- 2019
- Weam Nasan Agha, Janusz Szpytko:
The Intelligent Transport System Concept for Post - Disaster Infrastructure Under Reconstruction. TST 2019: 250-272 - Kamil Bolek, Kazimierz Liver:
BIG DATA as Concept for Optimization of the Passage of Privileged Vehicles in City Traffic Network. TST 2019: 137-150 - Andrzej Bujak:
Modern Telematics and Its Impact on Safety Development. TST 2019: 409-421 - Kristián Culík, Alica Kalasová, Veronika Harantová
Creating a Virtual Environment for Practical Driving Tests. TST 2019: 95-108 - Anna Dewalska-Opitek:
Inclination for Customer Citizenship Behaviour on Transportation Market. TST 2019: 422-433 - Piotr Andrzej Dmochowski, Jacek Skorupski
A Method of Evaluating Air Traffic Controller Time Workload. TST 2019: 363-376 - Mariusz Dramski
, Marcin Maka
AIS Data Acquisition for Intelligent System for Obtaining Statistics. TST 2019: 321-332 - Ewa Dudek
The Concept of Quality Assurance and Data Incompatibilities Management in Intelligent Air Transport Systems. TST 2019: 377-390 - Malgorzata Gajewska:
Propagation Loss and Interference Analysis for 5G Systems in the Context of C-ITS System Implementation. TST 2019: 109-122 - Frehaileab Admasu Gidebo, Janusz Szpytko:
How to Implement Telematics into the Urban Public Transportation System in Addis Ababa, Concept Study. TST 2019: 302-318 - Michal Gregor
, Ales Janota
, Lukás Slovácek:
Optimization of Fixed Time Control of Road Intersection by Evolution Strategies. TST 2019: 151-164 - Maciej Gwizdz, Wojciech Skarka
System for Planning and Monitoring Driving Strategy. TST 2019: 216-229 - Veronika Harantová
, Simona Kubíková
, Lubos Rumanovský:
Traffic Accident Occurrence, Its Prediction and Causes. TST 2019: 123-136 - Ryszard Janecki, Grzegorz Karon
, Jerzy Mikulski:
Telematic Applications for the Metropolitan Railway System (MR) in the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis. TST 2019: 3-16 - Emilia Koper
, Andrzej Kochan
, Lukasz Gruba:
Simulation of the Effect of Selected National Values on the Braking Curves of an ETCS Vehicle. TST 2019: 17-31 - Mieczyslaw Kornaszewski
, Roman Pniewski
The Impact of New Telematics Solutions on the Safety of Railway Traffic on the Example of Modern Simulators Railway Traffic Control Devices. TST 2019: 32-43 - Remigiusz Kozlowski
, Per Engelseth:
Organizational Changes Related to the Launch of ITS on the Example of Lodz. TST 2019: 165-176 - Wiktoria Loga
, Artur Rygula
, Justyna Sordyl
Using Wireless Sensor Networks for Vehicles and Pedestrian Movement Tracking. TST 2019: 177-187 - Miroslava Mikusová
, Jamshid Abdunazarov
, Joanna Zukowska
Modelling of the Movement of Designed Vehicles on Parking Space for Designing Parking. TST 2019: 188-201 - Waldemar Nowakowski
, Tomasz Ciszewski
, Zbigniew Lukasik
The Software Framework for Simulating Railway Automation Systems Failures. TST 2019: 44-56 - Mariusz Nürnberg
, Stanislaw Iwan
Application of Telematics Solutions for Improvement the Availability of Electric Vehicles Charging Stations. TST 2019: 287-301 - Zuzana Otáhalová, Milos Poliak
, Stefánia Semanová:
Control of Compliance with the Ban on Illegal Work and Illegal Employment in the Sector of Road Freight Transport. TST 2019: 434-447 - Marek Pawlik:
Railway Safety and Security Versus Growing Cybercrime Challenges. TST 2019: 57-68 - Tomasz Perzynski
, Andrzej Lewinski:
Selected Telematics Solutions in City Transport. TST 2019: 202-215 - Zbigniew Pietrzykowski
, Miroslaw Wielgosz
, Marcin Breitsprecher
The Determination of the Sea Navigator Safety Profile Using Data Mining. TST 2019: 333-345 - Karol Rástocný
, Emília Bubeníková
Safety and Availability - Basic Attributes of Safety-Related Electronic Systems for Railway Signalling. TST 2019: 69-82 - Andrzej Szelmanowski, Andrzej Pazur, Krzysztof Sajda:
Model Tests on an Integration Method of Collision Avoidance and Radio Communication Systems with Helmet-Mounted Imaging Systems in Order to Increase Safety of Air Transport Systems. TST 2019: 391-406 - Janusz Szpytko, Lenier Aleman Hurtado, Yorlandys Salgado Duarte:
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Transport Service Improvement via Telematics Support. TST 2019: 230-249 - Ryszard Wawruch:
Comparative Analysis of the Usefulness of AIS and ARPA for Anti-collision Purposes and Detection of Ship Manoeuvres. TST 2019: 346-360 - Przemyslaw Woloszyk, Mariusz Bulawa:
Safe Communication for Railway Transport Using the Example of Axle Counter. TST 2019: 83-92