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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 18
Volume 18, Number 1, January 1972
- Thomas M. Cover:
Broadcast channels. 2-14 - Suguru Arimoto:
An algorithm for computing the capacity of arbitrary discrete memoryless channels. 14-20 - Athanasios Papoulis:
Narrow-band systems and Gaussianity. 20-27 - Israel Bar-David, Amikam Nemirovsky:
Level crossings of nondifferentiable shot processes. 27-34 - David Middleton:
A statistical theory of reverberation and similar first-order scattered fields-III: Waveforms and fields. 35-67 - David Middleton:
A statistical theory of reverberation and similar first-order scattered fields-IV: Statistical models. 68-90 - Donald L. Snyder:
Filtering and detection for doubly stochastic Poisson processes. 91-102 - B. R. Levin, Y. S. Shinakov:
Asymptotic properties of Bayes estimates of parameters of a signal masked by interference. 102-106 - Amin G. Jaffer, Someshwar C. Gupta:
Coupled detection- estimation of Gaussian processes in Gaussian noise. 106-110 - Melvin N. Woinsky:
Nonparametric detection using spectral data. 110-118 - Fred W. Smith:
Small-sample optimality of design techniques for linear classifiers of Gaussian patterns. 118-126 - Gerard V. Trunk:
Parameter identification using intrinsic dimensionality. 126-133 - Jean-Pierre Adoul, Bruce D. Fritchman, Laveen N. Kanal:
A critical statistic for channels with memory. 133-141 - Frederick Ernest Glave:
Communication over fading dispersive channels with feedback. 142-150 - Manfred Tasto, Paul A. Wintz:
A bound on the rate-distortion function and application to images. 150-159 - Toby Berger, Frederick Jelinek, Jack K. Wolf:
Permutation codes for sources. 160-169 - David Chase:
Class of algorithms for decoding block codes with channel measurement information. 170-182 - Sudhakar M. Reddy, John P. Robinson:
Random error and burst correction by iterated codes. 182-185 - Sudhakar M. Reddy, John P. Robinson:
Hybrid block- self-orthogonal convolutional codes. 185-191 - Lalit R. Bahl, Frederick Jelinek:
On the structure of rate 1/n convolutional codes. 192-196 - James L. Massey:
Variable-length codes and the Fano metric. 196-198 - Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
On the error probability of sequential decoding on the BSC. 199-202 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp, Lloyd R. Welch:
Weight distributions of the cosets of the (32, 6) Reed-Muller code. 203-207 - August W. Rihaczek:
Finite-time-averaged power spectra and signal energy distribution in time and frequency (Corresp.). 208 - Robert M. Gagliardi:
Photon counting and Laguerre detection (Corresp.). 208-211 - Larry C. Palmer:
Sequential tests to select among M hypotheses (Corresp.). 211-214 - Henry D. Chadwick:
Binary single-sideband phase-modulated communication systems (Corresp.). 214-215 - Thomas M. Cover:
Admissibility properties or Gilbert's encoding for unknown source probabilities (Corresp.). 216-217 - Nelson M. Blachman:
Correction to 'Detectors, Bandpass Nonlinearities, and Their Optimization: Inversion of the Chebyshev Transform'. 217 - B. Chandrasekaran:
Correction to 'Independence of Measurements and the Mean Recognition Accuracy'. 217 - Robert M. Gray:
Review of 'Rate Distortion Theory: A Mathematical Basis for Data Compression' (Berger, T.; 1971). 217-218 - Robert A. Scholtz:
Review of 'Theory of Synchronous Communications' (Stiffler, J. J.; 1971). 218-219 - Harrison E. Rowe:
Review of 'Fading Dispersive Communication Channels' (Kennedy, R. S.; 1969). 219
Volume 18, Number 2, March 1972
- Michael G. Strintzis:
A solution to the matrix factorization problem. 225-232 - John W. Woods:
Two-dimensional discrete Markovian fields. 232-240 - James H. Miller, John B. Thomas:
Detectors for discrete-time signals in non-Gaussian noise. 241-250 - Yau-Chau Ching, Ludwik Kurz:
Nonparametric detectors based on m-interval partitioning. 251-257 - Howard I. Silver, Ludwik Kurz:
A class of discrete signal-design problems in burst noise. 258-262 - William J. Steingrandt, Stephen S. Yau:
A stochastic approximation method for waveform cluster center generation. 262-274 - Neil J. Bershad, Peter A. Vena:
Eliminating intersymbol interference - A state-space approach. 275-281 - David M. Mandelbaum:
Synchronization of codes by means of Kautz's Fibonacci encoding. 281-285 - David M. Mandelbaum:
Some classes of multiple-burst-error-correcting codes using threshold decoding. 285-292 - Hermann J. Helgert:
Srivastava codes. 292-297 - Joel Goldman:
Moments of the sum of circularly symmetric random variables (Corresp.). 297-298 - Marvin Blum:
Optimal smoothing of piecewise continuous functions (Corresp.). 298-300 - Karthikeyan S. Shanmugam:
A parametric procedure for learning with an imperfect teacher (Corresp.). 300-302 - R. Y. Yen, Paul Diament, Malvin Carl Teich:
Channel capacity and maximum-likelihood detection for atmospherically disturbed binary photocounting communications (Corresp.). 302-304 - Irving S. Reed, Charles T. Wolverton:
The systematic selection of cyclically equivalent codes (Corresp.). 304-307 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Kenneth K. Tzeng:
A bound for cyclic codes of composite length (Corresp.). 307 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Kenneth K. Tzeng:
A bound for arithmetic codes of composite length (Corresp.). 308 - Nguyen Duc, L. Skattebol:
Further results on majority-logic decoding of product codes (Corresp.). 308-310 - Solomon W. Golomb:
On the survival of sequence information in filters (Corresp.). 310-312 - Andrew J. Viterbi:
Review of 'Notes on Analog Communication' (Sakrison, D. J.; 1970). 313 - Edward C. Posner:
Review of 'The State-Variable Approach to Continuous Estimation, with Applications to Analog Communication Theory' (Snyder, D. L.; 1969). 314 - Richard A. Altes:
Methods of wide-band signal design for radar and sonar systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 314 - George M. Dillard:
Distribution-free and nonparametric sequential signal detection (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 314 - F. R. Ergul:
On variable-length codes and the buffer smoothing problem (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 315 - James E. Evans:
Chernoff bounds on the error probability for the detection of non-Gaussian signals (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 315 - Gurnam S. Gill:
Modeling and analysis of a new class of digital phase-locked loops (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 315 - Paul D. Hartman:
On the theory of confidence set estimation and detection (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 315 - Amin G. Jaffer:
Joint detection and estimation of stochastic signals in noise (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 316 - Carl N. Kelly:
Discrete-time demodulation of continuous-time signals (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 316 - Anthony M. Kerdock:
Studies of low-rate binary codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 316 - Warren L. G. Koontz:
Representation of patterns in recognition systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 316 - Dennis Thomas Mangano:
Multidimensional statistical communication theory (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 316-317 - David R. Olsen:
Representation and analysis of nonlinear data surfaces (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 317 - John D. Patterson:
Detection/estimation of harmonic sets (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 317 - Vellenki U. Reddy:
Threshold improvement in PPM systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 317 - George W. Schroeder:
Nonparametric detectors with application to noncoherent receivers (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 317 - Stanley Wainberg:
Burst-error and random-error correction over q -ary input, p -ary output channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 317
Volume 18, Number 3, May 1972
- Moshe Zakai, Jacob Ziv:
Lower and upper bounds on the optimal filtering error of certain diffusion processes. 325-331 - Pravin C. Jain:
Limiting of signals in random noise. 332-340 - Thomas Kailath, Roger T. Geesey, Howard L. Weinert:
Some relations among RKHS norms, Fredholm equations, and innovations representations. 341-348 - Frederick Ernest Glave:
A new look at the Barankin lower bound. 349-356 - Frederick Ernest Glave:
An upper bound on the probability of error due to intersymbol interference for correlated digital signals. 356-363 - G. David Forney Jr.:
Maximum-likelihood sequence estimation of digital sequences in the presence of intersymbol interference. 363-378 - Toby Berger, Weng Yu:
Rate-distortion theory for context-dependent fidelity criteria. 378-384 - Jacob Ziv:
Coding of sources with unknown statistics-I: Probability of encoding error. 384-389 - Jacob Ziv:
Coding of sources with unknown statistics-II: Distortion relative to a fidelity criterion. 389-394 - J. Pieter M. Schalkwijk:
An algorithm for source coding. 395-399 - Ezio Biglieri, Michele Elia:
On the existence of group codes for the Gaussian channel. 399-402 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Kenneth K. Tzeng, Robert T. Chien:
Some results on the minimum distance structure of cyclic codes. 402-409 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp, F. Jessie MacWilliams, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Gleason's theorem on self-dual codes. 409-414 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp:
Long primitive binary BCH codes have distance d ≤ 2n ln R-1/log n ... . 415-426 - Nelson M. Blachman:
Some Comments Concerning Walsh Functions. 427-428 - C. Chitti Babu:
On the distance criterion of Patrick and Fischer (Corresp.). 428 - Richard A. Flower, Martin E. Hellman:
Hypothesis testing with finite memory in finite time (Corresp.). 429-431 - Geoffrey W. Gates:
The reduced nearest neighbor rule (Corresp.). 431-433 - Anthony M. Kerdock, Jack K. Wolf:
On the minimum distortion of block codes for a binary symmetric source (Corresp.). 433-435 - Michael J. Ferguson:
Contained convolutional codes (Corresp.). 435-437 - Lalit R. Bahl, C. Cullum, W. Donald Frazer, Frederick Jelinek:
An efficient algorithm for computing free distance (Corresp.). 437-439 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann:
A note on the minimum distance structure of cyclic codes (Corresp.). 439-440 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann:
Decoding beyond the BCH bound (Corresp.). 441-444 - Saligram G. S. Shiva, K. C. Fung:
Permutation decoding of certain triple-error-correcting binary codes (Corresp.). 444-446 - Luther D. Rudolph, Woodrow E. Robbins:
One-step weighted-majority decoding (Corresp.). 446-448 - Marcel J. E. Golay:
A class of finite binary sequences with alternate auto-correlation values equal to zero (Corresp.). 449-450 - John B. Thomas:
Review of 'Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part II - Nonlinear Modulation Theory' (Van Trees, H. L.; 1971). 450-451 - Emmett N. Leith:
Review of 'Systems and Transforms With Applications to Optics' (Papoulis, A.; 1968). 451-452 - John Forsyth:
Error probability in unsupervised dependent pattern classification (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 452 - Albert Yen-Shien Hung:
Nonparametric training procedures for multicategory pattern classification (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 452-453 - Benjamin Garba Ishaku:
Feature extraction and Phi -function selection in Phi -systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 453 - William J. Lawless:
Binary signaling over nonlinear channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 453 - Steven H. Richman:
Dynamic programming in adaptive equalization of digital communication channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 454 - Shinichi Tamura:
Studies on pattern classification method (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 454 - W. E. Toms Jr.:
Information rates of dynamic systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 454 - Terry Walzman:
Automatic equalization and discrete Fourier transform techniques (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 455 - Leonard P. Winkler:
Optimum and adaptive detector arrays (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 455
Volume 18, Number 4, July 1972
- Richard E. Blahut:
Computation of channel capacity and rate-distortion functions. 460-473 - Hisanao Ogura:
Orthogonal functionals of the Poisson process. 473-481 - Edoardo Mosca:
Probing signal design for linear channel identification. 481-487 - Carl N. Kelly, Someshwar C. Gupta:
Discrete-time demodulation of continuous-time signals. 488-493 - R. Lynn Kirlin:
Periodically pulsed sine wave detected with provision for increasing noise. 493-498 - Martin E. Hellman:
The effects of randomization on finite-memory decision schemes. 499-502 - Neil J. A. Sloane, Sudhakar M. Reddy, Chin-Long Chen:
New binary codes. 503-510 - T. T. Kadota:
Coding theorem and its converse for continuous incrementally stationary channels with finite incremental memory (Corresp.). 510-513 - Amin G. Jaffer:
A note on conditional moments of random signals in Gaussian noise (Corresp.). 513-514 - Nirode C. Mohanty:
On the identifiability of finite mixtures of Laguerre distributions (Corresp.). 514-515 - John Casti, Robert E. Kalaba, V. K. Murthy:
A new initial-value method for on-line filtering and estimation (Corresp.). 515-518 - Tzay Y. Young, R. Westerberg:
Stochastic approximation with a nonstationary regression function (Corresp.). 518-519 - Donald Chan, Robert W. Donaldson:
Correlation functions and reconstruction error for quantized Gaussian signals transmitted over discrete memoryless channels (Corresp.). 519-523 - Terry J. Wagner:
Estimation of the mean with time-varying finite memory (Corresp.). 523-525 - Dennis R. Morgan:
Error rate of phase-shift keying in the presence of discrete multipath interference (Corresp.). 525-528 - Kung Yao:
On Minimum Average Probability of Error Expression for a Binary Pulse-Communication System With Intersymbol Interference. 528-531 - David C. Chu:
Polyphase codes with good periodic correlation properties (Corresp.). 531-532 - Philippe Piret:
A stochastic model for burst-correcting convolutional decoders (Corresp.). 532-535 - Alexander Miczo:
A bound on lightweight sequences with application to definite decoding (Corresp.). 535-539 - Chin-Long Chen:
Note on majority-logic decoding of finite geometry codes (Corresp.). 539-541 - Robert T. Chien:
A new proof of the BCH bound (Corresp.). 541 - John W. Woods:
Correction to 'Two-Dimensional Discrete Markovian Fields'. 541 - John B. Thomas:
Review of 'Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part III-Radar-Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise' (Van Trees, H. L.; 1971). 542 - John B. Anderson:
Algorithms for tree source coding with a fidelity criterion (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 543 - Charles H. Divine:
The design of wideband radar and sonar systems for clutter suppression (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 543 - Alfred S. Gilman:
Mean-square performance bounds for almost-linear systems (D.Sc. Thesis abstr.). 543 - Solomon Rosenberg:
Structure and performance of optimum photocounting array receivers for the atmospheric optical communications channel (Eng.Sc.D. Thesis abstr.). 544
Volume 18, Number 5, September 1972
- Izhak Rubin:
Regular point processes and their detection. 547-557 - Donald L. Snyder:
Smoothing for doubly stochastic Poisson processes. 558-562 - Odile Macchi, Bernard C. Picinbono:
Estimation and detection of weak optical signals. 562-573 - Jakov Snyders:
Error expressions for optimal linear filtering of stationary processes. 574-582 - James Ting-Ho Lo:
Finite-dimensional sensor orbits and optimal nonlinear filtering. 583-588 - Kenneth S. Miller, Marvin M. Rochwarger:
A covariance approach to spectral moment estimation. 588-596 - R. Douglas Martin:
Robust estimation of signal amplitude. 596-606 - Anton Fredriksen, David Middleton, V. David VandeLinde:
Simultaneous signal detection and estimation under multiple hypotheses. 607-614 - Dennis Crippen Gilliland:
Asymptotic risk stability resulting from play against the past in a sequence of decision problems. 614-617 - Donald H. Foley:
Considerations of sample and feature size. 618-626 - Matthew Goldstein:
kn -nearest neighbor classification. 627-630 - Geng-Seng Fang, Theodosios Pavlidis:
Signal classification through quasi-singular detection with applications in mechanical fault diagnosis. 631-636 - William K. Pratt:
Binary-symmetric-channel error effects on PCM color-image transmission. 636-643 - Chin-Chong Tseng, C. L. Liu:
Complementary sets of sequences. 644-652 - Jørn Justesen:
Class of constructive asymptotically good algebraic codes. 652-656 - Paul D. Shaft:
Signals through nonlinearities and the suppression of undesired intermodulation terms (Corresp.). 657-659 - B. Rao:
Characterization of stationary processes differentiable in mean square (Corresp.). 659-661 - Hans S. Witsenhausen:
Central symmetry in worst case estimation (Corresp.). 661-662 - John L. Brown Jr.:
Uniform linear prediction of bandlimited processes from past samples (Corresp.). 662-664 - V. G. Hansen:
Detection performance of the narrow-band Wilcoxon detector against Gaussian noise (Corresp.). 664-667 - John A. Stuller:
Reconstruction of finite duration signals (Corresp.). 667-669 - R. Radzyner, P. T. Bason:
An error bound for Lagrange interpolation of low-pass functions (Corresp.). 669-671 - Tzay Y. Young, Anastas A. Farjo:
On decision-directed estimation and stochastic approximation (Corresp.). 671-673 - Stephen E. Smith, Stephen S. Yau:
Linear sequential pattern classification (Corresp.). 673-678 - John Forsyth:
Error probability in dependent pattern classification (Corresp.). 678-680 - E. A. Mayo:
Efficient computer decoding of pseudorandom radar signal codes (Corresp.). 680-681 - J. Bibb Cain, George C. Clark Jr.:
Some results on the error propagation of convolutional feedback decoders (Corresp.). 681-683 - Stanley Wainberg, Jack K. Wolf:
Burst decoding of binary block codes on Q -ary output channels (Corresp.). 684-686 - David M. Mandelbaum:
Unequal error protection codes derived from difference sets (Corresp.). 686-687 - Charles C. Kilgus, Willis C. Gore:
A class of cyclic unequal error protection codes (Corresp.). 687-690 - Daniel D. Sullivan:
A branching control circuit for Berlekamp's BCH decoding algorithm (Corresp.). 690-692 - Shu Lin:
Shortened finite geometry codes (Corresp.). 692-696 - Terrence L. Fine:
Review of 'Utility Theory for Decision Making' (Fishburn, P. C.; 1970). 696-697 - Ron-Yaw Chow:
The statistical analysis and algorithm implementation of an adaptive bit synchronizer (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 698 - Steven I. Krich:
Coding for a time-varying fidelity criterion (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 698 - Richard L. Moose:
Adaptive estimator with learning for a plant containing semi-Markovian switching parameters (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 698-699 - Hen Suh Park:
Bootstrap hybrid trellis decoding (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 699 - Rajat K. Saha:
Statistical pattern classification (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 699
Volume 18, Number 6, November 1972
- Roland L. Dobrushin:
Survey of Soviet research in information theory. 703-724 - Robert M. Gray:
On the asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of Toeplitz matrices. 725-730 - Thomas Kailath, Donald L. Duttweiler:
An RKHS approach to detection and estimation problems- III: Generalized innovations representations and a likelihood-ratio formula. 730-745 - R. C. Kemerait, Donald G. Childers:
Signal detection and extraction by cepstrum techniques. 745-759 - Toby Berger:
Optimum quantizers and permutation codes. 759-765 - Frederick Jelinek, Kenneth S. Schneider:
On variable-length-to-block coding. 765-774 - Tamiya Nomura, Hiroshi Miyakawa, Hideki Imai, Akira Fukuda:
A theory of two-dimensional linear recurring arrays. 775-785 - Shu Lin:
Number of information symbols in polynomial codes. 785-794 - F. Jessie MacWilliams, Colin L. Mallows, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Generalizations of Gleason's theorem on weight enumerators of self-dual codes. 794-805 - T. Mimaki:
Correlation properties of the zero-crossing intervals of Gaussian processes (Corresp.). 805-807 - William A. Gardner:
A sampling theorem for nonstationary random processes (Corresp.). 808-809 - H. Hayashi:
On identification of certain nonlinear systems (Corresp.). 809-811 - John A. Horos, Martin E. Hellman:
A confidence model for finite-memory learning systems (Corresp.). 811-813 - Keinosuke Fukunaga, David L. Kessell:
Application of optimum error-reject functions (Corresp.). 814-817 - A. G. J. Holt, J. Yates:
Comments on 'On weighted PCM' by Young, I. T., and Mott-Smith, J. C. 817 - Y. Iwadare:
A class of high-speed decodable burst-correcting codes (Corresp.). 817-821 - Stanley Wainberg:
Error-erasure decoding of product codes (Corresp.). 821-823 - Sudhakar M. Reddy:
On block codes with specified maximum distance (Corresp.). 823-824 - Tadao Kasami, Shu Lin:
Some results on the minimum weight of primitive BCH codes (Corresp.). 824-825 - Jacobus H. van Lint:
A new description of the Nadler code (Corresp.). 825-826 - Lee D. Davisson:
Comments on 'An Algorithm for Source Coding'. 827 - Frederick J. Beutler:
Review of 'Stochastic Processes in Information and Communication Systems' (Wong, E.; 1971). 827-828 - James Cochrane:
Some robust procedures for classification and signal selection in unspecified noise environments (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 828 - Marshall Epstein:
Some quasi-distribution free and distribution free methods for estimating channel performance (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 828 - Rajendran Ramachandran:
Digital communication over random channels (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 828-829 - Charles Broderick:
Some mixed modulation techniques for digital transmission systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 829 - David C. Trimble:
A game-theoretic approach to signal and receiver design (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 829 - Daniel Sheinbein:
Optimization and evaluation of several digital communication systems disturbed by non-Gaussian noise (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 829 - Ben-Zion Gotz:
Quantile estimation, m -interval statistics and associated classification procedures (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 829-830

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