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SIAM Review, Volume 36
Volume 36, Number 1, 1994
- Richard A. Tapia, Michael W. Trosset:
An Extension of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Necessity Conditions to Infinite Programming. 1-17 - Jerome Spanier, Earl H. Maize
Quasi-Random Methods for Estimating Integrals Using Relatively Small Samples. 18-44 - Amr El-Bakry, Richard A. Tapia, Yin Zhang:
A Study of Indicators for Identifying Zero Variables in Interior-Point Methods. 45-72 - Peter Constantin
Geometric Statistics in Turbulence. 73-98 - Harold S. Shapiro, Max Tegmark:
An Elementary Proof That the Biharmonic Green Function of an Eccentric Ellipse Changes Sign. 99-101 - David Chappell, Karen Dury:
On the Optimal Depletion of a Nonrenewable Natural Resource under Conditions of Increasing Marginal Extraction Costs. 102-106 - Murray S. Klamkin:
A Conjectured Heat Flow Problem. 107 - A. W. Overhauser, Y. J. Kim
An Infinite Sum from a Diffusion Problem. 107 - G. Tokarsky:
An Impossible Pool Shot? 107-108 - Barbara S. Bertram, Otto G. Ruehr:
Two Integrals Evaluated by Zeta Functions. 108 - Hong Zhang, Xiaohuan Wang:
Optimal Sensor Placement in Three-Dimensions. 108-109 - David L. Powers:
Probabilities for a Cuboctahedral Die. 109-111 - Michael Renardy:
A Convex Set (Marvin Marcus). 111 - Jesper Larsen:
Two Definite Integrals Arising in Light Transmission Through a Crystal (M. L. Glasser). 111-112 - Gordon F. Newell:
An Infinite Sum of Erlang Loss Functions (Robert B. Cooper). 112-114 - A. M. J. Davis:
An Infinite Integral (J. Billingham). 115 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Errata. 115 - Dwight Barkley:
Chemical Chaos (Stephen K. Scott). 116 - M. S. Berger:
Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems (K. C. Chang). 116-117 - George Bluman:
Differential Equations and Group Methods (James M. Hill). 117 - Alberto Bressan:
Multivalued Differential Equations (Klaus Deimling and Walter de Gruyter). 117-119 - Krzysztof Burdzy:
The Self-Avoiding Walk (Neal Madras and Gordon Slade). 119 - A. Castro:
Solvability and Bifurcations of Nonlinear Equations (P. Drábek). 119-122 - David R. J. Chillingworth:
Fundamentals of Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory (M. Medved). 122-123 - David Colton:
Inverse Problems in the Mathematical Sciences (Charles W. Groetsch). 123-124 - Steven P. Ellis:
A Course on Point Processes (R.-D. Reiss). 124-125 - Mostafa Ghandehari:
Foundations of Coding (J. Adamek). 125-126 - Jeremy J. Gray:
Galois' Dream - Group Theory and Differential Equations (Michio Kuga). 126 - Don Hinton:
Handbook of Differential Equations (Daniel Zwillinger). 126-127 - Charles Kenney, Roy S. Smith:
Uncertain Models and Robust Control (A. Weinmann). 127-128 - Eric S. Key:
An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes (M. A. Berger). 128-129 - Hüseyin Koçak:
Differential Equations Laboratory Workbook: A Collection of Experiments, Explorations and Modeling Projects for the Computer (Robert L. Borrelli, Courtney Coleman, and William E. Boyce). 129-130 - B. A. Kupershmidt:
Soliton Equations and Hamiltonian Systems (L. A. Dickey). 130-131 - Gary T. Leavens:
Programs, Recursion and Unbounded Choice (Wim H. Hesselink). 131-133 - José-Luis Menaldi:
Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity Solutions (Wendell H. Fleeting and H. Mete Soner). 133-134 - John G. Milton:
Mathematics in Medicine and the Life Sciences (F. C. Hoppensteadt and C. S. Peskin). 134-135 - Hans D. Mittelmann:
PLTMG: A Software Package for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (Randolph E. Bank). 135-136 - James Murdock:
Perturbation Methods for Engineers and Scientists (Alan W. Bush). 136-137 - J. W. Neuberger:
Semigroup Theory with Applications to Systems and Control (N. U. Ahmed). 137-139 - Michael Renardy:
Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics (J. F. Rodrigues and A. Sequeira). 139-140 - Frank Rizzo:
Boundary Integral and Singularity Methods for Linearized Viscous Flow (C. Pozrikidis). 140-141 - Richard F. Serfozo:
