Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds. Comparative Philosophical Perspectives. U. Krohs and P. Kroes (Eds.). Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology. (2009, MIT Press.) 302 pages.">Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds. Comparative Philosophical Perspectives. U. Krohs and P. Kroes (Eds.). Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology. (2009, MIT Press.) 302 pages., dblp, computer science, bibliography, knowledge graph, author, editor, publication, conference, journal, book, thesis, database, collection, open data, bibtex">

"In Search for Conceptual Bridges: A Review of "Functions in Biological and ..."

Cristian Saborido, Matteo Mossio, Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo (2010)

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DOI: 10.1162/ARTL_R_00010

access: closed

type: Journal Article

metadata version: 2020-03-13