- 1960
- Franz L. Alt:
The outlook for machine translation. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 203-208 - Jack M. Andrews:
Mathematical applications of the dynamic storage analog computer. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 119-131 - Walter F. Bauer:
Horizons in computer system design. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 41-52 - Robert M. Beck, James M. Mitchell:
DAFT: a digital/analog function table. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 109-118 - George A. Bekey, Lucien W. Neustadt:
Analog computer techniques for plotting Bode and Nyquist diagrams. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 165-172 - Charles P. Bourne, Donald F. Ford:
The historical development, and predicted state-of-the-art of the general-purpose digital computer. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 1-22 - Kent D. Broadbent, Sei Shohara, George Wolfe:
Characteristics of a multiple magnetic plane thin film memory device. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 97-102 - C. West Churchman:
On a potential customer for an intelligent technician. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 283-284 - Ted A. Dolotta, Edward Joseph McCluskey Jr.:
Encoding of incompletely specified Boolean matrices. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 231-238 - Worthie Doyle:
Recognition of sloppy, hand-printed characters. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 133-142 - Gerald Estrin:
Organization of computer systems: the fixed plus variable structure computer. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 33-40 - Herbert L. Gelernter, J. R. Hansen, Donald W. Loveland:
Empirical explorations of the geometry theorem machine. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 143-149 - T. L. Genetta, H. P. Guerber, A. S. Rettig:
RCA's automatic store and forward message switching system. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 365-369 - Peter H. Greene:
A suggested model for information representation in a computer that perceives, learns, and reasons. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 151-164 - Leon D. Harmon:
A line-drawing pattern recognizer. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 351-364 - Paul S. Herwitz, James H. Pomerene:
The harvest system. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 23-32 - Charles D. Hofmann, Harold L. Pike:
Analog time delay system. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 103-108 - John H. Holland:
Iterative circuit computers. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 259-265 - Anatol W. Holt, W. J. Turanski:
Man-to-machine communication and automatic code translation. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 329-339 - Samuel N. Irwin, Robert R. Kley:
Analog computer serves as both systems analysis tool and operator training facility for Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 301-313 - R. C. Jackson, William H. Rhodes Jr., Wayne D. Winger, J. G. Brenza:
A built-in table lookup arithmetic unit. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 239-250 - Charles Kellogg:
The fact compiler: a system for the extraction, storage, and retrieval of information. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 73-82 - B. H. Klyce, J. J. Stone Jr.:
Production of magazine labels by the videograph process. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 371-382 - Robert H. Kohr:
Real-time automobile ride simulation. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 285-300 - Hans F. Meissinger:
The use of parameter influence coefficients in computer analysis of dynamic systems. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 181-192 - L. Miller, Jack Minker, W. G. Reed, Warren E. Shindle:
A multi-level file structure for information processing. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 53-60 - Allen Newell:
On programming a highly parallel machine to be an intelligent technician. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 267-282 - L. A. Ohlinger:
Anatran: first step in breeding the "diginalog". IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 315-328 - William Orchard-Hays:
A new approach to the programming problem. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 345-350 - T. Clif Penn, D. G. Fischer:
A word-oriented transistor driven non-destructive readout memory. IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference (Western) 1960: 83-89