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Stefan Leue
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- affiliation: University of Konstanz, Department of Computer and Information Science, Germany
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [i13]David Boetius, Stefan Leue:
Counterexample-Guided Repair of Reinforcement Learning Systems Using Safety Critics. CoRR abs/2405.15430 (2024) - [i12]David Boetius, Stefan Leue, Tobias Sutter:
Probabilistic Verification of Neural Networks using Branch and Bound. CoRR abs/2405.17556 (2024) - 2023
- [c67]David Boetius, Stefan Leue:
Verifying Global Neural Network Specifications using Hyperproperties. FoMLAS@CAV 2023: 71-82 - [c66]Fabian Bauer-Marquart, Stefan Leue, Christian Schilling:
symQV: Automated Symbolic Verification of Quantum Programs. FM 2023: 181-198 - [c65]David Boetius, Stefan Leue, Tobias Sutter:
A Robust Optimisation Perspective on Counterexample-Guided Repair of Neural Networks. ICML 2023: 2712-2737 - [i11]David Boetius, Stefan Leue, Tobias Sutter:
A Robust Optimisation Perspective on Counterexample-Guided Repair of Neural Networks. CoRR abs/2301.11342 (2023) - [i10]David Boetius, Stefan Leue:
Verifying Global Neural Network Specifications using Hyperproperties. CoRR abs/2306.12495 (2023) - 2022
- [c64]Alan Khoja, Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Rüdiger Wilhelmi:
Automated Consistency Analysis for Legal Contracts. SPIN 2022: 1-23 - [c63]Fabian Bauer-Marquart, David Boetius, Stefan Leue, Christian Schilling:
SpecRepair: Counter-Example Guided Safety Repair of Deep Neural Networks. SPIN 2022: 79-96 - [i9]Fabian Bauer-Marquart, Stefan Leue, Christian Schilling:
symQV: Automated Symbolic Verification of Quantum Programs. CoRR abs/2212.02267 (2022) - [i8]Alan Khoja, Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Rüdiger Wilhelmi:
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Legal Contracts using ContractCheck. CoRR abs/2212.03349 (2022) - 2021
- [j16]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Thomas Wies:
Automated repair for timed systems. Formal Methods Syst. Des. 59(1): 136-169 (2021) - [i7]Fabian Bauer-Marquart, Stefan Leue, Christian Schilling:
DeepOpt: Scalable Specification-based Falsification of Neural Networks using Black-Box Optimization. CoRR abs/2106.01917 (2021) - 2020
- [c62]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Thomas Wies:
TarTar: A Timed Automata Repair Tool. CAV (1) 2020: 529-540 - [c61]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Robert Schmid:
Dynamic Causes for the Violation of Timed Reachability Properties. FORMATS 2020: 127-143 - [c60]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue:
An Algorithm to Compute a Strict Partial Ordering of Actions in Action Traces. ISoLA (4) 2020: 10-26 - [c59]Georgiana Caltais, Stefan Leue, Hargurbir Singh:
Correctness of an ATL Model Transformation from SysML State Machine Diagrams to Promela. MODELSWARD 2020: 360-372 - [i6]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Thomas Wies:
TarTar: A Timed Automata Repair Tool. CoRR abs/2002.02760 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c58]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue:
An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Causal Trace Sets in Causality Checking. ATVA 2019: 171-186 - [c57]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Thomas Wies:
Clock Bound Repair for Timed Systems. CAV (1) 2019: 79-96 - [i5]Gregor Gössler, Stefan Leue, Shin Nakajima:
Causal Reasoning in Systems (NII Shonan Meeting 139). NII Shonan Meet. Rep. 2019 (2019) - 2018
- [j15]Stefan Wagner, Matthias Tichy, Michael Felderer, Stefan Leue:
Verlässliche Software im 21. Jahrhundert. Inform. Spektrum 41(5): 311-316 (2018) - [c56]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue:
Automated Functional Safety Analysis of Automated Driving Systems. FMICS 2018: 35-51 - [c55]Martin Kölbl, Stefan Leue, Hargurbir Singh:
From SysML to Model Checkers via Model Transformation. SPIN 2018: 255-274 - [c54]Georgiana Caltais, Sophie Linnea Guetlein, Stefan Leue:
Causality for General LTL-definable Properties. CREST@ETAPS 2018: 1-15 - [i4]Stefan Wagner, Matthias Tichy, Michael Felderer, Stefan Leue:
Verlässliche Software im 21. Jahrhundert. CoRR abs/1812.01434 (2018) - 2017
- [e7]Alex Groce, Stefan Leue:
Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Causal Reasoning for Embedded and safety-critical Systems Technologies, CREST@ETAPS 2017, Uppsala, Sweden, 29th April 2017. EPTCS 259, 2017 [contents] - 2016
