ACM SIGOPS: Operating Systems Review, Volume 45

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Volume 45, Number 1, January 2011

Systems work at Intel Best paper from WOS'10 VII Brazilian workshop on operating systems

Volume 45, Number 2, July 2011

Summary of the distributed computing track of the 12th international conference on distributed computing and networking (ICDCN 2011) Individual submissions

Volume 45, Number 3, December 2011

Best papers from PLOS'11 sixth workshop on programming languages and operating systems Best papers from SLAML'11 workshop on managing large-scale systems via the analysis of system logs and the application of machine learning techniques Best papers from HotPower'11 workshop on power aware computing and systems Best papers from MobiHeld'11 3rd ACM SOSP workshop on networking, systems, and applications on mobile handhelds Individual submission