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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 67
Volume 67, Number 1, January 2021
- Yuval Cassuto
, Jacob Ziv:
Efficient Compression of Long Arbitrary Sequences With No Reference at the Encoder. 1-9 - David Sutter
, Omar Fawzi
, Renato Renner
Bounds on Lyapunov Exponents via Entropy Accumulation. 10-24 - Anoosheh Heidarzadeh
, Fatemeh Kazemi
, Alex Sprintson
The Role of Coded Side Information in Single-Server Private Information Retrieval. 25-44 - James Melbourne
, Tomasz Tkocz
Reversal of Rényi Entropy Inequalities Under Log-Concavity. 45-51 - Moritz Wiese
, Holger Boche
Semantic Security via Seeded Modular Coding Schemes and Ramanujan Graphs. 52-80 - Mokshay Madiman
, Piotr Nayar
, Tomasz Tkocz
Sharp Moment-Entropy Inequalities and Capacity Bounds for Symmetric Log-Concave Distributions. 81-94 - Jian Lu
, Yinfei Xu
, Ping Zhang
, Qiao Wang
On Secure One-Helper Source Coding With Action-Dependent Side Information. 95-110 - Julien Lavauzelle
, Jade Nardi
Weighted Lifted Codes: Local Correctabilities and Application to Robust Private Information Retrieval. 111-123 - Fei Li
Weight Hierarchies of a Class of Linear Codes Related to Non-Degenerate Quadratic Forms. 124-129 - Xiaolei Fang
, Meiqing Liu, Jinquan Luo
New MDS Euclidean Self-Orthogonal Codes. 130-137 - Hassan Khodaiemehr
, Daniel Panario
, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi
Design and Practical Decoding of Full-Diversity Construction A Lattices for Block-Fading Channels. 138-163 - Mahdi Soleymani
, Hessam Mahdavifar
Distributed Multi-User Secret Sharing. 164-178 - Romar dela Cruz
, Alfred Wassermann
Majority Logic Decoding With Subspace Designs. 179-186 - Han Mao Kiah
, Anshoo Tandon
, Mehul Motani
Generalized Sphere-Packing Bound for Subblock-Constrained Codes. 187-199 - Jinping Fan
, Yujie Gu
, Masahiro Hachimori
, Ying Miao
Signature Codes for Weighted Binary Adder Channel and Multimedia Fingerprinting. 200-216 - Bin Chen
, Weijun Fang
, Shu-Tao Xia
, Jie Hao
, Fang-Wei Fu
Improved Bounds and Singleton-Optimal Constructions of Locally Repairable Codes With Minimum Distance 5 and 6. 217-231 - Erich L. Kaltofen
, Zhi-Hong Yang
Sparse Interpolation With Errors in Chebyshev Basis Beyond Redundant-Block Decoding. 232-243 - Chunming Tang
, Cunsheng Ding
An Infinite Family of Linear Codes Supporting 4-Designs. 244-254 - Yeow Meng Chee
, Han Mao Kiah
, Hui Zhang
Lower Bounds for Total Storage of Multiset Combinatorial Batch Codes Using Linear Programming. 255-267 - José Joaquín Bernal-Buitrago
, Juan Jacobo Simón Pinero
A New Approach to the Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata Algorithm: Improving Locator Decoding. 268-281 - Ahmed H. Hareedy
, Beyza Dabak, A. Robert Calderbank
Managing Device Lifecycle: Reconfigurable Constrained Codes for M/T/Q/P-LC Flash Memories. 282-295 - Swastik Kopparty, Nicolas Resch
, Noga Ron-Zewi
, Shubhangi Saraf, Shashwat Silas
On List Recovery of High-Rate Tensor Codes. 296-316 - Hideo Bannai
, Momoko Hirayama, Danny Hucke, Shunsuke Inenaga, Artur Jez
, Markus Lohrey
, Carl Philipp Reh
The Smallest Grammar Problem Revisited. 317-328 - Ohad Elishco
, Alexander Barg
Capacity of Dynamical Storage Systems. 329-346 - Xujun Liu
, Roberto Assis Machado
, Olgica Milenkovic:
Directed Intersection Representations and the Information Content of Digraphs. 347-357 - Kai Wan
, Giuseppe Caire
On Coded Caching With Private Demands. 358-372 - Jin Xu
, Natarajan Gautam
Peak Age of Information in Priority Queuing Systems. 373-390 - Miodrag Zivkovic
, Marko Caric
On the Number of Equivalence Classes of Boolean and Invertible Boolean Functions. 391-407 - Yannis Bousba, Travis Russell
No Quantum Ramsey Theorem for Stabilizer Codes. 408-415 - Yinan Li
, Jeroen Zuiddam
Quantum Asymptotic Spectra of Graphs and Non-Commutative Graphs, and Quantum Shannon Capacities. 416-432 - Eyuri Wakakuwa
Communication Cost for Non-Markovianity of Tripartite Quantum States: A Resource Theoretic Approach. 433-451 - Seunghoan Song
, Masahito Hayashi
Capacity of Quantum Private Information Retrieval With Multiple Servers. 452-463 - Octavio César Mesner
, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
Conditional Mutual Information Estimation for Mixed, Discrete and Continuous Data. 464-484 - Cheng-Der Fuh
Asymptotically Optimal Change Point Detection for Composite Hypothesis in State Space Models. 485-505 - Zhiqi Bu, Jason M. Klusowski
, Cynthia Rush
, Weijie J. Su
Algorithmic Analysis and Statistical Estimation of SLOPE via Approximate Message Passing. 506-537 - Gökhan Gül
Minimax Robust Decentralized Hypothesis Testing for Parallel Sensor Networks. 538-548 - F. Richard Guo
, Thomas S. Richardson:
Chernoff-Type Concentration of Empirical Probabilities in Relative Entropy. 549-558 - Erhan Bayraktar
, H. Vincent Poor
, Xin Zhang
Malicious Experts Versus the Multiplicative Weights Algorithm in Online Prediction. 559-565 - Ashwin Pananjady
, Martin J. Wainwright:
Instance-Dependent ℓ∞-Bounds for Policy Evaluation in Tabular Reinforcement Learning. 566-585 - Ferdinando Cicalese
, Eduardo Sany Laber:
Information Theoretical Clustering Is Hard to Approximate. 586-597 - Varun S. Jog
, Po-Ling Loh
Teaching and Learning in Uncertainty. 598-615 - Deming Yuan
, Alexandre Proutière, Guodong Shi
Distributed Online Linear Regressions. 616-639 - Xiucai Ding, Hau-Tieng Wu
On the Spectral Property of Kernel-Based Sensor Fusion Algorithms of High Dimensional Data. 640-670
Volume 67, Number 2, February 2021
- Barak Beilin
, David Burshtein
On Polar Coding for Side Information Channels. 673-685 - Han Cai
, Moshe Schwartz
On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes and Generalized Sector-Disk Codes. 686-704 - Daniel Heinlein
Generalized Linkage Construction for Constant-Dimension Codes. 705-715 - Ray Li
, Mary Wootters
Lifted Multiplicity Codes and the Disjoint Repair Group Property. 716-725 - Shahrzad Kiani
, Nuwan S. Ferdinand
, Stark C. Draper
Hierarchical Coded Matrix Multiplication. 726-754 - Zitan Chen
, Alexander Barg
Cyclic and Convolutional Codes With Locality. 755-769 - Lingfei Jin
, Liming Ma
, Chaoping Xing
A New Construction of Nonlinear Codes via Rational Function Fields. 770-777 - Jiange Li
, Muriel Médard
Boolean Functions: Noise Stability, Non-Interactive Correlation Distillation, and Mutual Information. 778-789 - Behrooz Tahmasebi, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali
, Seyed Abolfazl Motahari
The Capacity of Associated Subsequence Retrieval. 790-804 - Maël Le Treust, Matthieu R. Bloch
State Leakage and Coordination With Causal State Knowledge at the Encoder. 805-823 - Yanina Y. Shkel
, Rick S. Blum, H. Vincent Poor
Secrecy by Design With Applications to Privacy and Compression. 824-843 - Yücel Altug, Aaron B. Wagner
On Exact Asymptotics of the Error Probability in Channel Coding: Symmetric Channels. 844-868 - Jingbo Liu
Dispersion Bound for the Wyner-Ahlswede-Körner Network via a Semigroup Method on Types. 869-885 - Tomer Berg
, Ofer Shayevitz
, Young-Han Kim
, Lele Wang
Distributed Source Simulation With No Communication. 886-901 - Hao-Chung Cheng
, Eric P. Hanson
, Nilanjana Datta, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
Non-Asymptotic Classical Data Compression With Quantum Side Information. 902-930 - Arun B. Aloshious
, Pradeep Kiran Sarvepalli
Decoding Toric Codes on Three Dimensional Simplical Complexes. 931-945 - Navneeth Ramakrishnan
, Raban Iten, Volkher B. Scholz, Mario Berta
Computing Quantum Channel Capacities. 946-960 - Yahya H. Ezzeldin
, Martina Cardone
, Christina Fragouli
, Giuseppe Caire
Gaussian 1-2-1 Networks: Capacity Results for mmWave Communications. 961-990 - Siu-Wai Ho
The Interplay Between Block Design Theory and Channel Estimation in Visible Light System. 991-1007 - Alexandr A. Polujan