- [c53]Georgiana Caltais, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue, Jannis Weiser:
SysML to NuSMV Model Transformation via Object-Orientation. CyPhy 2016: 31-45 - [c52]Georgiana Caltais, Stefan Leue, Mohammad Reza Mousavi:
(De-)Composing Causality in Labeled Transition Systems. CREST@ETAPS 2016: 10-24 - 2015
- [b1]Stefan Leue:
Methods and semantics for telecommunications systems engineering. University of Bern, Switzerland, 2015 - [c51]Adrian Beer, Stephan Heidinger, Uwe Kühne, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Symbolic Causality Checking Using Bounded Model Checking. SPIN 2015: 203-221 - 2014
- [c50]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
SpinCause: a tool for causality checking. SPIN 2014: 117-120 - 2013
- [j14]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Probabilistic fault tree synthesis using causality computation. Int. J. Crit. Comput. Based Syst. 4(2): 119-143 (2013) - [j13]Stefan Leue, Wei Wei:
Integer Linear Programming-Based Property Checking for Asynchronous Reactive Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 39(2): 216-236 (2013) - [c49]Adrian Beer, Todor G. Georgiev, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Model-Based Quantitative Safety Analysis of Matlab Simulink / Stateflow Models. MBEES 2013: 60-69 - [c48]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
On the Synergy of Probabilistic Causality Computation and Causality Checking. SPIN 2013: 246-263 - [c47]Stefan Leue, Mitra Tabaei Befrouei:
Mining Sequential Patterns to Explain Concurrent Counterexamples. SPIN 2013: 264-281 - [c46]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Causality Checking for Complex System Models. VMCAI 2013: 248-267 - 2012
- [c45]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Towards Causality Checking for Complex System Models. MBEES 2012: 71-80 - [c44]Stefan Leue, Mitra Tabaei Befrouei:
Counterexample Explanation by Anomaly Detection. SPIN 2012: 24-42 - 2011
- [j12]Husain Aljazzar, Stefan Leue:
K⁎: A heuristic search algorithm for finding the k shortest paths. Artif. Intell. 175(18): 2129-2154 (2011) - [j11]Darren D. Cofer, Alessandro Fantechi, Stefan Leue, Pedro Merino:
Preface to the special issue on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2007 + FMICS 2008). Sci. Comput. Program. 76(2): 63-64 (2011) - [c43]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Quantitative Analysis of UML Models. MBEES 2011: 91-100 - [c42]Matthias Kuntz, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
From Probabilistic Counterexamples via Causality to Fault Trees. SAFECOMP 2011: 71-84 - [c41]Husain Aljazzar, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue, Dimitar Simeonov:
DiPro - A Tool for Probabilistic Counterexample Generation. SPIN 2011: 183-187 - [c40]Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
QuantUM: Quantitative Safety Analysis of UML Models. QAPL 2011: 16-30 - 2010
- [j10]Husain Aljazzar, Stefan Leue:
Directed Explicit State-Space Search in the Generation of Counterexamples for Stochastic Model Checking. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 36(1): 37-60 (2010) - [c39]Bahareh Badban, Stefan Leue, Jan-Georg Smaus:
Automated Invariant Generation for the Verification of Real-Time Systems. WING@ETAPS/IJCAR 2010: 44-58 - [c38]Matthias Kuntz, Stefan Leue, Christoph Scheben:
Extending Non-Termination Proof Techniques to Asynchronously Communicating Concurrent Programs. WING@ETAPS/IJCAR 2010: 132-147 - [c37]Husain Aljazzar, Matthias Kuntz, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Directed and heuristic counterexample generation for probabilistic model checking: a comparative evaluation. QUOVADIS@ICSE 2010: 25-32
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j9]Dragan Bosnacki, Stefan Leue, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente:
Partial-order reduction for general state exploring algorithms. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 11(1): 39-51 (2009) - [c36]Christian Dax, Felix Klaedtke, Stefan Leue:
Specification Languages for Stutter-Invariant Regular Properties. ATVA 2009: 244-254 - [c35]Stefan Leue, Wei Wei:
An Executable and Extensible Formal Semantics for UML-RT. MBEES 2009: 182-188 - [c34]Husain Aljazzar, Stefan Leue:
Generation of Counterexamples for Model Checking of Markov Decision Processes. QEST 2009: 197-206 - [c33]Husain Aljazzar, Manuel Fischer, Lars Grunske, Matthias Kuntz, Florian Leitner-Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Safety Analysis of an Airbag System Using Probabilistic FMEA and Probabilistic Counterexamples. QEST 2009: 299-308 - [c32]Bahareh Badban, Stefan Leue, Jan-Georg Smaus:
Automated Predicate Abstraction for Real-Time Models. INFINITY 2009: 36-43 - 2008
- [c31]Husain Aljazzar, Stefan Leue:
Debugging of Dependability Models Using Interactive Visualization of Counterexamples. QEST 2008: 189-198 - [c30]Stefan Leue, Alin Stefanescu, Wei Wei:
Dependency Analysis for Control Flow Cycles in Reactive Communicating Processes. SPIN 2008: 176-195 - [c29]Stefan Leue, Alin Stefanescu, Wei Wei:
An AsmL Semantics for Dynamic Structures and Run Time Schedulability in UML-RT. TOOLS (46) 2008: 238-257 - [e6]Stefan Leue, Pedro Merino:
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, 12th International Workshop, FMICS 2007, Berlin, Germany, July 1-2, 2007, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4916, Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-79706-7 [contents] - 2007
- [e5]Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Willem Visser:
Directed Model Checking, 26.04. - 29.04.2006. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06172, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007 [contents] - 2006
- [c28]Stefan Leue, Alin Stefanescu, Wei Wei:
A Livelock Freedom Analysis for Infinite State Asynchronous Reactive Systems. CONCUR 2006: 79-94 - [c27]Husain Aljazzar, Stefan Leue:
Extended Directed Search for Probabilistic Timed Reachability. FORMATS 2006: 33-51 - [c26]Giuseppe Di Fatta, Stefan Leue, Evghenia Stegantova:
Discriminative pattern mining in software fault detection. SOQUA 2006: 62-69 - [c25]Dragan Bosnacki, Stefan Leue, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente:
Partial-Order Reduction for General State Exploring Algorithms. SPIN 2006: 271-287 - [c24]Stefan Leue, Wei Wei:
A Region Graph Based Approach to Termination Proofs. TACAS 2006: 318-333 - [i3]Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Willem Visser:
06172 Executive Summary -- Directed Model Checking. Directed Model Checking 2006 - [i2]Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Willem Visser:
06172 Abstracts Collection -- Directed Model Checking. Directed Model Checking 2006 - 2005
- [c23]Husain Aljazzar, Holger Hermanns, Stefan Leue:
Counterexamples for Timed Probabilistic Reachability. FORMATS 2005: 177-195 - [c22]Stefan Leue, Wei Wei:
Counterexample-Based Refinement for a Boundedness Test for CFSM Languages. SPIN 2005: 58-74 - [e4]Stefan Leue, Tarja Systä:
Scenarios: Models, Transformations and Tools, International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, September 7-12, 2003, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3466, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-26189-3 [contents] - [i1]Manfred Broy, Matthias Jarke, Manfred Nagl, Hans Dieter Rombach, Armin B. Cremers, Jürgen Ebert, Sabine Glesner, Martin Glinz, Michael Goedicke, Gerhard Goos, Volker Gruhn, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Stefan Jähnichen, Stefan Kowalewski, Bernd J. Krämer, Stefan Leue, Claus Lewerentz, Peter Liggesmeyer, Christoph Lüth, Barbara Paech, Helmuth Arthur Partsch, Ilka Philippow, Lutz Prechelt, Andreas Rausch, Willem-Paul de Roever, Bernhard Rumpe, Gudula Rünger, Wilhelm Schäfer, Kurt Schneider, Andy Schürr, Walter F. Tichy, Bernhard Westfechtel, Wolf Zimmermann, Albert Zündorf:
Dagstuhl-Manifest zur Strategischen Bedeutung des Software Engineering in Deutschland. Perspectives Workshop 2005 - 2004
- [j8]Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente:
Directed explicit-state model checking in the validation of communication protocols. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 5(2-3): 247-267 (2004) - [j7]Matthew B. Dwyer, Stefan Leue:
Introductory paper. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 6(4): 257-259 (2004) - [j6]Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente:
Partial-order reduction and trail improvement in directed model checking. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 6(4): 277-301 (2004) - [c21]Jianbin Tan, George S. Avrunin, Lori A. Clarke, Shlomo Zilberstein, Stefan Leue:
Heuristic-guided counterexample search in FLAVERS. SIGSOFT FSE 2004: 201-210 - [c20]Stefan Leue, Richard Mayr, Wei Wei:
A Scalable Incomplete Test for Message Buffer Overflow in Promela Models. SPIN 2004: 216-233 - [c19]Stefan Leue, Richard Mayr, Wei Wei:
A Scalable Incomplete Test for the Boundedness of UML RT Models. TACAS 2004: 327-341 - 2002
- [c18]Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue:
Partial Order Reduction in Directed Model Checking. SPIN 2002: 112-127 - [e3]Dragan Bosnacki, Stefan Leue:
Model Checking of Software, 9th International SPIN Workshop, Grenoble, France, April 11-13, 2002, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2318, Springer 2002, ISBN 3-540-43477-1 [contents] - 2001
- [c17]Stefan Edelkamp, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Stefan Leue:
Directed Explicit Model Checking with HSF-SPIN. SPIN 2001: 57-79 - [c16]Stefan Edelkamp, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Stefan Leue:
Trail-directed model checking. Workshop on Software Model Checking @ CAV 2001: 343-356 - 2000
- [j5]Moataz Kamel, Stefan Leue:
Formalization and Validation of the General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) using PROMELA and SPIN. Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. 2(4): 394-409 (2000) - [c15]Moataz Kamel, Stefan Leue:
VIP: A Visual Editor and Compiler for v-Promela. TACAS 2000: 471-486
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c14]Stefan Leue, Gerard J. Holzmann:
v-Promela: A Visual, Object-Oriented Language for SPIN. ISORC 1999: 14-23 - [c13]Moataz Kamel, Stefan Leue:
VIP: A Visual Interface for Promela. SPIN 1999: 153 - [e2]Dennis Dams, Rob Gerth, Stefan Leue, Mieke Massink:
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of SPIN Model Checking, 5th and 6th International SPIN Workshops, Trento, Italy, July 5, 1999, Toulouse, France, September 21 and 24 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1680, Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66499-8 [contents] - 1998
- [j4]Stefan Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Formal Methods for Broadband and Multimedia Systems. Comput. Networks 30(9-10): 865-899 (1998) - [c12]Stefan Leue, Lars Mehrmann, Mohammad Reza Mousavi:
Synthesizing Software Architecture Descriptions from Message Sequence Chart Specifications. ASE 1998: 192-195 - [c11]Hanêne Ben-Abdallah, Stefan Leue:
MESA: Support for Scenario-Based Design of Concurrent Systems. TACAS 1998: 118-135 - 1997
- [c10]Hanêne Ben-Abdallah, Stefan Leue:
Timing Constraints in Message Sequence Chart Specifications. FORTE 1997: 91-106 - [c9]Stefan Fischer, Stefan Leue:
Formal Methods for Broadband and Multimedia Systems (Tutorial). ICSE 1997: 665-666 - [c8]Hanêne Ben-Abdallah, Stefan Leue:
Syntactic Detection of Process Divergence and Non-local Choice inMessage Sequence Charts. TACAS 1997: 259-274 - 1996
- [j3]Stefan Leue, Philippe Oechslin:
OpParIm: A method and tool for optimized parallel protocol implementation. J. High Speed Networks 5(2): 125-143 (1996) - [j2]Stefan Leue, Philippe Oechslin:
On parallelizing and optimizing the implementation of communication protocols. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(1): 55-70 (1996) - [c7]Stefan Leue, Peter B. Ladkin:
Implementing and verifying MSC specifications using Promela/XSpin. The Spin Verification System 1996: 65-89 - 1995
- [j1]Peter B. Ladkin, Stefan Leue:
Interpreting Message Flow Graphs. Formal Aspects Comput. 7(5): 473-509 (1995) - [c6]Stefan Leue:
Specifying real-time requirements for SDL specifications - a temporal logic-based approach. PSTV 1995: 19-34 - [e1]Dieter Hogrefe, Stefan Leue:
Formal Description Techniques VII, Proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Description Techniques, Berne, Switzerland, 1994. IFIP Conference Proceedings 6, Chapman & Hall 1995, ISBN 0-412-64450-9 [contents] - 1994
- [c5]Peter B. Ladkin, Stefan Leue:
Four issues concerning the semantics of Message Flow Graphs. FORTE 1994: 355-369 - [c4]Stefan Leue, Philippe Oechslin:
Formalizations and algorithms for optimized parallel protocol implementation. ICNP 1994: 178-185 - [c3]Stefan Leue, Philippe Oechslin:
From SDL specifications to optimized parallel protocol implementations. Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1994: 308-327 - 1993
- [c2]Peter B. Ladkin, Stefan Leue:
What Do Message Sequence Charts Mean? FORTE 1993: 301-316 - 1992
- [c1]Peter B. Ladkin, Stefan Leue:
On the Semantics of Message Sequence Charts. FBT 1992: 88-104
Coauthor Index
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