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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume 38
Volume 38, Number 1, January - February 2012
- Bashar Nuseibeh:
State of the Journal. 1-2 - Joanne M. Atlee, Paola Inverardi:
Guest Editor's Introduction: International Conference on Software Engineering. 3-4 - Emerson R. Murphy-Hill, Chris Parnin, Andrew P. Black
How We Refactor, and How We Know It. 5-18 - Christoph Treude
, Margaret-Anne D. Storey:
Work Item Tagging: Communicating Concerns in Collaborative Software Development. 19-34 - Ali Mesbah
, Arie van Deursen
, Danny Roest:
Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of Modern Web Applications. 35-53 - Claire Le Goues
, ThanhVu Nguyen, Stephanie Forrest
, Westley Weimer:
GenProg: A Generic Method for Automatic Software Repair. 54-72 - Sam Malek, Nenad Medvidovic, Marija Mikic-Rakic:
An Extensible Framework for Improving a Distributed Software System's Deployment Architecture. 73-100 - Rodolfo Toledo, Angel Núñez, Éric Tanter
, Jacques Noyé:
Aspectizing Java Access Control. 101-117 - Michael Mortensen, Sudipto Ghosh, James M. Bieman:
Aspect-Oriented Refactoring of Legacy Applications: An Evaluation. 118-140 - Guido de Caso, Víctor A. Braberman, Diego Garbervetsky
, Sebastián Uchitel
Automated Abstractions for Contract Validation. 141-162 - Uzma Raja, Marietta J. Tretter:
Defining and Evaluating a Measure of Open Source Project Survivability. 163-174 - Claire Le Goues
, Westley Weimer:
Measuring Code Quality to Improve Specification Mining. 175-190 - Paul C. van Oorschot
, Glenn Wurster:
Reducing Unauthorized Modification of Digital Objects. 191-204 - Mirco Tribastone
, Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hillston:
Scalable Differential Analysis of Process Algebra Models. 205-219 - Hui Liu, Zhiyi Ma, Weizhong Shao, Zhendong Niu
Schedule of Bad Smell Detection and Resolution: A New Way to Save Effort. 220-235
Volume 38, Number 2, March - April 2012
- Alessandro Orso, Paolo Tonella
Guest Editorial: Special Section on the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2010. 241-242 - Valentin Dallmeier, Nikolai Knopp, Christoph Mallon, Gordon Fraser, Sebastian Hack, Andreas Zeller
Automatically Generating Test Cases for Specification Mining. 243-257 - Andrea Arcuri, Muhammad Zohaib Z. Iqbal
, Lionel C. Briand:
Random Testing: Theoretical Results and Practical Implications. 258-277 - Gordon Fraser, Andreas Zeller
Mutation-Driven Generation of Unit Tests and Oracles. 278-292 - Taeho Kwon, Zhendong Su
Automatic Detection of Unsafe Dynamic Component Loadings. 293-313 - Shay Artzi, Julian Dolby, Frank Tip, Marco Pistoia:
Fault Localization for Dynamic Web Applications. 314-335 - Arun Sen, Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy, Atish P. Sinha:
A Model of Data Warehousing Process Maturity. 336-353 - Marwa Shousha, Lionel C. Briand, Yvan Labiche
A UML/MARTE Model Analysis Method for Uncovering Scenarios Leading to Starvation and Deadlocks in Concurrent Systems. 354-374 - Karel Dejaeger, Wouter Verbeke
, David Martens, Bart Baesens:
Data Mining Techniques for Software Effort Estimation: A Comparative Study. 375-397 - Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Tony Gorschek, A. K. M. Moinul Islam, Chow Kian Cheng, Rahadian Bayu Permadi, Robert Feldt
Evaluation and Measurement of Software Process Improvement - A Systematic Literature Review. 398-424 - Ekrem Kocaguneli, Tim Menzies, Ayse Bener
, Jacky W. Keung
Exploiting the Essential Assumptions of Analogy-Based Effort Estimation. 425-438 - Jose L. Salmeron
, Cristina López-Vargas
Forecasting Risk Impact on ERP Maintenance with Augmented Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. 439-452 - Phil McMinn, Mark Harman
, Kiran Lakhotia, Youssef Hassoun, Joachim Wegener:
Input Domain Reduction through Irrelevant Variable Removal and Its Effect on Local, Global, and Hybrid Search-Based Structural Test Data Generation. 453-477 - Fabio Alberto Schreiber
, Romolo Camplani, Marco Fortunato, Marco Marelli, Guido Rota:
PerLa: A Language and Middleware Architecture for Data Management and Integration in Pervasive Information Systems. 478-496
