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IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, January 2019
- Chris Ruf
, Estel Cardellach
, Maria Paola Clarizia, Carmela Galdi
, Scott Gleason, Simonetta Paloscia:
Foreword to the Special Issue on Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Early on Orbit Performance. 3-6 - Charles Bussy-Virat
, Aaron J. Ridley
, Abhay Masher, Kyle Nave, Marissa Intelisano:
Assessment of the Differential Drag Maneuver Operations on the CYGNSS Constellation. 7-15 - Charles Bussy-Virat
, Christopher S. Ruf
, Aaron J. Ridley
Relationship Between Temporal and Spatial Resolution for a Constellation of GNSS-R Satellites. 16-25 - Tianlin Wang
, Christopher S. Ruf
, Bruce P. Block, Darren S. McKague
, Scott Gleason
Design and Performance of a GPS Constellation Power Monitor System for Improved CYGNSS L1B Calibration. 26-36 - Scott Gleason
, Christopher S. Ruf
, Andrew J. O'Brien, Darren S. McKague
The CYGNSS Level 1 Calibration Algorithm and Error Analysis Based on On-Orbit Measurements. 37-49 - Faozi Said
, Zorana Jelenak, Paul S. Chang
, Seubson Soisuvarn
An Assessment of CYGNSS Normalized Bistatic Radar Cross Section Calibration. 50-65 - Christopher S. Ruf
, Rajeswari Balasubramaniam
Development of the CYGNSS Geophysical Model Function for Wind Speed. 66-77 - Generoso Giangregorio
, Pia Addabbo
, Carmela Galdi
, Maurizio di Bisceglie
Ocean Wind Speed Estimation From the GNSS Scattered Power Function Volume. 78-86 - Christopher S. Ruf
, Scott Gleason, Darren S. McKague
Assessment of CYGNSS Wind Speed Retrieval Uncertainty. 87-97 - Jeonghwan Park
, Joel T. Johnson
, Yuchan Yi
, Andrew J. O'Brien:
Using "Rapid Revisit" CYGNSS Wind Speed Measurements to Detect Convective Activity. 98-106 - Hugo Carreno-Luengo
, Guido Luzi, Michele Crosetto:
Sensitivity of CyGNSS Bistatic Reflectivity and SMAP Microwave Radiometry Brightness Temperature to Geophysical Parameters Over Land Surfaces. 107-122 - Xiao Zhang
, Liangyun Liu
, Xidong Chen, Shuai Xie, Liping Lei:
A Novel Multitemporal Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection Method Using the Integrated Cloud Z-Scores Model. 123-134 - David Schvartzman
, Christopher D. Curtis:
Signal Processing and Radar Characteristics (SPARC) Simulator: A Flexible Dual-Polarization Weather-Radar Signal Simulation Framework Based on Preexisting Radar-Variable Data. 135-150 - Yanan Du
, Guangcai Feng
, Zhiwei Li
, Xing Peng
, Zhengyong Ren
, Jianjun Zhu
A Method for Surface Water Body Detection and DEM Generation With Multigeometry TanDEM-X Data. 151-161 - Lu Zhuo
, Qiang Dai
, Dawei Han
, Ningsheng Chen, Binru Zhao, Matteo Berti:
Evaluation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture for Landslide Hazard Assessment. 162-173 - Rongjun Qin
, Min Chen
, Xu Huang
, Kun Hu:
Disparity Refinement in Depth Discontinuity Using Robustly Matched Straight Lines for Digital Surface Model Generation. 174-185 - Christin Lubitz
, Thomas Kempka
, Mahdi Motagh
Integrated Assessment of Ground Surface Displacements at the Ketzin Pilot Site for CO2 Storage by Satellite-Based Measurements and Hydromechanical Simulations. 186-199 - Yingkun Du
, Jing Wang, Zhengjun Liu, Haiying Yu, Zehui Li, Hang Cheng:
Evaluation on Spaceborne Multispectral Images, Airborne Hyperspectral, and LiDAR Data for Extracting Spatial Distribution and Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Wetland Vegetation Suaeda salsa. 200-209 - Mengfan Wu, Xiangwei Zhao
, Zhongchang Sun
, Huadong Guo
A Hierarchical Multiscale Super-Pixel-Based Classification Method for Extracting Urban Impervious Surface Using Deep Residual Network From WorldView-2 and LiDAR Data. 210-222 - Genyun Sun
, Yanan Kong
, Xiuping Jia
, Aizhu Zhang
, Jun Rong, Hongzhang Ma:
Synergistic Use of Optical and Dual-Polarized SAR Data With Multiple Kernel Learning for Urban Impervious Surface Mapping. 223-236 - Heather C. North
, David Pairman
, Stella E. Belliss
Boundary Delineation of Agricultural Fields in Multitemporal Satellite Imagery. 237-251 - Adriana Mercedes Marquez
, Edilberto Guevara
, Demetrio Rey:
Hybrid Model for Forecasting of Changes in Land Use and Land Cover Using Satellite Techniques. 252-273 - Xiaoshuang Ma
, Penghai Wu
, Huanfeng Shen
Multifrequency Polarimetric SAR Image Despeckling by Iterative Nonlocal Means Based on a Space-Frequency Information Joint Covariance Matrix. 274-284 - Dongwen Yang
, Lan Du
, Hongwei Liu
, Yan Wang, Mingfei Gu:
Extended Geometrical Perturbation Based Detectors for PolSAR Image Target Detection in Heterogeneously Patched Regions. 285-301 - Xiangli Nie
, Shuguang Ding, Xiayuan Huang, Hong Qiao
, Bo Zhang
, Zhong-Ping Jiang
An Online Multiview Learning Algorithm for PolSAR Data Real-Time Classification. 302-320 - Maoguo Gong
, Yuelei Yang, Tao Zhan
, Xudong Niu, Shuwei Li:
A Generative Discriminatory Classified Network for Change Detection in Multispectral Imagery. 321-333 - Peng Wang
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Jocelyn Chanussot
, Gong Zhang:
Soft-Then-Hard Super-Resolution Mapping Based on Pansharpening Technique for Remote Sensing Image. 334-344 - Yanhui Guo
, Han Cao, Jianjun Bai, Yu Bai:
High Efficient Deep Feature Extraction and Classification of Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Using Cross Domain Convolutional Neural Networks. 345-356 - Chenying Liu
, Jun Li
, Lin He:
Superpixel-Based Semisupervised Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 357-370 - I. Lakshmi Mallika, Devanaboyina Venkata Ratnam
, Yuichi Otsuka, Gampala Sivavaraprasad
, Saravana Raman:
Implementation of Hybrid Ionospheric TEC Forecasting Algorithm Using PCA-NN Method. 371-381 - Rasoul Anvari
, Mokhtar Mohammadi
, Amin Roshandel Kahoo
Enhancing 3-D Seismic Data Using the t-SVD and Optimal Shrinkage of Singular Value. 382-388
Volume 12, Number 2, February 2019
- Shunlin Liang, Qinhuo Liu
, Guangjian Yan
, Jiancheng Shi
, John P. Kerekes
Foreword to the Special Issue on The Recent Progress in Quantitative Land Remote Sensing: Modeling and Estimation. 391-395 - Shengbiao Wu
, Jianguang Wen
, Qing Xiao
, Qinhuo Liu
, Dalei Hao
, Lin Xingwen, Dongqin You:
Derivation of Kernel Functions for Kernel-Driven Reflectance Model Over Sloping Terrain. 396-409 - Zhonghu Jiao
, Guangjian Yan
, Tianxing Wang
, Xihan Mu
, Jing Zhao:
Modeling of Land Surface Thermal Anisotropy Based on Directional and Equivalent Brightness Temperatures Over Complex Terrain. 410-423 - Ling Wang, Xiuqing Hu, Yupeng Luo
, Zhizhao Liu
, Min Min
Selection and Characterization of Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau as Potential Pseudoinvariant Calibration Sites. 424-436 - Zhengchao Chen
, Jiafei Xu
, Hao Zhang
Evaluation of HJ-1A/B CCD Surface Reflectance Products Using the VNIR and MODIS-Based Atmospheric Correction Approaches. 437-449 - Wang Zhou
, Jiancheng Shi
, Tianxing Wang
, Bin Peng
, Rui Zhao, Yuechi Yu
Clear-Sky Longwave Downward Radiation Estimation by Integrating MODIS Data and Ground-Based Measurements. 450-459 - Lifang Zhao
, Zhanfeng Shen, Chunming Li, Ming Guo, Yuan Sun, Lijing Gao:
Evaluating the Estimation of Net Radiation Based on MODIS Data and CoLM: A Case Study in the Tibetan Plateau. 460-470 - Dafeng Zhang
, Jianli Liu, Wenjian Ni
, Guoqing Sun
, Zhiyu Zhang, Qinhuo Liu
, Qiang Wang:
Estimation of Forest Leaf Area Index Using Height and Canopy Cover Information Extracted From Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Stereo Imagery. 471-481 - Haizhu Pan
, Zhongxin Chen, Jianqiang Ren, He Li
, Shangrong Wu
Modeling Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index and Canopy Water Content With Three Different Approaches Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument Data. 482-492 - Ji Zhou
, Shunlin Liang
, Jie Cheng
, Yujia Wang, Jin Ma
The GLASS Land Surface Temperature Product. 493-507 - Kun Jia
, Linqing Yang
, Shunlin Liang
, Zhiqiang Xiao
, Xiang Zhao, Yunjun Yao
, Xiaotong Zhang
, Bo Jiang
, Duanyang Liu
Long-Term Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) Fractional Vegetation Cover Product Derived From MODIS and AVHRR Data. 508-518 - Yuechi Yu
, Jiancheng Shi
, Tianxing Wang
, Husi Letu
, Pengfei Yuan, Wang Zhou
, Lu Hu:
Evaluation of the Himawari-8 Shortwave Downward Radiation (SWDR) Product and its Comparison With the CERES-SYN, MERRA-2, and ERA-Interim Datasets. 519-532 - Shirui Hao
, Lingmei Jiang
, Jiancheng Shi
, Gongxue Wang
, Xiaojing Liu
Assessment of MODIS-Based Fractional Snow Cover Products Over the Tibetan Plateau. 533-548 - Shanhu Bao
, Husi Letu, Chuanfeng Zhao
, Gegen Tana
, Huazhe Shang, Tianxing Wang
, Bi Lige, Yuhai Bao, Gomboluudev Purevjav, Jie He, Jun Zhao
Spatiotemporal Distributions of Cloud Parameters and the Temperature Response Over the Mongolian Plateau During 2006-2015 Based on MODIS Data. 549-558 - Huimin Li
, Alexis Mouche
, Justin Edward Stopa
Impact of Sea State on Wind Retrieval From Sentinel-1 Wave Mode Data. 559-566 - Audrey Minghelli
, Manchun Lei
, Sabine Charmasson
, Vincent Rey, Malik Chami
Monitoring Suspended Particle Matter Using GOCI Satellite Data After the Tohoku (Japan) Tsunami in 2011. 567-576 - Bogang Yang, Yongjun Zhao
, Haigen Zhao
, Binbin Li, Yingchun Huang:
Assessment of the Two Successive GPM-Based V3 and V4 GSMaP Precipitation Products at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales Over China. 577-588 - Lu Zhang
, Huiying Liu
