- 2011
- Giovanni M. Alluvatti, Andrea Capiluppi
, Giuseppe De Ruvo
, Marco Molfetta:
User generated (web) content: trash or treasure. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 81-90 - Tom Arbuckle:
Measuring multi-language software evolution: a case study. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 91-95 - Eya Ben Charrada, David Caspar, Cédric Jeanneret, Martin Glinz:
Towards a benchmark for traceability. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 21-30 - Hoa Khanh Dam
, Aditya Ghose:
An agent-based framework for distributed collaborative model evolution. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 121-130 - Neil A. Ernst
, Alexander Borgida, John Mylopoulos:
Requirements evolution drives software evolution. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 16-20 - Emanuel Giger, Martin Pinzger, Harald C. Gall
Using the gini coefficient for bug prediction in eclipse. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 51-55 - Allan Raundahl Gregersen, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
Run-time phenomena in dynamic software updating: causes and effects. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 6-15 - Hideaki Hata
, Osamu Mizuno
, Tohru Kikuno:
Historage: fine-grained version control system for Java. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 96-100 - Mathieu Lavallée, Pierre N. Robillard:
Causes of premature aging during software development: an observational study. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 61-70 - Steffen Lehnert:
A taxonomy for software change impact analysis. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 41-50 - Cristina Marinescu:
Are the classes that use exceptions defect prone? EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 56-60 - Anne Meade, Jim Buckley
, J. J. Collins:
Challenges of evolving sequential to parallel code: an exploratory review. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 1-5 - Lionel Montrieux, Michel Wermelinger, Yijun Yu
Challenges in model-based evolution and merging of access control policies. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 116-120 - Gustavo Ansaldi Oliva, Francisco W. Santana, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Cleidson R. B. de Souza:
Towards a classification of logical dependencies origins: a case study. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 31-40 - Takayuki Omori, Katsuhisa Maruyama:
An editing-operation replayer with highlights supporting investigation of program modifications. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 101-105 - Matthias Riebisch, Stephan Bode, Robert Brcina:
Problem-solution mapping for forward and reengineering on architectural level. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 106-115 - Wen Zhang, Ye Yang, Qing Wang:
Network analysis of OSS evolution: an empirical study on ArgoUML project. EVOL/IWPSE 2011: 71-80 - Anthony Cleve, Romain Robbes:
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution and the 7th annual ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution, EVOL/IWPSE 2011, Szeged, Hungary, September 5-6, 2011. ACM 2011, ISBN 978-1-4503-0848-9 [contents] - 2010
- Marcel van Amstel, Mark van den Brand
, Luc Engelen
An exercise in iterative domain-specific language design. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 48-57 - Cor-Paul Bezemer
, Andy Zaidman
Multi-tenant SaaS applications: maintenance dream or nightmare? EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 88-92 - John Businge, Alexander Serebrenik
, Mark van den Brand
An empirical study of the evolution of Eclipse third-party plug-ins. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 63-72 - Eya Ben Charrada, Martin Glinz:
An automated hint generation approach for supporting the evolution of requirements specifications. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 58-62 - Joris Van Geet, Peter Ebraert, Serge Demeyer:
Redocumentation of a legacy banking system: an experience report. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 33-41 - Mathieu Goeminne, Tom Mens
A framework for analysing and visualising open source software ecosystems. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 42-47 - Lile Hattori, Mircea Lungu, Michele Lanza:
Replaying past changes in multi-developer projects. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 13-22 - Shinpei Hayashi
, Motoshi Saeki:
Recording finer-grained software evolution with IDE: an annotation-based approach. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 8-12 - Keisuke Hotta, Yukiko Sano, Yoshiki Higo, Shinji Kusumoto:
Is duplicate code more frequently modified than non-duplicate code in software evolution?: an empirical study on open source software. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 73-82 - Paola Inverardi, Marco Mori:
Feature oriented evolutions for context-aware adaptive systems. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 93-97 - Yuki Manabe, Yasuhiro Hayase, Katsuro Inoue:
Evolutional analysis of licenses in FOSS. EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 83-87 - Andrian Marcus:
Software is data too: how should we deal with it? EVOL/IWPSE 2010: 1