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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January 1976
- Gary M. Lee, George W. Schroeder:
Optical pulse timing resolution (Corresp.). 114-118 - Ming Chang:
Quantization-permutation encoding (M.S. Thesis abstr.). 124 - Joseph Ka-Yin Lau:
On binary sliding block codes (M.S. Thesis abstr.). 124 - Gurpartap S. Takhar:
On signals over multipath channels for aeronautical communication (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 124 - Sui Tung:
Buffer-instrumented variable-length encoding (M.S. Thesis abstr.). 124 - Ali Zolfaghari:
Computer simulation for parameter estimation and target identification of three-dimensional Poisson processes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 124 - Pedro Alberto Morettin:
Estimation of the Walsh spectrum (Corresp.). 106-107 - Michel C. Jeruchim:
On the estimation of error probability using generalized extreme-value theory (Corresp.). 108-110 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
Observation delays in sequential estimation (Corresp.). 110-114 - Judea Pearl:
On coding precedence relations with a pair-ordering fidelity criterion (Corresp.). 118-120 - Joseph P. Noonan, Nicolas S. Tzannes, Thomas Costello:
On the inverse problem of entropy maximizations (Corresp.). 120-123 - M. Wanas, A. Zayed, M. Shaker, E. Taha:
First second- and third-order entropies of Arabic text (Corresp.). 123 - John S. Baras, Robert O. Harger, Young H. Park:
Quantum-mechanical linear filtering of random signal sequences. 59-64 - Kung Yao, Robert M. Tobin:
Moment space upper and lower error bounds for digital systems with intersymbol interference. 65-74 - Abraham Lempel, Jacob Ziv:
On the Complexity of Finite Sequences. 75-81 - John B. Anderson:
Asymptotic computation of certain sequential algorithms for source coding with a fidelity criterion (Corresp.). 82-83 - Charles T. Retter:
Correcting burst and random errors with Goppa codes (Corresp.). 84 - David M. Mandelbaum:
On a class of arithmetic codes and a decoding algorithm (Corresp.). 85-88 - Göran Einarsson, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
A note on soft decision decoding with successive erasures (Corresp.). 88-96 - André Barbé:
A measure for the mean level-crossing activity of stationary normal processes (Corresp.). 96-102 - David S. Moore, Stephen J. Whitsitt, David A. Landgrebe:
Variance comparisons for unbiased estimators of probability of correct classification (Corresp.). 102-105 - Aaron D. Wyner, Jacob Ziv:
The rate-distortion function for source coding with side information at the decoder. 1-10 - Louis L. Scharf, Paul H. Moose:
Information measures and performance bounds for array processors. 11-21 - Saleem A. Kassam, John B. Thomas:
Asymptotically robust detection of a known signal in contaminated non-Gaussian noise. 22-26 - Kenneth S. Miller, Marvin M. Rochwarger:
Hypothesis testing of complex covariance matrices. 26-33 - Tsvi Lissack, King-Sun Fu:
Error estimation in pattern recognition via LAlpha -distance between posterior density functions. 34-45 - Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Moshe Zakai:
A lower bound on the estimation error for certain diffusion processes. 45-52 - Joel Goldman:
Detection in the presence of spherically symmetric random vectors. 52-59
Volume 22, Number 2, March 1976
- Tadao Kasami, Shu Lin:
Coding for a multiple-access channel. 129-137 - Jose Antonio van der Horst, Toby Berger:
Complete decoding of triple-error-correcting binary BCH codes. 138-147 - Philippe Piret:
Structure and constructions of cyclic convolutional codes. 147-155 - Eiichi Tanaka, Tamotsu Kasai:
Synchronization and substitution error-correcting codes for the Levenshtein metric. 156-162 - Adrian Segall:
Bit allocation and encoding for vector sources. 162-169 - John Ben O'Neal Jr.:
Differential pulse-code modulation (PCM) with entropy coding. 169-174 - Alan R. Billings, Armando B. Scolaro:
The Gabor compression- expansion system using non-Gaussian windows and its application to television coding and decoding. 174-190 - David C. van Voorhis:
An extended run-length encoder and decoder for compression of black/white images. 190-199 - Staffan A. Fredricsson:
Joint optimization of transmitter and receiver filters in digital PAM systems with a Viterbi detector. 200-210 - W. G. S. Hines:
A simple monitor of a system with sudden parameter changes. 210-216 - Lawrence S. Cahoon, Melvin J. Hinich:
A method for locating targets using range only. 217-225 - Israel Bar-David:
A sample path property of matched-filter outputs with applications to detection and estimation. 225-229 - Edward L. O'Neill, Lee E. Estes, Donald R. Czekanski:
Some experimental results on the zero-crossing intervals of random processes (Corresp.). 230-231 - Lewis Pakula:
Representation of stationary Gaussian processes on a finite interval (Corresp.). 231-232 - Naohumi Iwama, Tomio Kimura, Takashige Tsukishima:
The use of discrete references in a random reference correlator (Corresp.). 232-235 - Sik K. Leung-Yan-Cheong, Martin E. Hellman:
Concerning a bound on undetected error probability (Corresp.). 235-237 - Jørn Justesen:
On the complexity of decoding Reed-Solomon codes (Corresp.). 237-238 - Yasuo Sugiyama, Masao Kasahara, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa:
An erasures-and-errors decoding algorithm for Goppa codes (Corresp.). 238-241 - William O. Alltop:
Binary codes with improved minimum weights (Corresp.). 241-243 - Gaylord K. Huth, Charles L. Weber:
Minimum weight convolutional codewords of finite length (Corresp.). 243-246 - Philippe Piret:
Some optimal AMC codes (Corresp.). 247-248 - Chin-Long Chen, Robert A. Rutledge:
Bounds on the probability of error for convolutional codes (Corresp.). 248-250 - Harold F. Mattson Jr.:
Review of 'The Mathematical Theory of Coding' (Blake, I. F., and Mullin, R. C.; 1975). 251-252 - Parimi Murthy:
Random access packet radio systems- Modeling, analysis and control (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 253
Volume 22, Number 3, May 1976
- Michael B. Pursley, Lee D. Davisson:
Variable rate coding for nonergodic sources and classes of ergodic sources subject to a fidelity constraint. 324-337 - R. N. Jackson, D. N. P. Murthy:
Optimal linear estimation with uncertain observations (Corresp.). 376-378 - Antoine Gualtierotti:
On the detection problem (Corresp.). 378-381 - Michael J. Ferguson:
Correction to 'Diffuse' Rate 1/2 Threshold Decodable Convolutional Codes'. 382 - Kenneth S. Miller, Marvin M. Rochwarger:
Correction to 'Hypothesis Testing of complex Covariance Matrices'. 382 - Bradley W. Dickinson:
A new characterization of canonical convolutional encoders (Corresp.). 352-354 - Wai-Hung Ng:
An upper bound on the back-up depth for maximum likelihood decoding of convolutional codes (Corresp.). 354-357 - Donna J. Brown, Peter Elias:
Complexity of acceptors for prefix codes (Corresp.). 357-359 - James C. Tiernan:
Analysis of the optimum linear system for the autoregressive forward channel with noiseless feedback (Corresp.). 359-363 - Stanley A. Butman:
Linear feedback rate bounds for regressive channels (Corresp.). 363-366 - F. Davidson, J. Romanski:
Experimental performance of point process estimation procedures for log-normal fading (Corresp.). 366-372 - Ibrahim A. Ahmad
, Pi-Erh Lin:
A nonparametric estimation of the entropy for absolutely continuous distributions (Corresp.). 372-375 - Francisco J. Samaniego:
The optimal sampling design for estimating the integral of a process with stationary independent increments (Corresp.). 375-376 - Elias Masry, Ming-Chuan Lui:
Discrete-time spectral estimation of continuous-parameter processes - A new consistent estimate. 298-312 - Mostafa Kaveh, George R. Cooper:
An empirical investigation of the properties of the autoregressive spectral estimator. 313-323 - Gyula O. H. Katona, Tibor O. H. Nemetz:
Huffman codes and self-information. 337-340 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Tai-Yang Hwang:
Some results on the weight structure of cyclic codes of composite length. 340-348 - E. F. Assmus Jr., H. F. Mattson Jr.:
Some 3-error-correcting BCH codes have covering radius 5 (Corresp.). 348-349 - Lin-nan Lee:
Short unit-memory byte-oriented binary convolutional codes having maximal free distance (Corresp.). 349-352 - Philip M. Fishman, Donald L. Snyder:
The statistical analysis of space-time point processes. 257-274 - Adrian Segall:
Stochastic processes in estimation theory. 275-286 - Adrian Segall, Thomas Kailath:
Orthogonal functionals of independent-increment processes. 287-298 - Robert M. Gray:
Review of 'Communication Systems: An Introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical Communication' (Carlson, A. B.; 1975). 382-383
Volume 22, Number 4, July 1976
- Sien-chang Charles Liu:
Adaptive optimum array tracking detectors (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 502-503 - Steven Marcus:
Estimation and analysis of nonlinear stochastic systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 503 - Harold J. Kushner:
Review of 'Stochastic Systems and State Estimation' (McGarty, T. P.; 1974). 499-500 - Augustine H. Gray Jr.:
Review of 'The Fast Fourier Transform' (Brigham, E. O.; 1974). 500-501 - Larry M. Deuser:
An environmentally adaptive nonparametric approach to some classification problems in underwater acoustics (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 501-502 - Hans Driessen:
Design considerations for radar tracking in clutter (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 502 - William S. Hodgkiss:
The sequential implementation of array processors when there is directional uncertainty (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 502 - William A. Pearlman
A limit on optimum performance degradation in fixed-rate coding of the discrete Fourier transform (Corresp.). 485-488 - Lennart Ljung, Thomas Kailath:
Backwards Markovian models for second-order stochastic processes (Corresp.). 488-491 - Benjamin Kedem:
Exact maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter in the AR(1) process after hard limiting (Corresp.). 491-493 - Howell Tong:
Fitting a smooth moving average to noisy data (Corresp.). 493-496 - W. G. S. Hines:
Improving a simple monitor of a system with sudden parameter changes (Corresp.). 496-499 - David R. Brillinger:
Review of 'Random Point Processes' (Snyder, D. L.; 1975). 499 - Robert J. Dick, Toby Berger:
Capacity and a lower bound to $R_{mbox{co\mp}}$ for a channel with symbol fission. 399-410 - Richard E. Blahut:
Information bounds of the Fano-Kullback type. 410-421 - Adrian Segall:
Recursive estimation from discrete-time point processes. 422-431 - Teofilo C. Ancheta Jr.:
Syndrome-source-coding and its universal generalization. 432-436 - Lin-nan Lee:
On optimal soft-decision demodulation. 437-444 - Joseph C. Hassab, Ronald E. Boucher:
A probabilistic analysis of time delay extraction by the cepstrum in stationary Gaussian noise. 444-454 - Ned Glick:
Sample-based classification procedures related to empiric distributions. 454-461 - Masao Kasahara, Yasuo Sugiyama, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa:
New classes of binary codes constructed on the basis of concatenated codes and product codes. 462-468 - Irving S. Reed, Trieu-Kien Truong:
Convolutions over residue classes of quadratic integers. 468-475 - Yasuichi Horibe:
Product-sum use of parallel channels (Corresp.). 475-476 - Charles T. Retter:
Bounds on Goppa codes (Corresp.). 476-482 - Frederick D. Schmandt:
On the practical application of sequential code reduction (Corresp.). 482-483 - Gérard D. Cohen, Philippe Godlewski:
Residual error rate of binary linear block codes (Corresp.). 483-485 - Robert G. Gallager:
Basic limits on protocol information in data communication networks. 385-398
Volume 22, Number 5, September 1976
- Sune Axelsson:
Analysis of the quantizing error of a zero-counting frequency estimator (Corresp.). 596-599 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
A generalized evaluation criterion in parameter estimation (Corresp.). 599-603 - David R. Cunningham, Robert D. Laramore, Eamon Barrett:
Detection in image dependent noise (Corresp.). 603-610 - Antonio F. Gualtierotti:
A likelihood ratio formula for spherically invariant processes (Corresp.). 610 - Richard M. Hawkes, John Barratt Moore:
An upper bound on the mean-square error for Bayesian parameter estimators (Corresp.). 610-615 - Albert Arcese, Aaron J. Goldberg:
Stable recursive filters using gradient techniques (Corresp.). 615-617 - M. J. McDonnell:
A sampling function appropriate for deconvolution (Corresp.). 617-621 - J. R. Higgins:
A sampling theorem for irregularly spaced sample points (Corresp.). 621-622 - Neal C. Gallagher Jr.:
Discrete spectral phase coding (Corresp.). 622-624 - Ezio Biglieri, Michele Elia:
Cyclic-group codes for the Gaussian channel (Corresp.). 624-629 - Rolf Johannesson:
Some long rate one-half binary convolutional codes with an optimum distance profile (Corresp.). 629-631 - Tor Helleseth:
Some two-weight codes with composite parity-check polynomials (Corresp.). 631-632 - Frederick J. Beutler:
On the truncation error of the cardinal sampling expansion. 568-573 - Ciro Cafforio, Fabio Rocca
Methods for measuring small displacements of television images. 573-579 - Judea Pearl:
Theoretical bounds on the complexity of inexact computations. 580-586 - Luc Devroye, Terry J. Wagner:
A distribution-free performance bound in error estimation (Corresp.). 586-587 - Francisco J. Samaniego:
Mode identification with finite statistics (Corresp.). 588-590 - C. B. Chittineni:
On the maximization of divergence in pattern recognition (Corresp.). 590-592 - Hans S. Witsenhausen:
The zero-error side information problem and chromatic numbers (Corresp.). 592-593 - Sigeru Omatu, Yutaka Tomita, Takashi Soeda:
An alternative expression of the mutual information for Gaussian processes (Corresp.). 593-595 - Robert J. Dick:
A simple derivation of the lower bound to $R_{mbox{co\mp}}$ for discrete memoryless channels (Corresp.). 595-596 - Yasuo Sugiyama, Masao Kasahara, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa:
