic Wavelet Network and Its Modeling Application. ICANN 2003: 710-720 - Susan E. Bedingfield, Kate A. Smith:
Predicting Bad Credit Risk: An Evolutionary Approach. ICANN 2003: 1081-1088 - Valeriu Beiu
Constructive Threshold Logic Addition A Synopsis of the Last Decade. ICANN 2003: 745-752 - Valeriu Beiu
, Maria J. Avedillo, José M. Quintana:
Review of Capacitive Threshold Gate Implementations. ICANN 2003: 737-744 - Konstantinos Blekas, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis, Aristidis Likas:
Protein Sequence Classification Using Probabilistic Motifs and Neural Networks. ICANN 2003: 702-709 - I. René J. A. te Boekhorst, Max Lungarella, Rolf Pfeifer:
Dimensionality Reduction through Sensory-Motor Coordination. ICANN 2003: 496-503 - Oliver Buchtala, Alexander Hofmann, Bernhard Sick
Fast and Efficient Training of RBF Networks. ICANN 2003: 43-51 - Jeffrey Byorick, Robi Polikar:
Confidence Estimation Using the Incremental Learning Algorithm, Learn++. ICANN 2003: 181-188 - Roberta Cambio, David C. Hendry:
Low Power Digital Neuron for SOM Implementations. ICANN 2003: 721-728 - Antonino Casile
, Martin A. Giese
Roles of Motion and Form in Biological Motion Recognition. ICANN 2003: 854-866 - Y. H. Chen, C. L. Tseng, Hsin-Chia Fu, Hsiao-Tien Pao:
A Self-Growing Probabilistic Decision-Based Neural Network for Anchor/Speaker Identification. ICANN 2003: 686-694 - Yiu-ming Cheung:
Expectation-MiniMax Approach to Clustering Analysis. ICANN 2003: 165-172 - Seungjin Choi:
Differential ICA. ICANN 2003: 68-75 - Kaustubh Chokshi, Stefan Wermter, Cornelius Weber:
Learning Localisation Based on Landmarks Using Self-Organisation. ICANN 2003: 504-514 - I-Fang Chung, Chuen-Der Huang, Ya-Hsin Shen, Chin-Teng Lin
Recognition of Structure Classification of Protein Folding by NN and SVM Hierarchical Learning Architecture. ICANN 2003: 1159-1167 - Emilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe:
Relevance and Kernel Self-Organising Maps. ICANN 2003: 280-290 - Florin Cutzu:
How to Do Multi-way Classification with Two-Way Classifiers. ICANN 2003: 375-384 - Taher Daud, Ricardo Salem Zebulum, Tuan A. Duong, Ian Ferguson, Curtis Padgett
, Adrian Stoica
, Anil Thakoor:
Speed Enhancement with Soft Computing Hardware. ICANN 2003: 1049-1056 - Murat Deviren, Khalid Daoudi:
Frequency and Wavelet Filtering for Robust Speech Recognition. ICANN 2003: 452-462 - Hatice Dogan, Cüneyt Güzelis:
A Gradient Network for Vector Quantization and Its Image Compression Applications. ICANN 2003: 554-561