, Alexander Pott
On Design-Theoretic Aspects of Boolean and Vectorial Bent Function. 1027-1037 - Samir Hodzic
, Peter Horák
, Enes Pasalic
Characterization of Basic 5-Value Spectrum Functions Through Walsh-Hadamard Transform. 1038-1053 - Zhengbin Liu, Yongqiang Li
, Lin Jiao
, Mingsheng Wang:
A New Method for Searching Optimal Differential and Linear Trails in ARX Ciphers. 1054-1068 - Farzan Haddadi
, Arash Amini
Eigenvectors of Deformed Wigner Random Matrices. 1069-1079 - Chin Hei Chan
, Vahid Tarokh
, Maosheng Xiong
Convergence Rate of Empirical Spectral Distribution of Random Matrices From Linear Codes. 1080-1087 - Michiko Okudo
, Fumiyasu Komaki
Bayes Extended Estimators for Curved Exponential Families. 1088-1098 - Chao Wang
, Kobi Cohen
, Qing Zhao
Information-Directed Random Walk for Rare Event Detection in Hierarchical Processes. 1099-1116 - Deepesh Data
, Linqi Song
, Suhas N. Diggavi
Data Encoding for Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Optimization. 1117-1140 - Arya Mazumdar
, Soumyabrata Pal
Semisupervised Clustering by Queries and Locally Encodable Source Coding. 1141-1155 - Benjamin Aubin
, Bruno Loureiro
, Antoine Maillard
, Florent Krzakala
, Lenka Zdeborová:
The Spiked Matrix Model With Generative Priors. 1156-1181 - Di Wang
, Jinhui Xu
On Sparse Linear Regression in the Local Differential Privacy Model. 1182-1200 - Eduardo Pavez
, Antonio Ortega
Covariance Matrix Estimation With Non Uniform and Data Dependent Missing Observations. 1201-1215 - Jwo-Yuh Wu
, Liang-Chi Huang
, Ming-Hsun Yang
, Chun-Hung Liu
Sparse Subspace Clustering via Two-Step Reweighted L1-Minimization: Algorithm and Provable Neighbor Recovery Rates. 1216-1263 - Simon Foucart, Deanna Needell
, Reese Pathak, Yaniv Plan, Mary Wootters
Weighted Matrix Completion From Non-Random, Non-Uniform Sampling Patterns. 1264-1290 - Wolfgang Erb
Shapes of Uncertainty in Spectral Graph Theory. 1291-1307 - Zhihui Zhu
, Qiuwei Li
, Gongguo Tang
, Michael B. Wakin
The Global Optimization Geometry of Low-Rank Matrix Optimization. 1308-1331 - Junjie Ma
, Rishabh Dudeja
, Ji Xu
, Arian Maleki
, Xiaodong Wang
Spectral Method for Phase Retrieval: An Expectation Propagation Perspective. 1332-1355 - Dong Xia, Ming Yuan
Effective Tensor Sketching via Sparsification. 1356-1369
Volume 67, Number 3, March 2021
- Ziv Goldfeld
, Guy Bresler, Yury Polyanskiy:
Information Storage in the Stochastic Ising Model. 1373-1399 - Minh Thanh Vu
, Tobias J. Oechtering
, Mikael Skoglund
, Holger Boche
Uncertainty in Identification Systems. 1400-1414 - Kaiming Shen
, Reza Khosravi-Farsani, Wei Yu
Capacity Limits of Full-Duplex Cellular Network. 1415-1432 - Sreejith Sreekumar
, Alexander Bunin
, Ziv Goldfeld
, Haim H. Permuter
, Shlomo Shamai
The Secrecy Capacity of Cost-Constrained Wiretap Channels. 1433-1445 - Susanna E. Rumsey
, Stark C. Draper
, Frank R. Kschischang
Information Density in Multi-Layer Resistive Memories. 1446-1460 - Alexandra M. Porter
, Mary Wootters
Embedded Index Coding. 1461-1477 - Hsin-Po Wang
, Iwan M. Duursma
Polar Codes' Simplicity, Random Codes' Durability. 1478-1508 - Hsin-Po Wang
, Iwan M. Duursma
Log-Logarithmic Time Pruned Polar Coding. 1509-1521 - Ray Li
, Mary Wootters
Improved List-Decodability of Random Linear Binary Codes. 1522-1536 - Francisco Lázaro
, Gianluigi Liva
, Gerhard Bauch
, Enrico Paolini
Bounds on the Error Probability of Raptor Codes Under Maximum Likelihood Decoding. 1537-1558 - Steffen Bondorf
, Binbin Chen
, Jonathan Scarlett
, Haifeng Yu, Yuda Zhao:
Sublinear-Time Non-Adaptive Group Testing With O(k log n) Tests via Bit-Mixing Coding. 1559-1570 - Lukas Holzbaur
, Sven Puchinger
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Error Decoding of Locally Repairable and Partial MDS Codes. 1571-1595 - Jing Qiu, Dabin Zheng
, Fang-Wei Fu
New Constructions of Optimal Cyclic (r, δ) Locally Repairable Codes From Their Zeros. 1596-1608 - Ron M. Roth
, Paul H. Siegel
On Bi-Modal Constrained Coding. 1609-1621 - Irrinki Gnana Sudha
, R. S. Selvaraj
MDS and I-Perfect Codes in Pomset Metric. 1622-1629 - Wenjun Yu
, Xiande Zhang
, Gennian Ge
Optimal Fraction Repetition Codes for Access-Balancing in Distributed Storage. 1630-1640 - Peter Beelen
, Johan Rosenkilde
, Grigory Solomatov
Fast Encoding of AG Codes Over Cab Curves. 1641-1655 - Matthew Fickus
, Benjamin R. Mayo:
Mutually Unbiased Equiangular Tight Frames. 1656-1667 - Milán Mosonyi
, Tomohiro Ogawa
Divergence Radii and the Strong Converse Exponent of Classical-Quantum Channel Coding With Constant Compositions. 1668-1698 - Ali Haghi
, Amir K. Khandani:
Rate Splitting and Successive Decoding for Gaussian Interference Channels. 1699-1731 - Minquan Cheng
, Jie Li
, Xiaohu Tang
, Ruizhong Wei
Linear Coded Caching Scheme for Centralized Networks. 1732-1742 - Rajat Talak
, Eytan H. Modiano:
Age-Delay Tradeoffs in Queueing Systems. 1743-1758 - Thomas Stahlbuhk
, Brooke Shrader, Eytan H. Modiano:
Learning Algorithms for Minimizing Queue Length Regret. 1759-1781 - Alessio Sancetta
Estimation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces With Dependent Data. 1782-1795 - Jie Chen
, Wenyi Zhang
, H. Vincent Poor
A Bayesian Approach to Sequential Change Detection and Isolation Problems. 1796-1803 - Jiangfan Zhang
, Xiaodong Wang
Low-Complexity Quickest Change Detection in Linear Systems With Unknown Time-Varying Pre- and Post-Change Distributions. 1804-1824 - Vladislav Z. B. Tadic
, Arnaud Doucet
Asymptotic Properties of Recursive Particle Maximum Likelihood Estimation. 1825-1848 - Yiran Shi
, Dingli Yu
, Hongyan Shi
, Yaowu Shi
A New Concept of Fractional Order Cumulant and It-Based Signal Processing in α and/or Gaussian Noise. 1849-1863 - Jiangfan Zhang
, Xiaodong Wang
Consensus-Based Distributed Quickest Detection of Attacks With Unknown Parameters. 1864-1885 - Aleksandr Y. Aravkin
, James V. Burke, Daiwei He:
On the Global Minimizers of Real Robust Phase Retrieval With Sparse Noise. 1886-1896 - Elad Romanov
, Or Ordentlich
Blind Unwrapping of Modulo Reduced Gaussian Vectors: Recovering MSBs From LSBs. 1897-1919 - (Withdrawn) A Novel Representation for Permutations. 1920-1927
- Yuanxin Li, Cong Ma, Yuxin Chen
, Yuejie Chi
Nonconvex Matrix Factorization From Rank-One Measurements. 1928-1950 - Shao-Lun Huang
, Xiangxiang Xu
On the Sample Complexity of HGR Maximal Correlation Functions for Large Datasets. 1951-1980 - Mark Bun
, Gautam Kamath
, Thomas Steinke, Zhiwei Steven Wu:
Private Hypothesis Selection. 1981-2000 - Chung Chan
, Ali Al-Bashabsheh
, Qiaoqiao Zhou
Agglomerative Info-Clustering: Maximizing Normalized Total Correlation. 2001-2011
Volume 67, Number 4, April 2021
- Ehsan Asadi Kangarshahi
, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas
A Single-Letter Upper Bound to the Mismatch Capacity. 2013-2033 - Ali Haghi
, Amir K. Khandani:
Boundary of the Gaussian Han-Kobayashi Rate Region. 2034-2054 - Lin Zhou
, Alfred O. Hero III
Resolution Limits for the Noisy Non-Adaptive 20 Questions Problem. 2055-2073 - Shengyu Zhu
, Biao Chen
, Zhitang Chen, Pengfei Yang:
Asymptotically Optimal One- and Two-Sample Testing With Kernels. 2074-2092 - Jean Barbier
, Chun Lam Chan
, Nicolas Macris
Adaptive Path Interpolation Method for Sparse Systems: Application to a Censored Block Model. 2093-2114 - Recep Can Yavas
, Victoria Kostina
, Michelle Effros
Random Access Channel Coding in the Finite Blocklength Regime. 2115-2140 - Abhik Ghosh
, Ayanendranath Basu
A Scale-Invariant Generalization of the Rényi Entropy, Associated Divergences and Their Optimizations Under Tsallis' Nonextensive Framework. 2141-2161 - Jie Li
, Yi Liu
, Xiaohu Tang
A Systematic Construction of MDS Codes With Small Sub-Packetization Level and Near-Optimal Repair Bandwidth. 2162-2180 - Xiangliang Kong, Xin Wang
, Gennian Ge
New Bounds and Constructions for Constant Weighted X-Codes. 2181-2191 - Jiayi Rui