Stationary Stochastic Models (A. Brands, P. Franken, and B. Lisek). 141-143 - Paul C. Shields:
Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties (Robert M. Gray). 143-145 - Ian Stewart:
Symmetry in Chaos - a Search for Pattern in Mathematics, Art, and Nature (Michael Field and Martin Golubitsky). 145-148 - W. J. Thron:
Continued Fractions with Applications (Lisa Lorentzen and Haakon Waadeland). 148-149 - Wolfgang Wasow:
Singular Perturbation Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (Robert E. O'Malley, Jr.). 149 - Elizabeth Greenwell Yanik:
Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN - The Art of Scientific Computing 2nd Ed. (W. H. Press, W. T. Vetterling, S. A. Teukolsky and B. P. Flannery). 149-150
Volume 36, Number 2, 1994
- Ronald V. Book:
Relativizations of the P =? NP and Other Problems: Developments in Structural Complexity Theory. 157-175 - David J. Wollkind, Valipuram Manoranjan, Limin Zhang:
Weakly Nonlinear Stability Analyses of Prototype Reaction-Diffusion Model Equations. 176-214 - John L. Nazareth:
The Newton and Cauchy Perspectives on Computational Nonlinear Optimization. 215-225 - Robert C. Rogers:
Mathematical Problems of Classical Nonlinear Electromagnetic Theory (Fredrick Bloom). 217-219 - Andrew M. Stuart, A. R. Humphries
Model Problems in Numerical Stability Theory for Initial Value Problems. 226-257 - Yves Nievergelt:
Total Least Squares: State-of-the-Art Regression in Numerical Analysis. 258-264 - John Banks
, Valentina Dragan:
Smale's Horseshoe Map via Ternary Numbers. 265-271 - Jürgen Gerlach:
Accelerated Convergence in Newton's Method. 272-276 - R. C. Moors:
Path of a Car. 277 - D. E. Loper:
On the Ratio of Two Double Integrals. 277 - Walter Böhm:
An Operator Limit. 277-278 - R. W. Cox:
A Toeplitz Matrix Eigenproblem. 278 - Murray S. Klamkin:
A Possible Characterization of Uniformly Accelerated Motion. 278 - Hans E. De Meyer:
A Maximum Volume (Bill Sands). 278-281 - A. A. Jagers:
A Constrained Minimum Problem. 281-283 - Steven Laffin:
All Purpose Stamp Design. 283-285 - A. R. Miller:
An Infinite Integral of Four Bessel Functions (M. L. Glasser). 285-287 - Robert Aebi:
Schrödinger Equations and Diffusion Theory (Masao Nagasawa). 288 - Ralph H. Abraham:
Encounter with Chaos (J. Peinke, J. Parisi, O. E. Rössler, and R. Stoop). 288-289 - Sergiu Aizicovici:
Abstract Evolution Equations, Periodic Problems and Applications (Daniel Daners and Pablo Koch Medina). 289-290 - Ravi P. Agarwal:
Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis (D. S. Mitrinovic, J. E. Pecaric, and A. M. Fink). 290 - Judith M. Arms:
Lectures on Mechanics (J. E. Marsden). 290-291 - Bart Braden:
Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences (Nicholas J. Higham). 291-292 - Peter J. Bryant:
Nonlinearities in Action (A. V Gaponov-Grekhov and M. I. Rabinovich). 292-293 - Russel E. Caflisch:
Vortex Dynamics (P. G. Saffman). 293-297 - S. Roy Choudhury:
Dynamics and Bifurcations (Jack K. Hale and Huseyin Kocak). 297-299 - J.-F. Colombeau:
Multiplication of Distributions and Applications to Partial Differential Equations (M. Oberguggenberger). 299-301 - Jane Cullum:
Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems (Youcef Saad). 301-303 - Ian H. Dinwoodie:
Large Deviations Techniques and Applications (Amir Dembo and Ofer Zeitouni). 303-304 - R. G. Laha:
Identifiability in Stochastic Models (B. L. S. Prakasa Rao). 304-307 - Joseph M. Mahaffy:
The Dynamics of Cellular Motility (M. Murase). 307-308 - H. F. Mattson Jr.:
Error Correcting Codes - Theory and Applications (Alai Poli and Llorenc Huguet). 309-313 - Regina Hunter Mladineo:
Model Building in Mathematical Programming (H. P. Williams). 313-315 - William I. Notz:
Optimum Experimental Designs (A. C. Atkinson and A. N. Donev). 315-316 - James B. Robertson:
Continuous-Time Markov Chains (W. J. Anderson). 316-317 - D. S. Schmidt:
Scientific Programmer's Toolkit - Turbo Pascal Edition (M. H. Beilby, R. D. Harding, and M. R. Manning). 319-320 - L. Ridgway Scott:
Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Volume II. Finite Element Methods (Part I) (P. G. Ciarlet and J. L. Lions, eds.). 320-321 - James F. Selgrade:
Dynamical Systems - an Introduction with Applications in Economics and Biology (Pierre N. V. Tu). 321-322 - Bernd Sturmfels:
Grobner Bases - a Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra (Thomas Becker and Volker Weispfenning). 323 - André Vanderbauwhede:
Topics in Bifurcation Theory and Applications (Gerard Ioss and Moritz Adelmeyer). 323-324 - Yongzhi Xu, Wei Lin:
Methods of Singular Integral Equations (A. Dzhuraev). 324-325
Volume 36, Number 3, 1994
- T. R. Blows, Lawrence M. Perko:
Bifurcation of Limit Cycles from Centers and Separatrix Cycles of Planar Analytic Systems. 341-376 - Björn D. Jawerth, Wim Sweldens:
An Overview of Wavelet Based Multiresolution Analyses. 377-412 - Robert E. O'Malley Jr.:
On Singular Perturbations, Especially Matching. 413-414 - Milton van Dyke:
Nineteenth-Century Roots of the Boundary-Layer Idea. 415-424 - Julian D. Cole:
The Development of Perturbation Theory at GALCIT. 425-430 - Wiktor Eckhaus:
Fundamental Concepts of Matching. 431-439 - A. B. Vasilieva:
On the Development of Singular Perturbation Theory at Moscow State University and Elsewhere. 440-452 - Goong Chen, Philip J. Morris, Jianxin Zhou:
Visualization of Special Eigenmode Shapes of a Vibrating Elliptical Membrane. 453-469 - James S. Wolper:
Turn Performance of Aircraft. 470-473 - Miriam Seliktar, Chris Rorres:
The Flow of Hot Water from a Distant Hot-Water Tank. 474-479 - Shmuel Olek:
An Accurate Solution to the Multispecies Lotka-Volterra Equations. 480-488 - M. Aslam Chaudhry, S. M. Zubair:
Laplace Transform Involving the Macdonald Function. 489 - M. L. Glasser:
A Nonharmonic Trigonometric Series. 489 - Yunkang Liu:
A Limit Problem from the Theory of Delay Equations. 490 - Norbert Ortner:
A Definite Integral. 490 - Jeffrey O. Shallit:
A Minimization Problem. 490-491 - Stanley Rabinowitz:
A Quartic (H. Holloway and M. S. Klamkin). 491-493 - Jean-Louis Nicolas:
An Extremal Problem (Paul Erdös). 493-495 - William C. Waterhouse, A. A. Jagers:
A Unique Vector Sum (Rudolf K. Meyer). 495-496 - Michael Renardy:
An Integral Relation for Successive Eigenvalues (Richard B. Evans). 497 - J. Boersma, Pieter J. de Doelder:
Two Integrals Arising from a Reaction-Diffusion Problem (John Billingham). 498-499 - Errata. 499-500
- Bessy D. Athanasopoulos:
Moments in Probability and Approximation Theory (George A. Anastassiou). 501-502 - James V. Beck:
The Mollification Method and the Numerical Solution of Ill-Posed Problems (Diego A. Murio). 502-503 - Peter J. Bickel:
Information Bounds and Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation (Piet Groeneboom and Jon A. Wellner). 503-504 - Robert L. Devaney:
Rational Iteration: Complex Analytic Dynamical Systems (Norbert Steinmetz); Complex Dynamics (Lennart Carleson and Theodore W. Gamelin). 504-505 - Heinz W. Engl:
Regularization Methods for Ill-Posed Problems (V. A. Morozow). 505-506 - Richard William Farebrother:
Pitman's Measure of Closeness - A Comparison of Statistical Estimators (Jerome P. Keating, Robert L. Mason, and Pranab K. Sen). 507 - Edward Glass:
An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology (J. N. Islam). 507-508 - Martin Hanks:
Convergence of Iterations for Linear Equations (Olavi Nevanlinna). 508-509 - John Kieffer:
Elements of Information Theory (Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas). 509-511 - Frank Knight:
Some Aspects of Brownian Motion, Part 1 (Marc Yor). 511-512 - J. Thomas King:
Multigrid Methods (James H. Bramble). 512-514 - Erich Novak:
Information-Based Complexity (By Joseph F. Traub, G. W. Wasilkowski, and H. Woiniakowski). 514-515 - Julian I. Palmore:
Chaos, Dynamics and Fractals: An Algorithmic Approach to Deterministic Chaos (J. L. McCauley). 515-517 - Panos M. Pardalos:
Optimization Software Guide (Jorge J. Moré and Stephen J. Wright). 518 - Annie Raoult:
Elliptic Differential Equations (W. Hackbusch). 518-519 - Siva Sivaganesan:
Predictive Inference: An Introduction (Seymour Geisser). 519-520 - Brian D. Sleeman:
Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory (D. Colton and R. Kress). 520-523 - Manfred R. Trummer:
The Cauchy Transform, Potential Theory and Conformal Mapping (Steven R. Bell). 523-524 - Wolfgang Tutschke:
Transformations, Transmutations, and Kernel Functions, Vol. 1 (H. Begehr and R. P. Gilbert). 524-525 - Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski:
The Computational Complexity of Differential and Integral Equations: An Information-Based Approach (Arthur G. Werschulz). 525-526 - M. Victor Wickerhauser:
Wavelets: Algorithms and Applications (Yves Meyer). 526-528 - William A. Gardner:
Author-s Comment. 528-530
Volume 36, Number 4, 1994
- Stephen D. Casey
, David Francis Walnut:
Systems of Convolution Equations, Deconvolution, Shannon Sampling, and the Wavelet and Gabor Transforms. 537-577 - Ivo Babuska, Manil Suri:
The p and h-p Versions of the Finite Element Method, Basic Principles and Properties. 578-632 - F. N. H. Robinson:
Poynting's Vector. Comments on a Recent Paper by C. Jeffries. 633-637 - Clark Jeffries:
Response to a Commentary by F. N. H. Robinson. 638-641 - Kevin Y. K. Ng:
Symbolic Computations in Operations Research. 642-648 - D. A. Nield:
Odd-Even Factorization Results for Eigenvalue Problems. 649-651 - John E. Angus:
The Probability Integral Transform and Related Results. 652-654 - Ronald C. Wittmann, Bradley K. Alpert:
An Integral Occurring in Coherence Theory. 655 - Dusan B. Jevtic:
A T-Gambler FHMA Ruin. 655-656 - M. L. Glasser, J. Boersma, Pieter J. de Doelder:
A Definite Integral. 656 - Messias Meneguette:
Zeros in the Unit Disk. 656-657 - G. Blom:
Overlapping Binary Sequences. 657 - Henry Wolkowicz:
Matrix Differentiation Identities (Peter J. Costa and Stanley Rabinowitz). 657-659 - Michael Renardy:
An Operator Limit (W. Boehm). 659 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Maximum Gravitational Attraction (K. M. Seymour). 660-661 - James A. Wilson, Michael Renardy:
A Unique Real Root (G. M. Gladwell). 661-662 - R. B. Burckel:
A History of Complex Dynamics from Schröder to Fatou and Julia (Daniel S. Alexander). 663-664 - Nathaniel Chafes:
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (R. Grimshaw). 664-665 - T. C. Chang:
The Theory of Linear Models (Bent Jorgensen). 665-666 - T. C. Chang:
Large Sample Methods in Statistics: An Introduction with Applications (Pranab K. Sen and Julio M. Singer). 666 - Richard Churchill:
Invertible Point Transformations and Nonlinear Differential Equations (Willi-Hans Steeb). 666 - Richard W. Cottle:
Linear Programs and Related Problems (Evar D. Nering and Albert W. Tucker). 666-668 - Tyrone E. Duncan:
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Control Problems in Continuous Time (Harold J. Kushner and Paul G. Dupuis). 668-669 - Jens Erik Fenstad:
Hilbert's Tenth Problem (Y. V. Matiyasevich). 669-671 - Kevin G. Hockett:
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (L. Dingjun and T. Libang). 671-672 - R. Clarissa Howison:
Russian-English, English-Russian Dictionary on Probability, Statistics, and Combinatorics (K. A. Borovkov). 672 - David R. Kincaid:
Numerical Computation Using C (Robert Glassey). 672-673 - Kelly M. Mcarthur:
Numerical Methods Based on Sine and Analytic Functions (Frank Stenger). 673-674 - Gunter H. Meyer:
Applied Integral Transforms (M. Ya. Antimirov, A. A. Kolyshin, and Remi Vaillancourt). 674-675 - N. H. Pavel:
Functional and Numerical Methods in Viscoplasticity (I. R. lonescu and M. Sofonea). 675-676 - Marjorie Senechal:
The Visual Mind (M. Emmer, ed.). 676-677 - Siva Sivaganesan:
An Introduction to the Bootstrap (Bradley Efron and Robert J. Tibshirani). 677-678 - Henk A. van der Vorst:
Parallel Numerical Algorithms (T. L. Freeman and C. Phillips). 678-679 - Geoff Whittle:
Oriented Matroids (A. Bjorner, M. Las Vergnas, B. Sturmfels, N. White, and G. Ziegler). 679-680 - Sidney Yakowitz:
Time Series Analysis of Higher Order Crossings (B. Kedem). 680-682 - Yinyu Ye:
Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming (Y. Nesterov and A. Nemirovskii). 682-683

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