- 1988
- Dana Angluin:
Learning With Hints. COLT 1988: 167-181 - Ranan B. Banerji:
Learning Theories in a Subset of a Polyadic Logic. COLT 1988: 267-278 - Gyora M. Benedek, Alon Itai:
Learnability by Fixed Distributions. COLT 1988: 80-90 - Avrim Blum, Ronald L. Rivest:
Training a 3-Node Neural Network is NP-Complete. COLT 1988: 9-18 - Stéphane Boucheron, Jean Sallantin:
Some Remarks About Space-Complexity of Learning, and Circuit Complexity of Recognizing. COLT 1988: 125-138 - John Case:
The Power of Vacillation. COLT 1988: 196-205 - John C. Cherniavsky, Mahendran Velauthapillai, Richard Statman:
Inductive Inference: An Abstract Approach. COLT 1988: 251-266 - Robert P. Daley:
Transformation of Probabilistic Learning Strategies into Deterministic Learning Strategies. COLT 1988: 220-226 - Alfredo De Santis, George Markowsky, Mark N. Wegman:
Learning Probabilistic Prediction Functions. COLT 1988: 312-328 - Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler:
Learning Decision Trees from Random Examples. COLT 1988: 182-194 - Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, David Haussler, Michael J. Kearns, Leslie G. Valiant:
A General Lower Bound on the Number of Examples Needed for Learning. COLT 1988: 139-154 - William I. Gasarch, Carl H. Smith:
Learning via Queries. COLT 1988: 227-241 - William I. Gasarch, Ramesh K. Sitaraman, Carl H. Smith, Mahendran Velauthapillai:
Learning Programs with an Easy to Calculate Set of Errors. COLT 1988: 242-250 - David Haussler, Michael J. Kearns, Nick Littlestone, Manfred K. Warmuth:
Equivalence of Models for Polynomial Learnability. COLT 1988: 42-55 - David Haussler, Nick Littlestone, Manfred K. Warmuth:
Predicting {0, 1}-Functions on Randomly Drawn Points. COLT 1988: 280-296 - Oscar H. Ibarra, Tao Jiang:
Learning Regular Languages From Counterexamples. COLT 1988: 371-385 - J. Stephen Judd:
Learning in Neural Networks. COLT 1988: 2-8 - Stuart A. Kurtz, James S. Royer:
Prudence in Language Learning. COLT 1988: 206-219 - Philip D. Laird:
Efficient Unsupervised Learning. COLT 1988: 297-311 - Ming Li, Umesh V. Vazirani:
On the Learnability of Finite Automata. COLT 1988: 359-370 - Nathan Linial, Yishay Mansour, Ronald L. Rivest:
Results on Learnability and the Vapnick-Chervonenkis Dimension. COLT 1988: 56-68 - Assaf Marron:
Learning Pattern Languages from a Single Initial Example and from Queries. COLT 1988: 345-358 - Sara Porat, Jerome A. Feldman:
Learning Automata from Ordered Examples. COLT 1988: 386-396 - P. Raghavan:
Learning in Threshold Networks. COLT 1988: 19-27 - Ronald L. Rivest, Robert H. Sloan:
Learning Complicated Concepts Reliably and Usefully. COLT 1988: 69-79 - Yasubumi Sakakibara:
Learning Context-Free Grammars from Structural Data in Polynomial Time. COLT 1988: 330-344 - George Shackelford, Dennis Volper:
Learning k-DNF with Noise in the Attributes. COLT 1988: 97-103 - Haim Schweitzer:
Non-Learnable Classes of Boolean Formulae That Are Closer Under Variable Permutation. COLT 1988: 155-166 - Robert H. Sloan:
Types of Noise in Data for Concept Learning. COLT 1988: 91-96 - Leslie G. Valiant:
Functionality in Neural Nets. COLT 1988: 28-39