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@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/AsgeirssonACEMPVWW02, author = {Eyj{\'{o}}lfur Ingi {\'{A}}sgeirsson and Urtzi Ayesta and Edward G. Coffman Jr. and J. Etra and Petar Momcilovic and David J. Phillips and V. Vokhshoori and Z. Wang and J. Wolfe}, title = {Closed On-Line Bin Packing}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {361--367}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Csakany02, author = {B. Cs{\'{a}}k{\'{a}}ny}, title = {A form of the Zermelo-von Neumann theorem under minimal assumptions}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {321--325}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/FaragoG02, author = {Csaba Farag{\'{o}} and Tam{\'{a}}s Gergely}, title = {Handling Pointers and Unstructured Statements in the Forward Computed Dynamic Slice Algorithm}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {489--508}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/FerencGMP02, author = {Rudolf Ferenc and Juha Gustafsson and L{\'{a}}szl{\'{o}} M{\"{u}}ller and Jukka Paakki}, title = {Recognizing Design Patterns in {C++} Programs with the Integration of Columbus and Maisa}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {669--682}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/ForisSHNF02, author = {G{\'{a}}bor F{\'{o}}ris and L{\'{a}}szl{\'{o}} S{\'{o}}gor and P{\'{e}}ter Hendlein and Kriszti{\'{a}}n Notaisz and M{\'{a}}rta Fidrich}, title = {Development of a Communication Environment between IPv6 and IPv4}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {683--704}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Havasi02, author = {Ferenc Havasi}, title = {{XML} Semantics Extension}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {509--528}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Imreh02, author = {Bal{\'{a}}zs Imreh}, title = {Automaton Theory Approach for Solving Modified {PNS} Problems}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {327--338}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/KisML02, author = {Piroska B. Kis and Csaba Mih{\'{a}}lyk{\'{o}} and B{\'{e}}la G. Lakatos}, title = {Mathematical models for simulation of continuous grinding process with recirculation}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {529--545}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/KoskinenMS02, author = {Johannes Koskinen and Erkki M{\"{a}}kinen and Tarja Syst{\"{a}}}, title = {Implementing a Component-Based Tool for Interactive Synthesis of {UML} Statechart Diagrams}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {547--565}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Kotkas02, author = {Vahur Kotkas}, title = {A distributed program synthesizer}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {567--581}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/KovacsPC02, author = {G{\'{a}}bor Kov{\'{a}}cs and Zolt{\'{a}}n Pap and Gyula Csopaki}, title = {Automatic Test Selection based on {CEFSM} Specifications}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {583--599}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Kungas02, author = {Peep K{\"{u}}ngas}, title = {Resource-Conscious {AI} Planning with Conjunctions and Disjunctions}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {601--620}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/LinkS02, author = {Sebastian Link and Klaus{-}Dieter Schewe}, title = {An Arithmetic Theory of Consistency Enforcement}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {379--416}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/LorentsenTX02, author = {Louise Lorentsen and Antti{-}Pekka Tuovinen and Jianli Xu}, title = {Experiences in Modelling Feature Interactions with Coloured Petri Nets}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {621--632}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/MateescuSY02, author = {Alexandru Mateescu and Arto Salomaa and Sheng Yu}, title = {Factorizations of Languages and Commutativity Conditions}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {339--351}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/MedunaS02, author = {Alexander Meduna and Martin Svec}, title = {Reduction of Simple Semi-Conditional Grammars with Respect to the Number of Conditional Productions}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {353--360}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/MelinteOOT02, author = {Roxana Melinte and Olivia Oanea and Ioana Olga and Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea}, title = {The Home Marking Problem and Some Related Concepts}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {467--478}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Nemeth02, author = {Zsolt N{\'{e}}meth}, title = {Definition of a Parallel Execution Model with Abstract State Machines}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {417--455}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Nestra02, author = {H{\"{a}}rmel Nestra}, title = {Framework for Studying Substitution}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {633--652}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/PapRHA02, author = {Zolt{\'{a}}n Pap and Zolt{\'{a}}n R{\'{e}}th{\'{a}}ti and R{\'{o}}bert Horv{\'{a}}th and Guszt{\'{a}}v Adamis}, title = {Standardized Event Pair Based Test Generation Method Using TSS{\&}TP}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {653--667}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/SchuurmanW02, author = {Petra Schuurman and Gerhard J. Woeginger}, title = {A {PTAS} for single machine scheduling with controllable processing times}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {369--378}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Sneed02, author = {Harry M. Sneed}, title = {Human Cognition of Complex Thought Patterns}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {481--487}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Vaarandi02, author = {Risto Vaarandi}, title = {Platform Independent Tool for Local Event Correlation}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {705--723}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/VuR02, author = {Nghia D. Vu and Bina Ramamurthy}, title = {Properties