, Qin Huang
, Zulin Wang:
Graftage Coding for Distributed Storage Systems. 2192-2205 - Serge Kas Hanna
, Salim El Rouayheb:
Codes for Correcting Localized Deletions. 2206-2216 - Massimo Battaglioni
, Franco Chiaraluce
, Marco Baldi
, Michael Lentmaier
Girth Analysis and Design of Periodically Time-Varying SC-LDPC Codes. 2217-2235 - Lingfei Jin
, Dawei Chen, Luyan Qian, Jiaming Teng
, Shijun Chen:
Construction of Binary Sequences With Low Correlation via Multiplicative Quadratic Character Over Finite Fields of Odd Characteristics. 2236-2244 - Uzi Pereg
, Christian Deppe
, Holger Boche
Quantum Channel State Masking. 2245-2268 - Hao-Chung Cheng
, Nilanjana Datta, Cambyse Rouzé
Strong Converse Bounds in Quantum Network Information Theory. 2269-2292 - Yuanlong Wang
, Shota Yokoyama
, Daoyi Dong
, Ian R. Petersen
, Elanor H. Huntington, Hidehiro Yonezawa
Two-Stage Estimation for Quantum Detector Tomography: Error Analysis, Numerical and Experimental Results. 2293-2307 - Fan Li
, Jinyuan Chen
Adding Common Randomness Can Remove the Secrecy Penalty in GDoF. 2308-2333 - Jinyuan Chen
, Chunhua Geng
Optimal Secure GDoF of Symmetric Gaussian Wiretap Channel With a Helper. 2334-2352 - Kai Wan
, Daniela Tuninetti
, Mingyue Ji
, Giuseppe Caire
On the Fundamental Limits of Fog-RAN Cache-Aided Networks With Downlink and Sidelink Communications. 2353-2378 - Hanzaleh Akbari Nodehi, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali
Secure Coded Multi-Party Computation for Massive Matrix Operations. 2379-2398 - Anshuka Rangi
, Massimo Franceschetti
, Stefano Maranò
Distributed Chernoff Test: Optimal Decision Systems Over Networks. 2399-2425 - Peida Tian
, Victoria Kostina
Nonstationary Gauss-Markov Processes: Parameter Estimation and Dispersion. 2426-2449 - Holger Boche
, Ullrich J. Mönich
Algorithmic Computability of the Signal Bandwidth. 2450-2471 - Alankrita Bhatt
, Bobak Nazer
, Or Ordentlich
, Yury Polyanskiy:
Information-Distilling Quantizers. 2472-2487 - Jie Ding
, Enmao Diao, Jiawei Zhou
, Vahid Tarokh
On Statistical Efficiency in Learning. 2488-2506 - Jana Janková
, Sara A. van de Geer
De-Biased Sparse PCA: Inference for Eigenstructure of Large Covariance Matrices. 2507-2527 - Lei Yu
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
On Non-Interactive Simulation of Binary Random Variables. 2528-2538 - Alexander Shapiro
, Yao Xie
, Rui Zhang
Goodness-of-Fit Tests on Manifolds. 2539-2553 - Victoria Kostina
, Yuval Peres, Gireeja Ranade
, Mark Sellke
Stabilizing a System With an Unbounded Random Gain Using Only Finitely Many Bits. 2554-2561 - Taposh Banerjee
, Prudhvi Gurram, Gene T. Whipps:
A Bayesian Theory of Change Detection in Statistically Periodic Random Processes. 2562-2580
Volume 67, Number 5, May 2021
- Dennis Elbrächter, Dmytro Perekrestenko
, Philipp Grohs
, Helmut Bölcskei
Deep Neural Network Approximation Theory. 2581-2623 - Cheuk Ting Li
, Venkat Anantharam
A Unified Framework for One-Shot Achievability via the Poisson Matching Lemma. 2624-2651 - Neri Merhav
Universal Decoding for Asynchronous Slepian-Wolf Encoding. 2652-2662 - Yonglong Li
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
On the Capacity of Channels With Deletions and States. 2663-2679 - Lampros Gavalakis
, Ioannis Kontoyiannis
Fundamental Limits of Lossless Data Compression With Side Information. 2680-2692 - Kenneth Palacio-Baus
, Natasha Devroye
Achievable Error Exponents of One-Way and Two-Way AWGN Channels. 2693-2715 - Sarah A. Obead
, Badri N. Vellambi
, Jörg Kliewer
Strong Coordination Over Noisy Channels. 2716-2738 - Eshed Ram
, Yuval Cassuto
Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes With Sub-Block Locality. 2739-2757 - Mohammad Fahim
, Viveck R. Cadambe
Numerically Stable Polynomially Coded Computing. 2758-2785 - Hao Chen
, Jian Weng
, Weiqi Luo
, Liqing Xu:
Long Optimal and Small-Defect LRC Codes With Unbounded Minimum Distances. 2786-2792 - Jin Sima
, Netanel Raviv
, Jehoshua Bruck
On Coding Over Sliced Information. 2793-2807 - Tai Do Duc
, Shu Liu
, Ivan Tjuawinata
, Chaoping Xing
Explicit Constructions of Two-Dimensional Reed-Solomon Codes in High Insertion and Deletion Noise Regime. 2808-2820 - Zhuqing Jia
, Syed Ali Jafar
Cross Subspace Alignment Codes for Coded Distributed Batch Computation. 2821-2846 - Andrew Nemec
, Andreas Klappenecker
Infinite Families of Quantum-Classical Hybrid Codes. 2847-2856 - Frédéric Dupuis
, Ashutosh Goswami
, Mehdi Mhalla
, Valentin Savin
Polarization of Quantum Channels Using Clifford-Based Channel Combining. 2857-2877 - Ivan Bardet, Marius Junge, Nicholas LaRacuente
, Cambyse Rouzé
, Daniel Stilck França
Group Transference Techniques for the Estimation of the Decoherence Times and Capacities of Quantum Markov Semigroups. 2878-2909 - Alon Kipnis
, Stefano Rini
, Andrea J. Goldsmith:
The Rate-Distortion Risk in Estimation From Compressed Data. 2910-2924 - Alexander Fengler
, Saeid Haghighatshoar
, Peter Jung
, Giuseppe Caire
Non-Bayesian Activity Detection, Large-Scale Fading Coefficient Estimation, and Unsourced Random Access With a Massive MIMO Receiver. 2925-2951 - Ashwin Ganesan
On Some Distributed Scheduling Algorithms for Wireless Networks With Hypergraph Interference Models. 2952-2957 - Shouvik Ganguly
, Seung-Eun Hong
, Young-Han Kim
On the Capacity Regions of Cloud Radio Access Networks With Limited Orthogonal Fronthaul. 2958-2988 - Wenjie Li
, Mohamad Assaad
Distributed Stochastic Optimization in Networks With Low Informational Exchange. 2989-3008 - William E. Leeb
, Elad Romanov
Optimal Spectral Shrinkage and PCA With Heteroscedastic Noise. 3009-3037 - John J. Benedetto
, Michael R. Dellomo
Reactive Sensing and Multiplicative Frame Super-Resolution. 3038-3059 - Mustafa Devrim Kaba
, Mengnan Zhao
, René Vidal
, Daniel P. Robinson
, Enrique Mallada
What is the Largest Sparsity Pattern That Can Be Recovered by 1-Norm Minimization? 3060-3074 - Ali M. Reza
, R. Lynn Kirlin:
Maximum Entropy Estimation of Density Function Using Order Statistics. 3075-3094 - Mahdi Haghifam
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
, Ashish Khisti
Sequential Classification With Empirically Observed Statistics. 3095-3113 - Kaiyi Ji
, Yi Zhou, Yingbin Liang
Understanding Estimation and Generalization Error of Generative Adversarial Networks. 3114-3129 - Prathamesh Mayekar
, Himanshu Tyagi
RATQ: A Universal Fixed-Length Quantizer for Stochastic Optimization. 3130-3154 - Puning Zhao, Lifeng Lai
Minimax Rate Optimal Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Classification and Regression. 3155-3182 - Masato Tajima
Corrections to "An Innovations Approach to Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes". 3183-3185
Volume 67, Number 6, Part 1, June 2021
- Alexander Barg
, Lara Dolecek, Ryan Gabrys, Gyula O. H. Katona, János Körner, Andrew McGregor, Olgica Milenkovic
, Sihem Mesnager, Gilles Zémor:
Guest Editorial Special Issue: "From Deletion-Correction to Graph Reconstruction: In Memory of Vladimir I. Levenshtein". 3187-3189 - Bernhard Haeupler
, Amirbehshad Shahrasbi
Synchronization Strings and Codes for Insertions and Deletions - A Survey. 3190-3206 - Mahdi Cheraghchi
, João Ribeiro
An Overview of Capacity Results for Synchronization Channels. 3207-3232 - Akshay Krishnamurthy
, Arya Mazumdar
, Andrew McGregor
, Soumyabrata Pal
Trace Reconstruction: Generalized and Parameterized. 3233-3250 - Emmanuel Abbe, Amir Shpilka
, Min Ye
Reed-Muller Codes: Theory and Algorithms. 3251-3277 - Alexandr V. Kostochka
, Douglas B. West
On Reconstruction of Graphs From the Multiset of Subgraphs Obtained by Deleting ℓ Vertices. 3278-3286 - Bonnie Berger
, Michael S. Waterman, Yun William Yu
Levenshtein Distance, Sequence Comparison and Biological Database Search. 3287-3294 - Vinnu Bhardwaj
, Pavel A. Pevzner, Cyrus Rashtchian
, Yana Safonova
