- 1970
- Robert Anderson:
Completeness results for e-resolution. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 653-656 - Dennis W. Andrews, Ronald A. Radice:
Multiple consoles: a basis for communication growth in large systems. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 131-134 - A. Armenti, S. Galley, Robert P. Goldberg, J. Nolan, A. Sholl:
LISTAR: Lincoln Information Storage and Associative Retrieval system. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 313-322 - Ed Arthurs, W. S. Bartlett, D. J. Ladd, R. L. Salmon, J. H. Whipple:
Picturelab: an interactive facility for experimentation in picture processing. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 267-273 - Harut Barsamian:
Firmware sort processor with LSI components. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 183-190 - Neil Bartow, Robert McGuire:
System/360 model 85 microdiagnostics. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 191-197 - Forest Baskett, James C. Browne, William M. Raike:
The management of a multi-level non-paged memory system. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 459-465 - Gordon Bell, R. Cady, H. McFarland, Bruce Delagi, J. O'Laughlin, R. Noonan, William A. Wulf:
A new architecture for mini-computers: the DEC PDP-11. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 657-675 - C. Gordon Bell, Allen Newell:
The PMS and ISP descriptive systems for computer structures. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 351-374 - W. Jack Bouknight, K. Kelley:
An algorithm for producing half-tone computer graphics presentations with shadows and movable light sources. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 1-10 - G. J. Burnett, Edward G. Coffman Jr.:
A study of interleaved memory systems. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 467-474 - Alfonso F. Cardenas, Walter J. Karplus:
Design and organization of a translator for a partial differential equation language. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 513-523 - C. Stephen Carr, Stephen D. Crocker, Vinton G. Cerf:
HOST-HOST communication protocol in the ARPA network. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 589-597 - C. Christensen, A. D. Hause:
A multiprogramming, virtual memory system for a small computer. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 683-690 - Charles C. Church:
Computer instruction repertoire: time for a change. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 343-349 - Edward R. Coady:
The selection and training of computer personnel at the social security administration. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 711-717 - R. Colony, R. R. Reynolds:
An application of Hockney's method for solving Poisson's equation. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 409-416 - Fred F. Coury:
A systems approach to minicomputer I/O. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 677-681 - C. E. Crandell:
Linear programming in clinical dental education. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 485-486 - O. E. Dial:
The social impact of computers. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 449-451 - Herbert S. Donow:
Prosody and the computer: a text processor for stylistic analysis. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 287-295 - Pete C. Dressen:
The dataBASIC language: a data processing language for non-professional programmers. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 307-311 - Harvey Dubner, Joseph Abate:
TICKETRON: a successfully operating system without an operating system. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 143-155 - Raymond F. Erickson:
Music and the computer in the sixties. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 281-285 - David F. Foster:
Man-machine interaction for the discovery of high-level patterns. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 649-651 - Howard Frank, Ivan T. Frisch, Wushow Chou:
Topological considerations in the design of the ARPA computer network. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 581-587 - L. C. Geary, C. C. Li:
An improved generalized inverse algorithm for linear inequalities and its applications. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 437-448 - T. J. Gracon, Jon C. Strauss:
Design of automatic patching systems for analog computers. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 31-38 - Ralph Grishman:
The debugging system AIDS. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 59-64 - Sheldon Hackney:
Power to the computers: a revolution in history? AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1970: 275-279