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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Volume 37
Volume 37, Number 1, 2005
- Marta Macrì
, Margherita Nolasco
, Tonia Ricciardi:
Asymptotics for Selfdual Vortices on the Torus and on the Plane: A Gluing Technique. 1-16 - Alain Trouvé, Laurent Younes
Local Geometry of Deformable Templates. 17-59 - Eric Cancès, Isabelle Catto, Yousra Gati
Mathematical Analysis of a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation Arising in the Modelling of Non-Newtonian Flows. 60-82 - Dario Bambusi
, Massimiliano Berti:
A Birkhoff-Lewis-Type Theorem for Some Hamiltonian PDEs. 83-102 - Christian Rohde:
Scalar Conservation Laws with Mixed Local and Nonlocal Diffusion-Dispersion Terms. 103-129 - Ulisse Stefanelli
Analysis of a Thermomechanical Model for Shape Memory Alloys. 130-155 - Mihai Bostan:
Existence and Uniqueness of the Mild Solution for the 1D Vlasov-Poisson Initial-Boundary Value Problem. 156-188 - Naoufel Ben Abdallah, Florian Méhats, Christian Schmeiser
, Rada-Maria Weishäupl:
The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with a Strongly Anisotropic Harmonic Potential. 189-199 - Giovanni Alessandrini
, Michele Di Cristo:
Stable Determination of an Inclusion by Boundary Measurements. 200-217 - Charles A. Stuart, Huan-Song Zhou
Axisymmetric TE-Modes in a Self-focusing Dielectric. 218-237 - Borislav Bojanov, Yuan Xu:
Reconstruction of a Polynomial from Its Radon Projections. 238-250 - Pierre Magal
, Xiao-Qiang Zhao:
Global Attractors and Steady States for Uniformly Persistent Dynamical Systems. 251-275 - Frank Jochmann:
Asymptotic Behavior of the Electromagnetic Field for a Micromagnetism Equation without Exchange Energy. 276-290 - Matthias Röger:
Existence of Weak Solutions for the Mullins-Sekerka Flow. 291-301 - Bei Hu
, David P. Nicholls:
Analyticity of Dirichlet-Neumann Operators on Hölder and Lipschitz Domains. 302-320 - Teresa D'Aprile, Juncheng Wei:
On Bound States Concentrating on Spheres for the Maxwell-Schrödinger Equation. 321-342
Volume 37, Number 2, 2005
- Marc Briane, Juan Casado-Díaz
Lack of Compactness in Two-Scale Convergence. 343-346 - Shibin Dai
, Robert L. Pego
Universal Bounds on Coarsening Rates for Mean-Field Models of Phase Transitions. 347-371 - Matthias Günther, Georg Prokert:
On a Hele-Shaw-Type Domain Evolution with Convected Surface Energy Density. 372-410 - Hitoshi Ishii
, Paola Loreti:
Limits of Solutions of p-Laplace Equations as p Goes to Infinity and Related Variational Problems. 411-437 - Ralf Kaiser, Andreas Tilgner
, W. von Wahl:
A Generalized Energy Functional for Plane Couette Flow. 438-454 - Xiaofeng Ren, Juncheng Wei:
Wriggled Lamellar Solutions and Their Stability in the Diblock Copolymer Problem. 455-489 - J. I. Díaz
, Monica Lazzo
, P. G. Schmidt:
Large Solutions for a System of Elliptic Equations Arising from Fluid Dynamics. 490-513 - Giuseppe M. Buttazzo, Filippo Santambrogio:
A Model for the Optimal Planning of an Urban Area. 514-530 - Philippe Laurençot, Christoph Walker
Steady States for a Coagulation-Fragmentation Equation with Volume Scattering. 531-548 - Jérémie Szeftel:
Microlocal Dispersive Smoothing for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. 549-597 - Simon N. Chandler-Wilde
, Peter Monk:
Existence, Uniqueness, and Variational Methods for Scattering by Unbounded Rough Surfaces. 598-618 - Eduard Feireisl
, Antonín Novotný:
Weak Sequential Stability of the Set of Admissible Variational Solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier System. 619-650 - Denis Mercier, Serge Nicaise:
Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity Results for Piezoelectric Systems. 651-672 - Lorenzo Brandolese:
Application of the Realization of Homogeneous Sobolev Spaces to Navier-Stokes. 673-683
Volume 37, Number 3, 2005
- Gitta Kutyniok
, Thomas Strohmer:
Wilson Bases for General Time-Frequency Lattices. 685-711 - Roger Moser
A Higher Order Asymptotic Problem Related to Phase Transitions. 712-736 - L. C. Evans, O. Savin, Wilfrid Gangbo:
Diffeomorphisms and Nonlinear Heat Flows. 737-751 - Marek Fila, Hiroshi Matano, Peter Polácik:
Immediate Regularization after Blow-up. 752-776 - Nicolas Dirr
, Panagiotis E. Souganidis:
Large-Time Behavior for Viscous and Nonviscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Forced by Additive Noise. 777-796 - Zhen Lei, Yi Zhou:
Global Existence of Classical Solutions for the Two-Dimensional Oldroyd Model via the Incompressible Limit. 797-814 - David Gérard-Varet:
Oscillating Solutions of Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics and Dynamo Effect. 815-840 - Katsuyuki Ishii:
Optimal Rate of Convergence of the Bence-Merriman-Osher Algorithm for Motion by Mean Curvature. 841-866 - Werner Kozek, Götz E. Pfander
Identification of Operators with Bandlimited Symbols. 867-888 - Corrado Mascia
, Kevin Zumbrun:
Stability of Large-Amplitude Shock Profiles of General Relaxation Systems. 889-913 - Patricia Bauman, Yangsuk Ko:
Analysis of Solutions to the Lawrence-Doniach System for Layered Superconductors. 914-940 - Michael Baro, Hagen Neidhardt, Joachim Rehberg:
Current Coupling of Drift-Diffusion Models and Schrödinger-Poisson Systems: Dissipative Hybrid Models. 941-981 - Sandro Zagatti:
On the Minimum Problem for Nonconvex Scalar Functionals. 982-995 - Alberto Bressan
, Adrian Constantin
Global Solutions of the Hunter-Saxton Equation. 996-1026
Volume 37, Number 4, 2005
- Shumin Li
An Inverse Problem for Maxwell's Equations in Bi-isotropic Media. 1027-1043 - Giuseppe Maria Coclite
, Helge Holden, Kenneth H. Karlsen:
Global Weak Solutions to a Generalized Hyperelastic-rod Wave Equation. 1044-1069 - István Gyöngy, Nicolai V. Krylov:
An Accelerated Splitting-up Method for Parabolic Equations. 1070-1097 - Yunmei Chen, Murali Rao, Y. Tonegawa, T. Wunderli:
Partial Regularity for a Selective Smoothing Functional for Image Restoration in BV Space. 1098-1116 - Octavian G. Mustafa:
Existence and uniqueness of solutions with low regularity for a class of nonlinear dispersive equations. 1117-1130 - Paolo Cermelli
, Giovanni Leoni
Renormalized Energy and Forces on Dislocations. 1131-1160 - J. Douglas Wright:
Corrections to the KdV Approximation for Water Waves. 1161-1206 - Mi-Ho Giga, Yoshikazu Giga, Hidekata Hontani:
Self-similar Expanding Solutions in a Sector for a Crystalline Flow. 1207-1226 - Felix Otto, Michael Westdickenberg:
Eulerian Calculus for the Contraction in the Wasserstein Distance. 1227-1255 - Ya-Guang Wang, Zhouping Xin:
Zero-Viscosity Limit of the Linearized Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Highly Oscillatory Forces in the Half-Plane. 1256-1298 - Xinfu Chen, Yoshihito Oshita:
Periodicity and Uniqueness of Global Minimizers of an Energy Functional Containing a Long-Range Interaction. 1299-1332 - Micol Pennacchio
, Giuseppe Savaré
, Piero Colli Franzone:
Multiscale Modeling for the Bioelectric Activity of the Heart. 1333-1370
Volume 37, Number 5, 2006
- Michael Cullen, Mikhail Feldman:
Lagrangian Solutions of Semigeostrophic Equations in Physical Space. 1371-1395 - Niko Tzoukmanis:
Near-Periodic Local Minimizers of Singularly Perturbed Functionals with Nonlocal Term. 1396-1416 - Hyunseok Kim