Trace Reconstruction Problems in Computational Biology. 3295-3314 - Takehiko Mori
, Manabu Hagiwara
Perfect Multi Deletion Codes Achieve the Asymptotic Optimality of Code Size. 3315-3321 - Ville Junnila
, Tero Laihonen
, Tuomo Lehtilä
On Levenshtein's Channel and List Size in Information Retrieval. 3322-3341 - Mahed Abroshan
, Ramji Venkataramanan
, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas
Multilayer Codes for Synchronization From Deletions and Insertions. 3342-3359 - Jin Sima
, Jehoshua Bruck
On Optimal k-Deletion Correcting Codes. 3360-3375 - Andreas Lenz
, Cyrus Rashtchian
, Paul H. Siegel
, Eitan Yaakobi
Covering Codes Using Insertions or Deletions. 3376-3388 - Sundara Rajan Srinivasavaradhan
, Michelle Du
, Suhas N. Diggavi
, Christina Fragouli
Algorithms for Reconstruction Over Single and Multiple Deletion Channels. 3389-3410 - Ran Gelles
, Yael Tauman Kalai, Govind Ramnarayan
Efficient Multiparty Interactive Coding - Part I: Oblivious Insertions, Deletions and Substitutions. 3411-3437 - Kui Cai
, Yeow Meng Chee
, Ryan Gabrys
, Han Mao Kiah
, Tuan Thanh Nguyen
Correcting a Single Indel/Edit for DNA-Based Data Storage: Linear-Time Encoders and Order-Optimality. 3438-3451 - Yuanyuan Tang
, Farzad Farnoud
Error-Correcting Codes for Noisy Duplication Channels. 3452-3463 - Shing-Wei Wu
, Chao-Yu Chen
, Zilong Liu
How to Construct Mutually Orthogonal Complementary Sets With Non-Power-of-Two Lengths? 3464-3472 - Kanat S. Abdukhalikov
, Cunsheng Ding
, Sihem Mesnager
, Chunming Tang
, Maosheng Xiong
Cyclic Bent Functions and Their Applications in Sequences. 3473-3485 - Kangquan Li
, Sihem Mesnager
, Longjiang Qu
Further Study of 2-to-1 Mappings Over F2n. 3486-3496 - Zhi Gu
, Zhengchun Zhou
, Qi Wang
, Pingzhi Fan:
New Construction of Optimal Type-II Binary Z-Complementary Pairs. 3497-3508 - Naomi Kirshner, Alex Samorodnitsky
A Moment Ratio Bound for Polynomials and Some Extremal Properties of Krawchouk Polynomials and Hamming Spheres. 3509-3541 - Michael Gandelman
, Yuval Cassuto
Treeplication: An Erasure Code for Distributed Full Recovery Under the Random Multiset Channel. 3542-3556 - Yuan-Hsun Lo
, Kenneth W. Shum
, Wing Shing Wong
, Yijin Zhang
Multichannel Conflict-Avoiding Codes of Weights Three and Four. 3557-3568 - Peter G. Boyvalenkov
, Peter D. Dragnev
, Douglas P. Hardin
, Edward B. Saff
, Maya Stoyanova
Universal Bounds for Size and Energy of Codes of Given Minimum and Maximum Distances. 3569-3584 - Denis S. Krotov
, Vladimir N. Potapov
On Multifold Packings of Radius-1 Balls in Hamming Graphs. 3585-3598
Volume 67, Number 6, Part 2, June 2021
- Lev Yohananov
, Eitan Yaakobi
Codes Over Trees. 3599-3622 - Mehmet Fatih Aktas
, Amir Behrouzi-Far, Emina Soljanin
, Philip Whiting
Evaluating Load Balancing Performance in Distributed Storage With Redundancy. 3623-3644 - Mohamed Taoufiq Damir
, Alex Karrila
, Laia Amorós
, Oliver W. Gnilke
, David A. Karpuk, Camilla Hollanti
Well-Rounded Lattices: Towards Optimal Coset Codes for Gaussian and Fading Wiretap Channels. 3645-3663 - Eduardo Camps
, Hiram H. López
, Gretchen L. Matthews
, Eliseo Sarmiento:
Polar Decreasing Monomial-Cartesian Codes. 3664-3674 - Ilan Shomorony
, Reinhard Heckel
DNA-Based Storage: Models and Fundamental Limits. 3675-3689 - Chunming Tang
, Yan Qiu, Qunying Liao
, Zhengchun Zhou
Full Characterization of Minimal Linear Codes as Cutting Blocking Sets. 3690-3700 - Jon-Lark Kim
, Young-Hun Kim
, Nari Lee
Embedding Linear Codes Into Self-Orthogonal Codes and Their Optimal Minimum Distances. 3701-3707 - David G. M. Mitchell
, Pablo M. Olmos
, Michael Lentmaier
, Daniel J. Costello Jr.
Spatially Coupled Generalized LDPC Codes: Asymptotic Analysis and Finite Length Scaling. 3708-3723 - Ran Tao
, Tao Feng
, Weicong Li
A Construction of Minimal Linear Codes From Partial Difference Sets. 3724-3734 - Minjia Shi
, Ferruh Özbudak
, Patrick Solé:
Geometric Approach to b-Symbol Hamming Weights of Cyclic Codes. 3735-3751 - Suihua Cai
, Wenchao Lin, Xinyuanmeng Yao, Baodian Wei, Xiao Ma
Systematic Convolutional Low Density Generator Matrix Code. 3752-3764 - Minh Thanh Vu
, Tobias J. Oechtering
, Mikael Skoglund
Hypothesis Testing and Identification Systems. 3765-3780 - Uzi Pereg
, Yossef Steinberg
The Arbitrarily Varying Channel With Colored Gaussian Noise. 3781-3817 - Dariusz Dereniowski
, Marcin Jurkiewicz
On the Characteristic Graph of a Discrete Symmetric Channel. 3818-3823 - Michael Bell
, Yuval Kochman
On Universality and Training in Binary Hypothesis Testing. 3824-3846 - Arun Padakandla
Communicating Correlated Sources Over MAC and Interference Channels II: Joint Source-Channel Coding. 3847-3872 - Daewon Seo
, Lav R. Varshney
The CEO Problem With rth Power of Difference and Logarithmic Distortions. 3873-3891 - Cheng-Yu Pai
, Yong-Ting Ni, Chao-Yu Chen
Two-Dimensional Binary Z-Complementary Array Pairs. 3892-3904 - Kun Wang
, Masahito Hayashi
Permutation Enhances Classical Communication Assisted by Entangled States. 3905-3925 - Masahito Hayashi
, Kun Fang, Kun Wang:
Finite Block Length Analysis on Quantum Coherence Distillation and Incoherent Randomness Extraction. 3926-3944 - Anna Jencová
A General Theory of Comparison of Quantum Channels (and Beyond). 3945-3964 - Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar
Error Probability Bounds for Gaussian Channels Under Maximal and Average Power Constraints. 3965-3985 - Jinyuan Chen
Multi-Layer Interference Alignment and GDoF of the K-User Asymmetric Interference Channel. 3986-4000 - Kai Wan
, Hua Sun
, Mingyue Ji
, Daniela Tuninetti
, Giuseppe Caire
On the Optimal Load-Memory Tradeoff of Cache-Aided Scalar Linear Function Retrieval. 4001-4018 - Ahmed M. Bedewy
, Yin Sun
, Sastry Kompella
, Ness B. Shroff
Optimal Sampling and Scheduling for Timely Status Updates in Multi-Source Networks. 4019-4034 - Jiexiang Wang, Tao Li
, Xiwei Zhang
Decentralized Cooperative Online Estimation With Random Observation Matrices, Communication Graphs and Time Delays. 4035-4059 - Sabyasachi Chatterjee
, Subhajit Goswami
New Risk Bounds for 2D Total Variation Denoising. 4060-4091 - Ashwin Pananjady
, Dean P. Foster:
Single-Index Models in the High Signal Regime. 4092-4124 - Hans Christian Jung, Johannes Maly
, Lars Palzer, Alexander Stollenwerk:
Quantized Compressed Sensing by Rectified Linear Units. 4125-4149 - Laurent Jacques
, Thomas Feuillen
The Importance of Phase in Complex Compressive Sensing. 4150-4161 - Nihar B. Shah
, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Martin J. Wainwright:
A Permutation-Based Model for Crowd Labeling: Optimal Estimation and Robustness. 4162-4184 - Tayyebeh Jahani-Nezhad
, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali
CodedSketch: A Coding Scheme for Distributed Computation of Approximated Matrix Multiplication. 4185-4196 - Guy Bresler, Mina Karzand
Regret Bounds and Regimes of Optimality for User-User and Item-Item Collaborative Filtering. 4197-4222 - Xiaohui Chen
, Yun Yang:
Cutoff for Exact Recovery of Gaussian Mixture Models. 4223-4238
Volume 67, Number 7, July 2021
- Tingting Chen
, Yiming Ma, Xiande Zhang
Optimal Codes With Small Constant Weight in ℓ₁-Metric. 4239-4254 - Luciano Panek
, Nayene Michele Paião Panek:
Optimal Anticodes, Diameter Perfect Codes, Chains and Weights. 4255-4262 - Kangquan Li
, Chunlei Li
, Tor Helleseth, Longjiang Qu
Binary Linear Codes With Few Weights From Two-to-One Functions. 4263-4275 - Yonatan Yehezkeally
, Moshe Schwartz
Uncertainty of Reconstruction With List-Decoding From Uniform-Tandem-Duplication Noise. 4276-4287 - Chentao Yue
, Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam
, Branka Vucetic
, Yonghui Li
A Revisit to Ordered Statistics Decoding: Distance Distribution and Decoding Rules. 4288-4337 - Jeremiah Blocki
, Venkata Gandikota
, Elena Grigorescu
, Samson Zhou
Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes in Computationally Bounded Channels. 4338-4360 - Wanderson Tenório
, Guilherme Chaud Tizziotti
On Stopping Sets of AG Codes Over Certain Curves With Separated Variables. 4361-4368 - Sagi Marcovich
, Eitan Yaakobi
Reconstruction of Strings From Their Substrings Spectrum. 4369-4384 - Kuan Hsieh
, Ramji Venkataramanan
Modulated Sparse Superposition Codes for the Complex AWGN Channel. 4385-4404 - Keigo Takeuchi
Bayes-Optimal Convolutional AMP. 4405-4428 - Lei Liu
, Chulong Liang
, Junjie Ma
, Li Ping
Capacity Optimality of AMP in Coded Systems. 4429-4445 - Cynthia Rush
, Kuan Hsieh
, Ramji Venkataramanan
Capacity-Achieving Spatially Coupled Sparse Superposition Codes With AMP Decoding. 4446-4484 - Farhad Shirani
, S. Sandeep Pradhan
A New Achievable Rate-Distortion Region for Distributed Source Coding. 4485-4503 - Georgia M. Nixon
, Benjamin J. Brown
Correcting Spanning Errors With a Fractal Code. 4504-4516 - Nengkun Yu
, Li Zhou:
When is the Chernoff Exponent for Quantum Operations Finite? 4517-4523 - Xin Wang
Pursuing the Fundamental Limits for Quantum Communication. 4524-4532 - Vikesh Siddhu
, Robert B. Griffiths
Positivity and Nonadditivity of Quantum Capacities Using Generalized Erasure Channels. 4533-4545 - Sergey Bravyi, Dmitri Maslov
Hadamard-Free Circuits Expose the Structure of the Clifford Group. 4546-4563 - Go Kato
, Masaki Owari
, Masahito Hayashi
Single-Shot Secure Quantum Network Coding for General Multiple Unicast Network With Free One-Way Public Communication. 4564-4587 - Daesung Kim
, Hye Won Chung
Binary Classification With XOR Queries: Fundamental Limits and an Efficient Algorithm. 4588-4612 - Yanxi Chen
, Cong Ma
, H. Vincent Poor
, Yuxin Chen:
Learning Mixtures of Low-Rank Models. 4613-4636 - Felix Abramovich
, Vadim Grinshtein
, Tomer Levy
Multiclass Classification by Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression. 4637-4646 - Isabel Haasler
, Rahul Singh
, Qinsheng Zhang, Johan Karlsson
, Yongxin Chen
Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport and Probabilistic Graphical Models. 4647-4668 - Thanh Van Nguyen
, Raymond K. W. Wong
, Chinmay Hegde
Benefits of Jointly Training Autoencoders: An Improved Neural Tangent Kernel Analysis. 4669-4692 - Zheng Li, Sheng Yang
, Shlomo Shamai
On Linearly Precoded Rate Splitting for Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channels. 4693-4709 - Niloufar Ahmadypour
, Amin Gohari
Transmission of a Bit Over a Discrete Poisson Channel With Memory. 4710-4727 - Ni Ding
, Parastoo Sadeghi
, Thierry Rakotoarivelo:
Improving Computational Efficiency of Communication for Omniscience and Successive Omniscience. 4728-4746 - Hamdi Joudeh
, Eleftherios Lampiris
, Petros Elia
, Giuseppe Caire
Fundamental Limits of Wireless Caching Under Mixed Cacheable and Uncacheable Traffic. 4747-4767 - Alexander G. Tartakovsky
An Asymptotic Theory of Joint Sequential Changepoint Detection and Identification for General Stochastic Models. 4768-4783 - Laixi Shi
, Yuejie Chi
Manifold Gradient Descent Solves Multi-Channel Sparse Blind Deconvolution Provably and Efficiently. 4784-4811 - Ping Liu
, Hai Zhang
A Theory of Computational Resolution Limit for Line Spectral Estimation. 4812-4827 - Sihem Mesnager
, Chunming Tang
Fast Algebraic Immunity of Boolean Functions and LCD Codes. 4828-4837 - Bing Sun
Provable Security Evaluation of Block Ciphers Against Demirci-Selçuk's Meet-in-the-Middle Attack. 4838-4844 - Nian Li
, Maosheng Xiong
, Xiangyong Zeng:
On Permutation Quadrinomials and 4-Uniform BCT. 4845-4855 - Lukas Kölsch
On CCZ-Equivalence of the Inverse Function. 4856-4862 - Christof Beierle
, Marcus Brinkmann
, Gregor Leander
Linearly Self-Equivalent APN Permutations in Small Dimension. 4863-4875 - Jiahuan Wang, Pingzhi Fan, Zhengchun Zhou
, Yang Yang:
Quasi-Orthogonal Z-Complementary Pairs and Their Applications in Fully Polarimetric Radar Systems. 4876-4890 - Nurdagül Anbar
, Tekgül Kalayci
, Wilfried Meidl
Analysis of (n, n)-Functions Obtained From the Maiorana-McFarland Class. 4891-4901 - Zilong Wang
, Dongxu Ma
, Guang Gong
, Erzhong Xue
New Construction of Complementary Sequence (or Array) Sets and Complete Complementary Codes. 4902-4928 - Hsin-Lung Wu
On the Communication Complexity of AND Functions. 4929-4935 - Antonio Napolitano
Correction to "Cyclic Statistic Estimators With Uncertain Cycle Frequencies". 4936
Volume 67, Number 8, August 2021
- Ricardo Felipe Ferreira
Concentration Bounds for Plug-In Estimator of Directed Information. 4939-4947 - Gowtham R. Kurri
, Vinod M. Prabhakaran
, Anand D. Sarwate
Coordination Through Shared Randomness. 4948-4974 - Tailin Niu
, Kangquan Li
, Longjiang Qu
, Qiang Wang
Finding Compositional Inverses of Permutations From the AGW Criterion. 4975-4985 - Amedeo Roberto Esposito
, Michael Gastpar
, Ibrahim Issa
Generalization Error Bounds via Rényi-, f-Divergences and Maximal Leakage. 4986-5004 - Weijun Fang
, Shu-Tao Xia
, Fang-Wei Fu
Construction of MDS Euclidean Self-Dual Codes via Two Subsets. 5005-5015 - Yun Fan
, Liren Lin:
Dihedral Group Codes Over Finite Fields. 5016-5025 - Hannes Bartz
, Thomas Jerkovits
, Sven Puchinger
, Johan Rosenkilde
Fast Decoding of Codes in the Rank, Subspace, and Sum-Rank Metric. 5026-5050 - Ameera Chowdhury
, Alexander Vardy
Improved Schemes for Asymptotically Optimal Repair of MDS Codes. 5051-5068 - Yansheng Wu
, Jong Yoon Hyun
, Yoonjin Lee
New LCD MDS Codes of Non-Reed-Solomon Type. 5069-5078 - Derong Xie
, Jinquan Luo
New Results on Asymmetric Single Correcting Codes of Magnitude Four. 5079-5087 - Alexander A. Davydov
, Stefano Marcugini
, Fernanda Pambianco
On Cosets Weight Distribution of Doubly-Extended Reed-Solomon Codes of Codimension 4. 5088-5096 - Maosheng Xiong
, Aixian Zhang
On Cyclic Codes of Composite Length and the Minimum Distance II. 5097-5103 - Hengjia Wei
, Xin Wang
, Moshe Schwartz
On Lattice Packings and Coverings of Asymmetric Limited-Magnitude Balls. 5104-5115 - Jürgen Bierbrauer, Stefano Marcugini
, Fernanda Pambianco
Optimal Additive Quaternary Codes of Low Dimension. 5116-5118 - Yang Liu, Cunsheng Ding
, Chunming Tang
Shortened Linear Codes Over Finite Fields. 5119-5132 - Xiaoqiang Wang
, Dabin Zheng
, Cunsheng Ding
Some Punctured Codes of Several Families of Binary Linear Codes. 5133-5148 - Umberto Martínez-Peñas
Sum-Rank BCH Codes and Cyclic-Skew-Cyclic Codes. 5149-5167 - Gaojun Luo
, Xiwang Cao
, Minjia Shi
, Tor Helleseth:
Three New Constructions of Asymptotically Optimal Periodic Quasi-Complementary Sequence Sets With Small Alphabet Sizes. 5168-5177 - Javier de la Cruz
, Wolfgang Willems
Twisted Group Codes. 5178-5184 - Lorenzo Miretti
, Mari Kobayashi
, David Gesbert, Paul de Kerret
Cooperative Multiple-Access Channels With Distributed State Information. 5185-5199 - Neri Merhav
Optimal Correlators for Detection and Estimation in Optical Receivers. 5200-5210 - Jian Ding, Yihong Wu
, Jiaming Xu
, Dana Yang
Consistent Recovery Threshold of Hidden Nearest Neighbor Graphs. 5211-5229 - P. N. Karthik
, Rajesh Sundaresan
Detecting an Odd Restless Markov Arm With a Trembling Hand. 5230-5258 - Cheuk Ting Li
Efficient Approximate Minimum Entropy Coupling of Multiple Probability Distributions. 5259-5268 - Shahar Mendelson
Learning Bounded Subsets of Lₚ. 5269-5282 - Junwei Lu
, Fang Han, Han Liu:
Robust Scatter Matrix Estimation for High Dimensional Distributions With Heavy Tail. 5283-5304 - Fumiyasu Komaki
Shrinkage Priors for Nonparametric Bayesian Prediction of Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes. 5305-5317 - Hidemasa Oda
, Fumiyasu Komaki
Shrinkage Priors on Complex-Valued Circular- Symmetric Autoregressive Processes. 5318-5333 - Arne Winterhof
, Zibi Xiao
Binary Sequences Derived From Differences of Consecutive Primitive Roots. 5334-5338 - Ho-Joon Kim
, Soojoon Lee
, Ludovico Lami
, Martin B. Plenio