of Composite of Closure Operations and Choice Functions}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {457--465}, year = {2002}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Adam01, author = {Andr{\'{a}}s {\'{A}}d{\'{a}}m}, title = {On some algebraic properties of automata}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {1--8}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Balogh01, author = {Emese Balogh}, title = {Generation and Reconstruction of hv-convex 8-connected Discrete Sets}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {185--200}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/DassowP01, author = {J{\"{u}}rgen Dassow and Gheorghe Paun}, title = {P Systems with Communication Based on Concentration}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {9--23}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/DombiZ01, author = {J{\'{o}}zsef Dombi and {\'{A}}kos Zsiros}, title = {Learning Decision Trees in Continuous Space}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {213--224}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Mon, 03 May 2021 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/DomosiO01, author = {P{\'{a}}l D{\"{o}}m{\"{o}}si and Satoshi Okawa}, title = {A Chomsky-Sch{\"{u}}tzenberger-Stanley Type Characterization of the Class of Slender Context-Free Languages}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {25--32}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/GarzonG01, author = {Ester M. Garz{\'{o}}n and Inmaculada Garc{\'{\i}}a}, title = {Parallel implementation for large and sparse eigenproblems}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {137--149}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/GecsegI01, author = {Ferenc G{\'{e}}cseg and Bal{\'{a}}zs Imreh}, title = {On isomorphic representations of generalized definite automata}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {33--43}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Gonzalez-LinaresGZOG01, author = {Jos{\'{e}} Mar{\'{\i}}a Gonz{\'{a}}lez{-}Linares and Nicol{\'{a}}s Guil and Emilio L. Zapata and Pilar Mart{\'{\i}}nez Ortigosa and Inmaculada Garc{\'{\i}}a}, title = {Parallelization of an algorithm for the automatic detection of deformable objects}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {151--162}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Thu, 04 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0100}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Gyenesei01, author = {Attila Gyenesei}, title = {A Fuzzy Approach for Mining Quantitative Association Rules}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {305--320}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/HarmatiK01, author = {Istv{\'{a}}n {\'{A}}. Harmati and B{\'{a}}lint Kiss}, title = {Motion Planning Algorithms for Stratified Kinematic Systems with Application to the Hexapod Robot}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {225--240}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Imreh01, author = {Csan{\'{a}}d Imreh}, title = {An online scheduling algorithm for a two-layer multiprocessor architecture}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {163--172}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Katsanyi01, author = {Istv{\'{a}}n Kats{\'{a}}nyi}, title = {Sets of integers in different number systems and the Chomsky hierarchy}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {121--136}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/KelarevS01, author = {Andrei V. Kelarev and Olga Sokratova}, title = {Languages Recognized by a Class of Finite Automata}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {45--52}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/KochD01, author = {Gy. Koch and J{\'{o}}zsef Dombi}, title = {SmallSteps: An Adaptive Distance-based Clustering Algorithm}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {241--256}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Mon, 03 May 2021 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/KrishnaRK01, author = {Shankara Narayanan Krishna and Raghavan Rama and Kamala Krithivasan}, title = {P Systems with Picture Objects}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {53--74}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/MontiP01, author = {Angelo Monti and Adriano Peron}, title = {Logical definability of Y-tree and trellis systolic omega-languages}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {75--100}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/OrtigosaRR01, author = {Eva M. Ortigosa and Luis F. Romero and Juan I. Ramos}, title = {Parallel Simulation of Spiral Waves in Reacting and Diffusing Media}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {173--184}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/Palagyi01, author = {K{\'{a}}lm{\'{a}}n Pal{\'{a}}gyi}, title = {A 3D Parallel Shrinking Algorithm}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {201--211}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/SzilagyiHG01, author = {Gy{\"{o}}ngyi Szil{\'{a}}gyi and L{\'{a}}szl{\'{o}} Harmath and Tibor Gyim{\'{o}}thy}, title = {The Debug Slicing of Logic Programs}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {257--278}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/TanacsCPK01, author = {Attila Tan{\'{a}}cs and G{\'{a}}bor Cz{\'{e}}dli and K{\'{a}}lm{\'{a}}n Pal{\'{a}}gyi and Attila Kuba}, title = {Affine matching of two sets of points in arbitrary dimensions}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {101--106}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/WoegingerS01, author = {Gerhard J. Woeginger and Jir{\'{\i}} Sgall}, title = {The complexity of coloring graphs without long induced paths}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {107--117}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
@article{DBLP:journals/actaC/ZvadaG01, author = {Szilvia Zvada and Tibor Gyim{\'{o}}thy}, title = {Using Decision Trees to Infer Semantic Functions of Attribute Grammars}, journal = {Acta Cybern.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {279--304}, year = {2001}, url = {}, timestamp = {Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,} }
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