, Xinwei Gu, Huadong Guo
, Jie Chen
, Guang Liu
Sea Ice Classification Using TerraSAR-X ScanSAR Data With Removal of Scalloping and Interscan Banding. 589-598 - Gregory P. Badura
, Charles M. Bachmann
, Anna Christina Tyler
, Sarah Goldsmith
, Rehman S. Eon, Christopher S. Lapszynski:
A Novel Approach for Deriving LAI of Salt Marsh Vegetation Using Structure From Motion and Multiangular Spectra. 599-613 - David L. Stone
, Gaurav Shah
, Yuichi Motai
, Alex J. Aved
Vegetation Segmentation for Sensor Fusion of Omnidirectional Far-Infrared and Visual Stream. 614-626 - Kun Tan
, Fuyu Wu
, Qian Du
, Peijun Du, Yu Chen:
A Parallel Gaussian-Bernoulli Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Mining Area Classification With Hyperspectral Imagery. 627-636 - Liangliang Tao
, Guojie Wang
, Weijing Chen
, Xi Chen
, Jing Li, Qingkong Cai:
Soil Moisture Retrieval From SAR and Optical Data Using a Combined Model. 637-647 - Hossein Aghababaee
, Giampaolo Ferraioli
, Gilda Schirinzi
, Vito Pascazio
Regularization of SAR Tomography for 3-D Height Reconstruction in Urban Areas. 648-659 - Peng Liu
, Meng Wang, Lizhe Wang
, Wei Han
Remote-Sensing Image Denoising With Multi-Sourced Information. 660-674 - Mohsen Safdari, Payman Moallem
, Mehran Satari:
SIFT Detector Boosted by Adaptive Contrast Threshold to Improve Matching Robustness of Remote Sensing Panchromatic Images. 675-684 - Jianchao Fan
, Kai Lin
, Min Han
A Novel Joint Change Detection Approach Based on Weight-Clustering Sparse Autoencoders. 685-699 - Qian Cheng
, Bo Du
, Liangpei Zhang
, Rong Liu:
ANSGA-III: A Multiobjective Endmember Extraction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Images. 700-721 - Pedro G. Bascoy
, Pablo Quesada-Barriuso
, Dora B. Heras
, Francisco Argüello
Wavelet-Based Multicomponent Denoising Profile for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images. 722-733 - Sheng Xu
, Ruisheng Wang
Power Line Extraction From Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds. 734-743 - Yuxian Zhang, Lixiao Wang, Naixing Feng
, Mingwei Zhuang, Xiaoli Feng, Guangyou Fang, Qing Huo Liu
A 3-D High-Order Reverse-Time Migration Method for High-Resolution Subsurface Imaging With a Multistation Ultra-Wideband Radar System. 744-751
Volume 12, Number 3, March 2019
- Changjiang Zhang
, Qi Luo, Li-Jie Dai, Leiming Ma
, Xiao-Qin Lu:
Intensity Estimation of Tropical Cyclones Using the Relevance Vector Machine From Infrared Satellite Image Data. 763-773 - Jian Li, Liqiao Tian
, Qingjun Song, Jue Huang, Wenkai Li
, Anna Wei:
A Near-Infrared Band-Based Algorithm for Suspended Sediment Estimation for Turbid Waters Using the Experimental Tiangong 2 Moderate Resolution Wide-Wavelength Imager. 774-787 - Gui Gao
, Kuihua Huang, Sheng Gao, Juan He, Xi Zhang:
Ship Detection Based on Oceanic Displaced Phase Center Antenna Technique in Along-Track Interferometric SAR. 788-802 - Peng Liu
, Jesús Mendoza, Hanxiong Hu, Peter G. Burkett, Julio V. Urbina
, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Sven G. Bilén
Software-Defined Radar Systems for Polar Ice-Sheet Research. 803-820 - Ling Chen
, Guangjian Yan
, Tianxing Wang
, Huazhong Ren
, Ronghai Hu
, Shengbo Chen, Hongmin Zhou:
Spatial Scale Consideration for Estimating All-Sky Surface Shortwave Radiation With a Modified 1-D Radiative Transfer Model. 821-835 - Shaobo Zhong
, Liping Di, Ziheng Sun, Zhanya Xu, Liying Guo
Investigating the Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Vegetative Drought in the Contiguous United States. 836-848 - Gang Yang
, Heng-Chao Li
, Wen Yang
, Kun Fu, Turgay Çelik
, William J. Emery
Variational Bayesian Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images Based on Spatially Variant Gaussian Mixture Model and Separability Criterion. 849-861 - Huanfeng Shen
, Jingan Wu
, Qing Cheng
, Mahemujiang Aihemaiti, Chengyue Zhang, Zhiwei Li
A Spatiotemporal Fusion Based Cloud Removal Method for Remote Sensing Images With Land Cover Changes. 862-874 - Silvia Liberata Ullo
, Pia Addabbo
, Diego Di Martire
, Stefania Sica
, Nicomino Fiscante, Luca Cicala, Cesario Vincenzo Angelino:
Application of DInSAR Technique to High Coherence Sentinel-1 Images for Dam Monitoring and Result Validation Through In Situ Measurements. 875-890 - Jit Mukherjee
, Jayanta Mukherjee
, Debashish Chakravarty, Subhas Aikat:
A Novel Index to Detect Opencast Coal Mine Areas From Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS. 891-897 - Ramin Sabry
, Thomas L. Ainsworth
SAR Compact Polarimetry for Change Detection and Characterization. 898-909 - Xiaojian Gan
, Yong Wang
, Dingfeng Duan, Taoli Yang
Dot and Segment Feature Analysis and Parameter Inversion of a Curved and Graded Bay Bridge From UAVSAR Imagery. 910-919 - Qiuze Yu
, Shan Zhou, Yuxuan Jiang, Peng Wu, Yong Xu:
High-Performance SAR Image Matching Using Improved SIFT Framework Based on Rolling Guidance Filter and ROEWA-Powered Feature. 920-933 - Cuiping Shi
, Liguo Wang
Remote Sensing Image Compression Based on Adaptive Directional Wavelet Transform With Content-Dependent Binary Tree Codec. 934-949 - Mesay Belete Bejiga, Farid Melgani
, Antonio Vascotto:
Retro-Remote Sensing: Generating Images From Ancient Texts. 950-960 - Jose Luis Villaescusa Nadal
, Belen Franch
, Jean-Claude Roger
, Eric F. Vermote, Sergii Skakun
, Christopher Justice:
Spectral Adjustment Model's Analysis and Application to Remote Sensing Data. 961-972 - Chunhong Cao
, Jie Yu
, Chengyao Zhou
, Kai Hu
, Fen Xiao
, Xieping Gao
Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Subspace-Based Nonlocal Low-Rank and Sparse Factorization. 973-988 - Shaoguang Huang
, Hongyan Zhang
, Aleksandra Pizurica
Semisupervised Sparse Subspace Clustering Method With a Joint Sparsity Constraint for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images. 989-999 - Shujun Yang
, Junhui Hou
, Yuheng Jia
, Shaohui Mei
, Qian Du
Pseudolabel Guided Kernel Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1000-1011 - Gregory Badura
, Charles M. Bachmann
Assessing Effects of Azimuthally Oriented Roughness on Directional Reflectance of Sand. 1012-1025 - Gang Yang
, Weiwei Sun
, Huanfeng Shen
, Xiangchao Meng
, Jialin Li:
An Integrated Method for Reconstructing Daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data. 1026-1040 - Shaobo Xia
, Ruisheng Wang
Façade Separation in Ground-Based LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Edges and Windows. 1041-1052 - Xinming Tang, Junfeng Xie
, Xiaoming Gao, Fan Mo, Wanwan Feng, Ren Liu:
The In-Orbit Calibration Method Based on Terrain Matching With Pyramid-Search for the Spaceborne Laser Altimeter. 1053-1062 - Hossein Aghababaee
, Giampaolo Ferraioli, Gilda Schirinzi
, Vito Pascazio:
Corrections to "Regularization of SAR Tomography for 3-D Height Reconstruction in Urban Areas". 1063
Volume 12, Number 4, April 2019
- Fabian Surya Pramudya
, Jiayi Pan
, Adam Thomas Devlin
Estimation of Significant Wave Height of Near-Range Traveling Ocean Waves Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images. 1067-1075 - Lucio Mascolo
, Giuseppina Forino
, Ferdinando Nunziata
, Giovanni Pugliano, Maurizio Migliaccio
A New Methodology for Rice Area Monitoring With COSMO-SkyMed HH-VV PingPong Mode SAR Data. 1076-1084 - Peng Fu
Responses of Vegetation Productivity to Temperature Trends Over Continental United States From MODIS Imagery. 1085-1090 - Tianjun Wu
, Jiancheng Luo, Wen Dong, Yingwei Sun
, Liegang Xia
, Xuejian Zhang:
Geo-Object-Based Soil Organic Matter Mapping Using Machine Learning Algorithms With Multi-Source Geo-Spatial Data. 1091-1106 - Hao Sun
, Chuangchuang Cai, Hongxing Liu
, Bo Yang
Microwave and Meteorological Fusion: A method of Spatial Downscaling of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture. 1107-1119 - Zelang Miao
, Yuelong Xiao, Wenzhong Shi
, Yueguang He, Paolo Gamba
, Zhongbin Li
, Alim Samat
, Lixin Wu, Jia Li, Hao Wu
Integration of Satellite Images and Open Data for Impervious Surface Classification. 1120-1133 - Meiqin Che
, Paolo Gamba
Intra-Urban Change Analysis Using Sentinel-1 and Nighttime Light Data. 1134-1142 - Zuoqi Chen
, Bailang Yu
, Yuyu Zhou
, Hongxing Liu, Chengshu Yang, Kaifang Shi, Jianping Wu:
Mapping Global Urban Areas From 2000 to 2012 Using Time-Series Nighttime Light Data and MODIS Products. 1143-1153 - Huquan Li
, Guolong Cui
, Lingjiang Kong
, Guohao Chen
, Mingyang Wang, Shisheng Guo
Robust Human Targets Tracking for MIMO Through-Wall Radar via Multi-Algorithm Fusion. 1154-1164 - Brad G. Peter
, Joseph P. Messina
Errors in Time-Series Remote Sensing and an Open Access Application for Detecting and Visualizing Spatial Data Outliers Using Google Earth Engine. 1165-1174 - Chun Liu
, Shuhang Zhang
, Akram Akbar:
Ground Feature Oriented Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mapping. 1175-1187 - Lin He
, Yizhou Rao, Jun Li
, Jocelyn Chanussot
, Antonio Plaza
, Jiawei Zhu, Bo Li
Pansharpening via Detail Injection Based Convolutional Neural Networks. 1188-1204 - Lichun Sui, Li Li
, Jonathan Li
, Nan Chen, Yongqing Jiao:
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images Based on a Bayesian Nonparametric Approach. 1205-1218 - Linyun He
, Joseph A. O'Sullivan
, Daniel V. Politte, Kathryn E. Powell
, Raymond E. Arvidson:
Quantitative Reconstruction and Denoising Method HyBER for Hyperspectral Image Data and Its Application to CRISM. 1219-1230 - Jorge Bacca
, Claudia V. Correa P.
