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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Volume 38
Volume 38, Number 1, 2006
- Thomas Laurent, Brian Rider, Michael Reed:
Parabolic Behavior of a Hyperbolic Delay Equation. 1-15 - Bo Li:
Variational Properties of Unbounded Order Parameters. 16-36 - Jeongho Ahn, David E. Stewart
Existence of Solutions for a Class of Impact Problems Without Viscosity. 37-63 - Jonathan D. Evans, Vladimir A. Galaktionov, J. F. Williams:
Blow-up and global asymptotics of the limit unstable Cahn-Hilliard equation. 64-102 - Anita Mareno, Timothy J. Healey:
Global Continuation in Second-Gradient Nonlinear Elasticity. 103-115 - Peter W. Bates, Fengxin Chen:
Spectral analysis of traveling waves for nonlocal evolution equations. 116-126 - Grégoire Allaire, Mariapia Palombaro:
Localization for the Schrödinger Equation in a Locally Periodic Medium. 127-142 - Pierre Cardaliaguet, Elisabeth Rouy:
Viscosity Solutions of Increasing Flows of Sets. Application of the Hele-Shaw Problem for Power-Law Fluids. 143-165 - Michael C. Mackey
, Chunhua Ou, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet, Jianhong Wu:
Periodic Oscillations of Blood Cell Populations in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. 166-187 - Jason Metcalfe, Christopher D. Sogge:
Long-Time Existence of Quasilinear Wave Equations Exterior to Star-Shaped Obstacles via Energy Methods. 188-209 - James P. Kelliher:
Navier-Stokes Equations with Navier Boundary Conditions for a Bounded Domain in the Plane. 210-232 - Xinfu Chen, Sheng-Chen Fu
, Jong-Shenq Guo
Uniqueness and Asymptotics of Traveling Waves of Monostable Dynamics on Lattices. 233-258 - Patrizia Pucci
, James Serrin:
Dead Cores and Bursts for Quasilinear Singular Elliptic Equations. 259-278 - Andrea Cianchi
, Adele Ferone
On Symmetric Functionals of the Gradient Having Symmetric Equidistributed Minimizers. 279-308 - Carlos Arnoldo Morales Rojas, M. J. Pacifico, B. San Martin:
Contracting Lorenz Attractors through Resonant Double Homoclinic Loops. 309-332 - John J. Benedetto, Wojciech Czaja, Alexander M. Powell:
An Optimal Example for the Balian-Low Uncertainty Principle. 333-345
Volume 38, Number 2, 2006
- Gero Hecklin, Günther Nürnberger, Frank Zeilfelder:
The Structure of C1 Spline Spaces on Freudenthal Partitions. 347-367 - Song Jiang, Guoxi Ni, Wenjun Sun:
Vanishing Viscosity Limit to Rarefaction Waves for the Navier-Stokes Equations of One-Dimensional Compressible Heat-Conducting Fluids. 368-384 - N. Desenzani, Ilaria Fragalà:
Concentration of Ginzburg-Landau Energies with Supercritical Growth. 385-413 - Pavel Belík
, Mitchell Luskin:
The Gamma-Convergence of a Sharp Interface Thin Film Model with Nonconvex Elastic Energy. 414-433 - Eva Sincich
Stable Determination of the Surface Impedance of an Obstacle by Far Field Measurements. 434-451 - Yves Renard
A Uniqueness Criterion for the Signorini Problem with Coulomb Friction. 452-467 - Nirmalendu Chaudhuri, Stefan Müller:
Scaling of the Energy for Thin Martensitic Films. 468-477 - Andrea Davini
, Antonio Siconolfi:
A Generalized Dynamical Approach to the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. 478-502 - Felix Otto, Tobias Rump, Dejan Slepcev
Coarsening Rates for a Droplet Model: Rigorous Upper Bounds. 503-529 - Bin Han, Zuowei Shen
Wavelets with Short Support. 530-556 - Stefan Berres
, Raimund Bürger
, Hermano Frid
Neumann Problems for Quasi-linear Parabolic Systems Modeling Polydisperse Suspensions. 557-573 - Francis J. Narcowich, Pencho Petrushev, Joseph D. Ward:
Localized Tight Frames on Spheres. 574-594 - Michael Herty, Michel Rascle:
Coupling Conditions for a Class of Second-Order Models for Traffic Flow. 595-616 - Elise Fouassier:
High Frequency Analysis of Helmholtz Equations: Case of Two Point Sources. 617-636 - Carlota M. Cuesta
, Christian Schmeiser
Weak Shocks for a One-Dimensional BGK Kinetic Model for Conservation Laws. 637-656 - Sergio Conti, Francesco Maggi
, Stefan Müller:
Rigorous Derivation of Föppl's Theory for Clamped Elastic Membranes Leads to Relaxation. 657-680 - Gaik Ambartsoumian, Peter Kuchment:
A Range Description for the Planar Circular Radon Transform. 681-692
Volume 38, Number 3, 2006
- Bendong Lou
Periodic Rotating Waves in an Undulating Annulus and Their Homogenization Limit. 693-716 - Ciro D'Apice
, Rosanna Manzo
, Benedetto Piccoli
Packet Flow on Telecommunication Networks. 717-740 - Avner Friedman, Gheorghe Craciun:
Approximate Traveling Waves in Linear Reaction-Hyperbolic Equations. 741-758 - Yvan Martel:
Linear Problems Related to Asymptotic Stability of Solitons of the Generalized KdV Equations. 759-781 - Thomas Y. Hou, Congming Li:
On Global Well-Posedness of the Lagrangian Averaged Euler Equations. 782-794 - Grégoire Loeper
A Fully Nonlinear Version of the Incompressible Euler Equations: The Semigeostrophic System. 795-823 - Mathias Rousset:
On the Control of an Interacting Particle Estimation of Schrödinger Ground States. 824-844 - Lan Cheng, Xinfu Chen, John Chadam, David Saunders:
Analysis of an Inverse First Passage Problem from Risk Management. 845-873 - Amandine Aftalion
, Xavier Blanc:
Vortex Lattices in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates. 874-893 - Giles Auchmuty:
Spectral Characterization of the Trace Spaces Hs(∂Ω). 894-905 - Boris Kolev, David H. Sattinger:
Variational Principles for Water Waves. 906-920 - Erik Wahlén
Steady Periodic Capillary-Gravity Waves with Vorticity. 921-943 - Nadia Ansini, Andrea Braides
, Vanda Valente:
Multiscale Analysis by Γ-Convergence of a One-Dimensional Nonlocal Functional Related to a Shell-Membrane Transition. 944-976 - Claudio Albanese, Stephan Lawi:
Poisson Kernels as Expansions in q-Racah Polynomials. 977-984 - Steve Levandosky, Yue Liu:
Stability of Solitary Waves of a Generalized Ostrovsky Equation. 985-1011 - C. H. Rohwer, D. P. Laurie:
The Discrete Pulse Transform. 1012-1034
Volume 38, Number 4, 2006
- Taoufik Hmidi, Sahbi Keraani:
Remarks on the Blowup for the L2-Critical Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations. 1035-1047 - Robert Lipton:
Homogenization and Field Concentrations in Heterogeneous Media. 1048-1059 - Yonggeun Cho, Tohru Ozawa
On the Semirelativistic Hartree-Type Equation. 1060-1074 - Lewis Bowen, R. Lyons, Charles Radin, Peter Winkler
A Solidification Phenomenon in Random Packings. 1075-1089 - Luca Biasco, Laura Di Gregorio:
Time Periodic Solutions for the Nonlinear Wave Equation with Long Minimal Period. 1090-1125 - Mikhail Perepelitsa:
On the Global Existence of Weak Solutions for the Navier-Stokes Equations of Compressible Fluid Flows. 1126-1153 - Matthias Günther, Georg Prokert:
On a Hele-Shaw Type Domain Evolution with Convected Surface Energy Density: The Third-Order Problem. 1154-1185 - Thomas Alazard:
Low Mach Number Flows and Combustion. 1186-1213 - Christoph Ortner
Gradient Flows as a Selection Procedure for Equilibria of Nonconvex Energies. 1214-1234 - Xavier Blanc:
Unique Solvability of a System of Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs Arising in Solid State Physics. 1235-1248 - Elena Beretta
, Elisa Francini
An Asymptotic Formula for the Displacement Field in the Presence of Thin Elastic Inhomogeneities. 1249-1261 - Andro Mikelic
, Vincent M. Devigne, C. J. van Duijn:
Rigorous Upscaling of the Reactive Flow through a Pore, under Dominant Peclet and Damkohler Numbers. 1262-1287 - Martin Burger, Marco Di Francesco
, Yasmin Dolak-Struss:
The Keller-Segel Model for Chemotaxis with Prevention of Overcrowding: Linear vs. Nonlinear Diffusion. 1288-1315 - François Bouchut
, Gianluca Crippa
Uniqueness, Renormalization, and Smooth Approximations for Linear Transport Equations. 1316-1328 - Habib Ammari, Hyeonbae Kang, Fadil Santosa:
Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Thin Dielectric Planar Structures. 1329-1342 - Hairong Yuan
On Transonic Shocks in Two-Dimensional Variable-Area Ducts for Steady Euler System. 1343-1370
Volume 38, Number 5, 2006