A Blow-Up Criterion for the Nonhomogeneous Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. 1417-1434 - Doina Cioranescu, Alain Damlamian, Riccardo De Arcangelis:
Homogenization of Quasiconvex Integrals via the Periodic Unfolding Method. 1435-1453 - Pablo Pedregal
Young Measures Associated with Homogenization. 1454-1464 - E. R. Johnson, Michael Levitin
, Leonid Parnovski:
Existence of Eigenvalues of a Linear Operator Pencil in a Curved Waveguide - Localized Shelf Waves on a Curved Coast. 1465-1481 - Vera Mikyoung Hur
Global Bifurcation Theory of Deep-Water Waves with Vorticity. 1482-1521 - Wu-Hua Chen, Xiaomei Lu, Zhi-Hong Guan, Wei Xing Zheng:
Asymptotic Stability in a Neutral Delay Differential System with Variable Delays. 1522-1534 - Mihai Maris:
Global Branches of Travelling-Waves to a Gross-Pitaevskii-Schrödinger System in One Dimension. 1535-1559 - Luca Biasco, Luigi Chierchia
, Enrico Valdinoci
N-Dimensional Elliptic Invariant Tori for the Planar (N+1)-Body Problem. 1560-1588 - Séverine Rigot
Quasiminimal Partitions with Prescribed Measure. 1589-1615 - Xing-Bin Pan
Landau-de Gennes Model of Liquid Crystals with Small Ginzburg-Landau Parameter. 1616-1648 - Dongho Chae:
On the Regularity Conditions for the Dissipative Quasi-geostrophic Equations. 1649-1656 - Giovanni Bellettini, Matteo Novaga
, Emanuele Paolini:
Global Solutions to the Gradient Flow Equation of a Nonconvex Functional. 1657-1687 - Yuliya N. Kyrychko, Stephen A. Gourley
, M. V. Bartuccelli:
Dynamics of a Stage-Structured Population Model on an Isolated Finite Lattice. 1688-1708
Volume 37, Number 6, 2006
- Myeongju Chae, Seung-Yeal Ha:
New Lyapunov Functionals of the Vlasov-Poisson System. 1709-1731 - Sergio Conti, Barbara Niethammer, Felix Otto:
Coarsening Rates in Off-Critical Mixtures. 1732-1741 - David Hoff:
Uniqueness of Weak Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations of Multidimensional, Compressible Flow. 1742-1760 - Maria Pia Gualdani, Ansgar Jüngel
, Giuseppe Toscani
A Nonlinear Fourth-order Parabolic Equation with Nonhomogeneous Boundary Conditions. 1761-1779 - Luigi C. Berselli
, Marco Romito
On the Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions for a Vorticity Seeding Model. 1780-1799 - Almut Burchard, Jochen Denzler:
On the Geometry of Optimal Windows, with Special Focus on the Square. 1800-1827 - B. Kawohl, Guido Sweers
On the Differential Equation uxxxx + uyyyy = f for an Anisotropic Stiff Material. 1828-1853 - Shu Wang, Zhouping Xin, Peter A. Markowich:
Quasi-neutral Limit of the Drift Diffusion Models for Semiconductors: The Case of General Sign-Changing Doping Profile. 1854-1889 - Anastasia Dunca, Yekaterina Epshteyn:
On the Stolz-Adams Deconvolution Model for the Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows. 1890-1902 - Laura Fainsilber, Pär Kurlberg, Bernt Wennberg:
Lattice points on circles and discrete velocity models for the Boltzmann equation. 1903-1922 - Nikolaos Tzirakis:
Mass Concentration Phenomenon for the Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension. 1923-1946 - Suncica Canic, Barbara L. Keyfitz, Eun Heui Kim:
Free Boundary Problems for Nonlinear Wave Systems: Mach Stems for Interacting Shocks. 1947-1977 - Antonin Chambolle
, Matteo Novaga
Convergence of an Algorithm for the Anisotropic and Crystalline Mean Curvature Flow. 1978-1987 - Yuri Trakhinin
Dissipative Symmetrizers of Hyperbolic Problems and Their Applications to Shock Waves and Characteristic Discontinuities. 1988-2024 - Harald Garcke
, Sandra Wieland:
Surfactant Spreading on Thin Viscous Films: Nonnegative Solutions of A Coupled Degenerate System. 2025-2048

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