- 2009
- Hussam M. Dahwa Abdulla, Martin Polovincak, Václav Snásel:
Search Results Clustering Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF). ASONAM 2009: 320-323 - Abdullah Al-Barakati, Wei Zhang, Zeeshan Patoli, Michael Gkion, Natalia Beloff, Paul F. Newbury, Martin White:
An Integrated Workflow Management Solution for Heritage Information Mashups. ASONAM 2009: 284-289 - Ales Ziberna, Vasja Vehovar:
Using Social Network to Predict the Behavior of Active Members of Online Communities. ASONAM 2009: 119-124 - Ashwin Arulselvan, Pilar Mendoza, Vladimir Boginski, Panos M. Pardalos:
Predicting the Nexus between Post-Secondary Education Affordability and Student Success: An Application of Network-Based Approaches. ASONAM 2009: 149-154 - Alon Bartal, Elan Sasson, Gilad Ravid:
Predicting Links in Social Networks Using Text Mining and SNA. ASONAM 2009: 131-136 - Adam Bermingham, Maura Conway, Lisa McInerney, Neil O'Hare, Alan F. Smeaton:
Combining Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis to Explore the Potential for Online Radicalisation. ASONAM 2009: 231-236 - Prantik Bhattacharyya, Ankush Garg, Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
Social Network Model Based on Keyword Categorization. ASONAM 2009: 170-175 - Joseph Bonneau, Jonathan Anderson, George Danezis:
Prying Data out of a Social Network. ASONAM 2009: 249-254 - Romain Bourqui, Frédéric Gilbert, Paolo Simonetto, Faraz Zaidi, Umang Sharan, Fabien Jourdan:
Detecting Structural Changes and Command Hierarchies in Dynamic Social Networks. ASONAM 2009: 83-88 - Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner, Tom A. B. Snijders:
Networks Evolving Step by Step: Statistical Analysis of Dyadic Event Data. ASONAM 2009: 200-205 - Matteo Brunelli, Michele Fedrizzi:
A Fuzzy Approach to Social Network Analysis. ASONAM 2009: 225-230 - Jesús David Sánchez de Pablo González del Campo, Miha Skerlavaj, Fátima Guadamillas Gomez, Vlado Dimovski:
Exploratory Study of Intra-Organizational Learning from Social Network Perspective within a Spanish Knowledge Intensive Company. ASONAM 2009: 13-18 - Noah T. Cepela, James A. Danowski:
Automatic Mapping of Social Networks of Political Actors from Large Collections of News Stories. ASONAM 2009: 212-218 - Huo-Tsan Chang, Hui-Ju Wu, I-Hsien Ting:
Mining Organizational Networks for Layoff Prediction Model Construction. ASONAM 2009: 411-416 - Jiyang Chen, Osmar R. Zaïane, Randy Goebel:
Local Community Identification in Social Networks. ASONAM 2009: 237-242 - Jiyang Chen, Osmar R. Zaïane, Randy Goebel:
A Visual Data Mining Approach to Find Overlapping Communities in Networks. ASONAM 2009: 338-343 - Shin-Yan Chiou, Shih-Ying Chang, Ghita Mezzour, Adrian Perrig, Hung-Min Sun:
A Trustable Reputation Scheme Based on Private Relationships. ASONAM 2009: 19-24 - Hao-En Chueh, Nancy P. Lin, Nien-Yi Jan:
Mining Target-oriented Fuzzy Correlation Rules in Telecom Database. ASONAM 2009: 399-404 - Michele Coscia, Fosca Giannotti, Ruggero G. Pensa:
Social Network Analysis as Knowledge Discovery Process: A Case Study on Digital Bibliography. ASONAM 2009: 279-283 - Tarik Crnovrsanin, Carlos D. Correa, Kwan-Liu Ma:
Social Network Discovery Based on Sensitivity Analysis. ASONAM 2009: 107-112 - Dominik Dahlem, William Harrison:
Waiting Time Sensitivities of Social and Random Graph Models. ASONAM 2009: 176-181 - Elizabeth M. Daly:
Harnessing Wisdom of the Crowds Dynamics for Time-Dependent Reputation and Ranking. ASONAM 2009: 267-272 - James A. Danowski, Noah T. Cepela:
Automatic Mapping of Social Networks of Actors from Text Corpora: Time Series Analysis. ASONAM 2009: 137-142 - Artur Dubrawski, Purnamrita Sarkar, Lujie Chen:
Trade-offs between Agility and Reliability of Predictions in Dynamic Social Networks Used to Model Risk of Microbial Contamination of Food. ASONAM 2009: 125-130 - Mohammad El-Hajj, Robert S. Hayward:
Predicting User Behaviour to Facilitate Efficient Provision of Health Applications. ASONAM 2009: 324-329 - Ilham Esslimani, Armelle Brun, Anne Boyer:
From Social Networks to Behavioral Networks in Recommender Systems. ASONAM 2009: 143-148 - Ali Fathalian, Zahra Amin Nayeri, Mohammad Azadnia:
Impact of Using Semantic Social Networks on Organizations. ASONAM 2009: 47-52 - Roya Feizy, Ian Wakeman, Dan Chalmers:
Transformation of Online Representation through Time. ASONAM 2009: 273-278 - Matthias Funk, Armando B. Mendes:
The Social Network Induced by the Common Knowledge of Proverbs. ASONAM 2009: 375-378 - Vasco Furtado, Thiago Assunção, Marcos de Oliveira, Mairon Belchior, Johnatas D'Orleans:
A Method for Identifying Malicious Activity in Collaborative Systems with Maps. ASONAM 2009: 334-337