- 2014
- Min Zhang, Kazuhiro Ogata, Kokichi Futatsugi:
Verifying the Design of Dynamic Software Updating in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 560-577 - María Alpuente, Demis Ballis, Francisco Frechina, Julia Sapiña:
Inspecting Rewriting Logic Computations (in a Parametric and Stepwise Way). Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 229-255 - Lenz Belzner, Rocco De Nicola, Andrea Vandin, Martin Wirsing:
Reasoning (on) Service Component Ensembles in Rewriting Logic. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 188-211 - Dines Bjørner:
Domain Endurants - An Analysis and Description Process Model. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 1-34 - Roberto Bruni, Hernán C. Melgratti, Ugo Montanari:
Behaviour, Interaction and Dynamics. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 382-401 - Simon Cruanes, Stijn Heymans, Ian A. Mason, Sam Owre, Natarajan Shankar:
The Semantics of Datalog for the Evidential Tool Bus - (Extended Abstract). Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 256-275 - Razvan Diaconescu:
CafeOBJ Traces. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 53-65 - Francisco Durán, Manuel Roldán, Antonio Moreno-Delgado, José María Álvarez:
Dynamic Validation of Maude Prototypes of UML Models. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 212-228 - Santiago Escobar:
Functional Logic Programming in Maude. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 315-336 - Daniel Gâinâ, Dorel Lucanu, Kazuhiro Ogata, Kokichi Futatsugi:
On Automation of OTS/CafeOBJ Method. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 578-602 - Carlo Ghezzi, Andrea Mocci, Mario Sangiorgio:
Synthesis of Infinite-State Abstractions and Their Use for Software Validation. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 276-295 - Jon Grov, Peter Csaba Ölveczky:
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Google's Megastore in Real-Time Maude. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 494-519 - Anne E. Haxthausen:
An Institution for Imperative RSL Specifications. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 441-464 - Rolf Hennicker, Annabelle Klarl:
Foundations for Ensemble Modeling - The Helena Approach - Handling Massively Distributed Systems with ELaborate ENsemble Architectures. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 359-381 - Shaoying Liu:
Extending Operation Semantics to Enhance the Applicability of Formal Refinement. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 434-440 - Jiaxiang Liu, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud:
Confluence: The Unifying, Expressive Power of Locality. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 337-358 - Óscar Martín, Alberto Verdejo, Narciso Martí-Oliet:
Model Checking TLR* Guarantee Formulas on Infinite Systems. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 129-150 - Bertrand Meyer, Alexander Kogtenkov:
Negative Variables and the Essence of Object-Oriented Programming. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 171-187 - Till Mossakowski, Wieslaw Pawlowski, Donald Sannella, Andrzej Tarlecki:
Parchments for CafeOBJ Logics. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 66-91 - Shin Nakajima:
Everlasting Challenges with the OBJ Language Family. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 478-493 - Masaki Nakamura, Kazuhiro Ogata, Kokichi Futatsugi:
Incremental Proofs of Termination, Confluence and Sufficient Completeness of OBJ Specifications. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 92-109 - Kazuhiro Ogata, Kokichi Futatsugi:
Theorem Proving Based on Proof Scores for Rewrite Theory Specifications of OTSs. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 630-656 - Leon J. Osterweil:
On Formal Definition and Analysis of Formal Verification Processes. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 35-52 - Anh-Dung Phan, Michael R. Hansen, Jan Madsen:
EHRA: Specification and Analysis of Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 520-540 - Camilo Rocha, José Meseguer:
Mechanical Analysis of Reliable Communication in the Alternating Bit Protocol Using the Maude Invariant Analyzer Tool. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 603-629 - Grigore Rosu, Dorel Lucanu:
Behavioral Rewrite Systems and Behavioral Productivity. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 296-314 - John Rushby:
The Versatile Synchronous Observer. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 110-128 - Petros S. Stefaneas, Iakovos Ouranos, Nikolaos Triantafyllou, Katerina Ksystra:
Some Engineering Applications of the OTS/CafeOBJ Method. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 541-559 - Mark-Oliver Stehr, Minyoung Kim, Carolyn L. Talcott:
Partially Ordered Knowledge Sharing and Fractionated Systems in the Context of other Models for Distributed Computing. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 402-433 - Takeo Yaku, Koichi Anada, Koushi Anzai, Shinji Koka, Youzou Miyadera, Kensei Tsuchida:
8k-ary Grid Graph Models of Tabular Forms. Specification, Algebra, and Software 2014: 465-477