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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, 2008
- Ioana Dumitriu, Plamen Koev
Distributions of the Extreme Eigenvaluesof Beta-Jacobi Random Matrices. 1-6 - Gil Shklarski, Sivan Toledo:
Rigidity in Finite-Element Matrices: Sufficient Conditions for the Rigidity of Structures and Substructures. 7-40 - Pablo Lecumberri, Marisol Gómez
, Alfonso Carlosena
Generalized Eigenvalues of Nonsquare Pencils with Structure. 41-55 - Alexandre d'Aspremont, Onureena Banerjee, Laurent El Ghaoui
First-Order Methods for Sparse Covariance Selection. 56-66 - Johnathan M. Bardsley:
Wavefront Reconstruction Methods for Adaptive Optics Systems on Ground-Based Telescopes. 67-83 - Gautam Bharali, Olga Holtz
Functions Preserving Nonnegativity of Matrices. 84-101 - Bernhard Beckermann, Lothar Reichel:
The Arnoldi Process and GMRES for Nearly Symmetric Matrices. 102-120 - Stijn van Dongen:
Graph Clustering Via a Discrete Uncoupling Process. 121-141 - Wei Xu, Sanzheng Qiao:
A Divide-and-Conquer Method for the Takagi Factorization. 142-153 - Emre Mengi
On the Estimation of the Distance to Uncontrollability for Higher Order Systems. 154-172 - Maurice Duits, Arno B. J. Kuijlaars:
An Equilibrium Problem for the Limiting Eigenvalue Distribution of Banded Toeplitz Matrices. 173-196 - Delin Chu, Roger C. E. Tan:
Algebraic Characterizations for Positive Realness of Descriptor Systems. 197-222 - Csaba Mészáros:
On Numerical Issues of Interior Point Methods. 223-235 - Achiya Dax:
Orthogonalization Via Deflation: A Minimum Norm Approach for Low-Rank Approximations of a Matrix. 236-260 - Philip A. Knight:
The Sinkhorn-Knopp Algorithm: Convergence and Applications. 261-275 - Dario Bini, Bruno Iannazzo
, Federico Poloni:
A Fast Newton's Method for a Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation. 276-290 - Christian Mehl:
On Asymptotic Convergence of Nonsymmetric Jacobi Algorithms. 291-311 - Nikolaos D. Atreas
, Costas G. Karanikas, Persefoni Polychronidou
A Class of Sparse Unimodular Matrices Generating Multiresolution and Sampling Analysis for Data of Any Length. 312-323 - Catherine Fraikin, Yurii E. Nesterov, Paul Van Dooren:
Optimizing the Coupling Between Two Isometric Projections of Matrices. 324-345 - Joost Rommes, Gerard L. G. Sleijpen:
Convergence of the Dominant Pole Algorithm and Rayleigh Quotient Iteration. 346-363 - Gang Wu, Yimin Wei
Comments on "Jordan Canonical Form of the Google Matrix". 364-374 - Justin Brickell, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Suvrit Sra
, Joel A. Tropp
The Metric Nearness Problem. 375-396 - Constantine Bekas, Effrosini Kokiopoulou, Yousef Saad
Computation of Large Invariant Subspaces Using Polynomial Filtered Lanczos Iterations with Applications in Density Functional Theory. 397-418 - Amir Beck, Aharon Ben-Tal, Christian Kanzow:
A Fast Method for Finding the Global Solution of the Regularized Structured Total Least Squares Problem for Image Deblurring. 419-443
Volume 30, Number 2, 2008
- Craig Gotsman
, Sivan Toledo:
On the Computation of Null Spaces of Sparse Rectangular Matrices. 445-463 - Steven Delvaux, Marc Van Barel
A QR-Based Solver for Rank Structured Matrices. 464-490 - Fernando de Terán
, Froilán M. Dopico:
A Note on Generic Kronecker Orbits of Matrix Pencils with Fixed Rank. 491-496 - Mohamed A. El-Shehawey:
On Inverses of Tridiagonal Matrices Arising From Markov Chain-Random Walk I. 497-508 - Milan Hladík
Description of Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Solution Set. 509-521 - Kensuke Aishima
, Takayasu Matsuo, Kazuo Murota, Masaaki Sugihara:
On Convergence of the DQDS Algorithm for Singular Value Computation. 522-537 - Fernando de Terán
, Froilán M. Dopico, Julio Moro
Low Rank Perturbation of Weierstrass Structure. 538-547 - Merico E. Argentati, Andrew V. Knyazev
, Christopher C. Paige, Ivo Panayotov:
Bounds on Changes in Ritz Values for a Perturbed Invariant Subspace of a Hermitian Matrix. 548-559 - Chi-Kwong Li, Yiu-Tung Poon, Nung-Sing Sze
Eigenvalues of the Sum of Matrices from Unitary Similarity Orbits. 560-581 - Martin Stoll