, Henry Arguello
Noniterative Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction From Compressive Fused Measurements. 1231-1239 - Wei Liu
, Joonwhoan Lee:
An Efficient Residual Learning Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Superresolution. 1240-1253 - Dehui Zhu
, Bo Du
, Liangpei Zhang
Target Dictionary Construction-Based Sparse Representation Hyperspectral Target Detection Methods. 1254-1264 - Shuyuan Xu
, Jun Li
, Mahdi Khodadadzadeh
, Andrea Marinoni
, Paolo Gamba
, Bo Li
Abundance-Indicated Subspace for Hyperspectral Classification With Limited Training Samples. 1265-1278 - Sara Khoshsokhan, Roozbeh Rajabi
, Hadi Zayyani:
Sparsity-Constrained Distributed Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data. 1279-1288 - Xianghai Cao
, Cuicui Wei, Yiming Ge, Jie Feng
, Jing Zhao, Licheng Jiao
Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Dynamic Classifier Selection. 1289-1298 - Jie Feng
, Jiantong Chen, Liguo Liu, Xianghai Cao
, Xiangrong Zhang
, Licheng Jiao
, Tao Yu:
CNN-Based Multilayer Spatial-Spectral Feature Fusion and Sample Augmentation With Local and Nonlocal Constraints for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1299-1313 - Suoyan Pan, Haiyan Guan
, Yongtao Yu
, Jonathan Li
, Daifeng Peng
A Comparative Land-Cover Classification Feature Study of Learning Algorithms: DBM, PCA, and RF Using Multispectral LiDAR Data. 1314-1326 - Fangyu Li
, Yan Qin, Wen-Zhan Song
Waveform Inversion-Assisted Distributed Reverse Time Migration for Microseismic Location. 1327-1332 - Haixing Li
, Pengfeng Xiao
, Xuezhi Feng, Yongke Yang, Lingxiao Wang, Wenbo Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, Weiding Feng, Xiao Chang:
Corrections to "Using Land Long Term Data Records to Map Land Cover Changes in China over 1981-2010". 1333-1334
Volume 12, Number 5, May 2019
- David D. Turner
, William G. Blumberg
Improvements to the AERIoe Thermodynamic Profile Retrieval Algorithm. 1339-1354 - Nils Kuchler
, Ulrich Löhnert
Radar-Radiometer-Based Liquid Water Content Retrievals of Warm Low-Level Clouds: How the Measurement Setup Affects Retrieval Uncertainties. 1355-1361 - Kaushik Gopalan
, Rajesh Sikhakolli, Abhisek Chakraborty:
A Bayesian Estimation Technique for Improving the Accuracy of SCATSAT-1 Winds in Rainy Conditions. 1362-1368 - Seppo Pulkkinen
, V. Chandrasekar, Ari-Matti Harri:
Fully Spectral Method for Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasting. 1369-1382 - Yueqi Wang
, Zhiqiang Gao, Dongyan Liu:
Multivariate DINEOF Reconstruction for Creating Long-Term Cloud-Free Chlorophyll-a Data Records From SeaWiFS and MODIS: A Case Study in Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. 1383-1395 - Haili Li
, Delu Pan, Difeng Wang
, Fang Gong, Yan Bai, Xianqiang He, Zengzhou Hao, Changqing Ke
The Impact of Summer Arctic Cyclones on Chlorophyll-a Concentration and Sea Surface Temperature in the Kara Sea. 1396-1408 - Qingyun Yan
, Weimin Huang
Detecting Sea Ice From TechDemoSat-1 Data Using Support Vector Machines With Feature Selection. 1409-1416 - Mohammed Dabboor
, Sarah N. Banks, Lori White, Brian Brisco
, Amir Behnamian
, Zhaohua Chen
, Kevin Murnaghan:
Comparison of Compact and Fully Polarimetric SAR for Multitemporal Wetland Monitoring. 1417-1430 - Hongquan Wang
, Ramata Magagi, Kalifa Goita, Thomas Jagdhuber
Refining a Polarimetric Decomposition of Multi-Angular UAVSAR Time Series for Soil Moisture Retrieval Over Low and High Vegetated Agricultural Fields. 1431-1450 - Willem C. Olding
, Jan C. Olivier, Brian P. Salmon
, Waldo Kleynhans
A Forecasting Approach to Online Change Detection in Land Cover Time Series. 1451-1460 - Shanshan Feng
, Fenglei Fan
A Hierarchical Extraction Method of Impervious Surface Based on NDVI Thresholding Integrated With Multispectral and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imageries. 1461-1470 - Amir Moeini Rad
, Davoud Ashourloo
, Hamid Salehi Shahrabi, Hamed Nematollahi
Developing an Automatic Phenology-Based Algorithm for Rice Detection Using Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data. 1471-1481 - Ren-Min Yang
, Wen-Wen Guo:
Using Sentinel-1 Imagery for Soil Salinity Prediction Under the Condition of Coastal Restoration. 1482-1488 - Ramin Farhadiani
, Saeid Homayouni
, Abdolreza Safari:
Hybrid SAR Speckle Reduction Using Complex Wavelet Shrinkage and Non-Local PCA-Based Filtering. 1489-1496 - Donato Amitrano
, Raffaella Guida
, Giuseppe Ruello
Multitemporal SAR RGB Processing for Sentinel-1 GRD Products: Methodology and Applications. 1497-1507 - Song Zhou
, Lei Yang
, Lifan Zhao, Yuhao Wang
, Huilin Zhou, Liangbing Chen, Mengdao Xing
A New Fast Factorized Back Projection Algorithm for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Imaging Based on Orthogonal Elliptical Polar Coordinate. 1508-1520 - Xudong Zhao
, Ran Tao
, Xuejing Kang, Wei Li
Hierarchical-Biased Random Walk for Urban Remote Sensing Image Segmentation. 1521-1533 - Xiaochen Lu
, Junping Zhang
, Xiangzhen Yu, Wenming Tang, Tong Li
, Ye Zhang:
Hyper-Sharpening Based on Spectral Modulation. 1534-1548 - Feng Zhou
, Renlong Hang
, Qingshan Liu
, Xiaotong Yuan
Pyramid Fully Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion. 1549-1558 - Lixin Dong
, Shihao Tang, Min Min
, Frank Veroustraete:
Estimation of Forest Canopy Height in Hilly Areas Using Lidar Waveform Data. 1559-1571 - Lingfei Ma
, Ying Li, Jonathan Li
, Zilong Zhong
, Michael A. Chapman:
Generation of Horizontally Curved Driving Lines in HD Maps Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds. 1572-1586 - Hong-Xing Zhang
, Yunbin Yuan
, Wei Li
, Baocheng Zhang
A Real-Time Precipitable Water Vapor Monitoring System Using the National GNSS Network of China: Method and Preliminary Results. 1587-1598 - Orhan Eroglu
, Mehmet Kurum
, John E. Ball
Response of GNSS-R on Dynamic Vegetated Terrain Conditions. 1599-1611 - Rasoul Anvari
, Amin Roshandel Kahoo
, Mokhtar Mohammadi
, Nabeel Ali Khan
, Yangkang Chen:
Seismic Random Noise Attenuation Using Sparse Low-Rank Estimation of the Signal in the Time-Frequency Domain. 1612-1618 - Rahul Kumar Vijay
, Satyasai Jagannath Nanda
Shared Nearest Neighborhood Intensity Based Declustering Model for Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Seismicity. 1619-1627
Volume 12, Number 6, June 2019
- Sidharth Misra, Juha Lemmetyinen, Dara Entekhabi
Foreword to the Special Issue on MicroRad 2018. 1631-1632 - Ignasi Corbella
, Francesc Torres
, Nuria Duffo, Israel Durán, Verónica González-Gambau
, Roger Oliva, Josep Closa
, Manuel Martín-Neira
Calibration of the MIRAS Radiometers. 1633-1646 - Jinzheng Peng
, Sidharth Misra
, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Emmanuel P. Dinnat
, Simon H. Yueh
, Thomas Meissner
, David M. Le Vine
, Kacie E. Shelton, Adam P. Freedman, Roy Scott Dunbar, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Rajat Bindlish
, Giovanni De Amici, Priscilla N. Mohammed
, Liang Hong, Derek Hudson, Thomas J. Jackson
Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) L-Band Microwave Radiometer Post-Launch Calibration Upgrade. 1647-1657 - Janne Lahtinen
, Steen Savstrup Kristensen
, Arhippa Kovanen, Kari Lehtinen, Josu Uusitalo, Sten Schmidl Søbjærg
, Niels Skou
, Salvatore D'Addio:
Real-Time RFI Processor for Future Spaceborne Microwave Radiometers. 1658-1669 - Niels Skou
, Sten Schmidl Søbjærg
, Steen Savstrup Kristensen
, Cecilia Cappellin
, Knud Pontoppidan, Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, Marianna V. Ivashina
, Oleg A. Iupikov
Ultra-High-Performance C- and L-Band Radiometer System for Future Spaceborne Ocean Missions. 1670-1678 - María Marta Jacob
, W. Linwood Jones, Andrea Santos-Garcia, Kyla Drushka
, William E. Asher, Carlos Marcelo Scavuzzo
Salinity Rain Impact Model (RIM) for SMAP. 1679-1687 - Karl Jacob
, Arne Schröder
, Leandro von Werra, Florian Reinhard, Philippe Raisin, Axel Murk
Radiometric Characterization of a Water-Based Conical Blackbody Calibration Target for Millimeter-Wave Remote Sensing. 1688-1696 - Marianna Biscarini
, Luca Milani
, Mario Montopoli
, Klaide De Sanctis
, Saverio Di Fabio, Kevin M. Magde, George A. Brost, Frank S. Marzano
Exploiting Tropospheric Measurements From Sun-Tracking Radiometer for Radiopropagation Models at Centimeter and Millimeter Wave. 1697-1708 - Yonghao Xu
, Bo Du
, Liangpei Zhang
, Daniele Cerra
, Miguel Pato
, Emiliano Carmona
, Saurabh Prasad
, Naoto Yokoya
, Ronny Hänsch
, Bertrand Le Saux
Advanced Multi-Sensor Optical Remote Sensing for Urban Land Use and Land Cover Classification: Outcome of the 2018 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest. 1709-1724 - Da Zhang
, Jiahua Zhang, Fengmei Yao, Lamei Shi
Observed Characteristics Change of Tropical Cyclones During Rapid Intensification Over Western North Pacific Using CloudSat Data. 1725-1733 - Junyu He
, George Christakos, Piotr Jankowski
Comparative Performance of the LUR, ANN, and BME Techniques in the Multiscale Spatiotemporal Mapping of PM2.5 Concentrations in North China. 1734-1747 - He Wang
, Huimin Li
, Mingsen Lin, Jianhua Zhu, Jing Wang, Weiwei Li, Limin Cui:
Calibration of the Copolarized Backscattering Measurements From Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Wave Mode Imagery. 1748-1762 - Anindya Wirasatriya
, Denny Nugroho Sugianto
, Muhammad Helmi, Riza Yuliratno Setiawan
, Magaly Koch
Distinct Characteristics of SST Variabilities in the Sulawesi Sea and the Northern Part of the Maluku Sea During the Southeast Monsoon. 1763-1770 - Jordi Portell
, David Amblas
, Garrett Mitchell, Matias Morales, Alberto G. Villafranca, Riccardo Iudica, Galderic Lastras
High-Performance Compression of Multibeam Echosounders Water Column Data. 1771-1783 - Bing Lu
, Yuhong He, Phuong D. Dao
Comparing the Performance of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images for Estimating Vegetation Properties. 1784-1797 - Yuanhao Li
, Cheng Hu
, Xichao Dong
, Bin Zhang, Siwei Li, Dongyang Ao
Influence of Orbit and System Parameters on Geosynchronous SAR Multiple-Aperture Interferometry Processing: Analysis and Validation. 1798-1811 - Tao Li
, Zheng Liu, Rong Xie
, Lei Ran
, Jingjing Wang:
Ship Detection for Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Gp0 Mixture Model. 1812-1824 - Lin Xu, Qiang Chen
Remote-Sensing Image Usability Assessment Based on ResNet by Combining Edge and Texture Maps. 1825-1834 - Peng Wang
, Gong Zhang, Liguo Wang
, Henry Leung
, Hui Bi
Subpixel Land Cover Mapping Based on Dual Processing Paths for Hyperspectral Image. 1835-1848 - Pattathal V. Arun
, Krishna Mohan Buddhiraju
, Alok Porwal
Capsulenet-Based Spatial-Spectral Classifier for Hyperspectral Images. 1849-1865 - Chunyan Yu
, Meng Zhao, Meiping Song, Yulei Wang, Fang Li, Rui Han, Chein-I Chang
Hyperspectral Image Classification Method Based on CNN Architecture Embedding With Hashing Semantic Feature. 1866-1881 - Yushi Chen
, Ying Wang
, Yanfeng Gu
, Xin He, Pedram Ghamisi
, Xiuping Jia
Deep Learning Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1882-1897 - Peiyuan Jia, Miao Zhang
, Yi Shen
Hypergraph Learning and Reweighted ℓ1-Norm Minimization for Hyperspectral Unmixing. 1898-1904 - Le Sun
, Chenyang Ma, Yunjie Chen, Hiuk Jae Shim, Zebin Wu
, Byeungwoo Jeon
Adjacent Superpixel-Based Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Kernel for Hyperspectral Classification. 1905-1919 - Qian Liu
, Zebin Wu
, Le Sun
, Yang Xu
, Lu Du, Zhihui Wei:
Kernel Low-Rank Representation Based on Local Similarity for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1920-1932 - Qiang Ling
, Yulan Guo
, Zaiping Lin, Li Liu, Wei An:
A Constrained Sparse-Representation-Based Binary Hypothesis Model for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery. 1933-1947 - Puhong Duan
, Xudong Kang
, Shutao Li
, Pedram Ghamisi
Noise-Robust Hyperspectral Image Classification via Multi-Scale Total Variation. 1948-1962 - Chiru Ge
, Qian Du
, Wei Li
, Yunsong Li, Weiwei Sun
Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification Using Kernel Collaborative Representation Based Residual Fusion. 1963-1973 - Changjiang Hu
, Craig R. Benson
, Chris Rizos
, Li Qiao
Impact of Receiver Dynamics on Space-Based GNSS-R Altimetry. 1974-1980 - Lihui Gao
, Shengbao Yu, Haigen Zhou
, Changsheng Liu, Nan Chen
, Yong Huang:
Depth-Focused Waveform Based on SHEPWM Method for Ground-Airborne Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Survey. 1981-1990 - Pablo Venegas
, Noel Pérez
, Diego S. Benítez
, Román A. Lara-Cueva
, Mario Ruiz
Combining Filter-Based Feature Selection Methods and Gaussian Mixture Model for the Classification of Seismic Events From Cotopaxi Volcano. 1991-2003 - Anindya Wirasatriya
, Denny Nugroho Sugianto
, Muhammad Helmi, Riza Yuliratno Setiawan
, Magaly Koch
Erratum to "Distinct Characteristics of SST Variabilities in the Sulawesi Sea and the Northern Part of the Maluku Sea During the Southeast Monsoon". 2004-2005
Volume 12, Number 7, July 2019
- José F. Moreno, José Antonio Sobrino
, Gustau Camps-Valls
Foreword to the Special Issue on IGARSS 2018. 2012-2014 - Wenhui Wang
, Changyong Cao:
NOAA-20 VIIRS DNB Aggregation Mode Change: Prelaunch Efforts and On-Orbit Verification/Validation Results. 2015-2023 - Likun Wang
, Yong Chen
Inter-Comparing SNPP and NOAA-20 CrIS Toward Measurement Consistency and Climate Data Records. 2024-2031 - Qiping Zhang
, Yin Zhang
, Yulin Huang, Yongchao Zhang
Azimuth Superresolution of Forward-Looking Radar Imaging Which Relies on Linearized Bregman. 2032-2043 - Yongchao Zhang
, Deqing Mao
, Qian Zhang
, Yin Zhang
, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang:
Airborne Forward-Looking Radar Super-Resolution Imaging Using Iterative Adaptive Approach. 2044-2054 - Weike Feng
, Jean-Michel Friedt
, Grigory Cherniak, Motoyuki Sato
Passive Radar Imaging by Filling Gaps Between ISDB Digital TV Channels. 2055-2068 - Stacey A. Huang
, Howard A. Zebker
Persistent Scatterer Density by Image Resolution and Terrain Type. 2069-2079 - Hai Liu
, Xiaoyun Huang
, Feng Han
, Jie Cui
, Billie F. Spencer, Xiongyao Xie
Hybrid Polarimetric GPR Calibration and Elongated Object Orientation Estimation. 2080-2087 - Mihai Coca
, Andrei Anghel
, Mihai Datcu:
Unbiased Seamless SAR Image Change Detection Based on Normalized Compression Distance. 2088-2096 - Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli
, Lucas Dias Santos, Raquel Alves de Oliveira
, Adilson Berveglieri
, Nilton Nobuhiro Imai
, Eija Honkavaara
Refining the Interior Orientation of a Hyperspectral Frame Camera With Preliminary Bands Co-Registration. 2097-2106 - AmirAbbas Davari
, Hasan Can Ozkan
, Andreas K. Maier
, Christian Riess
Fast and Efficient Limited Data Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification via GMM-Based Synthetic Samples. 2107-2120 - Anamaria Radoi
, Mihai Datcu:
Multilabel Annotation of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images using Error-Correcting Output Codes and Most Ambiguous Examples. 2121-2134 - Yuxiang Zhang
, Ke Wu
, Bo Du
, Xiangyun Hu
Multitask Learning-Based Reliability Analysis for Hyperspectral Target Detection. 2135-2147 - Jignesh R. Patel
, Manjunath V. Joshi
, Jignesh S. Bhatt
Abundance Estimation Using Discontinuity Preserving and Sparsity-Induced Priors. 2148-2158 - Wei Feng
, Gabriel Dauphin
, Wenjiang Huang, Yinghui Quan
, Wenxing Bao
, Mingquan Wu, Qiang Li
Dynamic Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique-Based Rotation Forest for the Classification of Imbalanced Hyperspectral Data. 2159-2169 - Min Zhao, Jie Chen
, Zhe He:
A Laboratory-Created Dataset With Ground Truth for Hyperspectral Unmixing Evaluation. 2170-2183 - Xiaoli Yang, Jie Chen
, Zhe He:
Sparse-SpatialCEM for Hyperspectral Target Detection. 2184-2195 - Roberto Luciani, Giovanni Laneve, Munzer Jahjah
Agricultural Monitoring, an Automatic Procedure for Crop Mapping and Yield Estimation: The Great Rift Valley of Kenya Case. 2196-2208 - Gianni Cristian Iannelli, Paolo Gamba
Urban Extent Extraction Combining Sentinel Data in the Optical and Microwave Range. 2209-2216 - Patrick Helber
, Benjamin Bischke
, Andreas Dengel, Damian Borth:
EuroSAT: A Novel Dataset and Deep Learning Benchmark for Land Use and Land Cover Classification. 2217-2226 - Maria Paola Clarizia
, Nazzareno Pierdicca
, Fabiano Costantini, Nicolas Floury:
Analysis of CYGNSS Data for Soil Moisture Retrieval. 2227-2235 - Matti Mottus
, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão, Jaana Bäck
, Rocío Hernández-Clemente
, Eduardo Eiji Maeda, Vincent Markiet, Caroline J. Nichol
, Raimundo Cosme de Oliveira Junior
, Natalia Restrepo Coupe:
Diurnal Changes in Leaf Photochemical Reflectance Index in Two Evergreen Forest Canopies. 2236-2243 - Luke A. Brown
, Jadunandan Dash
, Antonio L. Lidón
, Ernesto López-Baeza
, Steffen Dransfeld:
Synergetic Exploitation of the Sentinel-2 Missions for Validating the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Color Instrument Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index Over a Vineyard Dominated Mediterranean Environment. 2244-2251 - Wangmin Ying
, Hua Wu
, Zhao-Liang Li:
Net Surface Shortwave Radiation Retrieval Using Random Forest Method With MODIS/AQUA Data. 2252-2259 - Andrés Santamaría-Artigas
, Belen Franch
, Pierre Guillevic
, Jean-Claude Roger
, Eric F. Vermote, Sergii Skakun
Evaluation of Near-Surface Air Temperature From Reanalysis Over the United States and Ukraine: Application to Winter Wheat Yield Forecasting. 2260-2269 - Markus Melin
, Ross A. Hill, Paul Bellamy, Shelley A. Hinsley:
On Bird Species Diversity and Remote Sensing - Utilizing Lidar and Hyperspectral Data to Assess the Role of Vegetation Structure and Foliage Characteristics as Drivers of Avian Diversity. 2270-2278 - Yuxia Li, Bo Peng, Lei He
, Kunlong Fan, Ling Tong
Road Segmentation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Images Using Adversarial Network With Multiscale Context Aggregation. 2279-2287 - Masato Ohki
, Takeo Tadono
, Takuya Itoh, Keiko Ishii, Tsutomu Yamanokuchi, Manabu Watanabe
, Masanobu Shimada:
Flood Area Detection Using PALSAR-2 Amplitude and Coherence Data: The Case of the 2015 Heavy Rainfall in Japan. 2288-2298 - Wan Li
, Li Ni, Zhao-Liang Li, Sibo Duan, Hua Wu
Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms in Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Land Surface Temperature. 2299-2307 - Hong Chen
, Hua Wu
, Zhao-Liang Li
, Jienan Tu
An Improved Computational Geometry Method for Obtaining Accurate Remotely Sensed Products via Convex Hulls With Dynamic Weights: A Case Study With Leaf Area Index. 2308-2319 - Qingmiao Ma
, Yingjie Li
, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu
Modeling of Mixed-Pixel Clumping Index From Remote Sensing Data and Its Evaluation. 2320-2331 - Pamela Suélen Käfer
, Silvia Beatriz Alves Rolim
, Maria Lujan Iglesias
, Nájila Souza da Rocha
, Lucas Ribeiro Diaz
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval by LANDSAT 8 Thermal Band: Applications of Laboratory and Field Measurements. 2332-2341 - Arden L. Burrell
, Jason P. Evans
, Yi Liu
The Addition of Temperature to the TSS-RESTREND Methodology Significantly Improves the Detection of Dryland Degradation. 2342-2348 - Giovanni Laneve
, Giancarlo Santilli
, Roberto Luciani
Improving SEVIRI-Based Hotspots Detection by Using Multiple Simultaneous Observations. 2349-2356 - Yishan Li
, Wei Wang
, Hui Lu
, Sothea Khem, Kun Yang
, Xiaomeng Huang:
Evaluation of Three Satellite-Based Precipitation Products Over the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Rain Gauge Observations and Hydrological Modeling. 2357-2373 - Hongsheng Zhang
, Luoma Wan
, Ting Wang
, Yinyi Lin
, Hui Lin, Zezhong Zheng
Impervious Surface Estimation From Optical and Polarimetric SAR Data Using Small-Patched Deep Convolutional Networks: A Comparative Study. 2374-2387 - Yingkun Du
, Jing Wang
, Zhengjun Liu, Yifan Lin:
Estimation and Multiscale Transformation of Aboveground Biomass: An HGSU-Oriented Approach Based on Multisource Data. 2388-2396 - Yu Morishita
A Systematic Study of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferograms Produced From ALOS-2 Data for Large Global Earthquakes From 2014 to 2016. 2397-2408 - Mengshuo Chen
, Li Ni, Xiaoguang Jiang
, Hua Wu
Retrieving Atmospheric and Land Surface Parameters From At-Sensor Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Data With Artificial Neural Network. 2409-2416 - Yinyi Lin
, Hongsheng Zhang
, Gang Li, Ting Wang
, Luoma Wan
, Hui Lin:
Improving Impervious Surface Extraction With Shadow-Based Sparse Representation From Optical, SAR, and LiDAR Data. 2417-2428 - Pierre-Yves Foucher
, Philippe Déliot, Laurent Poutier, Olivier Duclaux
, Valentin Raffort, Yelva Roustan
, Brice Temime-Roussel
, Amandine Durand, Henri Wortham:
Aerosol Plume Characterization From Multitemporal Hyperspectral Analysis. 2429-2438 - Sergii Skakun
, Eric F. Vermote, Jean-Claude Roger
, Christopher O. Justice, Jeffrey G. Masek:
Validation of the LaSRC Cloud Detection Algorithm for Landsat 8 Images. 2439-2446 - David Arnas
, Pedro Jose Jurado Lozano, Itziar Barat, Berthyl Duesmann, Ralf Bock
FLEX: A Parametric Study of Its Tandem Formation With Sentinel-3. 2447-2452 - Kou-Yuan Huang
, Dar-Ren Leu
Syntactic Pattern Recognition for Wavelet Clustering in Seismogram. 2453-2461 - Abhishek Dixit
, K. Lekshmi, Rishikesh Bharti
, Chandan Mahanta:
Net Sea-Air CO$_{2}$ Fluxes and Modeled Partial Pressure of CO$_{2}$ in Open Ocean of Bay of Bengal. 2462-2469 - Juha Kainulainen
, Sampo Salo, Janne Lahtinen
, Guifré Molera Calvés
, Jaakko Seppänen
, Jaan Praks
, Teemu Hakala, Yuwei Chen
, Juha Hyyppä
, Martin Unwin
, Philip Jales, Gerhard Ressler, Tânia Casal
, Josep Roselló:
Airborne Wind Vector Scatterometer for Sea Surface Measurements. 2470-2476 - Osamu Isoguchi
, Kenta Ishizuka, Takeo Tadono
, Takeshi Motohka, Masanobu Shimada:
Effect of Faraday Rotation on L-Band Ocean Normalized Radar Cross Section and Wind Speed Detection. 2477-2485 - Estrella Olmedo
, Verónica González-Gambau
, Antonio Turiel
, Justino Martínez
, Carolina Gabarró, Marcos Portabella
, Joaquim Ballabrera-Poy
, Manuel Arias
, Roberto Sabia, Roger Oliva:
Empirical Characterization of the SMOS Brightness Temperature Bias and Uncertainty for Improving Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval. 2486-2503 - Xiaolei Zou
, Xiaoxu Tian
Comparison of ATMS Striping Noise Between NOAA-20 and S-NPP and Noise Impact on Warm Core Retrieval of Typhoon Jelawat (2018). 2504-2512 - Jae-Cheol Jang
, Kyung-Ae Park
, Alexis Aurelien Mouche
, Bertrand Chapron
, Ji-Hyun Lee:
Validation of Sea Surface Wind From Sentinel-1A/B SAR Data in the Coastal Regions of the Korean Peninsula. 2513-2529 - Manuel Lopez-Radcenco
, Ananda Pascual
, Laura Gómez-Navarro
, Abdeldjalil Aïssa-El-Bey
, Bertrand Chapron
, Ronan Fablet
Analog Data Assimilation of Along-Track Nadir and Wide-Swath SWOT Altimetry Observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea. 2530-2540 - Manuela Grippa