One-Shot Manipulation of Entanglement for Quantum Channels. 5339-5351 - Islam Samy
, Mohamed Adel Attia, Ravi Tandon
, Loukas Lazos:
Asymmetric Leaky Private Information Retrieval. 5352-5369 - Jinbao Zhu
, Qifa Yan
, Xiaohu Tang
, Ying Miao
Capacity-Achieving Private Information Retrieval Schemes From Uncoded Storage Constrained Servers With Low Sub-Packetization. 5370-5386 - Qiaosheng Eric Zhang
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Covert Identification Over Binary-Input Discrete Memoryless Channels. 5387-5403 - Ori Shmuel
, Asaf Cohen
Private Information Retrieval Over Gaussian MAC. 5404-5419 - Yinfei Xu
, Daming Cao
Secret Key Generation From Vector Gaussian Sources With Public and Private Communications. 5420-5431 - Rémi A. Chou
, Matthieu R. Bloch
, Aylin Yener
Universal Covertness for Discrete Memoryless Sources. 5432-5442 - Debbie W. Leung, Ashwin Nayak
, Ala Shayeghi
, Dave Touchette, Penghui Yao, Nengkun Yu
Capacity Approaching Coding for Low Noise Interactive Quantum Communication Part I: Large Alphabets. 5443-5490 - Seunghoan Song
, Masahito Hayashi
Capacity of Quantum Private Information Retrieval With Colluding Servers. 5491-5508 - Cheuk Ting Li
, Venkat Anantharam
One-Shot Variable-Length Secret Key Agreement Approaching Mutual Information. 5509-5525 - Mohammad Rezai
, Jawad A. Salehi
Quantum CDMA Communication Systems. 5526-5547 - Fenghua Tong
, Lixiang Li
, Haipeng Peng
, Yixian Yang
Deterministic Constructions of Compressed Sensing Matrices From Unitary Geometry. 5548-5561 - Alon Kipnis
, Galen Reeves
Gaussian Approximation of Quantization Error for Estimation From Compressed Data. 5562-5579 - Hedongliang Liu
, Hengjia Wei
, Sven Puchinger
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Moshe Schwartz
On the Gap Between Scalar and Vector Solutions of Generalized Combination Networks. 5580-5591 - Xiang-Dong Hou
On the Number of Affine Equivalence Classes of Boolean Functions and q-Ary Functions. 5592-5601 - Tuan Thanh Nguyen
, Kui Cai
, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink
, Han Mao Kiah
Capacity-Approaching Constrained Codes With Error Correction for DNA-Based Data Storage. 5602-5613 - Kamal Singh
, Chandradeep Singh:
Comments and Corrections to "Capacity of Multiple-Antenna Systems With Both Receiver and Transmitter Channel State Information". 5614-5622
Volume 67, Number 9, September 2021
- Dor Itzhak
, Yossef Steinberg
The Broadcast Channel With Degraded Message Sets and Unreliable Conference. 5623-5650 - Sadaf Salehkalaibar
, Mohammad Hossein Yassaee
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
, Mehrasa Ahmadipour:
State Masking Over a Two-State Compound Channel. 5651-5673 - Bashar Huleihel
, Oron Sabag
, Haim H. Permuter
, Navin Kashyap
, Shlomo Shamai Shitz:
Computable Upper Bounds on the Capacity of Finite-State Channels. 5674-5692 - Arman Fazeli
, Hamed Hassani
, Marco Mondelli
, Alexander Vardy
Binary Linear Codes With Optimal Scaling: Polar Codes With Large Kernels. 5693-5710 - Michael Luby
Repair Rate Lower Bounds for Distributed Storage. 5711-5730 - Sung-En Chiu
, Tara Javidi
Low Complexity Sequential Search With Size-Dependent Measurement Noise. 5731-5748 - Ohad Elishco
, Ryan Gabrys
, Eitan Yaakobi
, Muriel Médard
Repeat-Free Codes. 5749-5764 - Cecília Salgado
, Anthony Várilly-Alvarado
, José Felipe Voloch
Locally Recoverable Codes on Surfaces. 5765-5777 - Shu Liu
, Ivan Tjuawinata
, Chaoping Xing
Efficiently List-Decodable Insertion and Deletion Codes via Concatenation. 5778-5790 - Parham Noorzad
, Michelle Effros
, Michael Langberg
, Victoria Kostina
The Birthday Problem and Zero-Error List Codes. 5791-5803 - Ali Farsiabi
, Amir H. Banihashemi
Error Floor Analysis of LDPC Row Layered Decoders. 5804-5826 - Noga Ron-Zewi
, Mary Wootters
, Gilles Zémor
Linear-Time Erasure List-Decoding of Expander Codes. 5827-5839 - Jihad Fahs
, Aslan Tchamkerten
, Mansoor I. Yousefi
Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution in Per-Sample Zero-Dispersion Model of Optical Fiber. 5840-5852 - Suhas S. Kowshik
, Yury Polyanskiy
Fundamental Limits of Many-User MAC With Finite Payloads and Fading. 5853-5884 - Parham Noorzad
, Michael Langberg
, Michelle Effros
Negligible Cooperation: Contrasting the Maximal- and Average-Error Cases. 5885-5902 - Reza Rafie Borujeny
, Frank R. Kschischang
A Signal-Space Distance Measure for Nondispersive Optical Fiber. 5903-5921 - Kai Ni, Shanshan Cao, Xiaoming Huo
Asymptotic Convergence Rates of the Length of the Longest Run(s) in an Inflating Bernoulli Net. 5922-5941 - Yu-Chih Huang
, Yu-Jui Huang
, Shih-Chun Lin
Asymptotic Optimality in Byzantine Distributed Quickest Change Detection. 5942-5962 - Kevin R. Moon
, Kumar Sricharan, Alfred O. Hero III
Ensemble Estimation of Generalized Mutual Information With Applications to Genomics. 5963-5996 - Ji Xu
, Arian Maleki
, Kamiar Rahnama Rad, Daniel Hsu
Consistent Risk Estimation in Moderately High-Dimensional Linear Regression. 5997-6030 - Muni Sreenivas Pydi
, Varun S. Jog
Adversarial Risk via Optimal Transport and Optimal Couplings. 6031-6052 - Virginia Bordignon
, Vincenzo Matta
, Ali H. Sayed
Adaptive Social Learning. 6053-6081 - K. R. Sahasranand
, Himanshu Tyagi
Communication Complexity of Distributed High Dimensional Correlation Testing. 6082-6095 - Qiaosheng Eric Zhang
, Mayank Bakshi
, Sidharth Jaggi:
Covert Communication Over Adversarially Jammed Channels. 6096-6121 - Te Sun Han
, Masahide Sasaki
Wiretap Channels With Causal and Non-Causal State Information: Revisited. 6122-6139 - Ling Liu
, Jinwen Shi
, Cong Ling
Polar Lattices for Lossy Compression. 6140-6163 - Atsushi Suzuki
, Kenji Yamanishi
Fourier-Analysis-Based Form of Normalized Maximum Likelihood: Exact Formula and Relation to Complex Bayesian Prior. 6164-6178 - Ron M. Roth
, Paul H. Siegel
Variable-Length Constrained Coding and Kraft Conditions: The Parity-Preserving Case. 6179-6192 - Hari Hara Suthan Chittoor
, Prasad Krishnan
, K. V. Sushena Sree, Bhavana Mamillapalli
Subexponential and Linear Subpacketization Coded Caching via Projective Geometry. 6193-6222 - Hazer Inaltekin
, Saman Atapattu
, Jamie S. Evans
Optimum Location-Based Relay Selection in Wireless Networks. 6223-6242 - Ori Shmuel
, Asaf Cohen
, Omer Gurewitz
Compute-and-Forward in Large Relaying Systems: Limitations and Asymptotically Optimal Scheduling. 6243-6265 - Anindya Bijoy Das
, Aditya Ramamoorthy
, Namrata Vaswani
Efficient and Robust Distributed Matrix Computations via Convolutional Coding. 6266-6282
Volume 67, Number 10, October 2021
- Shih-Chun Lin
, I-Hsiang Wang
, Alireza Vahid
Capacity of Broadcast Packet Erasure Channels With Single-User Delayed CSI. 6283-6295 - Xiang Huang
, Jack H. Lutz
, Elvira Mayordomo
, Donald M. Stull:
Asymptotic Divergences and Strong Dichotomy. 6296-6305 - Omid Kharazmi
, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
Cumulative Residual and Relative Cumulative Residual Fisher Information and Their Properties. 6306-6312 - Gilad Gour
, Marco Tomamichel
Entropy and Relative Entropy From Information-Theoretic Principles. 6313-6327 - Adrien Saumard
, Fabien Navarro
Finite Sample Improvement of Akaike's Information Criterion. 6328-6343 - Zihui Liu
, Yao Wei
Further Results on the Relative Generalized Hamming Weight. 6344-6355 - Aditya Narayan Ravi, Sibi Raj B. Pillai
, Vinod M. Prabhakaran
, Michèle A. Wigger
On the Capacity Enlargement of Gaussian Broadcast Channels With Passive Noisy Feedback. 6356-6367 - Varun S. Jog
Reverse Euclidean and Gaussian Isoperimetric Inequalities for Parallel Sets With Applications. 6368-6383 - Venkatesan Guruswami
, Johan Håstad
Explicit Two-Deletion Codes With Redundancy Matching the Existential Bound. 6384-6394 - Son Hoang Dau
, Dinh Thi Xinh
, Han Mao Kiah
, Tran Thi Luong, Olgica Milenkovic
Repairing Reed-Solomon Codes via Subspace Polynomials. 6395-6407 - Maiara F. Bollauf