- Gadi Fibich, Israel Gannot, A. Hammer, Steve Schochet:
Chemical Kinetics on Surfaces: A Singular Limit of a Reaction-Diffusion System. 1371-1388 - Qiyu Sun:
Nonuniform Average Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation. 1389-1422 - Nassif Ghoussoub
, Yujin Guo:
On the Partial Differential Equations of Electrostatic MEMS Devices: Stationary Case. 1423-1449 - Alexandre L. Madureira
, Frédéric Valentin:
Asymptotics of the Poisson Problem in Domains with Curved Rough Boundaries. 1450-1473 - Wen Shen, Mee Rea Park:
Optimal Tracing of Viscous Shocks in Solutions of Viscous Conservation Laws. 1474-1488 - Tomás Caraballo
, Igor D. Chueshov
, Peter E. Kloeden:
Synchronization of a Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion System on a Thin Two-Layer Domain. 1489-1507 - Wei Wang, Daomin Cao, Jinqiao Duan
Effective Macroscopic Dynamics of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in Perforated Domains. 1508-1527 - Herbert Koch
, Jean-Claude Saut:
Local Smoothing and Local Solvability for Third Order Dispersive Equations. 1528-1541 - Manuel del Pino
, Michal Kowalczyk
, Juncheng Wei:
Resonance and Interior Layers in an Inhomogeneous Phase Transition Model. 1542-1564 - Vladimir Kamotski, Karsten Matthies
, Valery P. Smyshlyaev:
Exponential Homogenization of Linear Second Order Elliptic PDEs with Periodic Coefficients. 1565-1587 - Fanghua Lin, Xing-Bin Pan
Magnetic Field-Induced Instabilities in Liquid Crystals. 1588-1612 - Xinfu Chen, John Chadam:
A Mathematical Analysis of the Optimal Exercise Boundary for American Put Options. 1613-1641 - Maria-Carme Calderer, Alexander Panchenko:
Young Measures and Order-Disorder Transition in Stationary Flow of Liquid Crystals. 1642-1659 - Gui-Qiang G. Chen
, Yongqian Zhang, Dianwen Zhu:
Stability of Compressible Vortex Sheets in Steady Supersonic Euler Flows over Lipschitz Walls. 1660-1693 - Christoph Walker
, Glenn F. Webb:
Global Existence of Classical Solutions for a Haptotaxis Model. 1694-1713
Volume 38, Number 6, 2007
- Yaniv Almog
, Bernard Helffer:
The Distribution of Surface Superconductivity Along the Boundary: On a Conjecture of X. B. Pan. 1715-1732 - Shuji Yoshikawa
, Irena Pawlow, Wojciech M. Zajaczkowski:
Quasi-Linear Thermoelasticity System Arising in Shape Memory Materials. 1733-1759 - Arjen Doelman, Tasso J. Kaper, Keith Promislow:
Nonlinear Asymptotic Stability of the Semistrong Pulse Dynamics in a Regularized Gierer-Meinhardt Model. 1760-1787 - Nader Masmoudi
, Mohamed Lazhar Tayeb
Diffusion Limit of a Semiconductor Boltzmann-Poisson System. 1788-1807 - Roland Potthast
On the Convergence of the No Response Test. 1808-1824 - Youcef Amirat, Vladimir Shelukhin
Global Weak Solutions to Equations of Compressible Miscible Flows in Porous Media. 1825-1846 - Marco Cannone, Qionglei Chen, Changxing Miao
A Losing Estimate for the Ideal MHD Equations with Application to Blow-up Criterion. 1847-1859 - Jianhua Wu, Hua Nie, Gail S. K. Wolkowicz:
The Effect of Inhibitor on the Plasmid-Bearing and Plasmid-Free Model in the Unstirred Chemostat. 1860-1885 - Yoshihito Oshita:
Singular Limit Problem for Some Elliptic Systems. 1886-1911 - Masahito Ohta, Grozdena Todorova:
Strong Instability of Standing Waves for the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation and the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov System. 1912-1931 - Bob Eisenberg
, Weishi Liu:
Poisson-Nernst-Planck Systems for Ion Channels with Permanent Charges. 1932-1966 - Gunther Uhlmann, Jenn-Nan Wang
Complex Spherical Waves for the Elasticity System and Probing of Inclusions. 1967-1980 - Patrick Guidotti:
A Class of Free Boundary Problems with Onset of a New Phase. 1981-2004 - Edward Norman Dancer
, Xiaofeng Ren, Shusen Yan
On Multiple Radial Solutions of a Singularly Perturbed Nonlinear Elliptic System. 2005-2041 - David Jiménez, Long Wang, Yang Wang
White Noise Hypothesis for Uniform Quantization Errors. 2042-2056

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