, Cyprien Rouzies, Sylvain Biancamaria
, Denis Blumstein, Jean-François Crétaux, Laetitia Gal, Elodie Robert
, Marielle Gosset
, Laurent Kergoat
Potential of SWOT for Monitoring Water Volumes in Sahelian Ponds and Lakes. 2541-2549 - Jit Mukherjee
, Jayanta Mukherjee
, Debashish Chakravarty:
Automated Seasonal Separation of Mine and Non Mine Water Bodies From Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Using Clay Mineral and Iron Oxide Ratio. 2550-2556 - Yanhong Wu, Mengru Li, Linan Guo, Hongxing Zheng, Hongyuan Zhang:
Investigating Water Variation of Lakes in Tibetan Plateau Using Remote Sensed Data Over the Past 20 Years. 2557-2564 - Zhiguo Meng
, Xiangyue Li, Shengbo Chen, Yongchun Zheng, Jianchen Shi
, Tianxing Wang
, Yuanzhi Zhang, Jinsong Ping, Yu Lu
Thermophysical Features of Shallow Lunar Crust Demonstrated by Typical Copernican Craters Using CE-2 CELMS Data. 2565-2574 - Zhiguo Meng
, Yongzhi Wang
, Shengbo Chen, Yongchun Zheng
, Jiancheng Shi
, Tianxing Wang
, Yuanzhi Zhang, Jinsong Ping, Lele Hou:
MTE Features of Apollo Basin and Its Significance in Understanding the SPA Basin. 2575-2583
Volume 12, Number 8, August 2019
- Xin Huang, X. X. Zhu, Fabio Dell'Acqua, Mathieu Fauvel, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Fabrizio Lombardini:
Foreword to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Processing of High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Data. 2588-2593 - Saeid Gholinejad
, Amin Alizadeh Naeini
, AliReza Amiri-Simkooei
Robust Particle Swarm Optimization of RFMs for High-Resolution Satellite Images Based on K-Fold Cross-Validation. 2594-2599 - Peijun Du
, Erzhu Li
, Junshi Xia
, Alim Samat
, Xuyu Bai:
Feature and Model Level Fusion of Pretrained CNN for Remote Sensing Scene Classification. 2600-2611 - Cheng Peng
, Yangyang Li
, Licheng Jiao
, Yanqiao Chen
, Ronghua Shang
Densely Based Multi-Scale and Multi-Modal Fully Convolutional Networks for High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation. 2612-2626 - Reza Davari Majd
, Mehdi Momeni
, Payman Moallem
Transferable Object-Based Framework Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Extraction. 2627-2635 - Bin Zhang
, Yongjun Zhang
, Shugen Wang:
A Lightweight and Discriminative Model for Remote Sensing Scene Classification With Multidilation Pooling Module. 2636-2653 - Mi Wang
, Luxiao He
, Xueli Chang, Yufeng Cheng
Superresolution of Single Gaofen-4 Visible-Light and Near-Infrared (VNIR) Image Based on Texture Image Extraction. 2654-2662 - Zhenfeng Shao, Lei Wang
, Zhongyuan Wang
, Juan Deng:
Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using Sparse Representation and Coupled Sparse Autoencoder. 2663-2674 - Lechuan Hao
, Ye Zhang
, Zhimin Cao
Active Cues Collection and Integration for Building Extraction With High-Resolution Color Remote Sensing Imagery. 2675-2694 - Hong Fang
, Yuchun Wei, Hong Luo, Qi Hu:
Detection of Building Shadow in Remote Sensing Imagery of Urban Areas With Fine Spatial Resolution Based on Saturation and Near-Infrared Information. 2695-2706 - Kun Liu
, Ronggao Liu
, Yang Liu:
A Tailings Pond Identification Method Based on Spatial Combination of Objects. 2707-2717 - Zhaocong Wu
, Lin He, Zhongwen Hu
, Yi Zhang
, Guofeng Wu:
Hierarchical Segmentation Evaluation of Region-Based Image Hierarchy. 2718-2727 - Chen Zheng
, Leiguang Wang, Xiaohui Chen:
A Hybrid Markov Random Field Model With Multi-Granularity Information for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery. 2728-2740 - Jianchao Fan
, Jianhua Zhao, Wentao An, Yuanyuan Hu:
Marine Floating Raft Aquaculture Detection of GF-3 PolSAR Images Based on Collective Multikernel Fuzzy Clustering. 2741-2754 - Junru Liu
, Peijun Li
Extraction of Earthquake-Induced Collapsed Buildings From Bi-Temporal VHR Images Using Object-Level Homogeneity Index and Histogram. 2755-2770 - Meimei Zhang
, Fang Chen
, Bangsen Tian
, Dong Liang
Using a Phase-Congruency-Based Detector for Glacial Lake Segmentation in High-Temporal Resolution Sentinel-1A/1B Data. 2771-2780 - Pietro Nannipieri
, Daniele Davalle
, Stefano Nencioni, Paolo Lombardi, Luca Fanucci
Clustering Algorithm for a Spaceborne Lightning Imager: Design, Trade-Off, and FPGA Implementation. 2781-2791 - María Díaz
, Raúl Guerra, Pablo Horstrand
, Ernestina Martel
, Sebastián López
, José Francisco López, Roberto Sarmiento
Real-Time Hyperspectral Image Compression Onto Embedded GPUs. 2792-2809 - Jia Liu, Yong Xue
, Kaijun Ren, Junqiang Song, Christopher Windmill
, Patrick Merritt:
High-Performance Time-Series Quantitative Retrieval From Satellite Images on a GPU Cluster. 2810-2821 - Yin Zhang
, Qiping Zhang
, Changlin Li, Yongchao Zhang
, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang:
Sea-Surface Target Angular Superresolution in Forward-Looking Radar Imaging Based on Maximum A Posteriori Algorithm. 2822-2834 - Congzheng Han
, Yongheng Bi, Shu Duan, Gaopeng Lu:
Rain Rate Retrieval Test From 25-GHz, 28-GHz, and 38-GHz Millimeter-Wave Link Measurement in Beijing. 2835-2847 - Aaron Davitt
, Guy J.-P. Schumann
, Chalita Forgotson, Kyle C. McDonald:
The Utility of SMAP Soil Moisture and Freeze-Thaw Datasets as Precursors to Spring-Melt Flood Conditions: A Case Study in the Red River of the North Basin. 2848-2861 - Ludovica De Gregorio
, Mattia Callegari
, Carlo Marin
, Marc Zebisch
, Lorenzo Bruzzone, Begüm Demir
, Ulrich Strasser
, Thomas Marke, Daniel Günther
, Rudi Nadalet, Claudia Notarnicola
A Novel Data Fusion Technique for Snow Cover Retrieval. 2862-2877 - Kaisheng Luo
, Philip M. P. Mornya:
Fine Monitoring of Wetlands at Provincial Large-Scale Using Object-Based Technique and Medium-Resolution Image. 2878-2888 - Wenbin Zhu
, Shaofeng Jia, Aifeng Lv:
A Statistical Analysis of the Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature-Vegetation Index Method for the Retrieval of Evaporative Fraction Over Grasslands in the Southern Great Plains. 2889-2896 - Jinhua Wu
, Bo Zhong
, Shufang Tian, Aixia Yang
, Junjun Wu
Downscaling of Urban Land Surface Temperature Based on Multi-Factor Geographically Weighted Regression. 2897-2911 - Christian Geiß
, Tobias Leichtle
, Michael Wurm
, Patrick Aravena Pelizari, Ines Standfuß, Xiao Xiang Zhu
, Emily So, Stefan Siedentop
, Thomas Esch, Hannes Taubenböck
Large-Area Characterization of Urban Morphology - Mapping of Built-Up Height and Density Using TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2 Data. 2912-2927 - Sugandh Chauhan, Hari Shanker Srivastava
, Parul Patel:
Crop Height Estimation Using RISAT-1 Hybrid-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Data. 2928-2933 - Matthew D. Cross
, Theodore A. Scambos
, Fabio Pacifici, Wesley E. Marshall
Determining Effective Meter-Scale Image Data and Spectral Vegetation Indices for Tropical Forest Tree Species Differentiation. 2934-2943 - Danielle DeLatte
, Sarah T. Crites
, Nicholas Guttenberg
, Elizabeth J. Tasker
, Takehisa Yairi:
Segmentation Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Crater Detection on Mars. 2944-2957 - Sourabh Paul
, Umesh Chandra Pati
SAR Image Registration Using an Improved SAR-SIFT Algorithm and Delaunay-Triangulation-Based Local Matching. 2958-2966 - Rongqiang Zhu
, Jianxiong Zhou
, Binbin Cheng, Qiang Fu, Ge Jiang:
Sequential Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Near-Field MIMO-SAR With Arbitrary Scanning Paths. 2967-2975 - Zhiqiang He
, Chao Gao, Huaitie Xiao, Zhuangzhuang Tian
Adaptive Weighting Based on Subimage Sparse Model for SAR Occluded Target Recognition. 2976-2988 - Joel A. Amao Oliva, Deni Torres Román, Israel Yañez-Vargas, Andreas Reigber
, Marc Jäger:
The Beltrami SAR Framework for Multichannel Despeckling. 2989-3003 - Zhang-Feng Ma
, Mi Jiang
, Yi Zhao
, Rakesh Malhotra
, Bin Yong
Minimum Spanning Tree Co-registration Approach for Time-Series Sentinel-1 TOPS Data. 3004-3013 - Chen Wang
, Jun Shi, Xiaqing Yang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Shunjun Wei, Liang Li
, Xiaoling Zhang:
Geospatial Object Detection via Deconvolutional Region Proposal Network. 3014-3027 - Han Zhang
, Weiping Ni, Weidong Yan, Deliang Xiang
, Junzheng Wu, Xiaoliang Yang, Hui Bian:
Registration of Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Based on Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Network. 3028-3042 - Bo Du
, Shihan Cai, Chen Wu
Object Tracking in Satellite Videos Based on a Multiframe Optical Flow Tracker. 3043-3055 - Nicholas LaHaye
, Jordan Ott, Michael J. Garay
, Hesham Mohamed El-Askary
, Erik Linstead
Multi-Modal Object Tracking and Image Fusion With Unsupervised Deep Learning. 3056-3066 - Jiejie Chen
, Long Li
Regional Economic Activity Derived From MODIS Data: A Comparison With DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS Nighttime Light Data. 3067-3077 - Cooper Loughlin
, Eric Truslow, Dimitris Manolakis
, Andrew Weisner
, Randall Bostick:
Performance Prediction of Hyperspectral Target Detection Algorithms via Importance Sampling. 3078-3091 - Lin He
, Jiawei Zhu, Jun Li
, Antonio Plaza
, Jocelyn Chanussot
, Bo Li:
HyperPNN: Hyperspectral Pansharpening via Spectrally Predictive Convolutional Neural Networks. 3092-3100 - Xiaoguang Cao
, Chujun Rong
, Xiangzhi Bai
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Derivative Dissimilarity Measure. 3101-3116 - Yang Cui
, Qingquan Li
, Bisheng Yang
, Wen Xiao
, Chi Chen, Zhen Dong:
Automatic 3-D Reconstruction of Indoor Environment With Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds. 3117-3130 - Leihan Chen
, Jaewook Jung, Gunho Sohn:
Multi-Scale Hierarchical CRF for Railway Electrification Asset Classification From Mobile Laser Scanning Data. 3131-3148 - Mi Wang, Luxiao He, Xueli Chang, Yufeng Cheng:
Corrections to "Superresolution of Single Gaofen-4 Visible-Light and Near-Infrared (VNIR) Image Based on Texture Image Extraction". 3149
Volume 12, Number 9, September 2019
- José Antonio Gallardo Jaramago
, Mercedes Eugenia Paoletti
, Juan Mario Haut
, Rubén Fernández-Beltran, Antonio Plaza
, Javier Plaza
GPU Parallel Implementation of Dual-Depth Sparse Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing. 3156-3167 - Weizhen Fang
, Cunguang Wang, Xi Chen
, Wei Wan
, Huan Li, Siyu Zhu
, Yu Fang, Baojian Liu
, Yang Hong
Recognizing Global Reservoirs From Landsat 8 Images: A Deep Learning Approach. 3168-3177 - Subrata Kumar Das
, Yogesh Kisan Kolte, Uriya Veerendra Murali Krishna
, Sachin Madhukar Deshpande, Abhishek Kumar Jha
, Govindan Pandithurai:
Estimation of Layer-Averaged Rain Rate From Zenith Pointing Ka-Band Radar Measurements Using Attenuation Method. 3178-3183 - Panpan Yao
, Jiancheng Shi
, Tianjie Zhao, Michael H. Cosh
, Rajat Bindlish
, Hui Lu
An L-Band Brightness Temperature Disaggregation Method Using S-Band Radiometer Data for the Water Cycle Observation Mission (WCOM). 3184-3193 - Derek M. Burrage
, Magdalena D. Anguelova
, David W. Wang, Joel C. Wesson:
Predicting Radiometric Effects of a Rough Sea Surface, Whitecaps, Foam, and Spray Using SURFER 2D. 3194-3207 - Mikhail K. Pichugin
, Irina A. Gurvich
, Elizaveta V. Zabolotskikh
Severe Marine Weather Systems During Freeze-Up in the Chukchi Sea: Cold-Air Outbreak and Mesocyclone Case Studies From Satellite Multisensor Measurements and Reanalysis Datasets. 3208-3218 - Pourya Shamsolmoali
, Masoumeh Zareapoor
, Ruili Wang
, Huiyu Zhou
, Jie Yang
A Novel Deep Structure U-Net for Sea-Land Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images. 3219-3232 - Ronny Schröder