, Vinay A. Vaishampayan
, Sueli I. R. Costa
On Communication for Distributed Babai Point Computation. 6408-6424 - Lukas Holzbaur
, Sven Puchinger
, Eitan Yaakobi
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Partial MDS Codes With Regeneration. 6425-6441 - Chunyu Gan
, Chengju Li
, Sihem Mesnager
, Haifeng Qian:
On Hulls of Some Primitive BCH Codes and Self-Orthogonal Codes. 6442-6455 - Eimear Byrne, Heide Gluesing-Luerssen
, Alberto Ravagnani
Fundamental Properties of Sum-Rank-Metric Codes. 6456-6475 - Martianus Frederic Ezerman
, John Mark Lampos, San Ling
, Buket Özkaya
, Jareena Tharnnukhroh
A Comparison of Distance Bounds for Quasi-Twisted Codes. 6476-6490 - Xiangliang Kong, Xin Wang
, Gennian Ge
New Constructions of Optimal Locally Repairable Codes With Super-Linear Length. 6491-6506 - Jian-Jia Weng
, Fady Alajaji
, Tamás Linder
Two-Way Source-Channel Coding. 6507-6524 - Hamdi Joudeh
, Giuseppe Caire
Cellular Networks With Finite Precision CSIT: GDoF Optimality of Multi-Cell TIN and Extremal Gains of Multi-Cell Cooperation. 6525-6547 - Ye Wang, Ali Zibaeenejad
, Yaohui Jing, Jun Chen
On the Optimality of the Greedy Policy for Battery Limited Energy Harvesting Communications. 6548-6563 - Dmitry Gavinsky
Bare Quantum Simultaneity Versus Classical Interactivity in Communication Complexity. 6583-6605 - Rotem Arnon Friedman, Felix Leditzky
Upper Bounds on Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Rates and a Revised Peres Conjecture. 6606-6618 - Yanyan Gao
, Qin Yue
, Xinmei Huang, Jun Zhang:
Hulls of Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes via Goppa Codes and Their Applications to Quantum Codes. 6619-6626 - Giacomo De Palma
, Milad Marvian, Dario Trevisan
, Seth Lloyd:
The Quantum Wasserstein Distance of Order 1. 6627-6643 - Yingkai Ouyang
, Earl T. Campbell:
Trade-Offs on Number and Phase Shift Resilience in Bosonic Quantum Codes. 6644-6652 - Nikolas P. Breuckmann
, Jens Niklas Eberhardt
Balanced Product Quantum Codes. 6653-6674 - Sanghamitra Dutta
, Praveen Venkatesh
, Piotr Mardziel, Anupam Datta, Pulkit Grover
Fairness Under Feature Exemptions: Counterfactual and Observational Measures. 6675-6710 - Samarth Gupta
, Shreyas Chaudhari
, Gauri Joshi, Osman Yagan
Multi-Armed Bandits With Correlated Arms. 6711-6732 - Hao Wang
, Hsiang Hsu
, Mario Díaz
, Flávio P. Calmon
To Split or not to Split: The Impact of Disparate Treatment in Classification. 6733-6757 - Haiyun He
, Qiaosheng Eric Zhang
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Optimal Change-Point Detection With Training Sequences in the Large and Moderate Deviations Regimes. 6758-6784 - Kenric P. Nelson
, William Thistleton
Comments on "Generalized Box-Müller Method for Generating q-Gaussian Random Deviates". 6785-6789 - Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya
, Kavita Ramanan:
Parameter Estimation for Undirected Graphical Models With Hard Constraints. 6790-6809 - Kenji Nakagawa
, Yoshinori Takei, Shin-ichiro Hara, Kohei Watabe:
Analysis of the Convergence Speed of the Arimoto-Blahut Algorithm by the Second-Order Recurrence Formula. 6810-6831 - Dustin G. Mixon
, Kaiying Xie
Sketching Semidefinite Programs for Faster Clustering. 6832-6840 - Xinyu Yao, Nan Liu
, Wei Kang
The Capacity of Private Information Retrieval Under Arbitrary Collusion Patterns for Replicated Databases. 6841-6855 - Hang Chen
, Cunsheng Ding
, Sihem Mesnager
, Chunming Tang
A Novel Application of Boolean Functions With High Algebraic Immunity in Minimal Codes. 6856-6867 - Mansi Sood
, Osman Yagan
On the Minimum Node Degree and k-Connectivity in Inhomogeneous Random K-Out Graphs. 6868-6893 - Alexander Fengler
, Peter Jung
, Giuseppe Caire
SPARCs for Unsourced Random Access. 6894-6915 - Sihem Mesnager
, Constanza Riera
, Pantelimon Stanica
, Haode Yan, Zhengchun Zhou
Investigations on c-(Almost) Perfect Nonlinear Functions. 6916-6925 - Claude Carlet
On the Properties of the Boolean Functions Associated to the Differential Spectrum of General APN Functions and Their Consequences. 6926-6939 - Ming Li
, Dongdai Lin
Efficient Construction of Cross-Join Pairs in a Product of Primitive Polynomials of Pairwise-Coprime Degrees. 6940-6951 - Tor Helleseth, Daniel J. Katz
, Chunlei Li
The Resolution of Niho's Last Conjecture Concerning Sequences, Codes, and Boolean Functions. 6952-6962 - Ran Tamir
, Neri Merhav
Error Exponents in the Bee Identification Problem. 6564-6582
Volume 67, Number 11, November 2021
- Yinfei Xu
, Xuan Guang
, Jian Lu
, Jun Chen
Vector Gaussian Successive Refinement With Degraded Side Information. 6963-6982 - Recep Can Yavas
, Victoria Kostina
, Michelle Effros
Gaussian Multiple and Random Access Channels: Finite-Blocklength Analysis. 6983-7009 - Tomasz Downarowicz, Dominik Kwietniak
, Martha Lacka
Uniform Continuity of Entropy Rate With Respect to the ̅F-Pseudometric. 7010-7018 - Neri Merhav
On Error Exponents of Encoder-Assisted Communication Systems. 7019-7029 - Milan Studený
Conditional Independence Structures Over Four Discrete Random Variables Revisited: Conditional Ingleton Inequalities. 7030-7049 - Alex Dytso
, Luca Barletta
, Shlomo Shamai Shitz
Properties of the Support of the Capacity-Achieving Distribution of the Amplitude-Constrained Poisson Noise Channel. 7050-7066 - Yan Hao Ling, Jonathan Scarlett
Optimal Rates of Teaching and Learning Under Uncertainty. 7067-7080 - Kuangda Tian
, Arman Fazeli
, Alexander Vardy
Polar Coding for Channels With Deletions. 7081-7095 - Eshed Ram
, Yuval Cassuto
Design of Bilayer and Multi-Layer LDPC Ensembles From Individual Degree Distributions. 7096-7109 - Francisco Revson Fernandes Pereira
, Ruud Pellikaan, Giuliano Gadioli La Guardia
, Francisco Marcos de Assis
Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Codes From Algebraic Geometry Codes. 7110-7120 - Minquan Cheng
, Jinyu Wang, Xi Zhong
, Qiang Wang
A Framework of Constructing Placement Delivery Arrays for Centralized Coded Caching. 7121-7131 - Maria Abu Sini
, Eitan Yaakobi
On Levenshtein's Reconstruction Problem Under Insertions, Deletions, and Substitutions. 7132-7158 - Zhengrui Li
, Sian-Jheng Lin
, Po-Ning Chen
, Yunghsiang S. Han
, Hanxu Hou
Update Bandwidth for Distributed Storage. 7159-7179 - Thach V. Bui
, Mahdi Cheraghchi, Isao Echizen
Improved Non-Adaptive Algorithms for Threshold Group Testing With a Gap. 7180-7196 - Yunqi Wan
, Li Chen
, Fangguo Zhang
Guruswami-Sudan Decoding of Elliptic Codes Through Module Basis Reduction. 7197-7209 - Steven T. Dougherty, Josep Rifà
, Mercè Villanueva
Rank and Kernel of Additive Generalized Hadamard Codes. 7210-7220 - Xin Wei
, Tingting Chen
, Xiande Zhang
Optimal Ternary Codes With Weight w and Distance 2w - 2 in ℓ1-Metric. 7221-7231 - Minjia Shi
, Shitao Li
, Patrick Solé
ℤ₂ℤ₄-Additive Quasi-Cyclic Codes. 7232-7239 - Yu Ning
, Zuo Ye
, Gennian Ge
, Fuyou Miao
, Yan Xiong
, Xiande Zhang
New Results on Self-Dual Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes. 7240-7252 - Min Qiu
, Yu-Chih Huang
, Jinhong Yuan
Discrete Signaling and Treating Interference as Noise for the Gaussian Interference Channel. 7253-7284 - Ke-Wen Huang
, Hui-Ming Wang
, H. Vincent Poor
On Covert Communication Against Sequential Change-Point Detection. 7285-7303 - Liang Liu
, Ya-Feng Liu
, Pratik Patil
, Wei Yu
Uplink-Downlink Duality Between Multiple-Access and Broadcast Channels With Compressing Relays. 7304-7337 - Shuping Dang
, Shuaishuai Guo
, Basem Shihada
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
Information-Theoretic Analysis of OFDM With Subcarrier Number Modulation. 7338-7354 - Yunzi Ding
, Dmitriy Kunisky
, Alexander S. Wein
, Afonso S. Bandeira:
The Average-Case Time Complexity of Certifying the Restricted Isometry Property. 7355-7361 - Borja Rodríguez Gálvez
, Germán Bassi
, Mikael Skoglund
