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@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Aho11, author = {Alfred V. Aho}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Complexity Theory}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {241--267}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_12}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_12}, timestamp = {Wed, 14 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0100}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Aho11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/BelohlavekKM11, author = {Radim Belohl{\'{a}}vek and Rudolf Kruse and Christian Moewes}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Fuzzy Logic in Computer Science}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {385--419}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_16}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_16}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/BelohlavekKM11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/BenediktS11, author = {Michael Benedikt and Pierre Senellart}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Databases}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {169--229}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_10}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_10}, timestamp = {Wed, 25 Sep 2019 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/BenediktS11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Blum11, author = {Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Introduction and Prologue}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {3--10}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_1}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_1}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Blum11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Blum11a, author = {Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Computation: Brief History Prior to the 1900s}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {11--16}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_2}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_2}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Blum11a.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Blum11b, author = {Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {The Heart of Computer Science}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {17--52}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_3}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_3}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Blum11b.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Blum11c, author = {Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {The Hardware Side}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {71--96}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_5}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_5}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Blum11c.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Blum11d, author = {Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Operating Systems {(OS)}}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {97--104}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_6}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_6}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Blum11d.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/BlumS11, author = {Edward K. Blum and Walter J. Savitch}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {The Software Side of Computer Science - Computer Programming}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {53--68}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_4}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_4}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/BlumS11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Brun11, author = {Todd A. Brun}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Quantum Computing}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {295--347}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_14}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_14}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Brun11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/FellowsGR11, author = {Michael R. Fellows and Serge Gaspers and Frances A. Rosamond}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Multivariate Complexity Theory}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {269--293}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_13}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_13}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/FellowsGR11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/GrahamB11, author = {Fan Chung Graham and Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Computer Networks}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {105--137}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_7}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_7}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/GrahamB11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Pepin11, author = {James M. Pepin}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {High Performance Computing and Communication {(HPCC)}}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {139--153}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_8}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_8}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Pepin11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/RaskindB11, author = {Wayne Raskind and Edward K. Blum}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Computer Security and Public Key Cryptography}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {231--240}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_11}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_11}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/RaskindB11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Rosamond11, author = {Frances A. Rosamond}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Statistics of the Field}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {421--466}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_17}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_17}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Rosamond11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/ScheidelerG11, author = {Christian Scheideler and Kalman Graffi}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Programming for Distributed Computing: From Physical to Logical Networks}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {155--168}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_9}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_9}, timestamp = {Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0100}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/ScheidelerG11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@incollection{DBLP:books/sp/cs2011/Teng11, author = {Shang{-}Hua Teng}, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Numerical Thinking in Algorithm Design and Analysis}, booktitle = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, pages = {349--384}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_15}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0\_15}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs2011/Teng11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
@book{DBLP:books/sp/cs11, editor = {Edward K. Blum and Alfred V. Aho}, title = {Computer Science, The Hardware, Software and Heart of It}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-1168-0}, isbn = {978-1-4614-1167-3}, timestamp = {Tue, 16 May 2017 01:00:00 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/sp/cs11.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }

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