- 1972
- Gianni Aguzzi, Renzo Pinzani, Renzo Sprugnoli:
An Algorithmic Approach to the Semantics of Programming Languages. ICALP 1972: 147-166 - Brenda S. Baker:
Context-Sensitive Grammars Generating Context-Free Languages. ICALP 1972: 501-506 - J. W. de Bakker, Willem P. de Roever:
A Calculus for Recursive Program Schemes. ICALP 1972: 167-196 - Jean Berstel:
Sur la densité asymptotique de langages formels. ICALP 1972: 345-358 - Alberto Bertoni:
Complexity Problems Related to the Approximation of Probabilistic Languages and Events by Deterministic Machines. ICALP 1972: 507-516 - Peter van Emde Boas:
A Comparison of the Properties of Complexity Classes and Honesty Classes. ICALP 1972: 391-396 - Luc Boasson:
Un critère de rationnalité des langages algébriques. ICALP 1972: 359-365 - Corrado Böhm, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini:
Can Syntax Be Ignored during Translation? ICALP 1972: 197-207 - Ronald V. Book:
Complexity Classes of Formal Languages (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1972: 517-520 - Philippe Butzbach:
Une famille de congruences de Thue pour lesquelles le problème de l'équivalence est décidable. Application á l'équivalence des grammaires séparées. ICALP 1972: 3-12 - Christian Choffrut:
Transducteurs conservant l'imprimitivité du langage d'entrée. ICALP 1972: 13-29 - Volker Claus:
Assignment-Programs. ICALP 1972: 209-214 - Robert Cori:
Sur des langages vérifiant des équations avec opérateur. ICALP 1972: 31-43 - J. P. Crestin:
Un langage non ambigu dont le carré est d'ambiguité non bornée. ICALP 1972: 377-390 - Alex Dubinsky:
The Functions Computed by a Monadic Program Schema with One Location. ICALP 1972: 521-535 - Joost Engelfriet:
Translation of Simple Program Schemes. ICALP 1972: 215-223 - Philippe Flajolet, Jean-Marc Steyaert:
Complexité des problèmes de décision relatifs aux algorithmes de tri. ICALP 1972: 537-548 - Michel Fliess:
Automates stochastiques et séries rationnelles non commutatives. ICALP 1972: 397-411 - Michael A. Harrison, Ivan M. Havel:
On a Family of Deterministic Grammars (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1972: 413-441 - Friedrich W. von Henke, Klaus Indermark, Klaus Weihrauch:
Hierarchies of Primitive Recursive Wordfunctions and Transductions Defined by Automata. ICALP 1972: 549-561 - Peter Hitchcock, David Michael Ritchie Park:
Induction Rules and Termination Proofs. ICALP 1972: 225-251 - Frederick A. Hosch, Lawrence H. Landweber:
Finite Delay Solutions for Sequential Conditions. ICALP 1972: 45-60 - Pei Hsia, Raymond T. Yeh:
Finite Automata with Markers. ICALP 1972: 443-451 - Aravind K. Joshi, Leon S. Levy, Masako Takahashi:
A Tree Generating System. ICALP 1972: 453-465 - Rudolf E. Kálmán:
Realization Theory of Linear Systems over a Commutative Ring. ICALP 1972: 61-65 - Rainer Kemp:
An Estimation of the Set of States of the Minimal LR(0)-Acceptor. ICALP 1972: 563-574 - Denis J. Kfoury:
Comparing Algebraic Structures up to Algorithmic Equivalence. ICALP 1972: 253-263 - Jean Kott:
Remarques sur la structure des schémas de programmes. ICALP 1972: 265-271 - S.-Y. Kuroda:
On Structural Similarity of Phrase-Structure Languages. ICALP 1972: 467-474 - André Lentin:
Equations in Free Monoids. ICALP 1972: 67-85