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  author       = {Valerie Albrecht},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Ans{\"{a}}tze f{\"{u}}r die neue Verwaltungsplattform in
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {75--86},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {J{\"{u}}rgen Anke and
                  Uwe Fischer and
                  Ren{\'{e}} Lemke},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Integration digitaler Sprach{\-}assistenten in den Kundenservice am
                  Beispiel der Stadtwerke Leipzig},
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {25--36},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Constantin Houy and
                  Maarten Hamberg and
                  Peter Fettke},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Robotic Process Automation in Public Administrations},
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {62--74},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {J{\"{o}}rn von Lucke},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Disruptive Modernisierung von Staat und Verwaltung durch den gezielten
                  Einsatz von smarten Objekten, cyberphysischen Systemen und k{\"{u}}nstlicher
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {49--61},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Lena Nellius and
                  Robert Zepic and
                  Helmut Krcmar},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Finaler Logout - ein neuer Ansatz f{\"{u}}r die Gestaltung des
                  digitalen Nachlasses bei sozialen Netzwerken},
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {37--48},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Dirk Stocksmeier and
                  Maria A. Wimmer and
                  Michaela F{\"{u}}hrer and
                  Katharina Essmeyer},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Once-Only in Deutschland und Europa: Eine Roadmap grenz{\"{u}}berschreitender
                  Vernetzung im Bereich Steuern},
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {87--98},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  author       = {Thomas S{\"{u}}ptitz and
                  Torsten Eymann},
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {IT-Outsourcing f{\"{u}}r die Justiz: Ein Eingriff in die richterliche
  booktitle    = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  pages        = {13--24},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 04 Jul 2023 01:00:00 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
  editor       = {Michael R{\"{a}}ckers and
                  Sebastian Halsbenning and
                  Detlef R{\"{a}}tz and
                  David Richter and
                  Erich Schweighofer},
  title        = {Digitalisierung von Staat und Verwaltung, Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik
                  {(FTVI)} und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik {(FTRI)} 2019, 6. und 7.
                  M{\"{a}}rz 2019 in M{\"{u}}nster},
  series       = {{LNI}},
  volume       = {{P-291}},
  publisher    = {Gesellschaft f{\"{u}}r Informatik e.V.},
  year         = {2019},
  url          = {},
  isbn         = {978-3-88579-685-5},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 13 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}