Planning Support Facilities in Geoinformatic Systems: An Environment for Handling, Visualizing and Communicating Geo-Information." By STIG C. HOLMBERG. (Stockholm: Department of Geodesy, The Royal Institute of Technology, 1988.) [Pp. 48.].">Planning Support Facilities in Geoinformatic Systems: An Environment for Handling, Visualizing and Communicating Geo-Information." By STIG C. HOLMBERG. (Stockholm: Department of Geodesy, The Royal Institute of Technology, 1988.) [Pp. 48.]., dblp, computer science, bibliography, knowledge graph, author, editor, publication, conference, journal, book, thesis, database, collection, open data, bibtex">

"A review of: "Planning Support Facilities in Geoinformatic Systems: An ..."

P. F. Dale (1988)

Details and statistics

DOI: 10.1080/02693798808927902

access: closed

type: Journal Article

metadata version: 2020-05-12