- 1999
- Wil M. P. van der Aalst:
Generic Workflow Models: How to Handle Dynamic Change and Capture Management Information? CoopIS 1999: 115-126 - Franco Arcieri, Elettra Cappadozzi, Paolo Naggar, Enrico Nardelli, Maurizio Talamo:
Access Keys Warehouse: A New Approach to the Development of Cooperative Information Systems. CoopIS 1999: 46-56 - Naveen Ashish, Craig A. Knoblock, Cyrus Shahabi:
Selectively Materializing Data in Mediators by Analyzing User Queries. CoopIS 1999: 256-266 - Donald Baker, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos
, Hans Schuster, Anthony R. Cassandra, Andrzej Cichocki:
Providing Customized Process and Situation Awareness in the Collaboration Management Infrastructure. CoopIS 1999: 79-91 - Alistair P. Barros, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede
Modeling Extensions for Concurrent Workflow Coordination. CoopIS 1999: 336-347 - Michael Becht, Thorsten Riemke-Gurzki, Jürgen Klarmann, Matthias Muscholl:
ROPE: Role Oriented Programming Environment for Multiagent Systems. CoopIS 1999: 325-333 - Laura Bright, Louiqa Raschid, Vladimir Zadorozhny, Tao Zhan:
Learning Response Times for WebSources: A Comparison of a Web Prediction Tool (WebPT) and a Neural Network. CoopIS 1999: 160-171 - Fabio Casati, Giuseppe Pozzi:
Modeling Exceptional Behaviors in Commercial Workflow Management Systems. CoopIS 1999: 127-138 - Tiziana Catarci:
Web-Based Information Access. CoopIS 1999: 10-19 - Stefano Ceri:
Models and Tools for Designing Data-Intensive WEB Applications (Abstract). CoopIS 1999: 3 - Qiming Chen, Umeshwar Dayal, Meichun Hsu:
A Distributed OLAP Infrastructure for E-Commerce. CoopIS 1999: 209-220 - Paul W. P. J. Grefen, Jochem Vonk, Erik M. Boertjes, Peter M. G. Apers:
Semantics and Architecture of Global Transaction Support in Workflow Environments. CoopIS 1999: 348-359 - Nicholas R. Jennings:
Negotiating Agents for Corporate-Wide Business Process Management (Abstract). CoopIS 1999: 2 - Vanja Josifovski, Timour Katchaounov, Tore Risch:
Optimizing Queries in Distributed and Composable Mediators. CoopIS 1999: 291-302 - Zoubida Kedad, Mokrane Bouzeghoub:
Discovering View Expressions from a Multi-Source Information System. CoopIS 1999: 57-68 - David Konopnicki, Lior Leiba, Oded Shmueli, Yehoshua Sagiv:
A Formal Yet Practical Approach to Electronic Commerce. CoopIS 1999: 197-208 - David Konopnicki, Oded Shmueli:
A Comprehensive Framework for Querying and Integrating WWW Data and Services. CoopIS 1999: 172-183 - Markus Kradolfer, Andreas Geppert:
Dynamic Workflow Schema Evolution Based on Workflow Type Versioning and Workflow Migration. CoopIS 1999: 104-114 - Christoph Liebig, Mariano Cilia, Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Event Composition in Time-dependent Distributed Systems. CoopIS 1999: 70-78 - Andreas Margelisch, Ulrich Reimer, Martin Staudt, Thomas Vetterli:
Cooperative Support for Office Work in the Insurance Business. CoopIS 1999: 243-253 - Weiyi Meng, Clement T. Yu, King-Lup Liu:
Detection of Heterogeneities in a Multiple Text Database Environment. CoopIS 1999: 22-33 - Klaus Meyer-Wegener, Markus Böhm:
Conceptual Workflow Schemas. CoopIS 1999: 234-242 - Michael Minock, Marek Rusinkiewicz, Brad Perry:
The Identification of Missing Information Resources through the Query Difference Operator. CoopIS 1999: 304-314 - Luigi Palopoli, Domenico Saccà, Giorgio Terracina
, Domenico Ursino
A Unified Graph-Based Framework for Deriving Nominal Interscheme Properties, Type Conflicts and Object Cluster Similarities. CoopIS 1999: 34-45 - Brad Perry, Malcolm C. Taylor, Amy Unruh:
Information Aggregation and Agent Interaction Patterns in InfoSleuth(tm). CoopIS 1999: 314-324 - Arnon Rosenthal, Scott Renner:
Annotations: Digital Post-Its as an Information Model? (Panel). CoopIS 1999: 6-7 - Arnaud Sahuguet, Fabien Azavant:
Looking at the Web through XML Glasses. CoopIS 1999: 148-159 - Srinath Srinivasa, Myra Spiliopoulou:
Modeling Interactions Based on Consistent Patterns. CoopIS 1999: 92-101 - Jian Tang:
Ad-Hoc Recovery in Workflows: A Formal Model and Some System Support Aspects. CoopIS 1999: 222-233 - Yannis Vassiliou, Matthias Jarke, Timos K. Sellis
, Eric Simon:
Panel on Data Warehouse Quality Issues. CoopIS 1999: 8-9