, Jennifer M. Jacobs
, Eunsang Cho
, Carrie M. Olheiser, Michael M. DeWeese, Brian A. Connelly, Michael H. Cosh
, Xinhua Jia
, Carrie M. Vuyovich, Samuel E. Tuttle
Comparison of Satellite Passive Microwave With Modeled Snow Water Equivalent Estimates in the Red River of the North Basin. 3233-3246 - Jeremy Johnston
, Viviana Maggioni
, Paul R. Houser
Investigating the Relationship Between Satellite-Based Freeze/Thaw Products and Land Surface Temperature. 3247-3271 - Victor Berger
, Mingze Xu, Mohanad Al-Ibadi
, Shane Chu, David J. Crandall, John Paden
, Geoffrey Charles Fox
Automated Ice-Bottom Tracking of 2D and 3D Ice Radar Imagery Using Viterbi and TRW-S. 3272-3285 - Cheng Huang, Sibo Duan, Xiaoguang Jiang, Xiao-Jing Han, Hua Wu, Maofang Gao, Pei Leng, Zhao-Liang Li:
Intercomparison of AMSR2- and MODIS-Derived Land Surface Temperature Under Clear-Sky Conditions. 3286-3294 - Siwen Feng
, Jianjun Zhao
, Tingting Liu
, Hongyan Zhang, Zhengxiang Zhang, Xiaoyi Guo:
Crop Type Identification and Mapping Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data. 3295-3306 - Shuo Xu
, Jie Cheng
, Quan Zhang:
Reconstructing All-Weather Land Surface Temperature Using the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Method Over the Tibetan Plateau and Heihe River Basin. 3307-3316 - Yuzhou Zhang, Jie Cheng
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Island Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China. 3317-3326 - Md. Masudur Rahman
, Wanchang Zhang
Validation of Satellite-Derived Sensible Heat Flux for TERRA/MODIS Images Over Three Different Landscapes Using Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance Measurements. 3327-3337 - Nan Ye
, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Christoph Rüdiger
, Dongryeol Ryu, Robert J. Gurney
Impact of Urban Cover Fraction on SMOS and SMAP Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Accuracy. 3338-3350 - Kenneth J. Tobin
, Wade T. Crow
, Jianzhi Dong
, Marvin E. Bennett:
Validation of a New Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product: Soil MERGE. 3351-3365 - Hassan Bazzi
, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Mohammad El-Hajj, Mehrez Zribi, Hatem Belhouchette
A Comparison of Two Soil Moisture Products S2MP and Copernicus-SSM Over Southern France. 3366-3375 - Linqi Zhang
, Yi Liu
, Liliang Ren
, Shanhu Jiang, Xiaoli Yang, Fei Yuan, Menghao Wang, Linyong Wei:
Drought Monitoring and Evaluation by ESA CCI Soil Moisture Products Over the Yellow River Basin. 3376-3386 - Iliana E. Mladenova
, John D. Bolten, Wade T. Crow
, Nazmus Sazib, Michael H. Cosh
, Compton J. Tucker, Curt Reynolds
Evaluating the Operational Application of SMAP for Global Agricultural Drought Monitoring. 3387-3397 - Yongping Song
, Jun Hu
, Tian Jin
, Zhi Li, Ning Chu, Zhimin Zhou:
Estimation and Mitigation of Time-Variant RFI Based on Iterative Dual Sparse Recovery in Ultra-Wide Band Through-Wall Radar. 3398-3411 - Cunsuo Pang
, Shengheng Liu
, Yan Han:
Coherent Detection Algorithm for Radar Maneuvering Targets Based on Discrete Polynomial-Phase Transform. 3412-3422 - Xing-Chao Cui
, Yi Su, Si-Wei Chen
A Saliency Detector for Polarimetric SAR Ship Detection Using Similarity Test. 3423-3433 - Zhihuo Xu
, Heng-Chao Li
, Quan Shi, Han Wang, Ming Wei, Jiajia Shi
, Yeqin Shao:
Effect Analysis and Spectral Weighting Optimization of Sidelobe Reduction on SAR Image Understanding. 3434-3444 - Guo-Biao Yao
, Xiaocheng Man, Li Zhang, Kazhong Deng, Huifu Zhuang
, Guoqiang Zheng:
Registrating Oblique SAR Images Based on Complementary Integrated Filtering and Multilevel Matching. 3445-3457 - Jinglong Dong
, Qiang Shen
, Liming Jiang
, Houjun Jiang, Dewei Li, Hansheng Wang, Song Mao:
An Analysis of Spatiotemporal Baseline and Effective Spatial Coverage for Lunar-Based SAR Repeat-Track Interferometry. 3458-3469 - Bahjat Alhammoud
, Jan Jackson
, Sébastien Clerc, Manuel Arias
, Catherine Bouzinac, Ferran Gascon, Enrico Cadau, Rosario Iannone, Valentina Boccia:
Sentinel-2 Level-1 Radiometry Assessment Using Vicarious Methods From DIMITRI Toolbox and Field Measurements From RadCalNet Database. 3470-3479 - Zhuangzhuang Tian
, Wei Wang
, Ronghui Zhan
, Zhiqiang He
, Jun Zhang
, Zhaowen Zhuang:
Cascaded Detection Framework Based on a Novel Backbone Network and Feature Fusion. 3480-3491 - Haifeng Luo
, Chongcheng Chen, Lina Fang, Xi Zhu, Lijing Lu:
High-Resolution Aerial Images Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Fully Convolutional Network With Channel Attention Mechanism. 3492-3507 - Boyang Li
, Weihua Su, Hang Wu
, Ruihao Li
, Wenchang Zhang, Wei Qin, Shiyue Zhang:
Aggregated Deep Fisher Feature for VHR Remote Sensing Scene Classification. 3508-3523 - Onur Tasar
, Yuliya Tarabalka, Pierre Alliez:
Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Remote Sensing Data. 3524-3537 - Yujia Guo, Daiqin Yang
, Zhenzhong Chen
Object Tracking on Satellite Videos: A Correlation Filter-Based Tracking Method With Trajectory Correction by Kalman Filter. 3538-3551 - Zhi Gao
, Hong Ji
, Tiancan Mei
, Bharath Ramesh
, Xiaodong Liu
EOVNet: Earth-Observation Image-Based Vehicle Detection Network. 3552-3561 - Tommy Chang
, Avinash C. Kak:
Mining Concise Datasets for Testing Satellite-Data-Based Land-Cover Classifiers Meant for Large Geographic Areas. 3562-3577 - Sicong Liu
, Qian Du
, Xiaohua Tong
, Alim Samat
, Lorenzo Bruzzone
Unsupervised Change Detection in Multispectral Remote Sensing Images via Spectral-Spatial Band Expansion. 3578-3587 - Redha Touati
, Max Mignotte
, Mohamed Dahmane:
A Reliable Mixed-Norm-Based Multiresolution Change Detector in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images. 3588-3601 - Bing Tu
, Jinping Wang
, Guoyun Zhang
, Xiaofei Zhang
, Wei He
Texture Pattern Separation for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 3602-3614 - Muhammet Said Aydemir, Gokhan Bilgin
Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Features. 3615-3622 - Youqiang Zhang
, Guo Cao
, Ayesha Shafique, Peng Fu:
Label Propagation Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 3623-3636 - Shangzhen Song
, Huixin Zhou, Yixin Yang
, Jiangluqi Song:
Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Convolutional Neural Network and Low Rank With Density-Based Clustering. 3637-3649 - Lingxiao Zhu
, Gongjian Wen, Shaohua Qiu
, Xing Zhang
A Hybrid Statistics and Representation-Based Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Images. 3650-3664 - Weiwei Sun
, Gang Yang, Jiangtao Peng
, Qian Du
Hyperspectral Band Selection Using Weighted Kernel Regularization. 3665-3676 - Wei Li
, Mingjing Zhao, Xiaoya Deng, Lu Li
, Liwei Li
, Wenjuan Zhang:
Infrared Small Target Detection Using Local and Nonlocal Spatial Information. 3677-3689 - Yiping Chen
, Shiqian Wang, Jonathan Li
, Lingfei Ma
, Rongren Wu, Zhipeng Luo, Cheng Wang
Rapid Urban Roadside Tree Inventory Using a Mobile Laser Scanning System. 3690-3700 - Weizhen Fang, Cunguang Wang, Xi Chen, Wei Wan, Huan Li
, Siyu Zhu, Yu Fang, Baojian Liu, Yang Hong
Corrections to "Recognizing Global Reservoirs From Landsat 8 Images: A Deep Learning Approach". 3701 - Siyu Zhu, Wei Wan, Hongjie Xie, Baojian Liu, Huan Li
, Yang Hong
Corrections to "An Efficient and Effective Approach for Georeferencing AVHRR and GaoFen-1 Imageries Using Inland Water Bodies". 3702
Volume 12, Number 10, October 2019
- Gui Gao, Heng-Chao Li, Shane R. Cloude, Jian Yang, Ferdinando Nunziata
Foreword to the Special Issue on Compact Polarimetric SAR. 3708-3711 - Kiledar S. Tomar
, Shashi Kumar
, Valentyn A. Tolpekin
Evaluation of Hybrid Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques for Forest Biomass Estimation. 3712-3718 - Kui Huang
, Wen Nie
, Nianxue Luo
Fully Polarized SAR imagery Classification Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning Method Using Multiple Polarimetric Features. 3719-3730 - Arun Babu
, Shashi Kumar
, Shefali Agrawal:
Polarimetric Calibration of RISAT-1 Compact-Pol Data. 3731-3736 - Tao Liu
, Ziyuan Yang
, Jian Yang, Gui Gao
CFAR Ship Detection Methods Using Compact Polarimetric SAR in a K-Wishart Distribution. 3737-3745 - Junjun Yin
, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou
, Jian Yang
, Peng Chen
Least-Squares Estimation for Pseudo Quad-Pol Image Reconstruction from Linear Compact Polarimetric SAR. 3746-3758 - Soumi Chaki
, Aurobinda Routray
, William K. Mohanty
A Novel Preprocessing Method Based on Variational Mode Decomposition for Reservoir Characterization Using Support Vector Regression. 3759-3768 - Junsheng Li
, Min Gao, Lian Feng
, Hongli Zhao, Qian Shen
, Fangfang Zhang
, Shenglei Wang, Bing Zhang
Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in a Highly Turbid Eutrophic Lake Using a Classification-Based MODIS Land-Band Algorithm. 3769-3783 - Zhiqiang Zhang
, Xinchang Zhang, Xin Jiang, Qinchuan Xin
, Zurui Ao, Qiting Zuo
, Liyan Chen:
Automated Surface Water Extraction Combining Sentinel-2 Imagery and OpenStreetMap Using Presence and Background Learning (PBL) Algorithm. 3784-3798 - Peng Zhou
, Xi Zhang, Yongshou Dai, Weifeng Sun
, Yong Wan:
Time Window Selection Algorithm for ISAR Ship Imaging Based on Instantaneous Doppler Frequency Estimations of Multiple Scatterers. 3799-3812 - Darren Turner
, Zbynek Malenovský
, Arko Lucieer
, Johanna D. Turnbull
, Sharon A. Robinson
Optimizing Spectral and Spatial Resolutions of Unmanned Aerial System Imaging Sensors for Monitoring Antarctic Vegetation. 3813-3825 - Gláucia dos Santos Nascimento
, Anderson L. Ruhoff
, J. Rafael Cavalcanti
, David da Motta Marques
, Débora Regina Robérti
, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, Andrés Maurício Munar
, Carlos Ruberto Fragoso Júnior, Maria Betânia Leal de Oliveira
Assessing CERES Surface Radiation Components for Tropical and Subtropical Biomes. 3826-3840 - Xingdong Deng, Penghua Liu
, Xiaoping Liu
, Ruoyu Wang
, Yuanying Zhang, Jialv He, Yao Yao
Geospatial Big Data: New Paradigm of Remote Sensing Applications. 3841-3851 - Rashed Jalal
, M. Golam Mahboob
, Tasnuva S. Udita, Tariq Aziz, Syed M. Masum
, Liam Costello, Champa R. Saha, Abdullah A. M. Chowdhury, Abdus Salam, Farzana Shahrin, Fazle R. Sumon, Zaheer Iqbal
, Mahbubur Rahman, Mohammad A. Siddique, Mohammad M. Rahman, Md Nasrat Jahan
, Mir F. Shaunak, Mohammad S. Rahman, Mohammad R. Islam, Nicola Mosca, Rémi D'Ánnunzio, Shrabanti Hira, Matieu Henry, Antonio Di Gregorio, Gianluca Franceschini, Mohammad S. Islam, Mariam Akhter, Zarin T. Khan
, Mohammad A. Hadi, Mohammed A. Hossain:
Toward Efficient Land Cover Mapping: An Overview of the National Land Representation System and Land Cover Map 2015 of Bangladesh. 3852-3861 - Li Li
, Cui Yu, Zengqiang Han
, Tao Sun
Automatic Identification of the Rock-Soil Interface and Solution Fissures From Optical Borehole Images Based on Color Features. 3862-3873 - Dinh Ho Tong Minh
, Tran Quoc Cuong
, Quy Nhan Pham, Tran Trung Dang
, Duc Anh Nguyen, Ibrahim El Moussawi
, Thuy Le Toan:
Measuring Ground Subsidence in Ha Noi Through the Radar Interferometry Technique Using TerraSAR-X and Cosmos SkyMed Data. 3874-3884 - Myoung-Jong Noh
, Ian M. Howat
Applications of High-Resolution, Cross-Track, Pushbroom Satellite Images With the SETSM Algorithm. 3885-3899 - Hannah Rae Kerner
, Kiri L. Wagstaff
, Brian D. Bue
, Patrick C. Gray
, James F. Bell III
, Heni Ben Amor
Toward Generalized Change Detection on Planetary Surfaces With Convolutional Autoencoders and Transfer Learning. 3900-3918 - Qiang Yin
, Wen Hong, Fan Zhang
