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The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 125
Volume 125, Number 1, 2018
- Adrian Rice:
Partnership, Partition, and Proof: The Path to the Hardy-Ramanujan Partition Formula. 3-15 - Harold P. Boas
Cauchy's Residue Sore Thumb. 16-28
- 100 Years Ago This Month in The American Mathematical Monthly Edited by Vadim Ponomarenko. 28
- Kristen Mazur, Mutiara Sondjaja, Matthew Wright
, Carolyn Yarnall:
Approval Voting in Product Societies. 29-43 - David Treeby:
Further Thoughts on a Paradoxical Tower. 44-60
- Carl Dean Meyer:
Rank My Update, Please. 61-64 - Alok Shukla
A Short Proof of Cayley's Tree Formula. 65-68 - John Clifford, Kelly Jabbusch, Michael A. Lachance:
Preimages of the Numerical Range. 69-74 - Giuseppe De Marco:
An Almost Everywhere Constant Function Surjective on Every Interval. 75-76 - Tamás Titkos:
The Singular Part as Fixed Point. 77-80
- Jitender Singh
A Noninductive Proof of de Moivre's Formula. 80
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 81-89
- Geoffrey Dietz:
The Mathematics Lover's Companion: Masterpieces for Everyone. 90-95
Volume 125, Number 2, 2018
- Bruce C. Berndt, Sun Kim, Alexandru Zaharescu:
The Circle Problem of Gauss and the Divisor Problem of Dirichlet - Still Unsolved. 99-114 - Michael Maltenfort
Pascal Functions. 115-129 - C. Bryan Dawson
A New Extension of the Riemann Integral. 130-140 - Marcin Kulczycki, Dominik Kwietniak
, Jian Li
Entropy of Subordinate Shift Spaces. 141-148 - Cara D. Brooks, Alberto A. Condori:
A Resolvent Criterion for Normality. 149-156
- Jonathan Sondow:
Lorentz Stöer's Geometria et Perspectiva. 157
- Aaron Melman
Optimality of a Polynomial Multiplier. 158-163 - Rom Pinchasi:
A Theorem on Unit Segments on the Real Line. 164-168 - Ralph Howard
, Virginia Johnson, George F. McNulty:
A Functional Equation Characterization of Archimedean Ordered Fields. 169-172 - Christopher Stuart:
An Inequality Involving sin(n). 173-174 - Wenchang Chu:
Partial Fractions and Riesz' Interpolation Formula for Trigonometric Polynomials. 175-178
- Problems and Solutions. 179-187
- Robert Cowen:
A Beginner's Guide to Mathematical Logic. 188-192
Volume 125, Number 3, 2018
- Annalisa Crannell:
Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Award for 2018 to David Bressoud for Distinguished Service to Mathematics. 195-197
- Sam Vandervelde
The Worpitzky Numbers Revisited. 198-206 - Russell A. Gordon, José Carlos Santos
An Interesting Construction Problem. 207-221
- Ángel Plaza
The Harmonic Series Diverges. 222
- Gilbert Strang
Multiplying and Factoring Matrices. 223-230 - David Salwinski:
The Continuous Binomial Coefficient: An Elementary Approach. 231-244 - Maxim Gilula
A Class of Simple Rearrangements of the Alternating Harmonic Series. 245-256
- Kevin Woods:
AdaM and GrahaM Play the Stock Market. 257
- Leo Goldmakher, Paul Pollack:
Refinements of Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem. 258-263 - Peter Shiu:
A Footnote to the Three Gaps Theorem. 264-266 - Andrew Leahy:
The Method of Archimedes in the Seventeenth Century. 267-272 - Marcin Mazur:
An Inequality for the Volume of a Tetrahedron. 273-275
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 276-283
- Darren B. Glass:
The Joy of SET. 284-288
Volume 125, Number 4, 2018
- David Broaddus, Stephen Lovett, Dawson Miller, Caitlin Smith:
Seeing Curvature on Specular Surfaces. 291-305 - Larry Carter, Stan Wagon:
The Mensa Correctional Institute. 306-319 - Maria Bras-Amorós
A Decoding Approach to Reed-Solomon Codes from Their Definition. 320-338 - Chungwu Ho
, Seth Zimmerman:
On Certain Dense, Uncountable Subsets of the Real Line. 339-346
- Eli Leher:
is Not 1.41421356237 or Anything of the Sort. 346
- Matthias Keller
, Yehuda Pinchover, Felix Pogorzelski:
An Improved Discrete Hardy Inequality. 347-350 - Brian Lubeck, Vadim Ponomarenko
Subsums of the Harmonic Series. 351-355 - Vaibhav Pandey, Sagar Shrivastava
, Balasubramanian Sury:
A Dedekind Domain with Nontrivial Class Group. 356-359 - Mark B. Villarino:
The Error in an Alternating Series. 360-364 - José A. Adell, Alberto Lekuona:
Binomial Identities and Moments of Random Variables. 365-369
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 370-378
- Laura Taalman
Visualizing Mathematics With 3D Printing by Henry Segerman and Pasta by Design by George Legendre. 379-384
Volume 125, Number 5, 2018
- Joe Buhler, Ron Graham, Alfred W. Hales:
Maximally Nontransitive Dice. 387-399 - Jonathan M. Borwein, Robert M. Corless
Gamma and Factorial in the Monthly. 400-424
- Abílio Lemos, Pedro H. A. de Oliveira:
Suggested Corrections for "A Principal Ideal Domain That Is Not a Euclidean Domain". 425
- Daniel de la Fuente
, Rafael Ramírez-Uclés
, Juan F. Ruiz-Hidalgo
A Visual Model of the Lorentz Triangular Moduli Space. 426-432 - João Lita da Silva
On One Type of Generalized Vandermonde Determinants. 433-442
- Chris D. Lynd, James Wright Sharpe
Sequences Generated by Powers of the kth-order Fibonacci Recurrence Relation. 443-446 - Augustine O. Munagi:
Set Partitions with Isolated Singletons. 447-452 - Alexander G. Smirnov
A Gronwall-type Trigonometric Inequality. 453-456 - Youssef Azouzi:
Cluster Points of Slow Sequences. 457-461 - Eugene Curtin:
Another Short Proof of the Hairy Ball Theorem. 462-463
- Iago Rodríguez-Quintana
A Beautiful Continued Fraction for π. 463
- Anuj Jakhar
An Irreducibility Criterion for Polynomials with Integer Coefficients. 464-465
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 466-475
- Avner Ash:
Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis by Barry Mazur and William Stein. 476-480
Volume 125, Number 6, 2018
- Andrew Granville
Using Dynamical Systems to Construct Infinitely Many Primes. 483-496 - Ying Chai, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu:
Rupert Property of Archimedean Solids. 497-504 - Greg Huber, Kay Pechenick Shultz, John E. Wetzel
The n-Cube is Rupert. 505-512 - Mark B. Villarino, William Gasarch, Kenneth W. Regan:
Hilbert's Proof of His Irreducibility Theorem. 513-530 - Philip de Castro, Desiree Domini, Tom Edgar, Devon M. Johnson, Steven Klee, Ranjani Sundaresan:
Counting Binomial Coefficients Divisible by a Prime Power. 531-540
- Peter J. McGrath
A Note Regarding Hopf's Umlaufsatz. 541-544 - Angelina Y. M. Chin
Finite Rings of Odd Order with Few Nilpotent and Idempotent Elements. 545-548 - Shamil Asgarli
A New Proof of Warning's Second Theorem. 549-553
- Jitender Singh
A Short Proof That Lebesgue Outer Measure of an Interval Is Its Length. 553
- Yves Coudène:
A Strange Inequality Concerning Alternating Series. 554-557 - Kapil R. Shenvi Pause
Basel Problem: A Solution Motivated by the Power of a Point. 558-560
- Samuel G. Moreno, Esther M. García-Caballero:
A Characterization of Bernoulli Differential Equations. 561
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 562-570
- Jason Rosenhouse:
Reviews. 571-576
Volume 125, Number 7, 2018
- Ian Morrison:
Sacks of Dice with Fair Totals. 579-592 - Edray Goins, Pamela E. Harris
, Bethany Kubik, Aba Mbirika:
Lattice Point Visibility on Generalized Lines of Sight. 593-601 - Andrew Gard:
The Wild Goose Chase Problem. 602-611 - Ghada Al-Afifi, Mowaffaq Hajja, Ahmad Hamdan:
Another n-Dimensional Generalization of Pompeiu's Theorem. 612-622 - Melvyn B. Nathanson
An Elementary Proof for the Krull Dimension of a Polynomial Ring. 623-637
- Allan Berele, Stefan Catoiu:
Nonuniqueness of Sixpartite Points. 638-642 - Scott T. Chapman:
What Happens When the Division Algorithm "Almost" Works. 643-647 - George Stoica:
When Must a Flat Function be Identically 0? 648-649 - Marian Gencev
On a Proof of the Inequality Between the Arithmetic and Geometric Means. 650-652
- Daniel L. Reinholz
Peer Feedback for Learning Mathematics. 653-658
- Enrique Treviño:
A short proof of a sum of powers formula. 659
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 660-668
- Alex Meadows:
Reviews. 669-672
Volume 125, Number 8, 2018
- Mark Krusemeyer, Daniel H. Ullman:
The Seventy-Eighth William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. 675-688
- Stephanie Chan:
Rational Right Triangles of a Given Area. 689-703
- John Pearson
Viète's Formula, Knar's Formula, and the Geometry of the Gamma Function. 704-714
- Erik Talvila:
You Know You're a Mathematician If... 714
- Alejandro H. Morales, Igor Pak, Greta Panova:
Why Is Pi Less Than Twice Phi? 715-723 - J. J. P. Veerman:
Social Balance and the Bernoulli Equation. 724-732
- Naoki Shioji:
Simple Proofs of the Uniform Convexity of Lp and the Riesz Representation Theorem for Lp. 733-738 - Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski
Monsters in Calculus. 739-744 - Aalok Thakkar:
Infinitude of Primes Using Formal Languages. 745-749 - Thomas N. L. Patterson:
Sines, Cosines, Square Roots, and Binary Bits. 750-754
- Mark Stander:
The Smallest Solution to AB = C, Where A, B, and C are Square Matrices Composed of Distinct Primes. 754
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 755-763
- Russell Merris:
Reviews. 764-768
Volume 125, Number 9, 2018
- Steven J. Brams, Mehmet S. Ismail, D. Marc Kilgour, Walter Stromquist:
Catch-Up: A Rule That Makes Service Sports More Competitive. 771-796 - Kenneth S. Williams:
Everything You Wanted To Know About ax2+by2+cz2+dt2 But Were Afraid To Ask. 797-810 - Titu Andreescu, Oleg Mushkarov:
Quadratic Forms, Chebyshev Polynomials, and Geometric Inequalities. 811-819 - Matthew C. H. Tointon
The Mahler Conjecture in Two Dimensions via the Probabilistic Method. 820-828
- Lee Sallows:
A Self-Descriptive Crossword Puzzle. 829
- Yuliy M. Baryshnikov
, Robert Ghrist:
Stokes's Theorem, Data, and the Polar Ice Caps. 830-834 - Davit Harutyunyan:
When the Cauchy Inequality Becomes a Formula. 835-838 - Pedro Ribeiro:
Another Proof of the Famous Formula for the Zeta Function at Positive Even Integers. 839-841 - Paolo Leonetti
A Characterization of Convex Functions. 842-844 - Joseph Plante:
Cubic Equations from an Analytic Point of View. 845-849
- Bryan Park:
On the Divergence of the Prime Harmonic Series. 850
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 851-859
- Marion Cohen:
Reviews. 860-864
- Lee Sallows:
Solution to the Self-Descriptive Crossword Puzzle. 864
Volume 125, Number 10, 2018
- Noah Giansiracusa, Cameron Ricciardi:
Geometry in the Courtroom. 867-877 - Boris Alexeev, Dustin G. Mixon
An Impossibility Theorem for Gerrymandering. 878-884 - Pisheng Ding:
On the Lengths of Level Curves. 885-900 - Achim Clausing
Ducci Matrices. 901-921
- Chen Zheng, Zhijun Zhou:
A Generalization of a Monthly Problem. 922
- J. A. Hocutt, P. L. Robinson:
Everywhere Differentiable, Nowhere Continuous Functions. 923-928 - Mircea Merca
, Maxie D. Schmidt
A Partition Identity Related to Stanley's Theorem. 929-933 - Lior Bary-Soroker
, Ofir Gorodetsky
Roots of Polynomials and the Derangement Problem. 934-938 - José Antonio Torné, Juan Luis Varona:
The Lindemann Theorem for Matrices. 939-940 - Peng Liu, Shibo Liu
On the Surjectivity of Smooth Maps into Euclidean Spaces and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. 941-943
- Gerald A. Edgar, Daniel H. Ullman, Douglas B. West:
Problems and Solutions. 944-952
- Robert M. Guralnick, Gary M. Seitz:
Reviews. 953-955
- Susan Jane Colley:
Editor's Endnotes. 956-957 - Monthly Referees for 2018. 958-960

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