, Andy J. Wathen:
Combination Preconditioning and the Bramble-Pasciak+ Preconditioner. 582-608 - Serkan Gugercin
, Athanasios C. Antoulas, Christopher A. Beattie:
H2 Model Reduction for Large-Scale Linear Dynamical Systems. 609-638 - Allan R. Willms
Analytic Results for the Eigenvalues of Certain Tridiagonal Matrices. 639-656 - Marina Popolizio
, Valeria Simoncini:
Acceleration Techniques for Approximating the Matrix Exponential Operator. 657-683 - Yogi A. Erlangga, Reinhard Nabben:
Deflation and Balancing Preconditioners for Krylov Subspace Methods Applied to Nonsymmetric Matrices. 684-699 - Dimitrios Noutsos, Michael J. Tsatsomeros:
Reachability and Holdability of Nonnegative States. 700-712 - Hyunsoo Kim, Haesun Park:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based on Alternating Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares and Active Set Method. 713-730 - Matthew Booth, Philip Hackney
, Benjamin Harris, Charles R. Johnson, Margaret Lay, Lon H. Mitchell
, Sivaram K. Narayan, Amanda Pascoe, Kelly Steinmetz, Brian D. Sutton, Wendy Wang:
On the Minimum Rank Among Positive Semidefinite Matrices with a Given Graph. 731-740 - F. Alberto Grünbaum, Manuel D. de la Iglesia
Matrix Valued Orthogonal Polynomials Arising from Group Representation Theory and a Family of Quasi-Birth-and-Death Processes. 741-761 - Ilse C. F. Ipsen
, Rizwana Rehman:
Perturbation Bounds for Determinants and Characteristic Polynomials. 762-776 - Rafael Cantó
, Plamen Koev
, Beatriz Ricarte
, Ana M. Urbano
LDU Factorization of Nonsingular Totally Nonpositive Matrices. 777-782 - William W. Hager, Jiangtao Luo:
Optimization of Generalized Mean-Square Error in Noisy Linear Estimation. 783-804 - Daniel Kressner
The Effect of Aggressive Early Deflation on the Convergence of the QR Algorithm. 805-821 - Ralph Byers, Hongguo Xu:
A New Scaling for Newton's Iteration for the Polar Decomposition and its Backward Stability. 822-843 - Petros Drineas
, Michael W. Mahoney, S. Muthukrishnan:
Relative-Error CUR Matrix Decompositions. 844-881 - N. Castro-González, Juan Robles, José Ygnacio Vélez Cerrada:
Characterizations of a Class of Matrices and Perturbation of the Drazin Inverse. 882-897 - Hu Yang
, Hanyu Li
Weighted Polar Decomposition and WGL Partial Ordering of Rectangular Complex Matrices. 898-924 - Andreas Frommer, Reinhard Nabben, Daniel B. Szyld
Convergence of Stationary Iterative Methods for Hermitian Semidefinite Linear Systems and Applications to Schwarz Methods. 925-938
Volume 30, Number 3, 2008
- Lieven De Lathauwer, Pierre Comon, Nicola Mastronardi:
Special Issue on Tensor Decompositions and Applications. - Ivan V. Oseledets
, Dmitry V. Savostyanov
, Eugene E. Tyrtyshnikov:
Tucker Dimensionality Reduction of Three-Dimensional Arrays in Linear Time. 939-956 - Michael W. Mahoney, Mauro Maggioni
, Petros Drineas
Tensor-CUR Decompositions for Tensor-Based Data. 957-987 - Alwin Stegeman:
Low-Rank Approximation of Generic p˟q˟2 Arrays and Diverging Components in the Candecomp/Parafac Model. 988-1007 - Roland Badeau, Rémy Boyer:
Fast Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition for Structured Tensors. 1008-1021 - Lieven De Lathauwer:
Decompositions of a Higher-Order Tensor in Block Terms - Part I: Lemmas for Partitioned Matrices. 1022-1032 - Lieven De Lathauwer:
Decompositions of a Higher-Order Tensor in Block Terms - Part II: Definitions and Uniqueness. 1033-1066 - Lieven De Lathauwer, Dimitri Nion:
Decompositions of a Higher-Order Tensor in Block Terms - Part III: Alternating Least Squares Algorithms. 1067-1083 - Vin de Silva, Lek-Heng Lim:
Tensor Rank and the Ill-Posedness of the Best Low-Rank Approximation Problem. 1084-1127 - Myriam Rajih, Pierre Comon, Richard A. Harshman:
Enhanced Line Search: A Novel Method to Accelerate PARAFAC. 1128-1147 - Bijan Afsari:
Sensitivity Analysis for the Problem of Matrix Joint Diagonalization. 1148-1171 - Damien Muti, Salah Bourennane, Julien Marot:
Lower-Rank Tensor Approximation and Multiway Filtering. 1172-1204 - Marcel Joho:
Newton Method for Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Positive Definite Hermitian Matrices. 1205-1218 - Carla D. Moravitz Martin, Charles F. Van Loan:
A Jacobi-Type Method for Computing Orthogonal Tensor Decompositions. 1219-1232 - Wolfgang Hackbusch, Boris N. Khoromskij:
Tensor-Product Approximation to Multidimensional Integral Operators and Green's Functions. 1233-1253 - Pierre Comon, Gene H. Golub, Lek-Heng Lim, Bernard Mourrain:
Symmetric Tensors and Symmetric Tensor Rank. 1254-1279
Volume 30, Number 4, 2008
- Xiao-Wen Chang, Gene H. Golub, Christopher C. Paige:
Towards A Backward Perturbation Analysis For Data Least Squares Problems. 1281-1301 - Natacha Béreux:
Out-of-Core Implementations of Cholesky Factorization: Loop-Based versus Recursive Algorithms. 1302-1319 - Timo Betcke
Optimal Scaling of Generalized and Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems. 1320-1338 - Volker Mehrmann, Hongguo Xu:
Explicit Solutions for a Riccati Equation from Transport Theory. 1339-1357 - Xiao-Shan Chen, Wen Li:
A Note on Backward Error Analysis of the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition. 1358-1370 - Stefan Borovac:
A Graph Based Approach to the Convergence of One Level Schwarz Iterations for Singular M-Matrices and Markov Chains. 1371-1391 - Götz Alefeld, Günter Mayer:
New Criteria for the Feasibility of the Cholesky Method with Interval Data. 1392-1405 - Xiao-Wen Chang, Christopher C. Paige, David Titley-Péloquin:
Characterizing Matrices That Are Consistent with Given Solutions. 1406-1420 - Zhi-Hao Cao:
A Note on Eigenvalues of Matrices Which Are Self-Adjoint in Symmetric Bilinear Forms. 1421-1423 - Pinar Heggernes
, Barry W. Peyton:
Fast Computation of Minimal Fill Inside A Given Elimination Ordering. 1424-1444 - Bruno Iannazzo
A Family of Rational Iterations and Its Application to the Computation of the Matrix pth Root. 1445-1462 - Karl Meerbergen
The Quadratic Arnoldi Method for the Solution of the Quadratic Eigenvalue Problem. 1463-1482 - Pavel Jiránek, Miroslav Rozlozník
, Martin H. Gutknecht:
How to Make Simpler GMRES and GCR More Stable. 1483-1499 - Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen, Murat Manguoglu:
Analysis of the Truncated SPIKE Algorithm. 1500-1519 - Laura Grigori, John R. Gilbert, Michel Cosnard:
Symbolic and Exact Structure Prediction for Sparse Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting. 1520-1545 - Fasma Diele, Igor Moret, Stefania Ragni:
Error Estimates for Polynomial Krylov Approximations to Matrix Functions. 1546-1565 - Tsung-Ming Huang, Wen-Wei Lin, Jiang Qian:
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Palindromic Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems Arising from Vibration of Fast Trains. 1566-1592 - Chun-Hua Guo, Nicholas J. Higham
, Françoise Tisseur
Detecting and Solving Hyperbolic Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems. 1593-1613 - Alwin Stegeman, Lieven De Lathauwer:
A Method to Avoid Diverging Components in the Candecomp/Parafac Model for Generic I˟J˟2 Arrays. 1614-1638 - Awad H. Al-Mohy
, Nicholas J. Higham
Computing the Fréchet Derivative of the Matrix Exponential, with an Application to Condition Number Estimation. 1639-1657 - Alan J. Laub, Jianlin Xia:
Fast Condition Estimation for a Class of Structured Eigenvalue Problems. 1658-1676 - Rebecca S. Wills, Ilse C. F. Ipsen
Ordinal Ranking for Google's PageRank. 1677-1696 - Takuma Kimura
, Xiaojun Chen
Validated Solutions of Saddle Point Linear Systems. 1697-1708 - Jie Chen, Yousef Saad
On the Tensor SVD and the Optimal Low Rank Orthogonal Approximation of Tensors. 1709-1734 - Delin Chu, Michel Malabre, Roger C. E. Tan:
State Feedback Decoupling Problem with Stability for (A, B, C, D) Quadruples. 1735-1760 - Jürgen Garloff:
Interval Gaussian Elimination with Pivot Tightening. 1761-1772 - Chao Yang, Weiguo Gao, Juan C. Meza
On the Convergence of the Self-Consistent Field Iteration for a Class of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems. 1773-1788

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