, Eric Pottier
Optimal Combination of Polarimetric Features for Vegetation Classification in PolSAR Image. 3919-3931 - Dongdong Guan
, Deliang Xiang
, Xiaoan Tang, Li Wang
, Gangyao Kuang:
Covariance of Textural Features: A New Feature Descriptor for SAR Image Classification. 3932-3942 - Jesús Portilla-Yandún
, Cristhian Valladares
, Nelson Violante-Carvalho
A Hybrid Physical-Statistical Algorithm for SAR Wave Spectra Quality Assessment. 3943-3948 - Wei Pu
, Junjie Wu
, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang, Haiguang Yang:
Fast Factorized Backprojection Imaging Algorithm Integrated With Motion Trajectory Estimation for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR. 3949-3965 - Pasquale Iervolino
, Raffaella Guida
, Daniele Riccio
, Raffaele Rea:
A Novel Multispectral, Panchromatic and SAR Data Fusion for Land Classification. 3966-3979 - Andrei Anghel
, Remus Cacoveanu, Adrian-Septimiu Moldovan, Björn Rommen, Mihai Datcu:
COBIS: Opportunistic C-Band Bistatic SAR Differential Interferometry. 3980-3998 - Huiming Chai, Xiaolei Lv
, Jingchuan Yao, Feiyang Xue:
Off-Grid Differential Tomographic SAR and Its Application to Railway Monitoring. 3999-4013 - Kamil B. Alici
, Figen S. Oktem
, Ozgur Karci, A. Serdar Yilmaz, Ozgur Selimoglu:
Image Chain Simulation for Earth Observation Satellites. 4014-4023 - Rajesh Gogineni
, Ashvini Chaturvedi:
A Robust Pansharpening Algorithm Based on Convolutional Sparse Coding for Spatial Enhancement. 4024-4037 - Tingting Shi
, Hanqiu Xu
Derivation of Tasseled Cap Transformation Coefficients for Sentinel-2 MSI At-Sensor Reflectance Data. 4038-4048 - Wanjing Zhao
, Xinke Ma
, Lijia Liang, Li Liang, Yang Yang
, Kun Yang, Sim Heng Ong
Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on Dynamic Threshold Calculation Strategy and Multiple-Feature Distance Fusion. 4049-4061 - Xiaohua Tong
, Kuifeng Luan
, Uwe Stilla
, Zhen Ye
, Yusheng Xu
, Sa Gao, Huan Xie
, Qian Du
, Shijie Liu
, Xiong Xu
, Sicong Liu
Image Registration With Fourier-Based Image Correlation: A Comprehensive Review of Developments and Applications. 4062-4081 - Peng Wang
, Lei Zhang
, Gong Zhang
, Hui Bi
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Jocelyn Chanussot
Superresolution Land Cover Mapping Based on Pixel-, Subpixel-, and Superpixel-Scale Spatial Dependence With Pansharpening Technique. 4082-4098 - Ziwei Zhu, Yuqi Tang
, Jun Hu
, Meng An:
Coastline Extraction From High-Resolution Multispectral Images by Integrating Prior Edge Information With Active Contour Model. 4099-4109 - Baoju Liu
, Min Deng, Huimin Liu
, Yan Shi, Bin Zhao:
A Multilevel Visual Feature-Based Approach for Measuring the Spatial Information in Remote Sensing Images. 4110-4122 - Lin Lin
, Changyong Cao:
The Effects of VIIRS Detector-Level and Band-Averaged Relative Spectral Response Differences Between S-NPP and NOAA-20 on the Thermal Emissive Bands. 4123-4130 - J. Maxwell M. Yancho
, Nicholas C. Coops
, Piotr Tompalski, Tristan R. H. Goodbody, Andrew Plowright:
Fine-Scale Spatial and Spectral Clustering of UAV-Acquired Digital Aerial Photogrammetric (DAP) Point Clouds for Individual Tree Crown Detection and Segmentation. 4131-4148 - Sadadi Ojoatre
, Ce Zhang
, Yousif Ali Hussin, Henk E. Kloosterman, Mohd Hasmadi Ismail
Assessing the Uncertainty of Tree Height and Aboveground Biomass From Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Hypsometer Using Airborne LiDAR Data in Tropical Rainforests. 4149-4159 - Hao Wu
, Xiang Zhang, Wenzhong Shi
, Shaoxian Song, Abraham Cardenas-Tristan
, Kui Li:
An Accurate and Robust Region-Growing Algorithm for Plane Segmentation of TLS Point Clouds Using a Multiscale Tensor Voting Method. 4160-4168
Volume 12, Number 11, November 2019
- Qihao Weng
, Paolo Gamba, Kun-Shan Chen, Guangxing Wang:
Foreword Remote Sensing for Environmental Sustainability in the Asian-Pacific Region. 4172-4174 - Lin Cao
, Kun Liu, Xin Shen, Xiangqian Wu, Hao Liu:
Estimation of Forest Structural Parameters Using UAV-LiDAR Data and a Process-Based Model in Ginkgo Planted Forests. 4175-4190 - Riza Yuliratno Setiawan
, Eko Setyobudi
, Anindya Wirasatriya
, Andi Syahid Muttaqin
, Lilik Maslukah
The Influence of Seasonal and Interannual Variability on Surface Chlorophyll-a Off the Western Lesser Sunda Islands. 4191-4197 - Shaohua Lei
, Heng Lyu, Jie Xu, Yunmei Li
, Chenggong Du, Meng Mu, Shuai Zeng, Song Miao, Shun Bi, Qiao Wang:
Remote Monitoring of PSD Slope Under the Influence of Sand Dredging Activities in Lake Hongze Based on Landsat-8/OLI Data and VIIRS/DNB Night-Time Light Composite Data. 4198-4212 - Jia Hu
, Yingbao Yang
, Xin Pan
, Qin Zhu, Wenfeng Zhan
, Yong Wang, Wenyu Ma, Weizhong Su
Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Variations of Land Surface Temperature Based on Local Climate Zones: A Case Study in Nanjing, China. 4213-4223 - Nuttiga Hempattarasuwan
, George Christakos, Jiaping Wu
Changes of Wiang Nong Lom and Nong Luang Wetlands in Chiang Saen Valley (Chiang Rai Province, Thailand) During the Period 1988-2017. 4224-4238 - Haoran Zhang
, Guifang Zhang
, Qiwen Jia:
Integration of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Landslide Susceptibility Index Based Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Pearl River Delta Area, China. 4239-4251 - Lin Qi, Jie Li, Ying Wang, Xinbo Gao
Urban Observation: Integration of Remote Sensing and Social Media Data. 4252-4264 - Wei Fan
, Changshan Wu
, Jin Wang
Improving Impervious Surface Estimation by Using Remote Sensed Imagery Combined With Open Street Map Points-of-Interest (POI) Data. 4265-4274 - Zuoqi Chen
, Bailang Yu
, Na Ta
, Kaifang Shi, Chengshu Yang, Congxiao Wang, Xizhi Zhao, Shunqiang Deng, Jianping Wu:
Delineating Seasonal Relationships Between Suomi NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light and Human Activity Across Shanghai, China. 4275-4283 - Fenglin Sun
, Danyu Qin
, Min Min
, Bo Li, Fu Wang:
Convective Initiation Nowcasting Over China From Fengyun-4A Measurements Based on TV-L1 Optical Flow and BP_Adaboost Neural Network Algorithms. 4284-4296 - Ning Li
, Shilin Niu
, Zhengwei Guo, Lin Wu
, Jianhui Zhao
, Lin Min, Daqing Ge, Jiaqi Chen
Dynamic Waterline Mapping of Inland Great Lakes Using Time-Series SAR Data From GF-3 and S-1A Satellites: A Case Study of DJK Reservoir, China. 4297-4314 - Sylvain Lobry
, Loïc Denis
, Brent Williams, Roger Fjørtoft, Florence Tupin
Water Detection in SWOT HR Images Based on Multiple Markov Random Fields. 4315-4326 - Zhanfeng Shen
, Junli Li
, Yongwei Sheng
, Timothy A. Warner
, Lifang Zhao
A Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Registration Method Based on Water Bodies for the Lake-Rich Region. 4327-4341 - Huan Xie
, Wenjia Du, Gang Hai, Lei Chen, Hong Tang, Xiaohua Tong
Precision and Bias Comparison Between Laser and Radar Altimetry Data in the Amundsen Sea Embayment and the Lambert-Amery System of Antarctica. 4342-4350 - Moritz Seidel
, Philip Marzahn
, Ralf Ludwig:
Monitoring of a Sea-Dike in Northern Germany by Means of ERS-1, ENVISAT/ASAR, and Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry. 4351-4360 - Jin Wang
, Weifu Sun, Jie Zhang:
Sea Surface Salinity Products Validation Based on Triple Match Method. 4361-4366 - Dengfeng Xie
, Kun-Shan Chen
, Xiaofeng Yang
Effect of Bispectrum on Radar Backscattering From Non-Gaussian Sea Surface. 4367-4378 - Ki-mook Kang
, Duk-jin Kim
Ship Velocity Estimation From Ship Wakes Detected Using Convolutional Neural Networks. 4379-4388 - Georg Fischer
, Marc Jäger
, Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou
, Irena Hajnsek
Modeling the Vertical Backscattering Distribution in the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet With SAR Tomography. 4389-4405 - Byung-Hun Choe
, Gordon R. Osinski
, Catherine D. Neish
, Livio L. Tornabene:
Polarimetric SAR Signatures for Characterizing Geological Units in the Canadian Arctic. 4406-4414 - Ying Sun
, Qinchuan Xin
, Jianfeng Huang, Bo Huang
, Hongsheng Zhang
Characterizing Tree Species of a Tropical Wetland in Southern China at the Individual Tree Level Based on Convolutional Neural Network. 4415-4425 - Minh Q. Nguyen, Thi Thu Huong Nguyen, Phu Hien La, Hugh G. Lewis
, Peter M. Atkinson
Downscaling Gridded DEMs Using the Hopfield Neural Network. 4426-4437 - Malgorzata Jenerowicz
, Anna Wawrzaszek
, Wojciech Drzewiecki
, Michal Krupinski
, Sebastian Aleksandrowicz
Multifractality in Humanitarian Applications: A Case Study of Internally Displaced Persons/Refugee Camps. 4438-4445 - Namgyu Kim, Sehoon Kim, Yun-Kyu An
, Jong-Jae Lee
Triplanar Imaging of 3-D GPR Data for Deep-Learning-Based Underground Object Detection. 4446-4456 - Ben Ye, Zhanchuan Cai
, Ting Lan
, Wei Cao
A Novel Stitching Method for Dust and Rock Analysis Based on Yutu Rover Panoramic Imagery. 4457-4466 - R. Derek West
, Thomas E. LaBruyere III, Jacek Skryzalin
, Katherine M. Simonson
, Ross L. Hansen, Mark H. Van Benthem:
Polarimetric SAR Image Terrain Classification. 4467-4485 - Cao Zeng
, Dong Li
, Xi Luo, Dawei Song, Hongqing Liu
, Jia Su
Ground Maneuvering Targets Imaging for Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Second-Order Keystone Transform and High-Order Motion Parameter Estimation. 4486-4501 - Jiehong Chen
, Hong Zhang
, Chao Wang
, Junsong Jia
Roll-Invariant Target Parameter Extraction From POLSAR Data. 4502-4516 - Yunhao Gao
, Feng Gao
, Junyu Dong
, Shengke Wang:
Change Detection From Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Channel Weighting-Based Deep Cascade Network. 4517-4529 - Junfeng Wang
Moving-Target Detection in SAR Images Using Difference Between Two Looks. 4530-4542 - Changjun Zhao
, Zhen Li
, Bangsen Tian
, Ping Zhang
, Quan Chen
A Ground Surface Deformation Monitoring InSAR Method Using Improved Distributed Scatterers Phase Estimation. 4543-4553 - Yan Hu
, Fei Hu
, Yayun Cheng
, Yanyu Xu, Jinlong Su
Surface Normal Vector Estimation From Passive Millimeter-Wave Polarimetric Imaging. 4554-4562 - Xavier Bosch-Lluis
, Victoria D. Hadel, Thaddeus P. Johnson, Mehmet Ogut
, James Ranson
, Steven C. Reising
, Pekka Kangaslahti, Alan B. Tanner, Shannon T. Brown, Sharmila Padmanabhan, Chaitali Parashare, Oliver Montes, Behzad Razavi
Instrument Design and Performance of the High-Frequency Airborne Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radiometer. 4563-4577 - Julian Chaubell
, Peggy E. O'Neill
, Simon H. Yueh
, Jinzheng Peng
, Roy Scott Dunbar, Steven Tsz K. Chan, Fan Chen
, Jeffrey R. Piepmeier, Rajat Bindlish
, Dara Entekhabi
Improving Brightness Temperature Measurements Near Coastal Areas for SMAP. 4578-4588 - Pengfei Liu
, Liang Xiao:
Multicomponent Driven Consistency Priors for Simultaneous Decomposition and Pansharpening. 4589-4605 - Thomas Andrew Lampert, Baptiste Lafabregue
, Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao
, Nicolas Serrette, Christel Vrain, Pierre Gançarski
Constrained Distance-Based Clustering for Satellite Image Time-Series. 4606-4621 - James C. Tilton
, Robert E. Wolfe
, Guoqing Lin
, John J. Dellomo
On-Orbit Measurement of the Effective Focal Length and Band-to-Band Registration of Satellite-Borne Whiskbroom Imaging Sensors. 4622-4633 - Jun Chen
, Qi Wan, Linbo Luo, Yong Wang
, Dapeng Luo:
Drone Image Stitching Based on Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function. 4634-4643 - Mao Guo
, Chenghu Zhou, Jiahang Liu
Jointly Learning of Visual and Auditory: A New Approach for RS Image and Audio Cross-Modal Retrieval. 4644-4654 - Guangsen Cheng