Upper Bounds on the Generalization Error of Private Algorithms for Discrete Data. 7362-7379 - Chen Cheng
, Yuting Wei
, Yuxin Chen
Tackling Small Eigen-Gaps: Fine-Grained Eigenvector Estimation and Inference Under Heteroscedastic Noise. 7380-7419 - Zhuqing Jia
, Syed Ali Jafar
On the Capacity of Secure Distributed Batch Matrix Multiplication. 7420-7437 - Fangwei Ye
, Carolina Naim
, Salim El Rouayheb:
ON-OFF Privacy in the Presence of Correlation. 7438-7457 - Yiwei Zhang
, Eitan Yaakobi
, Tuvi Etzion
Private Proximity Retrieval Codes. 7458-7476 - Alkan Soysal
, Sennur Ulukus
Age of Information in G/G/1/1 Systems: Age Expressions, Bounds, Special Cases, and Optimization. 7477-7489 - Min Kyu Song
, Hong-Yeop Song
New Framework for Sequences With Perfect Autocorrelation and Optimal Crosscorrelation. 7490-7500 - Sihem Mesnager
, Sihong Su
On Correlation Immune Boolean Functions With Minimum Hamming Weight Power of 2. 7501-7517 - Yu Long Chen
, Atul Luykx, Bart Mennink, Bart Preneel:
Systematic Security Analysis of Stream Encryption With Key Erasure. 7518-7534 - Kangquan Li
, Chunlei Li
, Tor Helleseth, Longjiang Qu
A Complete Characterization of the APN Property of a Class of Quadrinomials. 7535-7549 - Zhimin Sun
, Xiangyong Zeng
, Chunlei Li
, Yi Zhang
, Lin Yi:
The Expansion Complexity of Ultimately Periodic Sequences Over Finite Fields. 7550-7560 - Bing Sun
, Kangquan Li
, Jian Guo
, Longjiang Qu
New Constructions of Complete Permutations. 7561-7567 - Samuel Epstein
All Sampling Methods Produce Outliers. 7568-7578 - Huanmin Ge
, Wengu Chen
, Michael K. Ng
On Recovery of Sparse Signals With Prior Support Information via Weighted ℓₚ-Minimization. 7579-7595 - Danny Hucke, Markus Lohrey
, Louisa Seelbach Benkner
Entropy Bounds for Grammar-Based Tree Compressors. 7596-7615 - Cheuk Ting Li
Asymptotically Scale-Invariant Multi-Resolution Quantization. 7616-7626 - Qunzhi Xu
, Yajun Mei, George V. Moustakides
Optimum Multi-Stream Sequential Change-Point Detection With Sampling Control. 7627-7636
Volume 67, Number 12, December 2021
- Assaf Ben-Yishai
, Young-Han Kim
, Or Ordentlich
, Ofer Shayevitz
A Lower Bound on the Essential Interactive Capacity of Binary Memoryless Symmetric Channels. 7639-7658 - Raffaello Seri
, Mario Martinoli
Asymptotic Properties of the Plug-in Estimator of the Discrete Entropy Under Dependence. 7659-7683 - Imre Csiszár
, Lóránt Farkas, Tamás Kói
Error Exponents for Asynchronous Multiple Access Channels, Controlled Asynchronism May Outperform Synchronism. 7684-7707 - Yuta Sakai
, Recep Can Yavas
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Third-Order Asymptotics of Variable-Length Compression Allowing Errors. 7708-7722 - Yanjun Han
, Kedar Tatwawadi
, Gowtham R. Kurri
, Zhengqing Zhou
, Vinod M. Prabhakaran
, Tsachy Weissman:
Optimal Communication Rates and Combinatorial Properties for Common Randomness Generation. 7723-7739 - Maciej Bartczak
, Piotr Nayar
, Szymon Zwara
Sharp Variance-Entropy Comparison for Nonnegative Gaussian Quadratic Forms. 7740-7751 - Victoria Kostina
, Babak Hassibi:
The CEO Problem With Inter-Block Memory. 7752-7768 - Minjia Shi
, Thomas Honold, Patrick Solé, Yunzhen Qiu, Rongsheng Wu
, Zahra Sepasdar
The Geometry of Two-Weight Codes Over ℤpm. 7769-7781 - Wei Liu
, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
The Stability of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes and Some of its Consequences. 7782-7806 - Iliya Bouyukliev
, Stefka Bouyuklieva
, Sascha Kurz
Computer Classification of Linear Codes. 7807-7814 - Xin Wang
A New Construction for Constant-Composition Codes. 7815-7821 - Or Ordentlich
, Ido Tal:
An Upgrading Algorithm With Optimal Power Law. 7822-7836 - Venkatesan Guruswami
, Bernhard Haeupler
, Amirbehshad Shahrasbi
Optimally Resilient Codes for List-Decoding From Insertions and Deletions. 7837-7856 - Yeow Meng Chee
, Tuvi Etzion
, Han Mao Kiah
, Sagi Marcovich
, Alexander Vardy
, Van Khu Vu, Eitan Yaakobi
Locally-Constrained de Bruijn Codes: Properties, Enumeration, Code Constructions, and Applications. 7857-7875 - Nian Guo
, Victoria Kostina
Optimal Causal Rate-Constrained Sampling for a Class of Continuous Markov Processes. 7876-7890 - José Gómez-Torrecillas
, Gabriel Navarro
, José Patricio Sánchez-Hernández
Decoding Reed-Solomon Skew-Differential Codes. 7891-7903 - Ilan Shomorony
, Alireza Vahid
Torn-Paper Coding. 7904-7913 - Tuan Thanh Nguyen
, Kui Cai
, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink
Efficient Design of Subblock Energy-Constrained Codes and Sliding Window-Constrained Codes. 7914-7924 - Henrique K. Miyamoto
, Sueli I. R. Costa
, Henrique N. Sá Earp
Constructive Spherical Codes by Hopf Foliations. 7925-7939 - Mehmet S. Aktas, Gauri Joshi, Swanand Kadhe
, Fatemeh Kazemi
, Emina Soljanin
Service Rate Region: A New Aspect of Coded Distributed System Design. 7940-7963 - Meng Cao
MDS Codes With Galois Hulls of Arbitrary Dimensions and the Related Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error Correction. 7964-7984 - Nastaran Abadi Khooshemehr
, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali
Fundamental Limits of Distributed Linear Encoding. 7985-7998 - Rawad Bitar
, Lorenz Welter
, Ilia Smagloy, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Eitan Yaakobi
Criss-Cross Insertion and Deletion Correcting Codes. 7999-8015 - Lukas Holzbaur
, Hedongliang Liu
, Alessandro Neri
, Sven Puchinger
, Johan Rosenkilde
, Vladimir Sidorenko
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Decoding of Interleaved Alternant Codes. 8016-8033 - Emmanuel Abbe, Jan Hazla
, Ido Nachum:
Almost-Reed-Muller Codes Achieve Constant Rates for Random Errors. 8034-8050 - Lukas Holzbaur
, Rina Polyanskaya, Nikita Polyanskii
, Ilya Vorobyev
, Eitan Yaakobi
Lifted Reed-Solomon Codes and Lifted Multiplicity Codes. 8051-8069 - Dor Elimelech
, Marcelo Firer
, Moshe Schwartz
The Generalized Covering Radii of Linear Codes. 8070-8085 - Omar Alrabiah
, Venkatesan Guruswami
An Exponential Lower Bound on the Sub-Packetization of Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes. 8086-8093 - Justin Kang
, Wei Yu
Minimum Feedback for Collision-Free Scheduling in Massive Random Access. 8094-8108 - David Gamarnik, Eren C. Kizildag
, Ilias Zadik:
Inference in High-Dimensional Linear Regression via Lattice Basis Reduction and Integer Relation Detection. 8109-8139 - Lekshmi Ramesh
, Chandra R. Murthy
, Himanshu Tyagi
Sample-Measurement Tradeoff in Support Recovery Under a Subgaussian Prior. 8140-8153 - Fan Yang, Sifan Liu
, Edgar Dobriban
, David P. Woodruff:
How to Reduce Dimension With PCA and Random Projections? 8154-8189 - Seyedehsara Nayer
, Namrata Vaswani
Sample-Efficient Low Rank Phase Retrieval. 8190-8206 - Min Ye
Exact Recovery and Sharp Thresholds of Stochastic Ising Block Model. 8207-8235 - Chao Gao
, Anderson Y. Zhang:
Exact Minimax Estimation for Phase Synchronization. 8236-8247 - Yanjun Han
, Ayfer Özgür, Tsachy Weissman:
Geometric Lower Bounds for Distributed Parameter Estimation Under Communication Constraints. 8248-8263 - Yue M. Lu
Householder Dice: A Matrix-Free Algorithm for Simulating Dynamics on Gaussian and Random Orthogonal Ensembles. 8264-8272 - Guido Carlo Ferrante
Bounds on Binomial Tails With Applications. 8273-8279 - Hongchao Zhou
, Abbas El Gamal
Network Information Theoretic Security With Omnipresent Eavesdropping. 8280-8299 - Nicolas Loizou
, Peter Richtárik
Revisiting Randomized Gossip Algorithms: General Framework, Convergence Rates and Novel Block and Accelerated Protocols. 8300-8324 - Claude Carlet
Bounds on the Nonlinearity of Differentially Uniform Functions by Means of Their Image Set Size, and on Their Distance to Affine Functions. 8325-8334 - Yong Fang
Two Applications of Coset Cardinality Spectrum of Distributed Arithmetic Coding. 8335-8350

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