Volume 38, Number 3, May - June 2012
- Andrea Arcuri:
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Role of Test Sequence Length in Software Testing for Structural Coverage. 497-519 - Félix Cuadrado
, Juan C. Dueñas, Rodrigo García-Carmona
An Autonomous Engine for Services Configuration and Deployment. 520-536 - Jonalan Brickey, Steven Walczak
, Tony Burgess:
Comparing Semi-Automated Clustering Methods for Persona Development. 537-546 - Jerod W. Wilkerson, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Rick Mercer:
Comparing the Defect Reduction Benefits of Code Inspection and Test-Driven Development. 547-560 - Amir S. Kalbasi
, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Jerry Rolia, Stephen Dawson:
DEC: Service Demand Estimation with Confidence. 561-578 - David Röthlisberger, Marcel Harry, Walter Binder
, Philippe Moret, Danilo Ansaloni, Alex Villazón
, Oscar Nierstrasz
Exploiting Dynamic Information in IDEs Improves Speed and Correctness of Software Maintenance Tasks. 579-591 - Ivan Di Pietro, Francesco Pagliarecci, Luca Spalazzi
Model Checking Semantically Annotated Services. 592-608 - Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Salima Benbernou, Michael P. Papazoglou
On the Evolution of Services. 609-628 - Robert M. Hierons
Oracles for Distributed Testing. 629-641 - Raffi Khatchadourian
, Phil Greenwood, Awais Rashid
, Guoqing Xu:
Pointcut Rejuvenation: Recovering Pointcut Expressions in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software. 642-657 - Wei Li
QoS Assurance for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Software Systems. 658-676 - Magne Jørgensen, Stein Grimstad:
Software Development Estimation Biases: The Role of Interdependence. 677-693 - Adrian Lienhard, Tudor Gîrba, Oscar Nierstrasz
Specifying Dynamic Analyses by Extending Language Semantics. 694-706 - Soo Ling Lim, Anthony Finkelstein:
StakeRare: Using Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering for Large-Scale Requirements Elicitation. 707-735
Volume 38, Number 4, July - August 2012
- Marco Túlio Valente
, Virgilio Borges, Leonardo Teixeira Passos:
A Semi-Automatic Approach for Extracting Software Product Lines. 737-754 - Radu Mateescu, Pascal Poizat
, Gwen Salaün:
Adaptation of Service Protocols Using Process Algebra and On-the-Fly Reduction Techniques. 755-777 - Giuliano Casale
, Amir S. Kalbasi
, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Jerry Rolia:
BURN: Enabling Workload Burstiness in Customized Service Benchmarks. 778-793 - Tsong Yueh Chen
, Pak-Lok Poon
, Sau-Fun Tang, T. H. Tse
DESSERT: a DividE-and-conquer methodology for identifying categorieS, choiceS, and choicE Relations for Test case generation. 794-809 - Donald E. Harter, Chris F. Kemerer, Sandra Slaughter:
Does Software Process Improvement Reduce the Severity of Defects? A Longitudinal Field Study. 810-827 - Oliver Moser, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustdar
Domain-Specific Service Selection for Composite Services. 828-843 - Shan Lu
, Soyeon Park, Yuanyuan Zhou:
Finding Atomicity-Violation Bugs through Unserializable Interleaving Testing. 844-860 - Mirco Tribastone
, Jie Ding, Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hillston:
Fluid Rewards for a Stochastic Process Algebra. 861-874 - Gabriel Parmer, Richard West:
Mutable Protection Domains: Adapting System Fault Isolation for Reliability and Efficiency. 875-888 - Anita Sarma
, David F. Redmiles, André van der Hoek:
Palantír: Early Detection of Development Conflicts Arising from Parallel Code Changes. 889-908 - Peng Liu, Charles Zhang:
Pert: The Application-Aware Tailoring of Java Object Persistence. 909-922 - Richard Berntsson-Svensson, Tony Gorschek, Björn Regnell
, Richard Torkar
, Ali Shahrokni, Robert Feldt
Quality Requirements in Industrial Practice - An Extended Interview Study at Eleven Companies. 923-935 - Siavash Mirarab
, Soroush Akhlaghi, Ladan Tahvildari:
Size-Constrained Regression Test Case Selection Using Multicriteria Optimization. 936-956 - Lucas C. Cordeiro
, Bernd Fischer
, João Marques-Silva
SMT-Based Bounded Model Checking for Embedded ANSI-C Software. 957-974 - Antonio Coronato