, Xingyao Yin
, Zhaoyun Zong
, Jie Liu:
Nonlinear Elastic Impedance Inversion in Laplace-Fourier Domain. 4655-4663 - Chao Song
, Tariq Alkhalifah
Microseismic Event Estimation Based on an Efficient Wavefield Inversion. 4664-4671 - Xing-Jian Wang
, Ya-Juan Xue
, Wen Zhou
, Jun-Song Luo:
Spectral Decomposition of Seismic Data With Variational Mode Decomposition-Based Wigner-Ville Distribution. 4672-4683
Volume 12, Number 12, December 2019
- Jocelyn Chanussot, X. Zhu, Y. Gu:
Foreword to the Special Issue on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing. 4688-4689 - Gülsen Taskin Kaya, Oguzhan Ceylan
An Adaptive Affinity Matrix Optimization for Locality Preserving Projection via Heuristic Methods for Hyperspectral Image Analysis. 4690-4697 - Nan Huang, Liang Xiao, Yang Xu:
Bipartite Graph Partition Based Coclustering With Joint Sparsity for Hyperspectral Images. 4698-4711 - Jing Wang
, Jun Zhou
, Weiqing Huang:
Attend in Bands: Hyperspectral Band Weighting and Selection for Image Classification. 4712-4727 - Shengwei Zhong
, Chein-I Chang
, Jiaojiao Li
, Xiao-Di Shang
, Shuhan Chen
, Meiping Song, Ye Zhang
Class Feature Weighted Hyperspectral Image Classification. 4728-4745 - Alper Koz
Ground-Based Hyperspectral Image Surveillance Systems for Explosive Detection: Part I - State of the Art and Challenges. 4746-4753 - Alper Koz
Ground-Based Hyperspectral Image Surveillance Systems for Explosive Detection: Part II - Radiance to Reflectance Conversions. 4754-4765 - Iman Khosravi
, Yaser Jouybari-Moghaddam:
Hyperspectral Imbalanced Datasets Classification Using Filter-Based Forest Methods. 4766-4772 - Anselmo Ferreira
, Siovani Cintra Felipussi
, Ramon Pires
, Sandra Avila
, Geise Santos
, Jorge Albuquerque Lambert, Jiwu Huang
, Anderson Rocha
Eyes in the Skies: A Data-Driven Fusion Approach to Identifying Drug Crops From Remote Sensing Images. 4773-4786 - Pablo Horstrand
, María Díaz
, Raúl Guerra, Sebastián López
, José Francisco López
A Novel Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Real-Time Applications With Push-Broom Sensors. 4787-4797 - Le Kuai
, Olga V. Kalashnikova, Francesca M. Hopkins, Glynn C. Hulley
, Huikyo Lee, Michael J. Garay
, Riley M. Duren, John R. Worden, Simon J. Hook:
Quantification of Ammonia Emissions With High Spatial Resolution Thermal Infrared Observations From the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) Airborne Instrument. 4798-4812 - Raúl Guerra, Yubal Barrios
, María Díaz
, Abelardo Báez-Quevedo, Sebastián López
, Roberto Sarmiento
A Hardware-Friendly Hyperspectral Lossy Compressor for Next-Generation Space-Grade Field Programmable Gate Arrays. 4813-4828 - Isabel Cecilia Contreras Acosta
, Mahdi Khodadadzadeh
, Laura Tusa, Pedram Ghamisi
, Richard Gloaguen
A Machine Learning Framework for Drill-Core Mineral Mapping Using Hyperspectral and High-Resolution Mineralogical Data Fusion. 4829-4842 - Andersen Man Shun Ang
, Nicolas Gillis
Algorithms and Comparisons of Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations With Volume Regularization for Hyperspectral Unmixing. 4843-4853 - Yunjun Zhan
, Tengda Dai, Yubin Su, Jiejun Huang, Congyuan Liu:
Spectral Screening Based on Comprehensive Similarity and Support Vector Machine. 4854-4860 - Xianghai Cao
, Xiaozhen Wang
, Da Wang, Jing Zhao, Licheng Jiao
Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Cascaded Markov Random Fields. 4861-4872 - Zuoyu Zhang
, Shouyi Liao
, Hao Fang
, Hexin Zhang, Shicheng Wang:
Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Spectral Library Adaptive Adjustment. 4873-4887 - Hamid Jafarzadeh
, Mahdi Hasanlou
An Unsupervised Binary and Multiple Change Detection Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Spectral Unmixing. 4888-4906 - Yanzi Shi
, Jiaojiao Li
, Yaping Yin, Bobo Xi, Yunsong Li
Hyperspectral Target Detection With Macro-Micro Feature Extracted by 3-D Residual Autoencoder. 4907-4919 - Ran Tao
, Xudong Zhao
, Wei Li
, Heng-Chao Li
, Qian Du
Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection by Fractional Fourier Entropy. 4920-4929 - Xiaofeng Ma
, Youtang Hong, Yongze Song
, Yujia Chen
A Super-Resolution Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Approach for Subpixel Mapping of Hyperspectral Images. 4930-4939 - Qi Wang
, Qiang Li, Xuelong Li:
Hyperspectral Band Selection via Adaptive Subspace Partition Strategy. 4940-4950 - Jian-Li Wang
, Ting-Zhu Huang
, Xi-Le Zhao
, Jie Huang
, Tian-Hui Ma
, Yu-Bang Zheng
Reweighted Block Sparsity Regularization for Remote Sensing Images Destriping. 4951-4963 - Álvaro Acción
, Francisco Argüello
, Dora B. Heras
Extended Anisotropic Diffusion Profiles in GPU for Hyperspectral Imagery. 4964-4976 - Kerry Cawse-Nicholson
, Simon J. Hook, Charles E. Miller
, David Ray Thompson
Intrinsic Dimensionality in Combined Visible to Thermal Infrared Imagery. 4977-4984 - Luyan Ji
, Lei Wang
, Xiurui Geng
An Automatic Bad Band Pre-Removal Method for Hyperspectral Imagery. 4985-4994 - Yong Ma, Yuanshu Zhang
, Xiaoguang Mei
, Xiaobing Dai
, Jiayi Ma
Multifeature-Based Discriminative Label Consistent K-SVD for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 4995-5008 - Jin-Ju Wang
, Ting-Zhu Huang
, Jie Huang
, Hong-Xia Dou, Liang-Jian Deng, Xi-Le Zhao
Row-Sparsity Spectral Unmixing via Total Variation. 5009-5022 - Weidong Yang
, Jiangtao Peng
, Weiwei Sun
, Qian Du
Log-Euclidean Kernel-Based Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 5023-5034 - Wei Li
, Zhongjian Wang
, Lu Li, Qian Du
Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Images Using Local Contain Profile. 5035-5046 - Chengming Ye
, Yao Li
, Peng Cui
, Li Liang, Saied Pirasteh, José Marcato Junior, Wesley Nunes Gonçalves
, Jonathan Li
Landslide Detection of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Based on Deep Learning With Constrains. 5047-5060 - Xiaohui Li, Hong Wang, Xiaobing Li, Zengwei Tang, Haining Liu:
Identifying Degraded Grass Species in Inner Mongolia Based on Measured Hyperspectral Data. 5061-5075 - Bing Tu
, Xiaofei Zhang
, Jinping Wang
, Zhuolang Liao, Jin Peng:
Noisy Labels Detection in Hyperspectral Image via Class-Dependent Collaborative Representation. 5076-5085 - Mengbin Rao
, Ping Tang, Zheng Zhang
Spatial-Spectral Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Limited Training Samples. 5086-5100 - J. R. K. Kumar Dabbakuti
, G. Bhavya Lahari:
Application of Singular Spectrum Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks in TEC Predictions for Ionospheric Space Weather. 5101-5107 - Maurizio Pieri
, Claudio Cantini
, Alessio Giovannelli, Fabio Maselli
, Marta Chiesi
, Piero Battista
, Luca Fibbi
, Lorenzo Gardin
, Bernardo Rapi
, Maurizio Romani
, Francesco Sabatini, Luca Angeli
Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in Fragmented Mediterranean Areas by the Spatio-Temporal Fusion of NDVI Data. 5108-5117 - Xiaofei Shi
, Cheng Zhu, Xing Ding, Qian Du
, Nicolas H. Younan
, Li Li:
A Superpixel-Based Coastline Extraction Algorithm for Single-Polarized ENVISAT and ERS Imagery. 5118-5133 - Md. Saimoom Ferdous, Umma H. Himi, Peter F. McGuire, Desmond Power
, Thomas Johnson
, Michael J. Collins
C-Band Simulations of Melting Icebergs Using GRECOSAR and an EM Model: Varying Wind Conditions at Lower Beam Mode. 5134-5146 - Praveen Kumar
, Akhouri Pramod Krishna
InSAR-Based Tree Height Estimation of Hilly Forest Using Multitemporal Radarsat-1 and Sentinel-1 SAR Data. 5147-5152 - Yaping Cai
, Kaiyu Guan
, Emerson Nafziger, Girish Chowdhary
, Bin Peng
, Zhenong Jin, Shaowen Wang
, Sibo Wang
Detecting In-Season Crop Nitrogen Stress of Corn for Field Trials Using UAV- and CubeSat-Based Multispectral Sensing. 5153-5166 - Masato Hayashi
, Takeshi Motohka
, Yoshito Sawada
Aboveground Biomass Mapping Using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Time-Series Images for Borneo's Forest. 5167-5177 - Wenjin Wu
, Chen Gong, Xinwu Li
, Huadong Guo
, Lu Zhang
An Online Deep Convolutional Model of Gross Primary Productivity and Net Ecosystem Exchange Estimation for Global Forests. 5178-5188 - Ting Yuan
, Hyongki Lee
, Hanwen Yu
, Hahn Chul Jung
, Austin Madson
, Yongwei Sheng
, Edward Beighley
Mapping Forested Floodplain Topography Using InSAR and Radar Altimetry. 5189-5198 - Zhengjia Zhang
, Mengmeng Wang, Xiuguo Liu, Chao Wang
, Hong Zhang
, Yixian Tang, Bo Zhang:
Deformation Feature Analysis of Qinghai-Tibet Railway Using TerraSAR-X and Sentinel-1A Time-Series Interferometry. 5199-5212 - Chen Yang
, Qingming Zhan
, Yunzhe Lv
, Huimin Liu
Downscaling Land Surface Temperature Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Over Heterogeneous Landscapes in Wuhan, China. 5213-5222 - Bakul Budhiraja
, Lech Gawuc
, Girish Agrawal
Seasonality of Surface Urban Heat Island in Delhi City Region Measured by Local Climate Zones and Conventional Indicators. 5223-5232 - Lin Mu
, Lizhe Wang
, Yuewei Wang
, Xiaodao Chen
, Wei Han
Urban Land Use and Land Cover Change Prediction via Self-Adaptive Cellular Based Deep Learning With Multisourced Data. 5233-5247 - Emanuele Intrieri
, Tommaso Carlà, Paolo Farina, Federica Bardi, Hakki Ketizmen, Nicola Casagli
Satellite Interferometry as a Tool for Early Warning and Aiding Decision Making in an Open-Pit Mine. 5248-5258 - Kannan Nagajothi, B. S. Daya Sagar
Classification of Geophysical Basins Derived From SRTM and Cartosat DEMs via Directional Granulometries. 5259-5267 - Simone Baffelli
, Othmar Frey
, Irena Hajnsek
Polarimetric Analysis of Natural Terrain Observed With a Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar. 5268-5288 - Liwei Sun
, Ze Yu
, Chunsheng Li
, Wei Liu
, Shusen Wang, Jiwen Geng:
An Imaging Algorithm for Spaceborne High-Squint L-Band SAR Based on Time-Domain Rotation. 5289-5299 - Adugna G. Mullissa
, Claudio Persello
, Alfred Stein
PolSARNet: A Deep Fully Convolutional Network for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification. 5300-5309 - Xin Xiong
, Guowang Jin, Qing Xu
, Hongmin Zhang, Jiao Xu:
Robust Line Detection of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Vector Radon Transformation. 5310-5320 - Saoussen Belhadj-Aissa
, Faiza Hocine, Bénédicte Fruneau, Mohamed Salah Boughacha, Karima Hadj-rabah
, Aichouche Belhadj Aissa:
Contextual Filtering Methods based on the Subbands and Subspaces Decomposition of Complex SAR Interferograms. 5321-5333 - Nico Adam
Methodology of a Troposphere Effect Mitigation Processor for SAR Interferometry. 5334-5344 - Fan Wang
, Aifang Liu
, Hui Xu, Tao Jiang:
A Method for Estimating and Validating Polarimetric Distortion Parameters Using Corner Reflectors and Its Applicability Analysis. 5345-5359 - Yu Shen
, Jianyu Chen, Liang Xiao, Delu Pan:
A Bilevel Contextual MRF Model for Supervised Classification of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images. 5360-5372 - Joon Wayn Cheong
, Benjamin J. Southwell
, Andrew G. Dempster
Blind Sea Clutter Suppression for Spaceborne GNSS-R Target Detection. 5373-5378 - Santiago Ozafrain
, Pedro A. Roncagliolo
, Carlos H. Muravchik
Likelihood Map Waveform Tracking Performance for GNSS-R Ocean Altimetry. 5379-5384 - Fangyu Li
, Maria Valero
, Yifang Cheng, WenZhan Song
High-Frequency Time-Lapse Seismic Spatial Autocorrelation Imaging Shallow Velocity Variations. 5385-5390 - Yang Yang
, Jinghuai Gao
, Zhiguo Wang
, Guowei Zhang
, Xiangxiang Zhu:
2-D Seismic Random Noise Attenuation via Self-Paced Nonnegative Dictionary Learning. 5391-5401

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