Further results on Goppa codes and their applications to constructing efficient binary codes. 518-526 - Joel M. Morris:
The Kalman filter: A robust estimator for some classes of linear quadratic problems. 526-534 - Arthur B. Baggeroer:
Confidence intervals for regression (MEM) spectral estimates. 534-545 - James H. Gilchrist, John B. Thomas:
Synthesis of spectral shaping block codes for PAM. 546-551 - John W. Woods:
Two-dimensional Markov spectral estimation. 552-559 - Antonio Cantoni, Ken Kwong:
Application of Richardson's nonstationary iterative procedure to the design of adaptive equalizers. 560-567 - David Chase, Lih-Jyh Weng:
Multiple-burst correction techniques for slowly fading channels. 505-513 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Luther D. Rudolph:
An optimum symbol-by-symbol decoding rule for linear codes. 514-517 - Terry J. Wagner:
Review of 'Pattern Recognition Principles' (Tou, J. T., and Gonzalez, R. C.; 1974). 632-633 - Mohamad Adnan Al-Alaoui:
Some applications of generalized inverse to pattern recognition (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 633 - Shyue-Ching Lu:
Bounds on secrecy (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 633-634 - Kenneth M. Mackenthun Jr.:
Variable rate source coding (M.S. Thesis abstr.). 633 - A. Brinton Cooper III:
Iterated codes with improved performance (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 634 - Kuno P. Zimmermann:
Lagrange transforms and generalized Goppa codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 634
Volume 22, Number 6, November 1976
- Sidney Yakowitz, Theodore L. Williams, G. Williams:
Surveillance of several Markov targets. 716-724 - Mete B. Sirvanci, Stephen S. Wolff:
Nonparametric detection with autoregressive data. 725-731 - Edwin L. Key:
An analysis of the structure and complexity of nonlinear binary sequence generators. 732-736 - William T. Warren, Chin-Long Chen:
On efficient majority logic decodable codes. 737-745 - David A. Shnidman:
Efficient evaluation of probabilities of detection and the generalized Q-function (Corresp.). 746-751 - Ezio Biglieri, Michele Elia:
Optimum permutation modulation codes and their asymptotic performance (Corresp.). 751-753 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp:
Cooperative bridge bidding (Corresp.). 753-756 - David L. Cohn:
An enumeration scheme for bidding sequences in bridge (Corresp.). 756-757 - Chin-Long Chen:
Majority decoding the nonorthogonal parity checks (Corresp.). 757-759 - Mushfiqur Rahman, Ian F. Blake:
Combinatorial aspects of orthogonal parity checks (Corresp.). 759-763 - Thomas R. Crimmins:
On encoding and decoding maps for group codes (Corresp.). 763-764 - Imre Csiszár:
Review of ́On Measures of Information and Their Characterizationś (Aczél, J., and Daróczy, Z.; 1975). 765-766 - Yasuo Sugiyama, Masao Kasahara, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa:
Correction to 'An Erasures-and-Errors Decoding Algorithm for Goppa Codes'. 765 - James L. Massey:
Our reviewers. 642-643 - Whitfield Diffie, Martin E. Hellman:
New directions in cryptography. 644-654 - Izhak Rubin:
Data compression for communication networks: The delay-distortion function. 655-665 - Suguru Arimoto:
Computation of random coding exponent functions. 665-671 - Harry H. Tan:
Tree coding of discrete-time abstract alphabet stationary block-ergodic sources with a fidelity criterion. 671-681 - Robert M. Gray, Donald S. Ornstein:
Sliding-block joint source/noisy-channel coding theorems. 682-690 - Marco V. Vaca, Donald L. Snyder:
Estimation and decision for observations derived from martingales: Part I, Representations. 691-707 - Gene W. Zeoli:
A lower bound on the date rate for synthetic aperture radar. 708-715 - Jean-Marie Goethals:
Review of 'Graph Theory, Coding Theory and Block Designs' (Cameron, P. J., and van Lint, J. H.; 1975). 766-767 - S. Barnett:
Review of 'System Theory, A Unified State-Space Approach to Continuous and Discrete Systems' (Padulo, L., and Arbib, M. A.; 1974). 767 - George J. Thaler:
Review of 'The Origins of Feedback Control' (Mayr, O.; 1971). 767-768 - Pierre R. Chevillat:
Fast sequential decoding and a new complete decoding algorithm (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 769 - Lin-nan Lee:
Concatenated coding systems employing unit-memory convolutional codes and symbol-oriented optimal decoding algorithms (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 769 - Sargur N. Srihari:
Comparative evaluation of stored-pattern classifiers for radar aircraft identification (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 769

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