- 1991
- Peter Gritzmann, Bernd Sturmfels:
Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics, Proceedings of a DIMACS Workshop, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 18, 1990. DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 4, DIMACS/AMS 1991, ISBN 978-0-8218-6593-4 [contents] - 1990
- Hans Achatz, Peter Kleinschmidt, Konstantinos Paparrizos:
A Dual Forest Algorithm for the Assignment Problem. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 1-10 - Jonathan Ashley, Branko Grünbaum, Geoffrey C. Shephard, Walter Stromquist:
Self-duality Groups and Ranks of Self-dualities. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 11-50 - Imre Bárány, Jacob E. Goodman, Richard Pollack:
Do Projections Go to Infinity? Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 51-62 - David W. Barnette:
The Minimal Projective Plane Polyhedral Maps. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 63-70 - András Bezdek, Wlodzimierz Kuperberg:
Packing Euclidean Space with Congruent Cylinders andwith Congruent Ellipsoids. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 71-80 - Anders Björner, Gil Kalai:
Extended Euler-Poincare Relations for Cell Complexes. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 81-90 - Karl Heinz Borgwardt, Norbert Gaffke, Michael Jünger, Gerhard Reinelt:
Computing the Convex Hull in the Euclidean Plane in Linear Expected Time. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 91-108 - Marilyn Breen:
Measures of F-Stars in Finitely Starlike Sets. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 109-116 - Richard A. Brualdi, Bryan L. Shader:
On Sign-Nonsingular Matrices and the Conversion of the Permanent into the Determinant. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 117-134 - Edith Cohen, Nimrod Megiddo:
Recognizing Properties of Periodic Graphs. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 135-146 - Robert Connelly:
On Generic Global Rigidity. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 147-156 - H. S. M. Coxeter, Geoffrey C. Shephard:
Some Regular Maps and Their Polyhedral Realizations. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 157-174 - Leoni Dalla, David G. Larman:
Volumes of a Random Polytope in a Convex Set. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 175-180 - Boris V. Dekster:
Bodies of Constant Width in Riemannian Manifolds and Spaces of Constant Curvature. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 181-192 - Duane W. DeTemple, Jack M. Robertson, Graham Wood:
Uniquely Remotal Hulls. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 193-204 - Michel Deza, Viatcheslav P. Grishukhin, Monique Laurent:
The Symmetries of the Cut Polytope and of Some Relatives. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 205-220 - Michel Deza, Martin Grötschel, Monique Laurent:
Complete Descriptions of Small Multicut Polytopes. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 221-252 - Herbert Edelsbrunner, Micha Sharir:
A Hyperplane Incidence Problem with Applications to Counting Distances. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 253-264 - Paul Erdös, Endre Makai, János Pach, Joel H. Spencer:
Gaps in Difference Sets, and the Graph of Nearly Equal Distances. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 265-274 - Paul Filliman:
Symmetric Solutions to Isoperimetric Problems for Polytopes. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 289-300 - Allen A. Goldstein:
A Global Newton Method. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 301-308 - Peter M. Gruber:
Volume Approximation of Convex Bodies by Circumscribed Polytopes. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 309-318 - Heiko Harborth, Lothar Piepmeyer:
Points Sets with Small Integral Distances. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 319-324 - Erhard Heil:
Convex Minimizers of Variational Problems. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 325-334 - Paul N. Hilfinger, Eugene L. Lawler, Günter Rote:
Flattening a Rooted Tree. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 335-340 - Reiner Horst, Hoang Tuy:
The Geometric Complementarity Problem and Transcending Stationarity in Global Optimization. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 341-354 - T. C. Hu, Andrew B. Kahng:
Every Tree is Graceful (But Some are More Graceful than Others). Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 355-358 - Charles R. Johnson, John S. Maybee:
Qualitative Analysis of Schur Complements. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 359-366 - Mark J. Kaiser, Thomas L. Morin, Theodore B. Trafalis:
Centers and Invariant Points of Convex Bodies. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 367-386