, Giuseppe De Pietro
Tools for the Rapid Prototyping of Provably Correct Ambient Intelligence Applications. 975-991
Volume 38, Number 5, September - October 2012
- Kenneth Lind, Rogardt Heldal:
A Practical Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components. 993-1007 - Hoan Anh Nguyen, Tung Thanh Nguyen
, Nam H. Pham, Jafar M. Al-Kofahi, Tien N. Nguyen:
Clone Management for Evolving Software. 1008-1026 - Frank Zickert, Roman Beck:
Coping with Existing Systems in Information Systems Development. 1027-1039 - Giuliano Casale
, Ningfang Mi, Ludmila Cherkasova, Evgenia Smirni:
Dealing with Burstiness in Multi-Tier Applications: Models and Their Parameterization. 1040-1053 - Narayan Ramasubbu
, Chris F. Kemerer, Jeff Hong:
Structural Complexity and Programmer Team Strategy: An Experimental Test. 1054-1068 - Collin McMillan, Mark Grechanik
, Denys Poshyvanyk
, Chen Fu, Qing Xie:
Exemplar: A Source Code Search Engine for Finding Highly Relevant Applications. 1069-1087 - Andrea Arcuri, Lionel C. Briand:
Formal Analysis of the Probability of Interaction Fault Detection Using Random Testing. 1088-1099 - Shaoying Liu, Yuting Chen, Fumiko Nagoya, John A. McDermid
Formal Specification-Based Inspection for Verification of Programs. 1100-1122 - Charles Zhang, Hans-Arno Jacobsen:
Mining Crosscutting Concerns through Random Walks. 1123-1137 - Valeria Cardellini
, Emiliano Casalicchio
, Vincenzo Grassi, Stefano Iannucci, Francesco Lo Presti
, Raffaela Mirandola
MOSES: A Framework for QoS Driven Runtime Adaptation of Service-Oriented Systems. 1138-1159 - William N. Sumner
, Yunhui Zheng, Dasarath Weeratunge, Xiangyu Zhang:
Precise Calling Context Encoding. 1160-1177 - Bev Littlewood, John Rushby:
Reasoning about the Reliability of Diverse Two-Channel Systems in Which One Channel Is "Possibly Perfect". 1178-1194 - Jifeng Xuan
, He Jiang, Zhilei Ren, Zhongxuan Luo:
Solving the Large Scale Next Release Problem with a Backbone-Based Multilevel Algorithm. 1195-1212 - Cheng Zhang, David Budgen
What Do We Know about the Effectiveness of Software Design Patterns? 1213-1231
Volume 38, Number 6, November - December 2012
- Max Schäfer
, Andreas Thies
, Friedrich Steimann
, Frank Tip:
A Comprehensive Approach to Naming and Accessibility in Refactoring Java Programs. 1233-1257 - Hong Mei, Dan Hao
, Lingming Zhang, Lu Zhang, Ji Zhou, Gregg Rothermel:
A Static Approach to Prioritizing JUnit Test Cases. 1258-1275 - Tracy Hall
, Sarah Beecham, David Bowes
, David Gray, Steve Counsell:
A Systematic Literature Review on Fault Prediction Performance in Software Engineering. 1276-1304 - Luis Búrdalo, Andrés Terrasa
, Agustín Espinosa
, Ana García-Fornes
Analyzing the Effect of Gain Time on Soft-Task Scheduling Policies in Real-Time Systems. 1305-1318 - Franz Brosch, Heiko Koziolek, Barbora Buhnova
, Ralf H. Reussner
Architecture-Based Reliability Prediction with the Palladio Component Model. 1319-1339 - Christopher M. Hayden, Edward K. Smith, Eric A. Hardisty, Michael Hicks, Jeffrey S. Foster:
Evaluating Dynamic Software Update Safety Using Systematic Testing. 1340-1354 - Shiva Nejati
, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh
, Marsha Chechik, Steve M. Easterbrook
, Pamela Zave:
Matching and Merging of Variant Feature Specifications. 1355-1375 - N. Ilker Altintas, Semih Cetin, Ali H. Dogru, Halit Oguztüzün
Modeling Product Line Software Assets Using Domain-Specific Kits. 1376-1402 - Ekrem Kocaguneli, Tim Menzies, Jacky W. Keung
On the Value of Ensemble Effort Estimation. 1403-1416 - Emerson R. Murphy-Hill, Andrew P. Black
Programmer-Friendly Refactoring Errors. 1417-1431 - Markus M. Geipel, Frank Schweitzer
The Link between Dependency and Cochange: Empirical Evidence. 1432-1444 - Damien Cassou, Julien Bruneau, Charles Consel, Emilie Balland:
Toward a Tool-Based Development Methodology for Pervasive Computing Applications. 1445-1463 - Abbas Heydarnoori
, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Walter Binder
, Thiago Tonelli Bartolomei:
Two Studies of Framework-Usage Templates Extracted from Dynamic Traces. 1464-1487

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