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  author       = {Edd Barrett and
                  Carl Friedrich Bolz and
                  Laurence Tratt},
  editor       = {Christoph Bockisch and
                  Michael Haupt and
                  Steve Blackburn and
                  Hridesh Rajan and
                  Joseph Gil},
  title        = {Unipycation: a case study in cross-language tracing},
  booktitle    = {VMIL@SPLASH '13: Proceedings of the 7th {ACM} workshop on Virtual
                  machines and intermediate languages, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 28 October
  pages        = {31--40},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2542142.2542146},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 03 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Gilles Duboscq and
                  Thomas W{\"{u}}rthinger and
                  Lukas Stadler and
                  Christian Wimmer and
                  Doug Simon and
                  Hanspeter M{\"{o}}ssenb{\"{o}}ck},
  editor       = {Christoph Bockisch and
                  Michael Haupt and
                  Steve Blackburn and
                  Hridesh Rajan and
                  Joseph Gil},
  title        = {An intermediate representation for speculative optimizations in a
                  dynamic compiler},
  booktitle    = {VMIL@SPLASH '13: Proceedings of the 7th {ACM} workshop on Virtual
                  machines and intermediate languages, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 28 October
  pages        = {1--10},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2542142.2542143},
  timestamp    = {Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Aibek Sarimbekov and
                  Andrej Podzimek and
                  Lubom{\'{\i}}r Bulej and
                  Yudi Zheng and
                  Nathan P. Ricci and
                  Walter Binder},
  editor       = {Christoph Bockisch and
                  Michael Haupt and
                  Steve Blackburn and
                  Hridesh Rajan and
                  Joseph Gil},
  title        = {Characteristics of dynamic {JVM} languages},
  booktitle    = {VMIL@SPLASH '13: Proceedings of the 7th {ACM} workshop on Virtual
                  machines and intermediate languages, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 28 October
  pages        = {11--20},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2542142.2542144},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Xipeng Shen},
  editor       = {Christoph Bockisch and
                  Michael Haupt and
                  Steve Blackburn and
                  Hridesh Rajan and
                  Joseph Gil},
  title        = {Do computer programs have to be as dumb as they are?: input-centric
                  dynamic program optimizations},
  booktitle    = {VMIL@SPLASH '13: Proceedings of the 7th {ACM} workshop on Virtual
                  machines and intermediate languages, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 28 October
  pages        = {41--42},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2542142.2542170},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 09 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Yudi Zheng and
                  Lubom{\'{\i}}r Bulej and
                  Cheng Zhang and
                  Stephen Kell and
                  Danilo Ansaloni and
                  Walter Binder},
  editor       = {Christoph Bockisch and
                  Michael Haupt and
                  Steve Blackburn and
                  Hridesh Rajan and
                  Joseph Gil},
  title        = {Dynamic optimization of bytecode instrumentation},
  booktitle    = {VMIL@SPLASH '13: Proceedings of the 7th {ACM} workshop on Virtual
                  machines and intermediate languages, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 28 October
  pages        = {21--30},
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2542142.2542145},
  timestamp    = {Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  editor       = {Christoph Bockisch and
                  Michael Haupt and
                  Steve Blackburn and
                  Hridesh Rajan and
                  Joseph Gil},
  title        = {VMIL@SPLASH '13: Proceedings of the 7th {ACM} workshop on Virtual
                  machines and intermediate languages, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 28 October
  publisher    = {{ACM}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1145/2542142},
  isbn         = {978-1-4503-2601-8},
  timestamp    = {Thu, 09 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}